Manu Fieldel
Years ago

Homicide and Cadee clash

Homicide went to town on Cadee after the game yesterday, saying that he shouldn't be in the NBL, he's "not an NBL player", after back-to-back scoreless games in the semis. Unquestionably poor by Homicide to say that, but his bagging of Cadee clearly has merit.

Homicide has since deleted the facebook and Twitter video and retracted his statement in a Tweet; more of a retraction than an apology.

But my main takeaway from this was in the comments section of a Cadee tweet which quoted Homicide's critique. It shook me to the core. A bloke said Cadee was on $500k a year and Josh Childress chimed in saying that he is indeed on big coin. If he's on $500k... I dunno. Is he on $500k? That'd be something

Topic #44915 | Report this topic

Years ago

Wait $500k per year or $500k for the whole 3 year contract? Because if it is per year then holy shit JVG what the hell were you thinking?

Reply #736366 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Can't be bothered learning how to embed a tweet rn, but here's the link. Scroll down the comments section

Reply #736367 | Report this post

Years ago

Shook you to the core? Get out more.

Reply #736368 | Report this post

Years ago

Harsh? Yes. But have no problem with him calling our Cadee for playing like absolute trash. He had one of the worst semi final series by a starting guard i have ever seen, the stats speak for themselves. He has also been pretty poor all year.

Fwiw i don't think Cadee is a total bum, but when you are as inconsistent as he is you'll get exposed playing starter minutes and look pretty bad more often than not. If he was playing 15min a game off the bench I think he could be pretty handy. He could go on some scoring runs when he's hot, and when he's cold it can be disguised a bit better.

Reply #736370 | Report this post

NBL Fan  
Years ago

Gibson was better than him the whole year and had to play behind him, shame really. Hope Cadee can get his mojo back for next season.

Reply #736372 | Report this post

Years ago

Bullets train appears derailed.

I would suggest the $500k for Cadee is probably over the life of the 3 year contract. As his stock was on the rise at the Kings + regular Boomers call ups + having to move to another city I think $165k a year would probably be in the ball park of what he got.

Keep in mind that same off-season they would've splashed out to sign Gliddon for 3 years plus lure and NBA vet in Alonzo Gee that's before even getting to Bairstow's new contract too. No way in hell are they paying Cadee $500k a year that's too absurd to even take remotely seriously.

Whatever Cadee's on though one thing we know for sure is he's highly overpaid that scoreless SF series from him was beyond embarrassing, he needs to take a good hard look at himself.

Reply #736376 | Report this post

Years ago

why focus on basketball when you can focus on chasing instagram models?

Reply #736378 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets be Real!! Homicide is an absolute embarrassment to the nbl!
i cant understand why LK pays this joker to be part of the commentary team, when all he says is.. Step up you game or Bring it, That's real talk!!

The Real talk is... You never see him interviewing any of the Imports. They all think he is loud mouth turd, pretending to be a celebrity!!

Reply #736380 | Report this post

Years ago

Because if it is per year then holy shit JVG what the hell were you thinking?
If that's what he's making choosing not to match the offer and keep him in Sydney seems like a good move on JVG's part.

Reply #736388 | Report this post

Years ago

What's he gonna say about Randle as he had a real stinker today. 1 of 15 for a guy on the big $$$$.
Randle doesnt seem to a finals player as was terrible for adelaide also.

Reply #736401 | Report this post

Years ago

Shane Heal reckons this is not the first time Cadee has been in a clash.

Reply #736407 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide = a negative as a commentator
Cadee = a negative as a player

When they combine, don't two negatives make a positive?

Reply #736408 | Report this post

Years ago

The NBL will see it as a positive though.

Reply #736409 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide should be able to say what wants without retracting it, Cadee has had more hand ups than anyone, due to family connections. Homicide is just calling it out. Heal on the other hand just looks after his mates and should not be commentating.

Reply #736412 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide is correct for once, his comments being retracted means yet again Jason is being looked after by the league. I know Robbie Cadee is a legend of the league from back in the day but that turning into his son who is not a player worthy of being a starter and being overpaid at the same time ($500K/3 yrs for him is absurd and the NBL has jumped the shark) is disturbing.

