Years ago
Potential Names for Tasmanian NBL team
Please keep this discussion related only to the name.
Huskies have the early lead, that will depend on whether LK and Hickey can do business.
Location wise, the obvious choices are either "Tasmanian" or "Hobart."
As for the name, well unless you have something iconic like the Devils or maybe even Tigers, I personally don't think it matters, provided its something that's easy to market.
It won't be the "Tasmanian Devils". That was the state's former VFL team name, is used for all junior representative teams, and would undoubtedly feature in the proposed 2nd tier national comp by the AFL.
Trademarks are held by both AFL, and AFL Tasmania.
Interestingly, the CLB tried to register the old "Hobart Devils" trademark, along with "Melbourne Magic" and "Sydney Supersonics", and the NBL opposed the Devils and Magic applications.
(But that could simply be related to the potential sales of "retro" apparel, as the NBL has registered apparel trademarks for a bunch of old teams.)
Similarly, it won't be the "Tasmanian Tigers" as that is the Cricket team