Years ago

36ers announce move to Entertainment Centre

The Adelaide 36ers will call the Adelaide Entertainment Centre home for the 2019-20 season and beyond, in a coup for South Australian basketball.

The Sixers' move to the new venue catapults basketball to a central stage allowing larger crowds to watch the sport in a location that is easily accessible by public transport.
Full story

Personally think it's a bad move, not a basketball friendly stadium.

Topic #44981 | Report this topic

Years ago

Enjoy the vague topic title while it lasts.

Reply #738620 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not renewing.

Reply #738623 | Report this post

Years ago

Link to story?

Reply #738626 | Report this post

Years ago

I will also not be renewing my two seats if we move . I would have thought a servey of the membership to find out our feelings toward the move should happen before a decision to is made.

Reply #738632 | Report this post

Years ago

Never been to Adelaide but why is there negativity towards the entertainment centre? Im not aware of the financial implications, but isnt the venue more superior?

Correct me if im wrong but I think Adelaide Arena is the oldest full time venue in the league. Wouldnt Sixers fans be keen for a change?

Reply #738633 | Report this post

Years ago

I think a move now is premature. Wait another 5 years for a new multisport stadium near Adelaide Oval to be built and move then

Reply #738638 | Report this post

Years ago

Just based on seeing where the AEC is located there doesn't seem to be a compelling reason to move. It certainly doesn't have all the advantages of some other central city arenas - i.e. proximity to public transport hubs, proximity to CBD foot traffic, proximity to heaps of car parking. The main plus seems to be a few pubs & eateries nearby as opposed to nothing, and potentially functional EFTPOS.
Looking at some Thunderbirds game footage the arena itself looks good. Not a purpose-built basketball stadium of course, but still pretty nice. No doubt more expensive to hire though, and more prone to clashes with concerts & other events.

Reply #738640 | Report this post

Lightning Fan  
Years ago

Could the club please explain how we can afford to move to the Entertainment Centre? I can't imagine it would be a cheap option, what will be required to make it basketball friendly? Aren't we always hearing about budget and financial difficulties? Maybe it was the money they didn't spend on Lightning!

Reply #738643 | Report this post

Years ago

Hopefully catering is a little cheaper

Reply #738647 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide 36ers to leave their home of 27 years and play at the Entertainment Centre from next season
MARCH 17, 2019
The Adelaide 36ers are leaving their home of 27 years to play at the Entertainment Centre from next season.

The NBL club has played at Findon's Adelaide Arena - formerly known as the Powerhouse - since 1992 and its move to the AEC on Port Road is a significant step towards bringing basketball into the city like AFL’s move from West Lakes to Adelaide Oval.

The Sixers hope the new venue that will be more accessible by public transport including the tram line, boasting a bigger capacity of 9915, more advanced lightning and sound systems and catering will make for a better game-day experience for fans.

The club has renegotiated its current contract with Adelaide Arena which had two years left to run and will still use the venue as a training and administration base and to host a pre-season game each year.

It's understood the Adelaide Lightning, which recently changed ownership, will continue to play at the arena.

The 36ers admit the move may mean the cost of season tickets will increase but they will attempt to issue current members with like-for-like seats and have promise them cushioned seats in an airconditioned venue.

The Entertainment Centre, which has hosted national and international netball games in recent years, can accommodate nearly 10,000 basketball fans which is 2000 more than Adelaide Arena, and members can attend an 'open night’ to inspect their seats and request changes.

Adelaide 36ers owner Grant Kelley has been considering the move for two years and was convinced it would work after watching the Thunderbirds play Collingwood in the Super Netball League at the Entertainment Centre last July.

The 36ers hope the move to the Entertainment Centre will make basketball more accessible for fans and provide a better game-day experience. Picture: Matt Loxton.
"In an elite sport like basketball big home crowds help to win games," Kelley said.

“We want to deliver what other clubs are doing interstate and the Adelaide Entertainment Centre is the ideal home for the Adelaide 36ers to continue to evolve and grow as a club, for both our fans and players.”

According to the Sixers, new NBL champions the Perth Wildcats’ move to their new city stadium in 2012 triggered a membership uplift of almost 2700 in two years and they now boast average crowds of just over 13,000 per home game.

Adelaide’s average crowd was 6100 this year but the club believes it had a difficult fixture and is determined to host more Friday and Saturday night games in 2019-20.

They plan to hold a post-game function at the Entertainment Centre after every home game and the cost of carparking will remain the same as the arena.