It feels like since the LK era started the NBL is becoming a mate's league. Help a mate out with a job starring Shane Heal in the leading recipient role.

Reply #736415 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

"Robbie Cadee is a legend of the league " __ - Robbie's career was well and truly on the decline by the time 1979 came arround, Myth more like it ;)

Reply #736428 | Report this post

Years ago

Perthworld has his tinfoil hat on again.

Reply #736431 | Report this post

Years ago

Very Old okay then thanks for the explanation. I don't go back that way back!

So if it isn't daddy I really don't understand this continual propping up of Cadee. Baffling!

Oh and what a cesspool Twitter is, basically everyone is licking Jason's balls sucking up to him and encouraging him not to worry about the big old bad Homicide.

Reply #736435 | Report this post

Years ago

Playing Cadee over import Holt and Gibson isn't tin foil hat material.

Reply #736436 | Report this post

Years ago

Get it while it's hot people, stock is running low after two donut playoff games and a +/- of -35 in the final game!

Reply #736438 | Report this post

Years ago

cool shirts but should change the logo to JCfivehundredthou

Reply #736439 | Report this post

Years ago

You've got to supplement that income when you're overpaid!

Reply #736441 | Report this post

Years ago

"cool shirts but should change the logo to JCfivehundredthou"

how about JC five percent from the field would be an improvement

Reply #736443 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide calls out Cadee for playing poorly.

Cadee's response was "well you played poorly in your last gig too".

Well done Jason....your retorts are as spot on as your jump shots.

Reply #736445 | Report this post

Years ago

Then the ball licking ensued to pump up his delusion.

Reply #736446 | Report this post

Years ago

Cadee sucks for sure.

But enough isn't said about Lemanis who signed him to the baffling 3 year deal, then proceeded to overplay him in the face of obvious greater production from other players.

The only hope for Brisbane moving forward is that Lemanis isn’t renewed and the new coach plays Cadee in a more suited role off the bench. Still, a massive anchor for another two seasons.

Reply #736448 | Report this post

Years ago

"Homicide is correct for once"

To the surprise of no one, Pethworld and Homocide are both incorrect.

Cadee isn't a starting-quality guard, but he still belongs in the league.

Reply #736450 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes he is a bench player but what I meant was I agreed with the gist of what Homicide said which is that Cadee is shit. Finally someone in the media tells it how it is but then it's retracted. Disappointing.

Reply #736460 | Report this post

Years ago

Not much of an issue, here, though seems like a disrespectful case of sensationalism. Everyone knows that Homicide makes a living off inane/exaggerated/sensational comments. He is entitled to his opinion. Cadee obviously had a shocker playoffs, so it's clear to see the root evidence of his call. Homicide just tends to use pieces of information differently to more proficient basketball analysts, expressing himself with his wild, exaggerated opinions.

Reply #736462 | Report this post

Years ago

i dont see what was so bad or unusual about Homicide's comments - Cadee wasnt good and he would have to admit that. Corey has gone after other ppl so why did this one get taken down?? Something a bit fishy here.

Reply #736466 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Lovebroker, why aren't you quoting me and attempting to take the piss? It appears that you are rather losing your touch.

Jason Cadee is a three-point shootout champ, way better shooter than you.

We gotta keep this snipe show alive mate. It's the most tense part of the season, we can't be seen to go soft now!

Reply #736467 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Saying bluntly 'you are not an NBL player, you should drop back to the new NBL1 league' is a bit vitriolic. A touch too personal, a little bit extra. But really there isn't much to it. Theoretically it should spur the bloke on to work harder and lock in more because there is more spotlight on him, but I think if he really wanted to go to the next level he would have already. Will be 28 and a half years old by season 2019/20 tip-off

Reply #736468 | Report this post

Years ago

If your spot on a list is guaranteed because of your surname, you don't necessarily work hard. Not certain to many other players would be given so many opportunities over so many seasons.

Reply #736472 | Report this post

Years ago

Comment about $500k per year is ridiculous, and Chill's comment clearly sarcastic.

