Jack Toft
Years ago
The price of Fourth Spot
19 points
The Sixers missed out on 4th spot by 0.7%. Their defensive score was the highest of any team giving up 2,681 points over the season, but their offensive score was also the highest of any team at 2,687 points for the season.
The Breakers were in a very similar position coming in at #2 for offensive score and #3 for defensive score.
They say Defence wins championships. #1 Perth was the most defensive team giving up the least points (2,274 in 27 games), which is 11.5 ppg less than Adelaide, but scoring 6 ppg less than Adelaide.
When the season gets reviewed and analysed, that crucial % margin equates to less than one point per game. It's the little things that count, but either squeezing another point in offence, or tightening up on D to stop a point, or even half a point either way, Adelaide could have got 4th.
In days gone by the split was all important, now % separates the teams. Will we see a slightly more defensive style of play from Adelaide next season?