Years ago
Should the NBL go back to 48 min games???
Who else believes we need to extend the games??
Years ago
Who else believes we need to extend the games??
It perhaps benefits younger players with more court time. They would have to go back to 6 fouls as well.
It's a joke that it ever changed from 48 minutes. It was done because the refs got tired and complained yet the most important part of the game, the players aren't considered in the decision
Years ago
Nothing to do with refs, it was all for a 2 hour broadcast slot
Years ago
I believe that it has/had more to do with FIBA v NBA rules and media (read TV) requirements with time slots (90 mins v 120 to 150 mins of air time).
From a personal point of view, I don't mind the urgency that the shorter game brings to the contest. The longer the contest, the more time to catch up = less urgency throughout the (whole) contest. I know which game I'd rather watch.
Now, a good game will often end up in an OT or 2. That's the game I want to go for a longer time. Once again, it's probably that urgency thing again for each OT. 5 mins, win or lose. And hey, you get 45 mins a game or more for good games, just not all games.
Now, what about the players, especially the end of the bench who miss out on reg mins? I really don't think that the top comp in the country, on a national stage, is where you go to improve. That's for training and/or off-season contracts in say, state leagues or even personal preparation.
Guys & Girls in the NBL/WNBL are the best in the country. They got there by being the best. And you will still get even better in these leagues, firstly in their training squads, then as you EARN court time. However, the leagues are not there for that purpose. They (NBL/WNBL) are the goals, not the stepping stones.
Those players you say you want to see more of. Really, that applies to parents/family and basketball superfans. Parents/family can always revel in their kins skills at state league levels where they will be worth watching having an influence on the result, not just junk mins in an already decided outcome. The basketball superfans will know how to follow their favs.
Leave it as it is!
Play preseason at 48 minutes and see how it goes. If everyone is bring it in the following season.
48 mins games would get complaints about being too long the same way 40 min games are too short. What would be idea is to have more teams, so we could play 40ish games a year and the end of bench guys would see more opportunities
Had a chance to extend the season to 32 this coming season but kept it at 28, not certain why.
Years ago
48 mins all the way for me. I like the idea that some of the 8,9,10 players can get a few minutes during the game and getan opportunity to get into the teams rotation. The Next Stars Program is built so the kids can train but also playing a few minutes always is good for their development.
Years ago
It was done for tv, but as was said it also happens to keep games closer. I personally think playoffs should go for 48.
YES, please.
Reduce the stoppages, and you could get 48mins in the same time it currently takes to play a game.
1 how do you reduce the stoppages? 2 you can't extend the season at either end because you are then competing with the football codes. Start early you are in direct competition with footy finals and go to long and you’re competing with the start of the season. Both are lose lose.
Years ago
Eliminate video replays and limit time-outs to one 120s "TV timeout" at the 6 minute mark of each quarter. Make first foul shot worth 2 points in any shooting foul situation. Shorten half time to 10 minutes.
Those changes will reduce dead time and you should be able to get 48 minutes of game time into a 2 hour time slot.
If you want 48 minute games, you either do the above sorts of changes to reduce dead time or you wait until the game is popular enough that the broadcasters are willing to increase the air time available per game. And isn't NBL paying the production costs of tv coverage? They wouldn't get any return on investment from paying for longer time slots, so what's in it for them right now?
50% football supporters teams are out by end of August, down to 4 teams mid September, play Melbourne clubs away first two weeks season, and build it up from there.
Their team might be out but they still watch footy on tv smh
Years ago
30+ years of records through the window enough said. Go back to 48
Years ago
How could the league run 48 min games only for playoffs? The game is different in its nature with the extra 8 minutes playing time. The teams seriously challenging for the championship would need to run deeper benches.
I think it's a moot point, because the games are 40 minutes due to tv time slots.
Manu Fieldel
Years ago
I can watch basketball and AFL even if they are in the same week.
When I was a kid basketball was on in Winter again I managed with both.
