Whilst not a Norwood fan, this is none of anyone's business apart from Norwood members. Questions can be asked and answered at their AGM, every member has that right. Every club must have a constitution that they must follow, I'm sure it can be found simply or a copy supplied, again I don't care so I haven't looked for it.
If members are unhappy with the direction of a club they can vote incumbents out, again my knowledge is that every club must have a president, vice president, treasurer and Secretary plus other members of a committee, those remaining don't need specified titles. My belief is that the president and vice president are selected in alternating years to provide stability and continuity as well as treasurer and Secretary, but I'm unsure of that exact process.
From my limited experience at AGMs, very small numbers attend despite most whinging about problems they worry about, I would be lying if I wasn't one of those in the past. The other problem is people willing to put their hands up to fill those positions despite their concerns. Not sure if it's a case of can't be bothered or not knowing the level of commitment required. So often there are no real new choices to make. Let's face it, if voting at state or federal elections weren't compulsory, what would be the turnout?
So end of the day, this forum is not the place to question the running of any club, member or not. If you are a member, show up and vote. If you have concerns, raise them. All financial records must be provided and if there is any funny business there are steep penalties.
If you are not a member, stay out of it. In face these allegations are serious and worthy of legal action if they continue. And to reiterate, I have no vested interest in Norwood, am not Mr or Mrs President, anyone's mum or some other, in their minds, witty comments. Like beating them as much as the next person but let them sort their own shit out, any dodgy business then let meeting decide.