Lightning Fan
Years ago

AEC Seats

Anyone checked out their seat allocation yet? Thoughts?

Topic #45105 | Report this topic

Years ago

All I can say is the membership pack better come with a pair of binoculars. More money, crap seats, no players! What a joke!

Reply #741117 | Report this post

Years ago

You get seats to the Election?

Reply #741118 | Report this post

Years ago

going in tomorrow morning to see them in the flesh. I don't at this stage see how they are like for like. I see alot of unhappy people with he seating

Reply #741127 | Report this post

Years ago

My seats at first glance on the map look further back than previously - though I'll reserve judgement till after i go to my "open day" appointment this weekend. The layout in general looks bad though. Most of the crowd will be nowhere near the court and the seating around the court looks quite sparse too. I suspect the atmosphere is going to be quite bad in comparison to the old stidium.

The worst thing though is the massive increase in ticket prices. I don't recall the exact amount from last season, but the increase for me is in the realm of 100 dollars per ticket, after a 50 or so increase last season.

Reply #741128 | Report this post

Years ago

All I can say is the membership pack better come with a pair of binoculars. More money, crap seats, no players! What a joke!

That's not exactly true.

You get to still watch Sobey and Deng. And players like Trimble, Ware, Long play....for other teams.

Reply #741129 | Report this post

Years ago

"I don't at this stage see how they are like for like. I see alot of unhappy people with he seating"

So they're .... like for don't like?

Reply #741132 | Report this post

Years ago

We were in Row G on the centre line at TSA and were allocated Gold Plus row G at AEC. The seats in that area are almost court-level, which many people would love. However, there is very little height increase between rows in that area so my wife would be in trouble if there were someone tall in front of us.
We have requested a "downgrade" to Gold. We prefer the elevated view as we feel you get a more complete view of play.

The stadium looks awesome and the transport options are excellent! Great to have some decent pub/food options nearby. I just hope we get some major drawcards on the team to bring in the crowds - the atmosphere would be fantastic with a full or near-full house!

Reply #741137 | Report this post

Years ago

PS: The ticket price is only $23 more than 18/17 for us.

Reply #741138 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

I was there today.

I feel sorry for the 36er ticket staff, there are going to be greater than usual (even for adelaide) complaints.

My tickets went up in price considerably, they are the same height but probably 10m further away,

They were almost exact like for like in side-line positioning, so while I have at least 2 aspects to have a true blue SA whine about ( distance and price) I can see where they have put a lot of effort into this.

Price is a senior magament FU, and distance away is a venue unchangable consequence, the price increase is "having" to go to Gold Plus to get a comparable location to my old Gold - PITA.

I have personal experience of venue changes for NBL teams and associated reserved seating in Vic, ACT and NSW NBL stadias over the years since my first reserved seast in 1983, and I know there is always great pain for the staff trying to manage it.

NOW - Let loose the dogs (poodles) of complaint and let no person go unsavaged :)

Reply #741140 | Report this post

Double Clutch  
Years ago

My silver ticket from two years ago is now considered gold plus. Over 40% increase in cost for me. After 10 years in the same seats not too keen on a massive downgrade so will drop tickets and buy game to game.

I wish the club sucesss in this though, I simply can't afford the massive increase over 2 years.

Reply #741141 | Report this post

Years ago

Not happy! Had our seats in row J for 20 years and we get offered row L which is only a few rows down from the rafters. I thought it was supposed to be like for like - not even close. Look crappy on the seating map, but will have to decide tomorrow when we get to see it for real.

Add to that we don't even know what the team looks like yet. Like every year, all other teams are signing guns and we have to get whatever is leftover.

Reply #741144 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't forget there is a new team next year so we will have 2 extra home games

Reply #741147 | Report this post

Cats for life  
Years ago

^^^^ still only have 14 game's at home next season, not playing every team 4 time's. 28 game season again.

Reply #741152 | Report this post

Years ago

Because that is good parity

Reply #741155 | Report this post

Years ago

Initial concerns look real. It's just not a good configuration for basketball. Amenities might be better but the actual watching experience is worse. My seats appear much further away than previous and again a fair price jump to move in a similar position. After the Creek situation I was thinking about dropping off, now this makes me contemplate if I just use that cash to get fox TV and go to select games when I want.

