Years ago

Wright Provides Update on Coaching Future and Sobey’s Status

When I read this I was both happy and anxious.

Happy that it seems from the article that Wright is staying on and is eager to build a team that plays exciting basketball that can fill the new home.

However Sobey's situation is still up in the air and it seems Wright is quite blasé about whether or not he re-signs.

This could be his (Wright's) poker face but we don't know if its because Sobey is cool to coming back.

SEM with Sobey and Creek would be box office as a product, but Sobey knows and thrives under Wright's system. Sixers can also pay so why not stay?

Other things that make me nervous are statements like....

""I'm not worried at all, I’ve never been a slave to talent," Wright said."

I guess he is at least true to his word, that's how we got Ebi Ere and Adris Deleon.

Equally concerning is...

“To me it’s always been more important to be about the group than the individual.

Wright has allowed players last year to play selfishly largely unchecked.

2 seasons before last we lost to the Hawks in the SF due to Randle hero ball.

While last season was more team oriented, this season just passed was back to more selfish basketball.

Topic #44989 | Report this topic

Years ago

They talked about this on NBL overtime today and it seemed like a high probability that sobey would not be returning

Reply #738920 | Report this post

Years ago

It's about having a culture, if Sobey dousnt want to buy in then see you later. The problem this season was they looked like they weren't tight with each other, Creek demanded this but loss of Childress was huge in getting players to buy in.
Whats Joey going to do, beg Sobey to stay? Joey was the one who's made him the player he is. Every year the team is written off with budget constraints but they are around the mark.
Joey wants the players proud to put the jersey on, if not piss off then, think of all the great sporting cultures in the world, it's about the system not the individual.

Reply #738921 | Report this post

Years ago

Olgun Uluc is claiming that Sobey is leaving because Wright is sticking around.

Reply #738922 | Report this post

Years ago

From the tweet - "Regarding Nathan Sobey: expect him to have a new home for the 2019-20 NBL season. It wasn't ever a money thing; it was a Joey thing. I’m told that Joey Wright’s decision to stay put was the nail in the coffin of Sobey's time in Adelaide"

Reply #738923 | Report this post

Years ago

End of the day, Joey may have a bit more money than a few years back, but he wouldn't be able to match what SEM are offering. So he wants guys who want to be there. And he generally does a good job, of both recruiting and building a team.

Reply #738924 | Report this post

Years ago

I know Wright has given Sobey a roasting at times but no one on that team gets spared a spray.

If true this is a great concern that the coach is preventing a good player from re-signing.

I know this is moot as Wright has 3 more years, but if given the choice would you choose Sobey to stay or Wright to stay?

Reply #738925 | Report this post

Years ago

I really hope to see Sobey at SEM.

Reply #738927 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd take Sobey over Joey. I’m sick of the way Joey carries on and was hoping he’d leave.

Reply #738928 | Report this post

Years ago

Rumour is:

Sobey signed

Is now trying to back out of the deal by adding extra clauses

NBL has been told that he has a signed contract and can't change it

Sobey retaliates that he will sit out then

Mystery rumour regarding Joey being difficult created to put pressure on 36ers to release Sobey

Sobey to SEM or G League under same management as Creek

Reply #738938 | Report this post

Years ago

Joey made Sobey, but if all above said is true can understand his wanting to leave. What I don't understand why if true did he sign a contract, he knew Wright had a three year contract. If I’m Adelaide I’m making him Honor it or sit out though.

Reply #738944 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

IMHO , and purly from observation, Wright's preffered culture is WW, (Worship Wright). He seems to view this as "loyalty to the cause" and a good thing. I see it as populating his bench with yes men.

Being (W)right is what he gets off on, wasn't like that in Brisbane , as he did not really have to coach much.

Yes, this can get players motivated and developed, but it gets old within a few seasons.
I'd expect to see creek and Sobey to break out again nex season if together in Melb.

Reply #738945 | Report this post

Years ago

"It's about having a culture, if Sobey doesn't want to buy in then see you later."
I would suspect that he doesn't want to buy into the Joey culture.

