Years ago

Premier League Round 12

North vs Centrals **630pm game**
Lions feeling good after a surprise win against the former league leading Flames but run into a tough North team this week. Riewer with some impressive shooting last week to take home POTW honours. Centrals match up OK athletically with the Rockets but I expect McVeigh to be the difference in this one.

Rockets by 11.

South vs Sturt
Another chance for the Sabres to collect their first win. Klaosen back has helped make them more competitive recently but hasn't added to the win column. South had an impressive win down at the Port and look to be making a mid season push. May be too late for a finals challenge but they are certainly trending up. Petty a smokey for COTY if things continue in this fashion.

South by 9.

Southern vs Norwood
Having played less than a month ago these two sides meet again this time down at Morphett Vale. With the news that Drmic's season is over and no announcement that I've seen for a replacement you'd have to fancy Norwood in this one. Lycett missed last game, so his addition plus Drmic's loss means Southern could be in for a long night.

Norwood by 16.

Mount Gambier vs West
Nightmareish season for West continues with a loss at home to South which would have been unfathomable at the start of the season. Mount Gambier quietly going about their business and setting themselves up for a double chance. Won't be troubled here.

Pioneers by 22.

Forestville vs Eastern
This game was a blowout the first time and I can't see this one being any different. Mavs have scored a couple of wins this season but have also had some of the biggest losses, copping a right beating in the Mount before the break. Forestville have a complete lineup and also won't be challenged here.

Eagles by 25.

Back on deck next week with rankings too.

Topic #45267 | Report this topic

Years ago

Mavs only lose by 25!
If Morris plays maybe, without him 50+

The men's program seems to get away with hardly any scrutiny despite terrible decisions and performances over years.

Whole club needs to change desperately or are they happy to be reformed as the social Eastern Hills and not be a District Club? What’s the saying
Run by monkeys- get peanuts.

Hope the parents of juniors are allowed to wear their own choice of clothes.

Reply #745051 | Report this post

Years ago

What division in Big V doesn't premier league translate to? I’m unfamiliar or is it NBL1 level?

Reply #745056 | Report this post

Years ago

Mudjonra playing for Sturt... after trying to go to Southern to play finals but couldn't as he wouldnt qualify. Sturt loyalty through and through!

Reply #745061 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon - it would be equal to or higher than SCM.

I heard Mudronja was looking at going back to Woodville?

Reply #745062 | Report this post

Years ago

Southern have new import

Reply #745064 | Report this post

Years ago

He any good?

Reply #745068 | Report this post

Years ago

Hold on.......Petty coach of the year, GTFOH!!!!!

Reply #745069 | Report this post

Years ago

061, even though what you have there is rubbish you might have had some credibility to the punter on here if you could actually spell the kids name right. Being contacted by Southern and whatever club and actually wanting to play there are 2 very different issues.

Reply #745072 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard going back to club who developed him. Warriors now stronger

Reply #745082 | Report this post

Years ago

Div 1 big V would be equivalent to Reserves, so PL would be SCM at the least if not better

Reply #745084 | Report this post

Years ago

After watching a lot of seabl. Premier league top 5 teams would compete but be about middle of the road teams in seabl.The rest are not seabl standard.

Reply #745090 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 068 I guess we'll find out tomorrow night

Reply #745095 | Report this post

Years ago

There appears to be a gap in both talent and coaching from the top three (Ballarat, Nuna, Kilsyth) and the rest of the nbl1.

Top four PL teams would be pretty good against everyone below that top three.

Reply #745101 | Report this post

Years ago

I call bullshit to above

Reply #745111 | Report this post

Hugh Mungus  
Years ago

Heard a rumour southern spent too much on average players that don't win games so they can’t afford to fix the roof? How many chocolate fundraisers are coming up? Also can anyone tell me where drimic is been I thought he was playing this year? Ta xx

Reply #745168 | Report this post

Years ago

Hughmungus. Seriously. Drimic injured. Chocolate jokes worn thin.

Reply #745169 | Report this post

Hugh Mungus  
Years ago

I saw drimic walk his dog the other day if he can walk a dog he can carry a club.

Why you sad can't sell any chocolates?

Reply #745171 | Report this post

Years ago

If you saw him. Why didn't you ask him.

Reply #745174 | Report this post

Hugh Mungus  
Years ago

I was too busy selling chocolates for southern didn't sell enough no roof. Here’s an idea sell selleys no leaks and not chocolates you might play every week then loser

Reply #745177 | Report this post

Years ago

Hugh Mungus, the person with the delightfully witty pseudonym that has no brains for anything else. People do tend to do rehab that consist of light exercise, some are even able to walk before surgery.
Now go back to your Bart Simpson list of made up names and have a comeback that doesn't insult the English language. Learn when to insert commas in particular please.