NBL chief executive Jeremy Loeliger welcomed Adelaide’s move to the new venue.

“(It) will enable the 36ers to grow their attendances at games by providing first class facilities within close proximity of the city,” Loeliger said.

“The move reinforces the strong growth of the NBL and our position of one of Australia’s leading sports entertainment products and we look forward to seeing fans embrace the new venue.”

Adelaide 36ers chairman Steven Trigg said the success of football’s move to Adelaide Oval from 2014 had influenced the club’s decision.

“The upgraded Adelaide Oval has changed the expectations of the Adelaide sport-going public. They now expect first-class facilities, convenient locations and ease of access,” Trigg said.

“We have been working closely with the Adelaide Entertainment Centre and we are excited for the new experience. The sightlines, the cushioned seats and fans seated in and around the court, will make the atmosphere electric for our members, fans and players.”

Sixers chief executive Ben Kavenagh said the club appreciated the “exceptional support” it had from Adelaide Arena for nearly three decades.

“Titanium Security Arena will always hold great memories for the Adelaide 36ers and I would like to thank the stadium’s management for providing a great home for the Sixers for so many years,” he said.

“Our club has enjoyed great success at the arena, including three championships, Titanium Security Arena will always hold great memories for the Sixers.”

Reply #738655 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #738656 | Report this post

Food for thought (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Kind of confused by some of the reactions I'm reading. "I will not return if they go to the Entertainment Center!" Umm, is there a particular reason why, or do you just not like the idea of change?

Could you imagine if the Perth Wildcats were kowtowing to such people when they moved from Challenge Stadium to Perth Arena?

As for whether it is more convenient to get to or not, the proof is in the pudding. Concerts and shows sell out at the Entertainment Center consistently. It is a place that people in Adelaide actually know. You don't have to explain to newbies where it is. "The game will be at the Entertainment Center" is enough. You don't need to draw anyone a map.

Let's get real about Titanium Arena: Yes, it is full of history. Yes, that is Brett Maher court. It is where some of the greatest moments in NBL history happened. It also is tremendously dated. It also smells like a urinal anywhere on the top levels. It also cannot cater to the kinds of crowds we could have got in the 17/18 Finals series.

I see in this move a concerted effort by management to grow attendance and make a bigger footprint in SA's sporting market. An extra 2'000 seats to fill, closer proximity, and more marketing can make this possible. I mean, what else is there really to do in Adelaide?

Reply #738660 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm with you food for thought, the game has to keep expanding.

Reply #738662 | Report this post

Years ago

do not be negative and get on board. Will be great with options for a few more spectators at full house games.

Reply #738663 | Report this post

Years ago

Mismanage the Lightning and upgrade the stadium.

Reply #738669 | Report this post

Years ago

Good thing is basketball is growing. Also keep in mind the history of the stadiums (how they come about) and what the future holds for the stadiums - we need change for growth.

Reply #738672 | Report this post

Years ago

Only 600 more seats so these must be more to the move than the sales pitch of building the 36ers family.

Reply #738677 | Report this post

Years ago

The 36ers admit the move may mean the cost of season tickets will increase

This is why they want to be sure the move will be a winner.
When wages have barely budged in a decade while costs have kept creeping up, you need to make sure that enough people are seeing value in the upgrade.
(and I'm not saying that's not the case. AEC is clearly the nicer venue. But you need to attract more people than you put off/price out)

Good on them for trying it. They're aiming high and that's a good thing.

Reply #738683 | Report this post

Years ago

The AEC is less than five minutes out of the CBD. I don't think they are expecting crowds to increase just that the drop off from the move will be replaced by more from the wealthy eastern suburbs.

Reply #738689 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Will they keep the court name as "Brett Maher Court"?

Reply #738690 | Report this post

Food for thought (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"Only 600 more seats so these must be more to the move than the sales pitch of building the 36ers family."

Umm, no. It's 2000 more seats.

Reply #738696 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard that the church group who owns TSA have plans for the venue and they want the lightning and sixers out
Apparently they have been making it difficult on them ever since they bought it

Reply #738698 | Report this post

Years ago

The government spent $1.5 million with tax payers money on making this move happen to a government building, and taking away from an SA not for profit (Scouts). This is disgusting. What happens if the Arena goes under with the Lightning? Screwing them twice in one year. What happens to community basketball at the Arena? This isn't going to grow basketball in SA it will decimate it. Well done 36ers. Way to wreck another club Trigg.