Why would he want to go to a new team with an unproven coach still amazes me.
Maybe he simply dislikes Joey that much that he wants out anyway.

Reply #738949 | Report this post

Years ago

KB3, good story, I guess starting a rumour may help you feel good about getting a response?

Reply #738952 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks anon for reminding why I shouldn't visit or post on this site anymore. Full of dickheads. Used to be a good site, now over run with idiots.

Reply #738955 | Report this post

Years ago

If Adelaide is losing Sobey, maybe they'd like to take Cadee off Brisbane's hands. He used to be touted as the future Australian point guard, so you know he's good.

Reply #738958 | Report this post

Years ago

"Mystery rumour regarding Joey being difficult created to put pressure on 36ers to release Sobey"

That certainly fits given one person who is pushing that angle is well known for doing agents bidding in public.

Reply #738963 | Report this post

Years ago

I see the posts about the supposed reason behind Sobey not wanting to play under Joey have been deleted. Not good.

I think this pretty much rules out much chance of Sobey playing with SEM or anywhere else in the NBL next season. As if the Sixers would let him out of his contract to sign with a rival team.

Reply #738964 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we trust that the Sixer's actually know if he has a contract signed or not?

Reply #738968 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

"Can we trust that the Sixer's actually know if he has a contract signed or not?"

would not be surprised if they did have a signed contract, but found out that its invalid because they spelt the name wrong ;)

Reply #738971 | Report this post

Years ago

KB3...that is a pretty wild rumour.

Let's think about this for a moment, if Joey being gone is one of Sobey's main requirements (ie important enough that you'd want to sit out), why would he sign before Joey is officially gone?

Does he have an Euro out clause? It might be his saviour but we won't see him for a couple of seasons.

Reply #738981 | Report this post

Years ago

Sobey re-signing for 3 years and now having second thoughts was mentioned by Boti last week.

Reply #738982 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

He may have re-signed when the relationship with the coach was considerably better.

It only takes one altercation in the heat of the moment to damage a relationship beyond repair.

Reply #738983 | Report this post

Years ago

If grown men who are meant to be professionals and have a decent history get that buthurt from one altercation, then that makes them pretty weak and un-professional.

Reply #738985 | Report this post

Years ago

Did they spell his name right on the contract #jingles

Reply #738989 | Report this post

Years ago

KB3, SMH at your "rumour". Get some solid info, and return.

Reply #739019 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm ambivalent about both at this point! Joey is a good coach and has got some good results on the board after the abysmal Marty Clarke era, but he has his flaws and I have my doubts he can get any more out of our best players at this point. We have top Australian talent, but we STILL can't play defence and we STILL aren't good at attacking our opponents weaknesses on offence.

I've heard rumours that Joey wants out, but hasn't found the right landing place back in the US yet. Not ideal if your coach doesn't really have his heart in it anymore!

The long contract is a massive problem, but its not every day a coach like Beveridge becomes available, so part of me would like the Sixers to pursue that path. The other part thinks Joey could still get us that elusive title if we can get the right imports.

I love Sobey's passion and defence and he can be electric when his offence is on, but I just don't think he has the court awareness and all the skills he needs to be our lead guard and closer. Moore is the same - he's a good player, but not a lead guard. Both players have similar skillsets, but neither is a knockdown three point shooter. It makes it hard to play them both together.

Personally, I would have preferred to keep Sobey and let Moore go, but the Sixers have already signed Moore and from the rumours I heard, something definitely went bad between Sobey and Joey or the team during the season. So if we can get a Bryce Cotton or Melo Trimble or similar, then I don't think it would be a disaster to lose Sobey. It would be a better story though, if Sobey returns to the team that built him as a player and takes another big step forward, helping to win the Sixers a title.

Reply #739023 | Report this post

Years ago

If that rumor is true I'd like to see the Sixers owner take a stand and sack Joey tell him if he wants a payout to see him in court and back Sobey in. He's now the closest thing we've got to a "home grown" star the fans love him.

After Creek leaving we can't afford to lose Sobey as well especially if Joey say quits after next season anyway does a year penance and then comes back to the NBL in 2021 when the Perth, Brisbane, Sydney & SE Melb jobs could potentially be up for grabs again.

