Years ago
Not happy Hustle 3 X 3
My team was ready to play in last weekends Hustle open in Melbourne and just as well we didnt was a total fizza by all accounts. Should have come to hoops first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They listed 7-8 teams playing and it ended up being 4 the women were worse with just 2 teams!!!
Mates pulled their team and went to another event, CLB I think?, which they said was awesome and had 8 teams with solid competition.
4 teams in Albert Park of all places while an event 4 hours out of town had all the talent. Just disappointed we moved to slow to get our team registered in that event.
From what i now know thats QLD SA and ACT Big Hustle events that have been cancelled and now you have pissed off MELBOURNE Hustle!!!!!!!!!!!!!! believe me its all we are talking about and we wont be playing your comps ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU ARE FAKE with your 100K prize money....as the writer below says PONZI scheme all the way.
Wish I had read the other thread
WA hustle ran with only 7 teams, and very VERY average quality. All players forced to buy singlets at $50 a pop, plus registration fees for what, 6x 12 minute games? Hardly worth it. Selling people on the idea that they can represent Australia, when really, BA and NBL need Freddie to enter in as many tournaments as possible so we as a country get enough points to qualify. Then enter fringe NBL players.
It is a Ponzi scheme at its finest. The plebs at the bottom fund/qualify those at the top. Larry's son gets his cut through First Ever branded singlets..