Reply #745180 | Report this post

Years ago

get a new roof

sell more chocolates

Reply #745181 | Report this post

Conspiracy theory  
Years ago

Southern's game got rescheduled tonight due to "rain".

When does their import get here and how many games would have had to play to qualify for finals?

Reply #745182 | Report this post

Years ago

Well Pettys short lived push for coach of the year wasn't very long.
And does it bug anyone else Forestville play Eagle Rock after the game, it's 2019 and it could be one of worst songs of all time, hardly spine tingling crowd exciting music!

Reply #745183 | Report this post

Years ago

Did anyone see the farce on the Facebook premier league page with coach Webber from Norwood constantly whinge about transferring the game to another venue? Fair enough it's not ideal with game getting cancelled due to rain but just the logistics of setting up another venue at late notice is hardly fair. Guess Webber is just out to get whatever advantage he can get, not a peep from assistant Rogers. What a tool, just get over it and wait for replay. Just worried new import will be ready to suit up for tigers and Norwood start heading towards rest of pack.

Reply #745184 | Report this post

Years ago

Forestville knocked back South when they asked to move their game to Wayville the other week because they didn't have enough time to get everything organised and they knew a few days ahead. Imagine setting up a home game in three hours.

Reply #745185 | Report this post

Years ago

Eagle crock...

Reply #745186 | Report this post

Years ago

The only thing that annoys me about Eagle Rock is having to hear it so often.

Reply #745187 | Report this post

Years ago

Ironic it was not safe for the premier league players but the kids were still playing all afternoon there until 5. No wonder some are questioning the decision then

Reply #745188 | Report this post

Years ago

While you all bitch and moan about the game being cancelled, bear in mind, volunteers make up the majority required to setup club home games and I will state categorically I am NOT from either club nor a fan/member of either club but a long term volunteer at premier league games and I will sympathise with being at the mercy of poorly run and disgustingly inadequate facilities provided by this state, yes I agree good enough for our kids to play in tin sheds through the day... BSA grow some balls and take it on for kids in our state to play something other than AFL/WAFL

Reply #745189 | Report this post

Years ago

Any idea on what is the record for most points in a quarter?

Reply #745190 | Report this post

Years ago

What is it the volunteers need to set up to have a game played? Serious question. If you can get scorebench staff there what else is required for a game of ball?

Reply #745191 | Report this post

Years ago

Did tigers pull a swifty? Am i hearing correctly, juniors still playing there when it was cancelled for PL? Whens Drmics replacement get here? If so, thats a move the Cheatgles would be proud of.

Reply #745192 | Report this post

Years ago

Drmic's replacement arrived over a week ago you moron.

Reply #745193 | Report this post

Years ago

Takes over a week for the right clearances and visas to come through

Reply #745194 | Report this post

Years ago

I live 5 minutes from Morphett Vale stadium, it has been hammering down with rain most of the morning and some of the afternoon, if kids were able to play in that stadium during the day then it's an absolute joke they couldn’t play tonight, as it hasn’t rained since around 4:30pm. I smell a rat a wet soggy rat

Reply #745195 | Report this post

Years ago

^okay so why would they cancel a game in a perfectly fine venue?

Reply #745197 | Report this post

Years ago

Is it possible the condensation became an issue as it got colder later in the day?

Reply #745198 | Report this post

Years ago

197 simple if new import hasn't got a clearance yet

I have coached and played hundreds of games in that stadium, only one Friday night did it rain so hard there was a problem with the roof.

Condensation was never a problem

Reply #745199 | Report this post

Years ago

If it wasn't a problem why were there games moved from court 3 the previous evening even without any rain?

Reply #745200 | Report this post

Years ago

Apparently a BSA decision, not Southerns.