Reply #739025 | Report this post

Years ago

The long contract is a massive problem, but its not every day a coach like Beveridge becomes available, so part of me would like the Sixers to pursue that path.

Agreed.....if someone guaranteed me Bevo and Sobey's signature, I would let Wright walk. Not because Wright is bad or Bevo is much better but right now it's Wright or Sobey, and Bevo has a focus on defence.

The other part thinks Joey could still get us that elusive title if we can get the right imports.

Thats the other part for me as well.....2 seasons ago we were one Childress injury and one headbutt away from a good crack at a championship.

Reply #739026 | Report this post

Years ago

Zodiac, I missed what was said on Hoops about the Joey/ Sobey incident. Are you able to give me the gist of what was said without it getting taken down?

Reply #739027 | Report this post

Years ago

After Creek leaving we can't afford to lose Sobey as well

The impact of losing Sobey cannot be underestimated. Obviously we are all happy for Creek but losing Sobey to an opposition team would be devastating. As a supporter who can we say is our star? DJ has hit his plateau, Moore and Wiley are not gun imports, Drmic and Deng don't seem ready as yet. Other than the love of the team who am I going to see? If the opening hand the Sixers are going to play is Adris Deleon, that can be deflating.

If the Sixers get a Trimble or a Trice then that is something else.

Reply #739029 | Report this post

Years ago

Lovebroker, I agree - if Childress didn't get that freak injury, I think we'd have won the series. This last season has shown how much difference he made on defence. IIRC the Sixers had the best defensive FG% in the league in the 2nd half of that season. We were nowhere close to that in the season just gone!

Reply #739030 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes that season we played the best defence under Wright plus our trademark high octane offence and it got us to within one game.

So you know Wright 'has it in him', but why can't he achieve it year in year out?

This season pass we should have done better on D, we have Sobey, Wiley, Deng, and Froling's size.

I would have liked to keep Shorter rather than Deleon as the better defender.

Reply #739031 | Report this post

Years ago

If we can spend the money Sobey would be after on a gun import PG than im ok with losing Sobey, I dont think he was ever going to be a championship winning PG and is quite erratic with his play, but his best is very good

I still think a starting line up of

Stud Import PG (could basically combine Conger and Sobeys salary and get the best player we can)

is pretty solid and as good or better than this year depending on how good the import PG is (basically Sobey and Conger out for a gun import PG and the best Aussie we can get with the money left over, even if another young guy), and we only missed playoffs on % so not all doom and gloom

Reply #739033 | Report this post

Years ago

Funny how we can say Sobey is our only star yet we just missed out on top 4 and we could have beaten any one of them. Sobey is great for a highlight or 2 but with all that talent what has he done. Until Joey found him why hadn't he been picked up? How come we attract young talent like Drmic, Froling and McVeigh, certainly not the Adelaide lifestyle. They want to play, learn and be pushed by Joey. He's the reason we've had the success lately, havnt won the big one but been damn close with a young team. Sure he's abrasive, but so is Popovich, dousnt accept crap and dousnt cosy up to media. He's there to win. Sobeys had his head filled with all the shit how great he is, for every highlight dunk there's 3 bad shots and Joey holds him accountable. Let him go and get a hungry local in. Only criticism you could have of Wright is his import selection, hopefully he picks some good ones this time, Deleon and Conger were bad fits.

Reply #739035 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #739038 | Report this post

Years ago

A lot of people blaming Joey which is unwarranted in my opinion.

Creek leaving and the debacle surrounding that wasn't Joey's fault.

Sobey has a lot of talent but is a hot head and isn't the best decision maker. He cost us games last season. When the game is on the line you don't want him with the ball making decisions.

If you keep Sobey (ideally you do) you play him at SG and get a good import PG next to him.

I don't think you keep him at the expense of Joey though. Joey has brought success and young talent to the team which has kept us competitive & developing with a budget much less than a number of teams. He has been the key to the signings of Deng, Froling, Drmic, Mcveigh, Sobey and is the key to future signings such as Isaac White should he not get drafted to the NBA.

