Years ago
36ers on verge of "massive" move: Fitzsimons
Ben Fitzsimons tweeted this. Anyone have any insight?
Years ago
Ben Fitzsimons tweeted this. Anyone have any insight?
Years ago
Joey was rumored to be coaching elsewhere, surely that rumour is dead and buried but could it be?
Harry Froling not drafted, no interest from NBA teams, and is taking his talents back to the NBL with the Sixers.
It was on the rush hours radio
Years ago
36ers on verge of massive move to the Entertainment Centre
trushtalk podcast Corey Williams said Nick marvin is the new boss of the 36ers ex wildcats boss
Years ago
Move to an inner city stadium - check.
Will he get Kelley to spend - to be seen. You would think he is only going if promised there will be a decent budget.
Years ago
Although doing a little research now he is consulting on his own as Twiggy let him go. No Bendat or Twiggy now so probably the harsh reality of not being provided for by a benefactor has sunk in and it was time to relive that NBL glory? Purely speculation, of course.
Marvin is a massive move?
Froling not getting a gig elsewhere is a massive move?
Teys overcoming a case of the sniffles is a massive move these days for 6ers management. Expect news release of "Brendan has overcome a severe cold. After days in bed staying warm and keeping his fluids up, he is now ready to hit the court whilst still nursing a sore throat, just an example of the warrior and servant he has been to the organization. Therefore we are reappointing him as captain for upcoming season due to this outstanding piece of bravery and commitment to the team. Coach Wright has reminded everyone to was their hands frequently and carry tissues"
To be honest I think it'll be new assistant or a future star.
He said "it will set the tone for success" which sounds like a leadership type of move - seems to add up to the Marvin rumour.
True Blue
Years ago
Ben Fitz will coach the 36ers during the
comedy festival!
Even if the Marvin idea is true would you really call that a massive move? I wouldn't.
Joey has bought 4 new waste coats for the new season
Years ago
#067 it isn't but since Sixers aren't doing anything it's huge for them.
Marvin played a key role in turning the Wildcats into the powerhouse they are today.
Years ago
With Bendat's money. Doubt Kelqley will be splashing that level of cash.
Years ago
"Even if the Marvin idea is true would you really call that a massive move? I wouldn't."
Yeah, appointing the most successful CEO in the NBL is hardly newsworthy.
Years ago
"With Bendat's money. "
You do realise that Marvin transformed the Cats from a typical team dependent on Dr Jack's money, into one that actually runs at a profit.
Wait - so is the rumour that Kavenagh is gone? Or that this is the GM Commercial level position beneath him. If it's the latter, that seems like quite a step down
Froling has lost 15KG and is starting to look like an athlete?
joey is going to go the whole season and not talk to the refs
"You do realise that Marvin transformed the Cats from a typical team dependent on Dr Jack's money, into one that actually runs at a profit."
Marvin's biggest skill is that he happened to be there when a squillionaire took over a club that had a long history of success, a loyal fan base, and was about to move to a brand new arena in the middle of the CBD. I guess the new guy is even better than Marvin since the Cats have been even more successful and profitable under his watch.
Once Marvin lost his in the old NBL he was toast. That will never occur under Kestleman either.
Years ago
Joint venture with the Crows or EA Sports/Gaming?
"Once Marvin lost his in the old NBL he was toast. "
Lost his what?
Years ago
Marvin's biggest skill is that he happened to be there when a squillionaire took over a club that had a long history of success, a loyal fan base, and was about to move to a brand new arena in the middle of the CBD. I guess the new guy is even better than Marvin since the Cats have been even more successful and profitable under his watch.
Years ago
Might be both Crows and esports.
Crows esport team in Sydney, weirdly enough.
Jvg had a lot of financial backing at Sydney and look what he did
That is true. Say what you want about Marvin but he never underachieved, meanwhile JVG only ever seems to underachieve yet has somehow made a whole career in the game.
Years ago
Didn't Marvin take over at Wildcats in 2006 or 2007? Around when Bendat bought out Vlahov for full ownership? And they didn’t move out of Challenge Stadium and into the CBD until 2012, after turning around the club’s finances from 2009’s problems?
Years ago
Correct. Was just about to make the same point myself. People act as though Marvin came in right at the end of the Challenge Stadium era when in fact he was in charge of the Cats at Challenge for six seasons, longer than he was in charge at the Arena.
Years ago
Correct but even Bendat/Marvin were getting by as Vlahov/Longley had until Perth Arena opened as Challenge was too small capacity wise for anyone to make money off of it.
They also said on trashtalk that the new 36ers import will be as good as shawn long and way more athletic
Years ago
Looks like it was the official announcement of Eric Griffin replacing Wiley.
That doesn't seem like it's a 'massive move'...
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