And seeing as how the games are barely on TV who cares
"30+ years of records through the window enough said. Go back to 48"
what about all the records that went out the window when the NBL changed from its original 40 minutes to 48?
completely silly rationale
decision must be made based on what is best for the game today and I think LK is best positioned to make the call on that. his opinion is the main one that matters. personally I think the league needs to get a much firmer foothold on its tv & live streaming before it considers going to a longer game. things seem to be moving in the right direction so I could maybe see it happening in a couple of years but not yet.
If the talent and product keep developing there may not be any other choice (than to extend to 48). Currently think the 40 min format favours the TV audience and families attending the games, so personally happy to maintain the status quo... for now.
Perthworld troll.
Years ago
True Jicko.
Bairstow's 21.8mpg could increase to around 25-26 in a 48min game.
Years ago
I personally preferred the 48 minute games with longer breaks. Now there's not even time for a piss at quarter time.
I also personally think that with 6 or 7 players on the bench, 48 minutes would be better.
That said, I don't feel particularly strongly either way.
Not sure how to achieve it, especially with percentage now the splitter, but I'd also like to see a return to the days when coaches would run the bench once the game was beyond doubt.
Years ago
Quarter time is the same length it's been since 1996.
Perthworld troll.
Years ago
Would also prefer better quarter breaks I usually take a piss at three quarter time. Agree Dazza.
Years ago
Personally I'd prefer 48minutes as some games in the stands seem to be over in a blur and an added 8 minutes would hopefully increase the feeling of value for money.
Ultimately yes it's LK's decision but you'd imagine he'd have some Americans voicing their opinions on wanting 48 minute games and rules that more closely resemble the NBA to help their Next Star but only time will tell whether he values those opinions enough to make rule changes.
Years ago
Keep FIBA rules and timing. Keep our players and coaches with the rest of the world.
If FIBA increase, then we do. Otherwise a 30 pt blow out becomes a 50pt one. Just not worth it.
I want to watch the top 8 players slug it out. Player 9-11 really aren't worth watching.
Years ago
In basketball the feeling you get watching a 30 point loss isn't that much different to a 50 point loss (you feel like nothing goes right, you keep turning the ball over, shot isn't dropping and you defence is atrocious)... AFL where scoring can come on extremely quickly you notice the difference more.
Another Anon
Years ago
It was never changed for TV, it was changed so the league was in-line with the FIBA standard.
Now there are 3 ways to go about this:
1 - Have the NBA change to 40 mins (not ever going to happen)
2 - Have FIBA change the standard to 48 mins (would be preferred, but won't happen)
3 - Have Larry change the NBL to 48 mins (most likely to happen, but who knows if it will?)
Ideally, #2 would be the way to go. The problem I have with 40 mins is that NBL players are conditioned to playing 8 less minutes than NBA players and when it comes to international games, US players have better stamina.
Also, I can't remember which game it was, but in one of the NBA x NBL games last season, the NBL team hung in for most of the game. But when it got towards the end of the game, they ran out of puff.
My opinion - I don't care either way, but 48 mins = 8 more minutes of basketball and that makes this guy happy.
RE: records thrown out the window - yeah, the first 5 NBL seasons were 40 mins, so it is a poor argument. But I get what you mean.
Basketball fans want 48 mins but the game is not made to cater for basketball fans. Additionally basketball fans want basketball to be more popular so are happy to forfeit 8 minutes a game if this is to happen.
Food for thought
Years ago
I think keep the game times as they are. Yeah, a good game can be more fun, but a bad game can go on and on and on. And then you have the eyesore that extra court time for some of the bench bumpkins would cause for the league. I like to keep my Brendan Teyses hidden, thank you very much.
Years ago
Hated it when it changed, big fan of it now. I think the shorter game is better tactically, and it's less wear and tear for the players over the course of the season. I've been wondering if the NBA might look at it TBH, given the growing concerns with wear and tear over the course of an 82 game season, but a mix of the records/stats and (maybe more importantly) loss of some advertising revenue probably means it won't happen.
