(from PeterJohn)
Years ago
Application of the Bench Cap
A few hours ago
"Although getting the bench under the cap would be interesting as ****"
Not sure that will be a problem for any team this season. AFAIK the changes for next season's salary cap should be:
- The cap for lowest paid 5 players will be 40% of the salary floor.
- The salary floor will be 90% of the soft cap.
- The soft cap will be the average team spend for the season just gone (just under $1.7million).
So floor of ~$1.5million and cap on lowest 5 paid players of $600,000. i.e., average salary of $120,000 per player in that lowest paid five. Average salary for a non restricted player for the season just gone was ~$122,000.
So teams should be able to pay some of those end of the bench guys a shedload more than last season and still get under that cap. The question is whether the advent of a new team will drive locals' asking salaries up substantially or not, creating a bidding war for some of the better locals and limiting the money left to fill out the 9th-11th spots.