Reply #738746 | Report this post

Years ago

It also smells like a urinal anywhere on the top levels.

Same problem as Challenge here in Perth. Although from the negativity above a lot of Adelaidians must love the smell.

Reply #738750 | Report this post

Years ago

Just another example of people involved within basketball in SA who just can't accept any form of change. I’m surprised they ever left Apollo.

The entertainment center is only 4 km away from TSA! Adelaide people smh

Reply #738752 | Report this post

Years ago

Food for thought...whilst they are suggesting another 2000 seats I have heard the same as Anon....600 seats "Net" is the actual gain.

Reply #738758 | Report this post

Years ago

But where will I park? There's no parking around Adelaide Oval the Entertainment Centre. It's not as if some other sports fans might have ways of getting there that you could ask, or just gain experience over time and create new routines, that's impossible.

Reply #738759 | Report this post

Lightning Fan  
Years ago

Could the club please explain how much this move is going to cost and how it will be funded? They just said a new floor will need to be purchased, anything else? All we ever hear is the budget restraints for quality players and financial difficulties. Maybe its the money saved on devaluing and non-promotion of the Lightning, until they made finals of course.

Reply #738763 | Report this post

Years ago

I can understand why ownership feels it needs to make the move to a bigger stadium. The creature comforts - sound and lighting rig, good aircon and modern seating - will all be great for attracting new fans to the sport.

But for many of us die hard fans its the BASKETBALL we're interested in. The crowd is CLOSE to the game. You can hear what the players are saying out on court and see everything that is happening at Adelaide Arena. I think its part of the reason the Adelaide crowd is so loud and involved in the game: when the refs make a bad call or the opponent gets away with something dirty, the crowd lets them know about it because they can see it and they feel they're a part of the action.

I think the move to the Ent Cent will almost certainly mean we lose many of those great viewing positions close to the court and the atmosphere that goes with it. I think THAT is a big reason why many season ticket holders will be disappointed with this news.

I'll almost certainly keep supporting the club and buying my season tickets. And I'm hoping the club gets this right and there will be more great memories in the years to come... But I'm very sad to know that I've basically seen my last game at what I'll always think of as the Powerhouse. Lots of great memories there...

Reply #738785 | Report this post

Years ago

Great idea. We need to be selling out the entertainment centre in order to get a larger Governmental Dundee venue in the future.

Otherwise the new memorial drive stadium will equal what the AEC is now.

So much easier for access. You can park anywhere along the tram line and get to the game.

Reply #738786 | Report this post

Years ago

"When wages have barely budged in a decade"

Full time wages have gone up close to 40% in the past decade. But yeah, you've got to make sure you don't stretch the market. A few years ago I would have said bad move, but with the expertise the NBL now possesses in HQ, I have a fair degree of confidence this will work.

Reply #738787 | Report this post

Years ago

"Full time wages have gone up close to 40% in the past decade. But yeah, you've got to make sure you don't stretch the market. A few years ago I would have said bad move, but with the expertise the NBL now possesses in HQ, I have a fair degree of confidence this will work."

Can you give me some of the drugs you are smoking?
Wages probably haven't gone up 40% in the last 30 years!

Reply #738801 | Report this post

Food for thought (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

"Maybe its the money saved on devaluing and non-promotion of the Lightning, until they made finals of course."

You understand that the Lightning basically run as a charity and make no money, right? Why promote something that no one is interested in?

"But for many of us die hard fans its the BASKETBALL we're interested in. The crowd is CLOSE to the game. You can hear what the players are saying out on court and see everything that is happening at Adelaide Arena. I think its part of the reason the Adelaide crowd is so loud and involved in the game: when the refs make a bad call or the opponent gets away with something dirty, the crowd lets them know about it because they can see it and they feel they're a part of the action. "

I understand what you're saying, but this is not an issue for Perth Arena, which is going to still be much bigger than the Entertainment Center. And why leave Apollo then, seeing as you're basically standing at the baseline for the game? It's this kind of thought that means we never actually grow.

"But I'm very sad to know that I've basically seen my last game at what I'll always think of as the Powerhouse. Lots of great memories there..."

Memories are great and everything but we can't live in the past forever.

Reply #738802 | Report this post

Years ago

Funny to read annoyed statement ....."an SA not for profit (Scouts). This is disgusting!"
,,,,,,,,, It is not like this association is short of money or short of capital .... just because an organisation is classified as not for profit does not mean it does not make any profit nor have any money . You may want to read their annual report ....

