Years ago
The NBL Gala Awards night thread
Award predictions, red carpet, live comments. It's all here!
A few comments in the media that Bogut is the favourite for MVP.
Years ago
Award predictions, red carpet, live comments. It's all here!
A few comments in the media that Bogut is the favourite for MVP.
Jack Toft
Years ago
The talk of Bogut as MVP has increased of late. Mainly around how he has brought the big man back into the NBL. He has had an influence on the game of the other centres with Hodgson seemingly lifting a gear, Long, McKay to name a few others.
The MVP in the AFL has traditionally gone to a midfielder who gets a lot of ball action and usually features in the scoring. In the NBL, the MVP is typically a high scoring import with Chris Anstey the last Aussie centre to win it in 2007/08.
The last 10 winners have been: Penney, Homocide Williams, Ervin, Lisch, Jackson, Clarke, Conklin, Lisch, Randle, Cotton.
There's plenty of money going to Cotton to go back to back. While Bogut has influenced the key play, there has been numerous games where Cotton has lit up and single handedly brought Perth into the game and won it.
My money is a back to back MVP.
The difference relative to other sports and even NBL history is that the coaches and captains decide it though. That's the wildcard.
Ware is the real MVP but Bogut seems to have the hype. Maybe the NBL just don't want him throwing his all star 5 trophy in the river and going to the USA next season so they'll give it to him to prevent a tantrum.
Years ago
There is an argument for Bogut as MVP, has a player/coach ever won an MVP though?
Jack Toft
Years ago
has a player/coach ever won an MVP though?
Years ago
Cotton the winner but think it will go to Bogut as he is he face of the NBL and it would be a kick in the ass for him if he didn't win.
Years ago
Although with players voting, it may well be the respect factor gets Bogut over the line. Guys like Goulding have spent a lot of time watching Bogut in the NBA
Flop Warning
Years ago
I just saw them go to footage of the lecturn and some heads walking around.
Saw Greg hires face. And then they cut the footage and went back to the picture with the hungry jacks logo and the heading 2019 gala dinner.
Years ago
Split the screen in 3 on stage? Whose idiotic idea was that?
Flop Warning
Years ago
Dunno but it's a huge fail.
Amongst many other fails all night. You get that. And they have free booze don't they? So maybe not noticing
Flop Warning
Years ago
Tbh I wasn't expecting Te Rangi to get MIP.
I thought Kay deserved it, but Barlow would get it... Seems I was wrong on all counts haha
Years ago
Michael Ayelen ref of the year. Everytime he refs a Wildcats game they lose.
Years ago
Barlow shouldn't even have been eligible. How he managed to get nominated I have no idea.
Years ago
Most Improved player was stolen from Kay's bookcase. Terrible decision.
Flop Warning
Years ago
Yeah I agree kobez. Hence why I expected him to win.
Also I threw up metaphorically EVERYWHERE!!!!! When aylen won ref of the year.
Years ago
Bogut not accepting his award? Wtf?
Is he injured or just an arogant son of a btch.
Years ago
I thought Barlow was a bit stiff to miss out on most improved.
Reuben Te Rangi I can give a pass for not doing a full speech if you don't like public speaking but come on Bogut that was really not a good look for the league
Years ago
Bogut is an idiot. He's ego is shocking. What a boofhead.
Years ago
Not watching (twitter updates aside) either but no, defensive player of the year.
"He won DPOTY"
Yeah - Disrespectful Player Of The Year
Years ago
I think Bogut might've been saving himself for a more important speech later tonight.
Years ago
Bogurt did block shots but once he was drawn further out could not defend if his life depended on it.
Bad choice.
If he gets MVP it will only be because he was probably told it was part of his sign on fee.
Others more deserving.
Flop Warning
Years ago
He won sport and sent someone else up there to do his speech for him, that he had written for him to say. It was weird and awkward and the flashed to Bogut sitting at the table laughing. Wasnt a great look. But it is what it is
Flop Warning
Years ago
He won dpoty
Why the fk did that get autocorrected to "sport"
Years ago
Funny how the owner of the NBL said the league is bigger than one person in a direct missile to Bogut lol
Flop Warning
Years ago
I'm on my phone's ATM. Not really able to get that done PW. Might be able to sort you out late tonight or tomorrow morn
Flop Warning
Years ago
Lol what has Carey been drinking tonight....
Why did she reveal that live???
Years ago
Bogut won't get MVP now because the NBL is pissed off. Changing of the envelope is taking place.
Flop Warning
Years ago
It will be Bogut...
And it shouldn't be. It should be ware or cotton. But I think it will def be Bogut.
Tbh he has been good, but for me is 3rd in line for the title, but will win it because of the hype of SYD making playoffs, not for what he has done on court
Years ago
Nah, without Cotton the Wildcats are doomed.
Sydney still can win games without Bogut, they got many options.
Perth only has Cotton who can get into 20pt region.