It's alright to keep your Teys hidden but it’s the young guys on the end bench that worry me, most coaches never play them. If McCarron had gone straight to Melbourne instead via Cairns he might still be a bench sitter. Sobey was 26 and it took an injury for him to see daylight. Swings and roundabouts.
"Quarter time is the same length it's been since 1996."
yeah but Dazz takes much longer to piss now due to his enlarged prostate and the NBL should take that into account just like it should take home opens into account when making the schedule
Years ago
I think the 40 minute change brought in more fans by making the game quicker and more exciting. As a pure basketball fan I'd like to see 48 minutes for all the reason previously mentioned, but would it be detrimental to the NBL's growth? I know loads of people who have become Wildcats members because it is a great atmosphere and something fun to do on a Fri night catching up with friends. Would they lose some these ppl if the game moved to 48 minutes and essentially slowed down a little? I'm not sure.
Don't need as many, or as long, timeouts. Fans not paying to watch the coach talk to his players.
Find a way to reduce the number of free throws. Got to be the most boring part of the game. At least make the players get on with it and require the players to immediately clear the paint and the relevant player come straight to the line, no huddling first.
Look to other factors that are slowing the game down, and get the refs making sure that the game gets moving quickly from any stoppage.
Accept that folks with prostate issues might miss a minute of play. But for the minute or two they miss, everyone gets eight more minutes of action.
More action on court. Less stoppages and wasted time. More opportunities for players to get on court.
Years ago
The history argument doesn't work anymore. There have been 16 40-minute seasons now, and there will have been a 17th before this could possibly be implemented. There were only 26 48-minute seasons.
Almost every league in the entire world plays 40-minute games. This debate is absurd.
Kobe, Kobe, Kobe,
Pretty nasty use of language there.
More action and less stoppages,
leave it as it is?
Doesn't sound all that absurd, does it?
Years ago
Anon 863 brought up the time wasting huddles before free-throws. If the huddle happens in the paint, call delay-of-game warning straight away. The opposition wants to huddle? OK, but not in the paint. Simple one that.
Camel 31
Years ago
Eight more minutes of freethrows.... I just get bored.
Forty minutes would be sufficient, unless sped up.
As PeterJohn et al have written.
One time ago - I played...and we had an option of side ball or freethrow
and the refs didn't have to hold the ball in the back court.
The old days are gone forever..... The game was faster then.
Sideball option, pass or shoot would better than freetrows.
Randle can get a jumper in from sideball.
Years ago
Camel 31, voting to bring back jump balls too? Yeah! Me too.
Camel 31
Years ago
Yes, prefer jumpball situation.
Most likely get 1 or 2 a game...
Years ago
Not sure about this idea that the change is away from 48 minutes. There was a change to 48 minutes along the way but basketball was a game of two 20-minute halves long before it was extended to 48 minutes and sub-divided into quarters.
And as someone above astutely noted, the international [real] game remains at the original 40 minutes, though I seem to think that it too is sadly now a game of four quarters.
it is still effectively 2 halves. the quarter time breaks aren't much more than mandatory timeouts really.
Years ago
"Sideball option, pass or shoot would better than freetrows.
Randle can get a jumper in from sideball."
I tried that once as a junior. Swished the shot from inbound pass a bit behind free throw line level. It was called as a violation- apparently the ball must touch a player on court before a shot can be attempted. Learnt a new rule that night. Randle could do it quite well, but it'd probably be a violation.
Jump balls need to make a comeback too. And the backcourt violation inbounds not needing to go through the ref.
Years ago
"Quarter time is the same length it's been since 1996"
From which you can conclude that I have been attending games since before that date. Go figure.
Years ago
You could also conclude from that that the length of quarter breaks has nothing to do with the length of the quarters, contrary to your earlier assertion.
Years ago
NBL needs to bring back the 48m game. I know lots of people like the 40m game because it suits families who come and go, but if your a true basketball fan then the 40m game needs to go. People who sit corporate already pay enough.
Since 2009/10, the 40m game was low scoring and the pace of the game slowed down. Wasn't a big fan when the league made these’s major changes.
I much prefer the American style of basketball. Not the European style. FIBA has had a major say because they control our national competitions.