Reply #741160 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

It does make fox tv look good. get it in HD for 12 months apll sport for less than 2 good 36er seats.

Reply #741161 | Report this post

Years ago

I went down to have a look this evening and I'm considering doing the same Joshuapending. I could buy 3 yearly subscriptions to NBA League Pass and still have money left over to watch the Sixers on Foxtel for the same price as two Gold Plus season tickets will cost me! Can anyone tell me what a Crows or Power Gold Plus equivalent would cost for reference?

I have corner seats on the ground level (Gold Plus) and as I suspected, those in the corners will have to crane their necks one way all game, since their seats do not directly face the court. The difference in height from tier to tier at the ground level appears less than at Adelaide Arena, so your view is more likely to be impacted by those in front.

If anyone at Sixers management is reading this thread, I urge you to look into how you can get different portable stands that have steeper tiers and eliminate the corner problems by going to an octagonal seating plan, instead of the current rectangular one. I would've thought the Entertainment Centre could find other events where it could use such stands as well? I've been to two concerts that used the current ground level stands and they weren't very good for viewing at those events either!

Reply #741162 | Report this post

Years ago

Hate to to say it, but the Sixers Admin couldn't give a stuff if we the idiots who have supported the club with membership for 20+ years aren’t happy with our new seats! They now have a stadium (which must be cheaper or they would not have moved) and this venue has 2,000 more seats that can be empty because of the budget team they will put on the floor. We couldn’t fill the Arena except for grand finals, so what is the point of moving to bigger venue? A venue that is not designed for basketball viewing. It’s a concert hall - not a basketball stadium. Going by other posters here, membership will go down not up

Reply #741166 | Report this post

Years ago

At the price of totally giving SFA for their Womens team which was totally mismanaged. Enjoy the price rise.

Reply #741169 | Report this post

Years ago

Should Lightning play out of one of the new stadiums

Reply #741179 | Report this post

Big Vic  
Years ago

Of course they are unhappy, it is Adelaide....

Reply #741183 | Report this post

Years ago

Go from going down two sets of stairs to going up 16.
It is a huge difference to some of the older people who attend games.
Oh well looks like I have an excuse to upgrade seats.

Reply #741184 | Report this post

Years ago

What goes up must come down, FM. (Well, except ticket prices.)

Reply #741186 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't think we're staying long at the Entertainment Centre long.

Reply #741192 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep that would be better. Seems like it might be a gap year to to get out of the powerhouse agreement. One can only hope.

Reply #741196 | Report this post

Years ago

Does anyone have a current seating plan for the AEC?

Reply #741198 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #741200 | Report this post

Years ago

Of course they are unhappy, it is Adelaide....

Money, even small amounts, seems to be a huge issue for them.

Reply #741204 | Report this post

Lightning Fan  
Years ago

Well, after reading comments here and 6ers FB page, percentage seems to swing to unhappy with seats and court configuration and members trying to downgrade and move seats.

Has also highlighted I certainly will be waiting to see a schedule and confirmation of playing roster and coach appointments.

Heartily sick of the cut and paste reply We have six players already signed for the 2019-20 seasons: Yada yada yada Stay tuned for more signings soon.

Yep staying tuned but we are mid April now, players are generally here around end of Auguat at latest, is this our starting five? we need another what 4 - 5 signings
Cmon 6ers Lets go

Reply #741205 | Report this post

Years ago

Heartily sick of the cut and paste reply We have six players already signed for the 2019-20 seasons: Yada yada yada Stay tuned for more signings soon.

Are we in that bad a position?

Wildcats have 7.
United I think have 5.
Cairns had 2 and even then Rob Loe left citing the lack of a barber in town, now plus Deng.

Reply #741209 | Report this post

Years ago

Like for like? More like "like for shite".

Hello Foxtel. 36ers don't care about their players after what they did to Mitch last year and how they are treating us fans this year shows they don’t care about us either.

Trigg strikes again!


Reply #741212 | Report this post

Years ago

United got two, McCarron and Goulding plus McDaniel lifted off the dp list, so three. Adelaide are only one two pieces off a very good side.

Reply #741213 | Report this post

Lightning Fan  
Years ago

yes we are in that bad a position, not a leader amongst that lot, may have moments of brilliant play between them but not consistent at the moment, DJ surely on his last legs, Froling possible NBA out, Drmic, Wiley hot heads that lose their basketball brain, McVeigh - undecided.