Next season could be a lean one if we lose Sobey and considering the imports we already have signed (limiting the moves we can make) but after that I think it is looking up...especially as the likes of Drmic, Froling Mcveigh will have been in the system a couple of seasons and further developed.

Reply #739043 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac White if not drafted into the NBA....ha, ha, ha.
Might get a DP NBL spot somewhere and just as likely to be back playing for Sturt in Premier League. Drafted into the NBA....

Reply #739045 | Report this post

Years ago

Tornado, I agree there are a lot of good things about Joey as a coach. As I said though, he has his flaws. The team seems unable to consistently play either a high level of defence, or to exploit opponents weaknesses on offence. Ultimately those things are on the coach. It's not a case of blaming Joey for all the ills of the team, but I think some criticism is warranted.

Reply #739046 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon...I have no idea how good Isaac actually is or could be but he seems to be doing alright in college at the moment.

Beantown...wasn't saying Joey wasn't without his flaws (every coach and player is) was just saying that he is copping a lot of blame for things outside of his control or because players don't want to take ownership of their own flaws/attitude/actions.

Reply #739053 | Report this post

Vic Wildcat  
Years ago

Playing Sobey at point guard is flat out wrong and was a mistake , he is a finisher. I'm glad they kept him there during the year, having him as the finisher on the break would have been scary.

Reply #739061 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree and which 5 players are on the floor as well as which positions each one is playing are 100% coaching decisions

Reply #739063 | Report this post

Years ago

Tornado...White avs 8 min a game, 3.1 pts, 1 reb, 0.3 assists for Stanford this year. They were an ordinary Div 1 team and came 10th in their conference. So getting drafted to NBA is a stretch!

Reply #739065 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide need gun point guard even if it means letting Sobey go.

Reply #739066 | Report this post

Years ago

Tornado - Isaacs playing time halved his sophomore year down to 8 minutes a game on a 15-16 team in what turned out to be a mediocre conference this year.

He is barely on an NBL radar let alone an NBA radar.

Reply #739067 | Report this post

Years ago

but after that I think it is looking up...especially as the likes of Drmic, Froling Mcveigh will have been in the system a couple of seasons and further developed.

I expected Deng and Drmic to step up this year with Creek gone. It did not happen. I hope they can have a better year which may happen especially if Drmic Sobey minutes if Sobey leaves.

Reply #739076 | Report this post

Years ago

Deng regressed because he is not a good one on one defender, he was getting smoked by Vague and Moller during the season. Good offensive player, and can block shots when camped under the ring because of his length, but can get exploited on the defensive end.

Reply #739080 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide and Melbourne should swap Deng and Moller around.

Reply #739083 | Report this post

Years ago

Are you able to give me the gist of what was said without it getting taken down?

Probably not lol I'm unsure if the posts relating to it were deleted because they were BS or the possible threat of legal action but you alluded to something happening between the pair during the season, this was just the identifying of that something which gives more credence to it's validity I suppose.

Reply #739086 | Report this post

Years ago

Like I said...not sure of how good Isaac is or can be, I was just going off info of him pre-Stanford (I didn't compile this by the way);

• Regarded as one of Australia's top prospects
• Led South Australia to the 2017 national title
• Averaged 20.9 points, while also leading his national team in assists, free throws (80)
• Posted a 53.6 shooting percentage from three-point range
• Led his South Australia team in scoring each of the his two years at the Under 20 Junior Championships
• Led his Under-18 Australian team to a 50-3 record, defeating some of the country's top teams in the Melbourne Classic tournament
• Named the Premier League's top Under 21 player
• Averaged 15.0 points his first season and nearly 30.0 points last season
• Posted a 65-point performance (10 three-pointers) against West Adelaide
• Proved himself on the national level with dominant performances for the Australian National team at the Albert Schweitzer Tournament and FIBA Oceania Championship

Reply #739087 | Report this post

Isaac Purple  
Years ago

Are you using domestic youth league stats as a case for Isaac to make the NBA LOL ??

Reply #739090 | Report this post

Years ago

The White Zion right there.