Many records would be broken if they went back. The only issue is the NBL’s tv deals with ESPN and Network 10. The only way 48m game will be back in this league is if the NBA buys the NBL.
Makes sense why Andrew Gaze broke so many points records, it was in 48m era?
I hated NBL when they changed to 40m's with the silly top-4 format. It just helped the teams with the bigger budgets to keep winning.
Who’s been the past three champions, oh that’s right there’s only been three, which are Melbourne (2), Perth (6), New Zealand (4). All big budget teams. It’s getting pretty old @NBL.
Won’t be a fan anytime soon.
NBL in the 90’s were the best with the quarterfinals format. I wasn't as big with the 2000’s format which had the single elimination games, but it was good seeing bigger budget teams losing their first elimination game to teams like Cairns who underachieve.
Years ago
This isn't Twitter
@NBL won’t do anything
" but it was good seeing bigger budget teams losing their first elimination game to teams like Cairns who underachieve."
You mean the cairns team with cattalini, mee, Stewart etc that beat arguably a lower budget 36ers?
Years ago
if your a true basketball fan then the 40m game needs to go.If you're a true basketball fan you'd know that 40 minutes is the rule all over the world.
Since 2009/10, the 40m game was low scoring and the pace of the game slowed down.This makes no sense. Why would pace slow if players are fresher? It didn't slow. Average pace was 73.43 in 2009 and 75.5 in 2021 - down from 79.1 in 2020.
I much prefer the American style of basketball. Not the European style. FIBA has had a major say because they control our national competitions.So why are you talking about 'true basketball fans' then? Go watch the American version, it's widely available.
NBL officiating is still inconsistent. NBL just likes their seasons to be done before the AFL season starts. Last season when the season had to extent it didn't really have a big effect. Look at the Perth Wildcats fans as an example.
Capacity restrictions were the main reason for poor attendances.
40 minutes is fine, the nba is like twenty 20 cricket, so overrated. The Tokyo Olympic show how the game should be played, 40 minutes.
40 mins fits nicely into a 2 hour time slot. So yes it is an issue for tv
Years ago
How much longer do 48m games go for. 40m games are 2 hours. Would it roughly be half hour longer or 45m's?
Basketball wise 48m is much better for the game. NBL seasons are short which is a shame. TV deals are the biggest issue.
What was the main reason the NBL switched to 40m game?
I can’t find any old articles when the league made that major announcement. Doesn’t help when it happened in 2009. So many dead-link websites.
Years ago
Basketball wise 48m is much better for the game.If that's true, why are there only two leagues in the entire world which utilise it?
What was the main reason the NBL switched to 40m game?Because that's how long basketball games are.
Glad to see your raging nba hate boner is still going on strong kobe
Years ago
"What was the main reason the NBL switched to 40m game?"
As I remember, BA, who were in charge of everything basketball then, were trying (desperately) to gain TV deals. Apparently, 40 minute games were more appealing to the networks than 48 min games.
Years ago
It was made quite clear that the particular TV network (10?) refused basketball a slot longer than 2 hours. Given the amount of advertising which the network wanted to cram in, this forced the NBL into 40-minute games.
The uncertainty of a 48-minute game plus advertising plus possible overtime put too much stress on their scheduling, the network said. Not helped by the last 2 minutes of the game sometimes taking up to 10 in duration.
As for why FIBA and as a result most other leagues went that way, I can only assume that it's for the same reason (or possibly to allow for back-to-back games at fixed times). The NBA can do what they want - they control the conversation with the networks; we don’t.
Camel 31
Years ago
I contemplated not going to the shortest game of all sport
when we first went from 48, but the 40 kinda accretes.
Why don't we just go super old school and go with the 2 15 minutes halves like the doc intended to!
In all seriousness would anyone know when the first branch off from the og 15 minute halves occurred and what said branch off was? (e.g. quarters being 10 or 12, or halves being 20 minutes)
Years ago
It was 20-minute halves until 2000 under FIBA. The NBL played 20-minute halves from 1979 to 1984.