Again still staying tuned for those 'signings'

Reply #741214 | Report this post

Lightning Fan  
Years ago

Sorry forgot Moore

Reply #741215 | Report this post

Years ago

McVeigh is staying. He is also 100% confident that Froling will be there, and that Adelaide will be serious contenders again. He also said that Randle definitely won't be there!

Reply #741217 | Report this post

Returned from viewing my seat today and my conclusion is anyone who is a gold member is getting screwed here, myself included. Everyone is moving further back to cater for the 10m of width from the court line until the actual first rows unless you sit court side no doubt they'll just give most of those away to Eddie Betts, Chalmers and co as Im sure not many actually pay the asking price for those.

AOE is just a crap venue for a basketball game. Prime seats would be on the center court but you got these massive entrance doors either side that chew up 5 rows of decent seats! The mezzanine seats look like the only decent seats and there's a whole 1 row of them thousands of people will probably request.

And if you are sitting in the gold plus section, good luck seeing much if you have a tall person in front of you due to the very shallow incline on each row, goes up about 15cm per row I reckon.

I cant see how this is a better alternative to a purpose built stadium we had! Sick of hearing the comparisons to what Adelaide Oval did to footy, or we need a capacity to compete with Perth, Melbourne and Sydney. Give us a product worth watching and one that's in demand first!

Reply #741222 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Years ago

Just really disappointing how many business mistakes have been made with this move.

Apart from the obvious disappointment that a lot of people are feeling with the seating quality downgrade, all seating is now further away not to mention for instance all gold plus seats have very obscured viewing, unless you are sitting behind multiple small young children.

No ability to change your seat in real time, even though this was done 27 or so years ago with the Apollo to Powerhouse move. How many sales will be lost because of this?

No one in the car park area, and no explanation of the change in the parking arrangements, but with the doubling of available car parking at a reduced cost, this is clearly a win win point that was not explained or presented in any way at the open day.

No adoptions of the lessons learned from the Sydney move to their entertainment centre [courtside box problems] or adoptions of lessons learned from the Perth Entertainment Centre move [ seating missing on one side ] Entertainment Centres are multipurpose designed to get people in and out quickly, to have good lighting and sound, but not designed for viewing, sports atmosphere or support, and this has not addressed either directly or indirectly,

And just generally too few staff supporting the open day, and those staff present are all 'the workers', management did not have any boots on the floor. Management need to understand that they have many members from many strong business areas, members themselves are a resource that is no longer getting tapped into, but are now being marginalised in favour of reducing costs, pandering to TV and the generic entertainment model that does not suit the devoted hard core basketball sports fans.

Reply #741223 | Report this post

Years ago

"Heartily sick of the cut and paste reply We have six players already signed for the 2019-20 seasons: Yada yada yada Stay tuned for more signings soon."

"Are we in that bad a position?

Wildcats have 7.
United I think have 5.
Cairns had 2 and even then Rob Loe left citing the lack of a barber in town, now plus Deng."

Actually, it's more that we aren't in a great position, because we have signed too many players! Should have held off on at least one of Wiley and Moore. Not enough import slots to fill out a balanced roster now.

Joshuapending, it'll be more than a gap year according to the Sixers GM, who I spoke to at the AEC on Friday. He said he expects its 6 years away or so.

Reply #741224 | Report this post

Double Clutch  
Years ago

Some of the above comments spot on. My gold plus seats will have a ridiculously obstructed view. The baseline seating has a even smaller slant that the sidelines (yes I measured it). I have no idea how you could justify $500 + when you won't be able to see most of the court. Mezzanine gives the best value but everyone will be after a very limited amount of tickets there.

Gold plus behind the basket at the Powerhouse used to be silver pricing. That's about where it should be.

Family next to me have gone from $1,500 to $2,500 in costs in 2 years. My tickets up 40% in 2 seasons with a worse view.

Reply #741225 | Report this post

Years ago

"Everyone is moving further back to cater for the 10m of width from the court line until the actual first rows unless you sit court side no doubt they'll just give most of those away to Eddie Betts, Chalmers and co as Im sure not many actually pay the asking price for those."

I agree, this is a gigantic mistake. Having the two VIP rows courtside, then a giant gap back to the stands, followed by three rows of corporate seats sees the closest members MILES from the court! Even then, the first two rows of members are for Platinum ticket holders, which is $360 more per ticket than Gold Plus!