Reply #745202 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA would only know to cancel if someone at the stadium complained and who in BSA except those who were working as refs and supervisors all afternoon at domestic there would have complained on behalf of Premier League. BSA put out a notice mid afternoon on the Morphetvale Stadium Facebook that Premier League was cancelled but kids games would still be played. Check it out yourself. To run anPremier League game the same people easily change to another court and use their facilities. The only issue I see is the bar and canteen which is run by the club and paid employees not volunteers. Another club could be contacted to ask if they can open them and then that club would get the profits as they would for opening them for say a SAPSASA carnival which is nothing to do with them either. The other complication is now most clubs have to be booked in advance as most are leased via the Education department at Springfield (Pasadena) and Community sports centres which may have already had other functions booked. So that side may be genuinely not able to be done with short notice. Food for after game is either brought by players or someone who can take them to another club but the facilities vary for that so that may be a complication. The thing that makes people suspicious is the recent financial issues and behind closed doors going on and pressure on junior parents to now prop up the club but still see Premier League same as and spending big to get the players for the wins. And to say its okay to have juniors play but we value the safety of our Premier League players over the kids safety is off. And then add the issues of games to qualify for a new import of course people are going to question it. They are very defensive on the facebook site that it was BSA not their decision. If they had no influence at all then shame on BSA for not valuing the safety of the kids who continued to play and shut down the stadium completely until it is sorted. I am betting that tonight and through the week in the same conditions social, school kids and other trainings will still be held even with the 'condensation issue' Watch and see and make your decisions then on what you think is going on.

Reply #745205 | Report this post

Years ago

The message about the cancellation was posted around 1pm. Kids could play but condensation and repairs no game at night. Towels will still be out tonight and during the week. Remember parents to check the BSA Policy for injuries has a cap on it or you have to be just about dead to get the large payout for expenses. I think $1000 limit so if its teeth or surgery you will be out of pocket for that nasty slip on a wet floor. Its okay though because condensation only happens on a Saturday night and your kids are not as important as your clubs premier league players. But that is on BSA not your club. Isn't the stadium manager able to slap a notice for failure to provide a safe environment under ohs&w legislation ??? Get some red tape and wrap the entire stadium up with it. There must be some sort of reporting system for BSA properties as it is a workplace and there are workplace laws. Safework has already been involved so why have they not put some legal requirements on the use of the stadium. What is the name of the contractors ?

Reply #745207 | Report this post

Years ago

So is this another DJ situation where BSA were too weak to put their foot down on something.

Reply #745208 | Report this post

Years ago

The U18s game got moved Friday night from court 3 (where PL is played) to the side courts due to the court being wet... and it wasnt even raining!

Reply #745209 | Report this post

Years ago

Easy fixed then. Shift the glass boards to another court or through the rest of winter this condensation is going to be an issue every cold rainy Saturday or other night it is used. Remember there are Junior district and social and very cold days as well. Carnivals to be run there too. Or do what Souths and other clubs have had to do and make the club trek to the Arena. Don't be half arsed sort it out in advance and plan,
It is either a genuine issue or it isn’t and it won’t be a one off. The new contractors may have to be tendered out again and Safework will have their legal issues to deal with and probably for the existing contractors so it could be quite a while for the works to be restarted. Make a decision this week BSA and if its on your head not Southerns then tell them what is going to happen or Southern demand action. Shift the court for PL in advance or to another location until further notice. Don’t schedule anymore use of that court or others affected. Its winter, it rains, its cold and there will be more condensation. And do this for all players, you have an obligation to provide a safe place for all who use your stadium. If anyone is injured on those courts from here on in due to condensation rain or otherwise remember this issue.

Reply #745210 | Report this post

Years ago

Easy fixed then. Shift the glass boards to another court or through the rest of winter this condensation is going to be an issue every cold rainy Saturday or other night it is used. Remember there are Junior district and social and very cold days as well. Carnivals to be run there too. Or do what Souths and other clubs have had to do and make the club trek to the Arena. Don't be half arsed sort it out in advance and plan,
It is either a genuine issue or it isn’t and it won’t be a one off. The new contractors may have to be tendered out again and Safework will have their legal issues to deal with and probably for the existing contractors so it could be quite a while for the works to be restarted. Make a decision this week BSA and if its on your head not Southerns then tell them what is going to happen or Southern demand action. Shift the court for PL in advance or to another location until further notice. Don’t schedule anymore use of that court or others affected. Its winter, it rains, its cold and there will be more condensation. And do this for all players, you have an obligation to provide a safe place for all who use your stadium. If anyone is injured on those courts from here on in due to condensation rain or otherwise remember this issue.

Reply #745211 | Report this post

Years ago

#200 why wasn't PL moved to that court that was safe for the 18’s then ? Shift the glass boards to another court and then the rest of the season will not be affected until works are finished. And shut down court 3. Just take action and get on with it.

Reply #745212 | Report this post

Jason mason  
Years ago

This wouldn't have happened if you sold more chocolates and wrote less shit on hoops

Reply #745213 | Report this post

Years ago

Whats the chocolate comments all about ?

Reply #745214 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe just fix the roof?

Reply #745215 | Report this post

Years ago

Seriously getting a second import to cover Drmic after demanding more cash from juniors sends a message to me that Southern are not serious in fixing their financial position. Why not give that money back to the club?!