Years ago
In all seriousness would anyone know when the first branch off from the og 15 minute halves occurred and what said branch off was? (e.g. quarters being 10 or 12, or halves being 20 minutes)
I think it's important when asking a question like this to understand what you want versus what should. As those 2 things are very different.
I personally would love the 12 minute quarters as I love basketball so to me the more = better.
However when considering what should happens I think the biggest thing to consider is the impact of the casual audience.
We diehards are out there but no matter what aren’t ever enough to prop up a business no matter what area it may be in. So when making a decision like this you have to ask what will the casuals think as if you want to grow then you need to factor them in.
So I think the 40 minute game is better from the standpoint that it goes by much faster than a 48 minute game, simply because you’re looking at a 90-120 minute game and that’s much easier to sell to an average person.
Years ago
^ I like that response.
More basketball is better for me as well, but if 40 is more tv-friendly then I'll happily give up longer games for a healthier league and games that are more attractive to broadcast partners.
Years ago
Does anyone know what happened in the past with TV when the game was 48 minutes long?
What was the slot given to the game when it was prime time Channel 7 and 10?
What happened when the game went to quadruple over time?
Did the next show get pushed back or cancelled altogether?
Years ago
I know the NBL wasn't always 48m's. Was it 20m halfs from 1984 then in 1985 the NBL went to 48m games.
Not sure if I am right or not?
Years ago
Most NBL on FTA back then aired on Friday and Saturday nights at 8:30pm, on a one hour delay. So the broadcast could be packaged up in a two hour slot. There was no critical programming immediately afterwards to worry about pre-empting in case of OT.
Years ago
Although in the early 2000s when 7 Perth signed a local deal to air Wildcats games live at 4pm on Saturdays they would cut to the news at 6pm even if the game hadn't ended.
Years ago
I remember one year the grand final game finished and they cut to the next program without showing the celebrations / awards. haa haa
Years ago
I know the NBL wasn't always 48m's. Was it 20m halfs from 1984 then in 1985 the NBL went to 48m games.I answered this earlier.
Not sure if I am right or not?
Although in the early 2000s when 7 Perth signed a local deal to air Wildcats games live at 4pm on Saturdays they would cut to the news at 6pm even if the game hadn't ended.Apparently that was a Fox decision, although that makes no sense.
Years ago
Thanks koberulz, your really good at coding.
Years ago
Until our sport is one that networks are lining up for, no. When networks are lining up, maybe.
"If it aint broke, don't fix it!"
Years ago
10 Peach won't cut it. Can’t see the 48m game coming back anytime soon. Unless there’s heaps of adds, sponsorships maybe?
Annoyed the NBL is sticking to their usual 28 game regular season with top-4.
I know from 1997 to 2003 NBL only had 11 teams. They had the top-6 format through all those’s seasons. I’m still surprised NBL isn’t considering bringing top-6.
Best format is to have the format they used in 2000 season.
Top-2 teams go to the semifinals. Then 3rd plays 6th (best-of-3), 4th plays 5th (best-of-3).
Then maybe have best of 5 for the semifinals and grand final. Would be cool if they could have best of 7 grand final, imagine that.
I agree man, top-4 is so boring. Then you lose in 2 games. Is that your whole season, wow?
Years ago
I preferred the 48 minute games, and in my perfect world I'd like to see them return
But I also don't mind the league making the best decision in regards to telecasts, etc. Ultimately a good tv deal is more important
Years ago
I agree with you D2!
In reality it won't happen but it would be nice seeing 48 minute game back. 36ers, Taipans game tonight was so low scoring. For me 60-70 point games don’t cut it for me. If that game was had an extra 8 minutes then the scores could of been 80-90 game instead.
Years ago
I think they should make it 60-minute games. Last night's scores could have been close to 120.
Years ago
I was hoping for overtime. If the league could have extra 5min quarter for all games be better then doing a 48 minute game.
Years ago
So instead of better scoring and better offence to get to higher scores we add more time, I get it. It's the same bad offence but you get more points. Lmao.
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