Years ago

NBL player movement

A draft? The decline in the NBL during the mid to late 2000's could have contributed to the increasing reliance on young players to head to college. With more and more leaving early or not choosing the college path (Humphries, Froling x2, McVeigh just to name a few) is this a possibility in the near future? I think we are a long long way from a draft. Just the cost of talent ID and we would have to have a 'youth' national league of some sort for players to be easily identified at a young age.

There is huge amounts of financial and other issues before this could be effective- would it be 18-20 year olds?, returning college players? A combination of both?

Topic #45197 | Report this topic

Years ago

Surely he means a draft for the bigger teams to poach from the smaller ones?

Reply #743521 | Report this post

Years ago

A draft is fine, but you cannot make a player move interstate unless the salaries are increased. Maybe if you nominate for the draft you accept you could be tied to an interstate club IF you play NBL. Would certainly be incentive for NBL teams to do a better job of developing talent, which quite frankly they do a shitty job of.

Reply #743522 | Report this post

Years ago

A draft would be easy to do
1 2 Rounds
2 College players returning
3 players who choose not to go to College EG Angus glover who turned down an offer from St marys to sign with the Hawks
4 Next star gem players
5 Maybe the third import that you can stash a way in Nznbl

Sorry for bad spelling

Reply #743523 | Report this post

Years ago

Some good points however:

2. Top returning college players are looking for the most money available. A team could draft them at No 1 eg. Illawarra and they could not guarantee or make them stayif euri offers etc. come up and would make the draft a bit pointless.
3. This is area that requires the most $$$. Other than the CoE guys who is paying for the talent ID/scouting of all othertalent available. States only talent ID for state/national teams. Maybe expand the under 20 nationals and draft players from there? Much like the TAC Cup does in AFL.
4. The league pays for next stars so they are essentially drafted by the league anyway, they just seem to put them in the big market teams for exposure as they are not getting drafted from Illawarra (sorry for the Hawks bashing, just an example)
5. Imports drafted? no way agents would let that happen.

Reply #743525 | Report this post

Years ago

If you're a top college player, like a Harry Froling, would you come to the NBL, if it means you're going to get thrown to the team who finished last the year before, and has no money, so is going to give you the minimum? Or would you say bugger that, and go play overseas somewhere instead?
There's only 9 teams, with 10 or 11 roster spots. It's not like NBA, where they have 30 teams, and 15 roster spots, and a G League team, and the ability to stash their 2nd rounders overseas. And there's 100s of quality players in the pool to choose from.
We get a handful of new players to the league each year. Some of those are promoted from the Development list, and others are college players. There's also no set value for what a young player earns. There's a minimum, but a college player is going to be on more than that, from the team that recruits them.

Reply #743528 | Report this post

Years ago

What i am clearly seeing is a lot of colleague talent is signing up with the likes of Illawara as they will get a decent enough chance to play. If you look at Kay, Norton, Gliddon, McCaron - having a stint at a small club to build your brand and jump to a richer club is healthy.

It allows smaller teams more shot on new talent, who then themselves have chances to make a big contract somewhere else. Then the next generation comes in after that.

Last couple of seasons would clearly show that playing on the bench for teams like Melbourne , Perth didnt do wanders for your value compared to starting/major minutes roles on smaller teams.

Reply #743534 | Report this post

Years ago

does anyone lesson to trash talk podcast with
Felix von hofe
Mark Worthington
Corey Williams

Today Corey suggested a exnba player point guard is asking him about 36ERs

Reply #743535 | Report this post

Years ago

Corey suggests lots of things.

Reply #743536 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #743537 | Report this post

Years ago

Talk about putting lipstick on a pig...
"We're looking to expand the Next Stars program"
as opposed to "we fucked it up this season"

I can only think that by "draft" he's thinking of allocating players contracted by the league as Next Stars.
There's no other way it works.
Aside form the impracticality, drafts are illegal in Australia. That's why there is no draft in the NRL.
(and the NBL lacks the power of the AFL)

Reply #743540 | Report this post

Years ago

Now G League can recruit direct players don't need the Next Stars or similar programs to avoid college

Reply #743542 | Report this post

Years ago

When Teys re-signing is the biggest announcement for the 36ers the realisation sets in that it's going to be a very long year for all of us 36ers' fans.

Reply #743552 | Report this post

Years ago

The irony of the Sixers biggest announcement so (at a time the want us all to renew our season tickets) is that NB hasn't announced it anywhere, so is it even official? Surely they weren’t trying to con us with that big announcement?!

Reply #743556 | Report this post

Thunder Jam  
Years ago

Harry Froling was a top college player. Thanks for the chuckles!

Reply #743557 | Report this post

Years ago

I love butt hurt 6ers fans. They are such cheap entertainment :)

Reply #743558 | Report this post

Years ago

So if drafts are illegal in Australia how come the AFL have one like you mentioned. I think its just impractical to have one. NRL are more like Premier League here for example, progress through the juniors.

Reply #743559 | Report this post

Years ago

Afl players association agreed to the draft, it has been relaxed a lot since the start, free agency etc. if it was taken to court I'd believe it was a restriction of trade, that’s what happened in NSW, the rugby league draft was taken to court and thrown out.
I don’t believe the nbl is big enough for a draft, maybe tighten up the salary cap.

Reply #743560 | Report this post

Years ago

Premier League and progress through juniors.....shit that's funny

Reply #743561 | Report this post

Years ago

Just read what I wrote about progressing through juniors, didn't really think that one through!

Reply #743565 | Report this post

Years ago

"So if drafts are illegal in Australia how come the AFL have one like you mentioned"

Because nobody has challenged it.
(Like many things under C&C law, there is no policeman, its up to individuals to use the law in Civil Actions.)

It is illegal, because it is Restraint of Trade against the individual player.
So it would require an individual player (or players) to take action in Federal Court. Obviously no young player has the money, and even for a wealthy player the reality is that they wouldn't do it without the backing of a club.

To date, no club has been willing to take on the AFL. Probably because (whilst they might get peeved over a particular player occasionally) they are happy with the system, and nobody wants to completely destroy the system and be stuck with complete Free Agency.

Also keep in mind that the AFL has a stranglehold on the clubs. Individual clubs don't even own their own brands or IP, and the AFL controls a massive war chest courtesy of the TV rights.

No Victorian club, and no expansion club is going to challenge the draft because it works to their advantage.
Unrestricted Free Agency might work to the advantage of the Eagles, because it might give them better access to local talent, and they are the wealthiest club. But they are owned by the WAFC, and they are not going to fight the AFL. Crows would be in a similar scenario, but I'm not sure who owns them now. (IIRC whilst they operate as an independent club, their licence is now held by the AFL??)

Reply #743566 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide talking about nate thanks

Reply #743617 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd watch Nate Rob play.

Wouldn’t expect him to be a league leader, but he’d draw a bunch of interest for sure. More positive than negative for Adelaide, unless he gets paid a ransom and utterly bombs.

Reply #743623 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide said the player in question is from Chicago. Robinson is from Seattle.
Possibly Will Bynum

Reply #743625 | Report this post

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