Also, because the two VIP rows are on court level and are so close to the court, the people in those seats are likely to obscure the view of those in the ground floor stands, which don't rise high enough. The VIP seats should be closer to the stands and the stands should tier up more steeply IMO. While I'm not surprised that this is the case right now, I REALLY hope management considers these issues and looks at how they can get more suitable stands in future.

Less looking after the imaginary VIPs and more looking after the members who support the club year in year out!

Reply #741226 | Report this post

Years ago

Just got back and agree with everything Legacy said. Gold member that got the shaft, looked at gold plus and they are actually worse i think than some gold tickets. The amount of room from court to seats is just too much to overcome, if the upstairs seats overhang the floor seats it would be great but they don't and you are just pushed way back.

Re parking Balling Fan, that was explained at my session so maybe just an over site there. Did speak to Ben who to be fair was pretty good, admitted teething issues, lots of "discussion" with fans on the gold seats. Said 2 oz players in talks, 1 confident. Bid in with Trimble but cant compete if Melb make a serious offer now Ware is in Sydney.

I want to go as i have for 20+ years but i'm just not convinced it will be a fun experience.

Reply #741228 | Report this post

Joshau, Ballin, Beantown all spot on

Really dont want to give up my membership but this just feels like we are being taken on a ride. The only move this is good for is the imaginary VIPs and corporates

Reply #741229 | Report this post

Years ago

Just back from looking at my seat allocation the placement of the gold plus seats is way to shallow sat behind another member who was 6'3" and viewing is the back of the head stuff. Mezzanine definitely the best viewin seat followed by gold first two/three row on the east west sides. Have asked to downgrade to the gold seats as I want to see the game and concede we are going to be further away but I won't be looking at the back of someone's head so I am good with that.

Best foot forward is to miss every second tier in the gold plus section that would allow enough look over for everyone but that is not going to happen.

Reply #741230 | Report this post

Years ago

Well I hope people still attend games. The thing that scares me most is we move, the crowds don't improve from TA days amd we bleed money.

We bleed money. Can't afford to field a competitive product, vicious cycle begins.

Reply #741234 | Report this post

Years ago

I think what the management is banking on is people will have a whinge about the hike and regression of viewing quality but balance it off with better transportation options and just accept the new norm.

If we took three years of Marty Clarke, we can just about bear anything.

Reply #741236 | Report this post

Years ago

Lovebroker I think you are onto it. Overheard them talking to another ticket holder and they said they talked to the Crows and Power and they had lots of complaints and basically just said to people, experience a game and then come talk to us, then their phones did not ring that much after people actually went. The issue i have with that is that an peoples proximity to the oval is pretty similar from venue to venue, where we have a big drop of atmosphere with the huge gap now from the court to the majority of seats.

Reply #741239 | Report this post

Years ago

Thank God we have Wiley to get that 9000 crowd amped with his flexing and bicep pointing.

Reply #741241 | Report this post

Years ago

Went and had a look today - great venue for concerts, but unless you want to be on court level looking into the back of someone's head, you can sit up in the rafters! They missed out on a great marketing opportunity - imagine if they had signed a gun and announced that now while people are considering whether they renew or not.

Instead we get to hear that they are announcing Teys has signed on for two more years! What the hell for?

Reply #741244 | Report this post

Years ago

So where now are all the knockers of TSA. Complaining about facilities. Complaining about sound system. Complaining about scoreboard. Complaining about poor transport. Complaining about carparking. So over the negative attitude. It is wait it is. Make the best I'd it. So not renewing tickets is going to be your protest. That's not really going to help be finding struggling to get sponsors equals no club. Bloody get off your arses and support or shut the f up. Be constructive.

Reply #741252 | Report this post

Years ago

This management / ownership is a joke.

The best thing for this club is to boycott going and cause an ownership change. They don't care about players, fans, or the club.

As fans we had a purpose built stadium that was a fortress. Now you are probably closer to the action watching it on Foxtel.

It’s time for fans to vote with their feet and boycott this season attending the games. Or else support the administration that tries to ruin loyal players careers and couldn’t give a stuff about fans.


Reply #741254 | Report this post

Years ago

Supporting the Club's poor decisions enables the management, which hurts the club.

