Manu Fieldel
Years ago
Homicide and Cadee clash
Homicide went to town on Cadee after the game yesterday, saying that he shouldn't be in the NBL, he's "not an NBL player", after back-to-back scoreless games in the semis. Unquestionably poor by Homicide to say that, but his bagging of Cadee clearly has merit.
Homicide has since deleted the facebook and Twitter video and retracted his statement in a Tweet; more of a retraction than an apology.
But my main takeaway from this was in the comments section of a Cadee tweet which quoted Homicide's critique. It shook me to the core. A bloke said Cadee was on $500k a year and Josh Childress chimed in saying that he is indeed on big coin. If he's on $500k... I dunno. Is he on $500k? That'd be something