You have to love this forum. Ask a simple question if others had received fines and get called a spud, a fuck wit and a fat shit. Lovely.
Yes i mentioned St Clair as that's where i parked, along with many others, hence the quite valid question. There was no notice on the car as the letter states they didn't issue it at the time, just took photos and rego numbers.
EDIT to the OP: "That should net them (INSERT: the people that issued the fine)a nice 2 to 3 grand if all the others parked there were also fined. Did they do the same thing at state champs as cars were parked everywhere then due to the election?" (Hopefully that helps the fat shit spud fuck wit understand now)
If it was obviously a not for parking area then i guess it wasn't obvious to all. You see when you drive into a car park, and follow other cars around to the back, and there's an opening for cars to drive onto an open grass area one would be fair to assume that its available for parking seeing as that's what one once did when parking at Titanium or even the Adelaide Oval.
If i was the ONLY car parked there then i'd understand the abuse but man just chill. I've been issued a fine, i'll pay the fine, just curious if others were also fined