Boycotting the games hurts the club.

It's hard for us to win.

Reply #741255 | Report this post

Years ago

Lovebroker the club will get a new management and new owner if there is a boycott. And then we can start again as a club. Not this rubbish we have been given by the current mob. One step back, two steps forward.


Reply #741256 | Report this post

Lightning Fan  
Years ago

'Bloody get off your arses and support or shut the f up. Be constructive.'

Really!! Don't tell me to stfu, as a long term member I expect some respect and communication if they want my dollars. Constructive - hard to be contructive when communication is so poor.

My understanding is 6ers MISmanagement are banking on Port and Crows info that initial complaints will die down and people will just accept the inevitable.

Hey numb nuts Basketball v Football different sports doh

AFL you accept half the action is at the other end of the oval, NBL you expect closer action to the court.
Totally agree they appear to be catering to corporates rather than long term members.
'We bleed money. Can't afford to field a competitive product, vicious cycle begins.'

We already bleed money if you listen to previous excuses about budget

Reply #741257 | Report this post

Years ago

Yesterdays Advertiser had an article about the government choosing between 2 options for a multi-purpose venue(basketball/tennis) in the city,so the entertainment center saga probably will go on for less than 5 years.Just make sure our opinions are taken into consideration before it is built.

Reply #741314 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a shame and having experienced the moves from Subiaco to Burswood and Challenge to Perth Arena, you want to use the exercise to drive excitement and lure new members - not alienate.

Tough position for Adelaide, especially with the silence of the 36ers on court versus what is happening in other teams. If they are positioning themselves for a big signing or a homecoming - better start getting that narrative going.

Personally, would of been better to sit on the signing of Teys and Wright is a back him or sack him scenario. I'm really concerned that Adelaide are going to implode if they time a new stadium with a downturn in talent and ladder position.

Going to the Arena was an excellent move as it reminded me of the Ent Centre atmosphere (able to be darkened) but better seats and the re-development of the city around the Arena helps make it a place to go out before & after - however it is the quality of viewing & team performance that must underpin this.

Good luck to the fans, hope the game day experience is better than the introduction to the stadium.

Comp needs a competitive Adelaide.

Reply #741359 | Report this post

Years ago

"Maxymoo “ the club has told us that we are in for a great experience because of the great sound system, padded seats and air conditioning ..............won't be able to see shit, but we will be comfortable. Oh, I forgot to mention - if we drive into the city or Glenelg, we can catch a tram to the AEC! Awesome!

Reply #741406 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

padded seats ? not in my Gold Plus ?

Reply #741413 | Report this post

Years ago

The new ad depicting how happy 36er fans were at the open day put up on the clubs socials last night is amusing. Wonder how many people they had to interview to find three that were 'happy' with the move and their new seats.

Reply #741809 | Report this post

Years ago

"however it is the quality of viewing & team performance that must underpin this."

Never a truer word spoken. The move to the AEC will only succeed if the team is good and the fans can get a good view of the action. All of the other stuff is insignificant in comparison.

Reply #741817 | Report this post

Years ago

Must I admit I wondered the same thing, if over 85% of members attended over 3 days and they could only film 3 with positive comments,

Reply #741831 | Report this post

Years ago

Any word on when they will be letting members know about seat changes?

Reply #742401 | Report this post

Years ago

Post season, what was everyone's thoughts?

I was one who dropped tickets. Massive increase on price over two years and were given seats in Gold Plus with restricted views. We bought tickets near where our seats were allocated for one game and my wife struggled to see the match.

As much as we miss it, not buying tickets was the correct decision if we can't see the court.

Also got some seats in GA for a game and it was like we weren't even in the same stadium we were so far back. Viewing experience was awful.

However it seems the move has attracted plenty of people new to the sport so it worked out for management anyway.

Reply #805627 | Report this post

Years ago

"Also got some seats in GA for a game and it was like we weren't even in the same stadium we were so far back. Viewing experience was awful."

Went to 3 home games, 1 silver I think, 2 GA. The GA was just as good as the silver and cheaper. The GA view was great in comparison to TSA.

I found the AEC view better, seats more comfortable, and valued the the aircon as it was 40C odd for some of those games.

Better view and cheaper I think, than that of Melbourne United and SEM Phoenix games at Melbourne Arena that I went to over the same season

Reply #805675 | Report this post

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