Reply #738804 | Report this post

Years ago

SA Scouts may have purchased the Area some time ago because they wanted to support 36ers basketball ....but you better believe it , they made this investment mainly based on sound financial decisions.... as per their recent statement " the Adelaide Arena has more than tripled in capital value since our ownership."

Reply #738805 | Report this post

Years ago

I understand what you're saying, but this is not an issue for Perth Arena, which is going to still be much bigger than the Entertainment Center.
It absolutely is; it was one of the biggest complaints in the first season at PA. I still miss Challenge at times. You just get used to it after a while.

Reply #738807 | Report this post

Years ago

Titanium Security Arena holds around 8,000. The Entertainment Centre holds around 10,000 in sports mode. The most its held for a netball game is 9,300 and the place still wasn't quite full. And for those wondering, there is a 4 sided above court video screen that will be used for 36ers games (they use it for netball already) so that experience won't be lost.

As a life long Adelaide resident, I don't really see a problem with this move. Yes TSA holds a lot of history, a lot of memories, but moving to a larger (although older by one year) venue could potentially be a good thing with more people being able to attend games.

Also, TSA is piss poor for public transport. The Entertainment Centre on the other hand has a tram stop virtually right outside its front doors, while there is a train station that is only a 5 minute walk away. It'll be much easier for people to catch a bus or train into town, then catch the tram to the AEC.

My only question, like a few others, is what happens to TSA? Well, the 36ers have already stated that it will remain their administration base and the training base for the team. So for the time being at least it will probably remain open for community basketball.

Like I said, I don't think this move is a bad thing.

Reply #738811 | Report this post

Years ago

Food for Thought, its not about living in the past. It's about watching basketball in the best possible venue and I'm not convinced the Ent Cent is it. I would LOVE to see the 36ers in a brand new arena designed primarily for basketball. But I think the chances of that are slim to none. So, I'm concerned about the move, but I hope it all works out for the best.

Kudos to the Sixers management for this in the FAQ: "Members will then have the chance to sit in their seats at a Member Open Night at the AEC and request desired changes."

I will definitely be there for that! I think that will really be appreciated by members trying to make a decision about what tier of membership they want to purchase.

Reply #738815 | Report this post

Food for thought (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

I think Adelaide have it in mind to become one of the power clubs. An extra 2000 people at games can equal a lot of revenue. 10,000 fans puts us somewhere with the Melbournes, Sydneys, and Perths of the world. The only way that the club will be able to grow, afford better players and marketing is to fill more seats. This is a decision that had to be made. The 36ers have grown out of Adelaide Arena and it is time to move forward. I for one look forward to how easy it will be to get to and from games, and to being in classier looking surroundings while going to games. I also like the proximity to everything else I will be doing on my night out. I can hop on the tram after the game and head wherever I like in the city. But that is going to be true for a lot of people who may choose to check out some sport before taking the tram to the city or even the beach. A lot of people in different posts on Facebook and here are asking why we would need more seats when we don't even fill Adelaide Arena, well proximity is everything. And even though The Entertainment Center is only 4 Ks away from Adelaide Arena, it is central to a lot of things, whereas Adelaide Arena takes at least 15 minutes to get to anywhere else worth being. Entertainment center is a better venue, easier to get to, more well known, is on the way to-and-from other attractions, and for this alone I bet you get increased attendance.

Reply #738821 | Report this post

Years ago

It absolutely is; it was one of the biggest complaints in the first season at PA. I still miss Challenge at times. You just get used to it after a while.

For pure basketball viewing and atmosphere, Challenge was great. Right on top of the action, the noise was intense, and the rare times it was quiet enough you could clearly hear what someone on the opposite side of the court was yelling at Wortho, Homicide, Gleeson, etc. Good times :) And stomping on bleachers makes a lot more noise than trying to stomp on concrete that's for sure. I've been at some pretty rowdy games at Titanium as well, and that was a very similar vibe on a larger scale. So yeah that will be missed for sure.
But overall it's hard to complain about the better seating, working a/c, nice score cube, good sound system, nearby pre- and post-game eating & drinking options, etc.

Reply #738824 | Report this post

Years ago

But overall it's hard to complain about the better seating, working a/c, nice score cube, good sound system, nearby pre- and post-game eating & drinking options, etc.


Reply #738825 | Report this post

Years ago

But overall it's hard to complain about the...good sound system
I'm confused, I thought we were talking about Perth Arena?