Reply #745227 | Report this post

Years ago

^because PL success is everything according to ol' mate Deano

Reply #745229 | Report this post

Years ago

can't even fix a roof how will they fix the club

deano will just pay for everything like he did last year so they could play in the grand final

Reply #745231 | Report this post

Years ago

Got bad news for him, they ain't playing in the grand final this year.
Paying for the import comes down to budget. Dean would have been given one so he's using it. Agreed the best thing would be to return it, but it's like most places that buy 500 new staplers at end of financial year, use it or lose it.

Reply #745237 | Report this post

Years ago

Be interested when game will be now played. Obviously wet floor issue something that was unforseen.

Reply #745238 | Report this post

Years ago

Ever heard of budget cuts when things are going bad! This is not the public service!

Reply #745241 | Report this post

Years ago

Rumour that Centrals won't just be losing Dau to Phoenix tour to China but Diing and Luk as well. Could get ugly losing 3 of top 5 scorers, expect Riewer to be targeted big time as only real scorer left, not much on bench to replace those points.

Reply #745264 | Report this post

Years ago

South back to being laughing stock. Worst prediction of year was in original write up that Petty being Smokey for COTY. Things about to really go bad without Hoppo, calling South to be wooden spinners now and Sturt to get some cheap wins.

Reply #745265 | Report this post

Years ago

Sapwell back and already scoring for Centrals. They will be ok.

Reply #745266 | Report this post

Years ago

Koen "Never met a shot I didn't like and even if I did I would shoot it anyway" Sapwell will destroy what chemistry the lions have/had. Can't put a guy like that in a young team and expect good things to happen, might have a few good scoring nights but will piss off others taking a lot of bad shots. And can't play defence.

Reply #745279 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree, after watching both him and Nick Marshall return to play for their respective teams on the weekend, I would take Marshall any day of the week over Sapwell.
North looked really good as well for the record.

Reply #745281 | Report this post

Years ago

Ease up people. I was there Friday night. The U18 boys game got moved to the next court due to 4-5 wet areas on court 3 from condensation not rain. The U18 girls game on the next court also had one spot that a parent kept dry with a towel during the game. I would suggest that if there was any wet floor issues during the Saturday juniors that a parent would be on a towel keeping it dry also. I've seen that done plenty of times on court 2 at Wayville due to leaks, just cant do that during a PL game can we. I'd say BSA made the decision based on what happened Friday night. I'm sure you'd all be up in arms if they did play and a player had a season ending injury due to the wet floor. Then imagine the outburst from the keyboard warriors.

Reply #745286 | Report this post

Years ago

Relocate arena. Simple solution.

Reply #745287 | Report this post

Years ago

They can't afford to turn the lights on at the arena or open a kiosk

Reply #745289 | Report this post

Years ago

What's actually up with the roof? Is it open to the sky?

Reply #745290 | Report this post

Years ago

286. What a ridiculous thing to suggest that you can't have someone on a court for Premier League game wiping up a wet spot but you can for a kids game. A game is game. And I should care about a premier player but not a kid, thats appalling. So all 4 courts are wet regualrly every night are they and who is wiping up these wet spots for all games every night for kids, adult social and trainings ? I hope no one is injured because this mindset has just opened up a legal
midfield for council, bsa, court supervisor and club to be sued for failure to provide a safe environment. Known risk failed to be addressed. Clowns

Reply #745304 | Report this post

Years ago

Sapwell can just bomb away knowing his old man got his back

Reply #745309 | Report this post

Years ago

304. Not so ridiculous when you think about it. The floor wiping happens in a junior game whilst the game is in play i.e at the other end of the court. An U12 game on a Saturday morning doesn't have 6'8" adults sprinting down the court towards someone wiping the floor. Besides it is ridiculous to think you could continuously stop a PL game to have someone wipe up spots on the court. The game would have been called off anyway so better they made the call earlier. As for other nights of the week I'm not sure, perhaps the work being done has just been started and the cold wet weather has also just hit. Wait and see how it goes down there this week seeing as Friday was perhaps the first incident they had.