Reply #739092 | Report this post

Years ago

Gotta be honest, I always get a bit querulous when I read comments about players leaving because they had an argument with the coach.
Is this the under 12's?
Different if a player honestly believes the coach is bad for the team and can't lead them to a championship, but I don't feel that can be the case with Joey. Otherwise, unless he has been diddling Sobey's GF, Sobey needs to suck it up.

Joey, from what I've seen, would make a great College coach. All offence, lots of passion, and highlights. That said, it also seems to be a style most Adelaide fans appreciate, and maybe his philosophy is correct. If you haven't got the money to win every game, at least keep the fans entertained and passionate.

Joey, by and large is great at spotting and developing talent. Some of his picks have been inspired.
That said, a few have been questionable, and some don't seem like the right fit. I can only assume he's severely budget constrained and looking for diamonds in the rough.

Reply #739104 | Report this post

Years ago

Tornado - be careful who you listen to. Plenty of hyperbole out there.

Reply #739105 | Report this post

Years ago

Tornado - who knows??? Time will tell what this young man's ceiling is.

But one thing is 100% sure no one posting here is qualified to make an assessment on him, other than spitting out and interpreting stats without any real knowledge or insights.

The level he is competing at right now and his achievements to date are more than anyone making the comments above will ever play at or coach at. And 20 plus years ago doesn't count either LOL. If that wasn't the case I doubt they would feel the need to even comment here.

So yes anonymous states above - be careful who you listen to.

Reply #739113 | Report this post

Years ago

People (not all) aren't listening and just love to troll/be negative clairvoyants so...ok.

Reply #739130 | Report this post

Years ago

Just to add a little weight to the rumours previously mentioned here, Boti is reporting that Sobey has signed something called a 'Heads of Agreement document' (I don't know what that is or how binding it is), and is now looking to back out.

The quote : JUST repeating, the word around Adelaide is Nathan Sobey signed a Heads of Agreement document with the 36ers to play for the club for the next three years but is having second thoughts.

Let's say it's true and the Sixers could hold Sobey to the contract. Should the sixers hold someone to a contract if they have no heart in playing for the team?

Reply #739199 | Report this post

Years ago

Mitch Creek is doubtful to play for SEMP so Sobey might join them, Mitch and Sobey are good mates.

Reply #739203 | Report this post

Years ago

Heads of agreement documents are non-biding anyways so he won't have any problems backing out.

Reply #739208 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry Trev, that makes no sense. If it was the other way around and Creek was playing there then it would be attractive for Sobey to sign there. But if he isnt there why being mates make it attractive?

Reply #739220 | Report this post

Years ago

Just my opinion.

But I think Sobey will leave as he can probably get more money elsewhere than what Adelaide are able to offer

Also, re Isaac White - it is never a good sign when your minutes get less in college from one year to the next. It is usually a sign that the coach has assessed you and is planning on life without you.

That doesn't mean to say the young lad can’t play, but the opinion of the coach is what counts even if the coach gets it wrong.

For his sake, I believe he is a smart young man, so I hope he completes his eductIon at Stanford as that is a highly regarded academic institute.

Reply #739295 | Report this post

Years ago

I would let Sobey go.

I would combine Sobey and Congo's salary and sign a stud point guard.

I think Drimic is ready to be given far more responsibility and could become a 15/16 PPG starting guard. This would cover the loss of Sobey

1) Stud point guard '/ Teys / Doyle
2) Import / Moore
3) Drimic / McVeigh
4) Wiley / Dang
5) DJ / Frolling or a young NCAA Australia pivot if Frolling goes NBA or G League.

I’m not overly fussed id Sobey leaves as he is extremely unreliable with the ball in his hand down the stretch but whatever happens, we need to sign a reliable point guard who can be that playmaker in trhe final 5 minutes.

Sobey leaves more becomes a 100% shooting guard. Get the ball out of his hands.

Reply #739296 | Report this post

Years ago

Drmic a point guard and then you list him at 3??? And you've listed 4 imports. Got no Idea champ.

