Years ago
Sixers - What is going on?
The member's day at the AEC was very confusing -
- Long time members being treated like idiots and expected to accept the nose bleed section as a "like for like" of their previous seats
- This positive talk of how there was an 80% take up from members to attend AEC and see our new seats.
- More positive talk about sponsor interest increase since announcement of move to the AEC.
- Yet Sixers missed the marketing opportunity to announce a great signing and wanted us all to get excited by the announcement that Brendon Teys had signed on for two years!
- They took great pride in telling us that like the Wildcats, we could now fill a stadium with blue T-shirts! I don’t understand how the move to AEC would magically make this happen? We couldn’t even fill the TSA except for a couple of finals.
Why is there such a contradiction in what is going on? IThey talk so positive, but their action don’t support it. I hope they aren’t doomed for failure - I would have to remove the Sixers tat off my leg!