Flop Warning
Years ago
@J his name is "Carey" not Corey, and didn't like being teased, being called Carrie. Was an odd reveal. Seemed like he thought Bogut would reveal that after saying his stunt of not accepting the award was a bad look. So got in first incase Bogut wins MVP
@NAME I agree and so do plenty of others. But Liam santa basically admitted he voted for Bogut and in reflection would change his vote.
The voting system, although an improvement... Is still seriously flawed.
Bogut will win the MVP
That sort of stunt by Bogut would appeal to idiots. I am sure Jack Toft and Manu found it hilarious
Years ago
Well, well, well. Mr Bogut has truly shown his hand or should I say his fat middle finger tonight.
Yuck it up you Pizzagate-worshipping ninny, true fans of basketball will not forget your foul disrespect for this league nor your dopey, shit-eating grin.
Karma will bite this fool hard.
Years ago
The above post was mine but I must have made a typo. Let the record show Jick will not abide Bogut's buffonery.
Years ago
Kay's first half of the season was sublime; Compared to Long who was inconsistent with foul trouble. Didn't help that NZ only own 12 games which would sway the voters minds a bit.
Long did storm home hard the last 8 or so weeks
Flop Warning
Years ago
Yeah Long's last part of the season was massive.
I had him in the 1sts because of it. But huge congrats to Kay. So stoked for him. Very well deserved
Doesn't look good on Dane Pinaeu’s part either.....
NBL would be livid.
Years ago
But Liam santa basically admitted he voted for Bogut and in reflection would change his vote.He doesn't get a vote.
Years ago
Only the coaches votes for mvp. Some coaches hate Bogut as a person. Cotton will win.
Manu Fieldel
Years ago
Can't be mad with the Kay first team selection. His standard stats were similar to those of Long and probably a lot better in advanced stats. Not to mention team success.
A good pick just quietly
The raffle is so lame, thought they would have learnt from the hate it copped last year
I mean, he can be a bit of a flog, but jesus how was gleeson not a finalist
Years ago
Not sure Gaze should've been a Top 3 finalist though.
Flop Warning
Years ago
No Gleeson in the finalists?
Really... Seems like a massive snub to me
Years ago
Bogut? You got to be joking. Take him to the 3 point line and he's shit.
Flop Warning
Years ago
Yeah congrats to Bogut.
But he didn't deserve it over ware or cotton for mine.
Was always a pretty obvious outcome though
I would have had Bogut 3rd or 4th, but i can't say I'm surprised by it. Bryce should have won.
Years ago
The MVP is out of 144 votes
18 votes per club
3-2-1 6 votes for each of Captain, Head Coach and Assistant coach.
How is ALL nbl 1st team voted? Santamaria just told Casper it was voted by peers, but what's the voting process there? Just every player submitting their 1st 5?
Like him (unlikely) or hate him, Bogut was clearly the MVP.
Years ago
Had a bet on Cotton at $7 start of season, then bet hedge on Casper.... Bogut was my main risk...damn
Not big dollars but still
Years ago
Bogut wasn't "obviously" the mvp
He was one of 3 guys who would've all been deserving winners
Years ago
MVP about the only award I can agree with tonight. Any of Bogut, Cotton or Ware were deserving.
But how the coach of the top side isn't a finalist? How a guy goes from prospect to All NBL first team doesn't get MIP?
Years ago
yeah I got Bogut early at $14, then again when it was clear at $4 I loaded up on him.
Always good to trust your own eyes when watching all the games instead of listening to experts like Koberulz
Years ago
Ware had a shocking opening 2 rounds. Also the last 3 games were pretty damn poor. Many nights, Melbourne's best player was Kennedy, Boone or McCarron. Even Goulding and Barlow were huge in some games. Too much depth at Melbourne to just single out Casper
Flop Warning
Years ago
Bogut winning this is huge for the cats.
Bryce is going to DESTROY brisbane
Years ago
Ware had more than a shocking opening two rounds he was poor in United's first 8-9 games. In saying that I thought he deserved MVP but it was obvious after Bogut sending Pineau up to get his DPOTY award that he was going to win MVP.
Flop Warning
Years ago
There were plenty more signs than just that zodiac.
I think the new system is "ok" but still has major flaws. It's maybe better than the previous system. It worked out great for the nbl tonight. But there are gonna be alot of bemused fans after tonight.
Hopefully it's fixed to make voting happen AFTER the season. Because that was one of the major flaws
Years ago
The Mighty Yarra might just receive a couple more runner up awards tonight.
Years ago
Casper was easily United's most influential player this season. By a decent margin. CG had some good games and Kennedy is perhaps a sleeper for the playoffs, since his finish to the season has been brilliant, but looking at the season as a whole it was Casper by a mile
Further evidence tonight- that most of us would agree with- Kay and Randle getting in 1st and 2nd team. So Bogut and Cotton had better 2nd bananas than Casper
Can't argue with Bogut as MVP tho. He is elite at rim protection, rebounding and passing. That's a rare combination at any level of basketball.
"What did I do this time?"
Haha that was uncalled for.
"The Mighty Yarra might just receive a couple more runner up awards tonight."
*Laughing emoji*
Close to 39,000 viewers for the awards night on Twitter. Good ratings for the NBL
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