Reply #745311 | Report this post

Years ago

So for the rest of winter will premier league games be cancelled because with wet rolls of insulation on the roof and in the caged area out front and scaffolding all dormant with not a soul in sight and bsa still waiting on a council resolution. Will the games be moved because it is going to continue to be cold and wet. If a game is played on an equally cold or wet night from here on in then questions will be raised. Still don't buy its okay for juniors up to U18 !!! almost
men and women and they too are fast and all over the court, or social adults, youth league and seniors some of who have premier league players in their teams ironically by the way, who clearly you judge won’t be barrelling down the court like the important premier league players(only when they are in that tram though), and have a runner parent on the court to wipe up moisture or do you have control of when and where these drips happen on the court so its conveniently when there are no 'non premier league’ players on that part of the court when the drips hit the floor and your parents can run on the court safely. You have no case. It is either safe for all or for none. Did a premier league game get cancelled last year because of condensation or rain ? If no and the same issues were there then again there is no argument. Stop patronising people and stop being defensive of any criticism and maybe listen and take real action instead of the BS. Be responsible and arrange in advance of you are that worried to move games. Other clubs have had to do the same. Woodville and Souths recently and they survived. Many clubs have had to lose their home court advantage but that is part of how it is, as you say.

Reply #745322 | Report this post

Years ago

Like i said, they DID move the U18 boys game to another court and decided that the ONE spot on the U18 girls court could be managed by wiping. I simply refereed to the comment made about still playing juniors Saturday but not PL that night as perhaps the junior games were able to be managed ok during the day? At no stage have i suggested they play reserves, youth league or social with a parent wiping the floor. I also agree that if this looks to be an on going issue then Southern will need to relocate their home games same as was PLANNED in advance in the South and Woodville situation. The call to postpone Saturday's game was made late and as others have mentioned didn't allow time to source another venue. Until BSA, the council, Southern and whomever else work it out then yes, they should relocate future games.

Reply #745325 | Report this post

Years ago

Post before 1pm game was cancelled so decision made well before then given time to discuss, make up statement and post. We will see what happens now and how genuine this concern is. Reading posts on club there were some of their own not informed early and unhappy with their own clubs communication and the effect on them.

Reply #745328 | Report this post

Years ago

With all the new stadiums going up over Adelaide, are southerners politicians totally ambivalent to providing to constituents,or are the people too lazy to lobby them to build a multipurpose venue.

Reply #745626 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone commented on Starling POTW award post something about the 36ers knocking. Even if they were looking at him, he couldn't get a roster spot could he? Would be an import? Please correct me if I’m wrong. Would assume if he was a local he’d have been given a spot by now.

Reply #745635 | Report this post

Years ago

Wiley is gone (100% confirmed), which opens up an import spot.

Whether or not the 36ers have reached out to Starling I have no idea.

Reply #745637 | Report this post

Years ago

Starling may be an NBL level athlete but he is definitely not an NBL import level ball player

Reply #745646 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe as that dirt cheap 3rd import, not as a top line player the 6ers are seeking.

Reply #745652 | Report this post

Years ago

Starling can change the dynamic of a game when he competes no matter who is on the court. Could be a great option as that third, cheap import.

Reply #745654 | Report this post

Years ago

If they sign him he will be just like all the other cheap state league imports that were a bust. He will get owned at NBL level. You think people sag off Simmons in the NBA!

Reply #745657 | Report this post

Years ago

Starling has to hurry up and naturalise, if possible, before he gets too old.

As an import = no
As an naturalised player = yes

Reply #745658 | Report this post

Years ago

His window was 5 years ago. He cant shoot the 3, 3-19 for the season (definitely not his strength). He can't shoot a free throw 43-71 @ 60%. The only reason he shoots 54% from the field is because he dunks on everyone in the 6 foot Premier League. He isn't going to be able to dunk on everyone in the NBL. Heck Vukona will just maul him as an example.

Reply #745660 | Report this post

Years ago

If you're around 6'5 in PL you'd be considered as big, Starling obviously dunks all over them, NBL though, different story

Reply #745663 | Report this post

Years ago

"If you're around 6'5 in PL you'd be considered as big, Starling obviously dunks all over them, NBL though, different story"

How is his game style and size any different to Mitch Creek? Not saying he is Mitch Creek level but he can add value as a poor mans Mitch Creek in the NBL which would add value to any team as a naturalised player off of the bench.

Reply #745666 | Report this post

Years ago

Mitch could hit an open jumper. Starling can not.

Reply #745672 | Report this post

Years ago

^ that's debatable.

Reply #745673 | Report this post

Years ago

So he's not naturalised. All I wanted to know. Cheers

Reply #745674 | Report this post

Years ago

Mitch hit a lot more 3s than Starling the year they played together. In fact he was superior in almost every facet.

Reply #745675 | Report this post

Years ago

So when he is naturalised is it Teys or Starling?

Reply #745798 | Report this post

Years ago

Teys signed a two year deal. You ain't waiting two years to play old man Starling. Plus, if it was a discussion, Teys is a team guy that gives you exactly the same hustle with an outside shot.

Reply #745800 | Report this post

Years ago

Hmmm, Creek and Starling as comparisons, yeah, good one

Reply #745806 | Report this post

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