I haven't looked at what's left.
Whilst there were some cheap seats, facts is that the majority of seats were badly over-priced.
This is not about "whinging". It's about a very poor pricing structure, and trying to suck in boobs who have never been to the Arena.
If you got in early, probably did ok, but they have classified most seats as "Gold", and some of those are in the nosebleeds. Presumably they are trying to sucker people who will just think "ok 'Gold" must be good seats."
Gotta love how the Adenoids always want to insist that everyone must share their view of the world.
There are probably about 5 people in Perth who think "oh a Canadian team with some random NBA players, how wonderful" and I'm sure you will all be at the games. The rest of us don't give a flying fuck.
Last time we played Canadia, and in a tournament that actually meant something, they couldn't even be arsed sending a semi-competitive team. We have zero sporting rivalry, the games are meaningless, and the addition of some random NBA players we've never heard of doesn't fix that.
And lets be honest, slag-off at Wildcats fans all you want, this exercise is a cynical attempt by BA to cash in on our Championship by flogging these games to the Red Army.
And yet, and despite winning the Championship, and having by far the most supporters, we get disrespected again with the Fat Ugly step-sister.