Reply #738826 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

Warning, long and a little nostalgic,

Sixers members will have to wait a few weeks before we get a better understanding of what "like for like" seating and "comparable" pricing actually means. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

One of the endearing features of Beverly was the majority of the crowd were seated below the concourse. The Entertainment Centre has the majority of its seating above the concourse and with a much greater percentage of seats elevate above and behind the backboards. More seats doesn't necessarily mean a better basketball spectator experience, especially if the better seats are vacant due to no shows by corporates.

Still I will appreciate the air conditioning and cushioned theatre style seats and I am in no doubt other peripheral game day features and catering will be just as good, probably better than before. The AEC ertainly does enjoy considerably better locational advatages.

Although the Powerhouse/Dome/Arena had its drawbacks, it is more than just a NBL venue for us locals. It is the last of its kind where fans could watch NBL champions on the weekend and then play on the same hardwood floor only days later. The AEC just isn't going to be the same, but change happens and there are worst things that could happen.

Reply #738827 | Report this post

Food for thought (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Change is necessary. The 36ers are trying to run a business. And although some seats probably will suck, they will need to get more people through the doors to be able to do the things that many of us want them to do.

Reply #738842 | Report this post

Years ago

I was going to post something sarcastic, but from reading the comments, comparisons to the Cats moving to Perth Arena don't seem valid.

Challenge IIRC topped out somewhere in the mid 4's? And that included seats behind concrete pillars. So PA added 9000 seats.
The facilities were abysmal, and the food area was actually outside under a marquee. It was in the middle of nowhere, with zero public transport, and absolutely nothing around for miles in the way of pre or post game entertainment. Chalk and Cheese really. PA gave the Cats a massive opportunity to regrow the crowd.

Not sure that a "net increase of 600 seats" is really worth it for the 6's? But I guess the question is how often did you sell out the Arena? And whether that will improve now.

Reply #738868 | Report this post

Years ago

D2.0 how you describe Challenge Stadium could be said about TSA except the food marquees and the AEC is apparently going to have a 10,000 seat capacity for basketball. Personally I see the move as a way of adding further pressure on the state government to build a CBD arena that the operators of the AEC want.

Reply #738872 | Report this post

Years ago

Can someone shed a bit more light on the 2,000 Gross increase in seats and then the 600 NET increase?

Reply #738882 | Report this post

Years ago

"D2.0 how you describe Challenge Stadium could be said about TSA"

I understand that bit, but Perth Arena sits just off the Major North & South Freeways, and is a short walk from the Central Traino servicing all lines. There's plenty of parking, its an easy stroll from the CBD, and plenty of pubs, bars, cafes, etc. Is the same true of the AEC?

Most importantly, with a capacity just shy of 14k, it had the growth capacity to take advantage of all those features.

Reply #738926 | Report this post

Years ago

Even though AEC capacity isn't that much more than Titanium, if they can fill it then that's better than a 3/4 full arena.

Reply #738929 | Report this post

Years ago

"Can someone shed a bit more light on the 2,000 Gross increase in seats and then the 600 NET increase?"

I don't know, but I could speculate on a couple of possibilities.

One, there may be a difference between the theoretical designed "Basketball" capacity, and how it is actually configured for the NBL. That is the case with PA. There is a slight difference in the use of space around the court, but also provision for temporary infill seating over the entrances. The claimed basketball capacity is 14,846, but in NBL configuration it is about 1,000 less than that.

Two, the other possibility is that some venues have "permanent" boxes and/or seats. ie companies, sponsors, or VIPs have bought their seats or boxes for every event.

Reply #738932 | Report this post

Years ago

Entertainment Centre capacity for Basketball / Netball is 9300

The Powerhouse capacity is 8400 including standing room tickets.

Strong rumour is that to get out of the last 2 years of their deal the 36ers owner paid cash and a large number of tickets to each 36ers game at AEC

So the 36ers are moving to a debatable location that has no stand out benefits a few kilometres down the road to pick up and few hundred extra seats

Reply #738939 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep 600 seats to the Sixers to sell but hey the corporates will have better facilities.

Reply #738942 | Report this post

Food for thought (he/kangaroo)  
Years ago

Can people not see that the Entertainment Center is just a better location for events of all sorts than Adelaide Arena is? Yeah the difference is 4 Ks but it's still 4Ks closer to the city, bars, transport, and everything else.

Reply #738962 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti's article raises valid of questions, still curious to know where the money is coming from for this move

Reply #739355 | Report this post

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