Reply #739299 | Report this post

Years ago

PPG= points per game not point guard.
If Sobey goes Adelaide are screwed.

Reply #739301 | Report this post

Years ago

Joey is a good enough coach that if Sobey goes with a bit of astute recruiting they will be fine. They are very solid in the 5&4, Johnson and Wiley, should find an athletic defensive 3-4, Moore back up 2-3, Drimic at the 2. Spend all there money on a point guard ie Ware style but probably bit more pass first. Try keep Froling as back up 5.

Reply #739304 | Report this post

Years ago

The best teams it seems to me are playing a dedicated PG, and a combo in the 2 spot. As such I feel that is where Sobey is best suited.
I think a backcourt in which he's paired with a gun PG would be top shelf.
As such I'e never quite understood why Joey persist with Moore. Is he just really cheap?

Losing Sobey might actually improve their structure, but the problem is that replacing quality locals is extremely difficult. Not sure who's available on the FA list.
Joey is good at identifying and developing young talent, but it takes time. You can't keep haemorrhaging talent like Creek and Sobey, and expect to immediately replace them with youth.

Reply #739306 | Report this post

Years ago

"The best teams it seems to me are playing a dedicated PG, and a combo in the 2 spot."

Not saying you're wrong, but Ware and Randle are shoot-first PGs and Cotton could essentially slide to SG because Perth had Martin and Norton. It's an interesting dynamic.

Reply #739308 | Report this post

Years ago

Drimic is an angry man. Just ask the Dandy Rangers. I would place no importance on him to be able to deliver week after week.

Reply #739311 | Report this post

Years ago

Chill pills for Joe lol.

Reply #739317 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes Drimic didn't do himself any favours at Dandenong, even in the nbl he comes over very angry.

Reply #739319 | Report this post

Years ago

Walks a fine line between intensity and over the top aggression. Some attitude coaching from Joe_m might be just what he is missing.

Reply #739321 | Report this post

Years ago

So..... it's a foregone conclusion that Sobey is leaving.

Personally I think this is devastating, first Creek then Sobey. Please noe that I do not hold anyone responsible for their departure, it's just sporting reality.

Right now, other than for supporting the club, there is no draw card.

DJ is a very good player but does not inspire.

Wiley can have flashy highlights but they are irregular.

Froling is probably the one I would enjoy seeing grow as a player.

Unless there is a gum import on the horizon, I fear this could be another lean year for the Sixers.

Disclaimer : I had hoped Drmic and Deng step up but that has not happened so I won't place any hopes in that this year.

Reply #739483 | Report this post

Years ago

"Not saying you're wrong, but Ware and Randle are shoot-first PGs and Cotton could essentially slide to SG because Perth had Martin and Norton. It's an interesting dynamic."

True, both those guys could almost be described as Combos, although Randle is a little short and lacking on D.
But he's partnered with Lisch, who can and has run the point, and just look how much better Melbourne looked starting McCarron. Again, call him a combo may be a big stretch, but he too can and has run the point.

I mean Sobey is a great player, and in a sense its great he gives that flexibility that you can start him at 1 or 2, depending on who else you've got. I just think Adelaide would have been better off with an import PG and Sobey at the 2. (Which I guess is what they tryed for with De Leon?)

Reply #739488 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Sevennews are gonna run the story, tonight exclusive; '36ers keypiece'

Reply #739492 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Wonder if it's Adam Gibson

Reply #739496 | Report this post

Years ago

Kevin Lisch for a bit of vet stability, knockdown shooting and defence?

Either that or another cringeworthy Wright blast from the past.

Reply #739499 | Report this post

Years ago

Free agency hasn't started yet, so they're not going to be announcing any new signings.

Reply #739500 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes that's right.

Must be another 3 years of Nelson Larkins then.

Reply #739501 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Sevennews understands due to Sobey - Wright relationship which included physical in NZ, it is better for Sobey to leave and also understands Brisbane is likely

Reply #739510 | Report this post

Years ago

What physical in NZ?

Reply #739514 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Sixers denied it, when sevennews asked them about it .... sevennews understands it was after the last game against NZ

Reply #739518 | Report this post

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