Homicide being a dick, really uncalled for, especially when they just lost the SF.

SHOULD be calling out Lemanis, for his poor recruiting, poor Boomers selections, and poor use of Spuddee.
He's a good backup PG, that's it.
But why sign Caddee when they already had Gibson, then fail to sign a proper starting PG?

Reply #736473 | Report this post

Years ago

I saw Homicide's tweet at the time and I thought it was a step too far, even for him.
I've got no issue with him try to stir things up by taking shots at players/teams during the season, when they've got a chance to respond by letting their games do the talking.
We all saw Cadee have a horrible series, but kicking him after that was an error in judgement and I totally get why he deleted it. To me it's not so much the accuracy of his assessment, but when & how he did it that made it distasteful.

Reply #736479 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

agree, content is justifiable, timing not so much.

Reply #736492 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, I wouldn't put any stock in Chill's comment being a legit dig at Cadee, they've had similar banter for years...

Got no problem with players being called out for underperforming, but Homicide has stepped up the venom this season to remain relevant as I didn't mind him last season, but this season, he's gone over the line more often than not and I can take or leave him... Personal attacks should be left out of it, but also players shouldn't be seen as a protected species...

Reply #736495 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Jason Cadee had two bad games in the SF, there's no denying that.

I don't think Homicide should have got stuck into him, that's for the people on this forum to do.

Reply #736499 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide gives shit but doesn't take it very well.

Reply #736502 | Report this post

Years ago

A bit like Manu...

Reply #736503 | Report this post

Captain Jack  
Years ago

Its not Homicides fault that many seem to talk Cadee up to super star level, a level which he cant meet, cos he is not a super star.

If he was in his correct role as a 6th man ala Weeks, he much like Weeks would rarely cop criticism and would likely to be a contender for 6th man of the year each season.

So i personally blame all of those who continually over hype Cadee, he is a NBL player but not a NBL starter, and when he doesnt meet starter level play, he cops criticsm.

Also why we so sensitive when someone dare questions Cadee? Homicide has been going after guys like Bryce Cotton, etc all season.

Reply #736510 | Report this post

Years ago

The worst thing is that he has a coach who has no idea and gives the bloke 30 minutes a game. Cadee used to be alright at sydney I reckon for a few years but he was terrible this year and probably not good enough to play nbl next season

Reply #736535 | Report this post

Years ago

Cadee had a bad series. Cotton torched him so badly they had to change that matchup and have him guard Martin. Homicide always overstates the reality of any situation, after how he has called out others I can't see why it is a problem. The fact that Cadee responded on social media tells you that maybe Homicide cut to close to the bone. Basically I don’t mind Homicide, granted he does over exaggerate and sensationalise the truth at time la but he is the only one with the balls to do so. The rest of the commentators are probably too scared to call out their mates.

Reply #736539 | Report this post

Years ago

Cadee was fkn horrible and deserves the criticism especially being a starter 0 points in two finals games is unacceptable. It may have come off a little harshly the way Carey worded it however its truth. He is a 6th man at best.

Reply #736540 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not sure how deliberately over-exaggerating or sensationalising the truth can be called "having balls."

Reply #736543 | Report this post

Captain Jack  
Years ago

What would people be saying if an import point guard had the same lack of production as Cadee in a playoff series?

Why is Cadee protected from criticsm?

would all the defenders also defend an import PG in the same way?

Reply #736544 | Report this post

Years ago

"What would people be saying if an import point guard had the same lack of production as Cadee in a playoff series?

Why is Cadee protected from criticsm?

would all the defenders also defend an import PG in the same way?"

But he isn't an import.

Reply #736548 | Report this post

Captain Jack  
Years ago


So the fact that he is Australias darling for some reason makes Homicides point wrong and means people are jumping up and down protecting him even though they wouldnt if the same was said about another player.

Sure Homicide is probably over blown in what he said, poor choice of words

He is basically saying Cadee you are a starter, meant to be a star that everyone keeps telling me about, a boomer, then i want to see a performance of that level and tells him to step up,

Which to be honest he isnt wrong on his overall point.

Reply #736550 | Report this post

Years ago

Saying someone isn't living up to their reputation as a star is one thing (btw, I don't think anyone thinks of him as a star). Saying he doesn't deserve to be in the league is another. There's a gulf between those two statements, and pretending there isn't is disingenuous.

Comparing criticism of him to that of an import is faulty. An import can be replaced easily, a reasonably talented Australian not so easily. An underperforming import is not worth keeping, where as an underperforming Aussie can be given a lesser role.

For the record I don't see Cadee as anything other than a very good back up PG.

Corey, as he usually does, said some stupid stuff he couldn't back up, but at least this time had the sense to backflip on it once he had the time to think about it.

Reply #736558 | Report this post

Captain Jack  
Years ago

So its ok to say the same things about an import because they can be replaced easily?

I didnt think whether you could be easily sacked and replaced was a factor on whether its ok to insult someone.

But yes Cadee should be put back to a bench role.

Yes Corey does say things that are over blown, and doesnt always chose his words wisely. I think if you look at what he meant as opposed to what he said its not as bad as people think, as based on what he has said about players all season, is he would have meant that Cadee is not playing like a starter in the NBL and needs to step his game up. Sure its not the words that came out of his mouth, but thats basically the message he would have been sending.

I note that no one was jumping up and down when Corey on TV said Lemanis must be Stephen Holts agent, as he would not have got a job in the league any other way and should not have been bought back. Which is basically the same thing.

Reply #736573 | Report this post

Years ago

"Yes Corey does say things that are over blown, and doesnt always chose his words wisely."

As a professional commentator, perhaps he ought to choose his words wisely... That, or the NBL ought to bring in someone who isn't a complete joker. I wouldn't lose sleep over the later.

Reply #736591 | Report this post

Years ago

The NBL allow these commentators to say stupid things then this is what happens. Heal, Kerle all say stupid stuff but still commentate. Who is running the commentators???

Reply #736592 | Report this post

Years ago

Nobody is saying that Spuddee's ability doesn't deserve criticism.

What we're saying is that a large part of the responsibility must be born by Lemanis for recruiting him to a starting role and persisting with him.

We'll also saying that (as per usual) Homicide's words were over the top, poorly chosen, and badly timed.

Reply #736595 | Report this post

Years ago

That's a very good point. Homicide was equally as harsh on Holt and no one said a word

Reply #736600 | Report this post

Years ago

100% spot on with Holt / import comments.
The problem here is the inconsistency shown by the NBL in protecting players, when and how do they decide something is 'too much' from Homocide?
Did the NBL also prevent him from presenting game 2 in Syd, as seeing Heal do 3 out of 4 games was very strange, especially given the back-to-back nature of the series.

Overall, it was probably a little harsh given timing, but respect it as he's willing to talk about it 'straight' up.

Reply #736608 | Report this post

Years ago

Cadee is a protected spieces, every one knows it, Homicide called him out like he does with various players and teams but that's not allowed to the protected.

Reply #736611 | Report this post

Years ago

I cannot understand why Cadee is so protected or so hyped.

I doubt if his dad is a power-broker in the NBL or a mate of LK's, so it can’t be the fear factor.
I doubt if it’s because of his looks.
I doubt it’s because the NBL has his face plastered on so many marketing materials that they couldn’t afford to replace.

Is it because of his battle back from serious injury in the car accident, so it’s purely a sympathy thing?

Or is it just the NBL respecting him for "all the years of good service he’s given his country", cough cough. (At least he did it a bit more quietly than Heal, for example, and so wouldn’t have upset too many in the NBL hierarchy.)

Reply #736646 | Report this post

Years ago

Hoopie it really is odd.

Reply #736767 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide defending what he said on overtime, saying he he's got into Bogut, Perth, Imports, etc, Melbourne had the balls to sack Trist because he didn’t fit and couldn’t understand why Cadee was off limits. Good question. All panel agree he he should be coming off bench. They seem to think he had an off season but not certain kings supporters would agree with that with how kings went with him in team.

Reply #736832 | Report this post

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