Years ago
Junior Programs Overseas - What Works, What Doesn't ?
This is a shout out to Aussie ballers who currently live overseas or have recently returned and have experienced (either as a coach, parent or player) how junior basketball is setup and run in foreign lands. Are there features operating overseas that improve (say) the attractiveness of the game to juniors or enhance the development of talented players? Has your experience made your more appreciative of features found in Australia that should be retained as the game evolves here?
To kick it off - I am concerned about the rise of school based basketball programs here. Some private schools have significantly upgraded their programs developing school based teams. Which provides coaching opportunities and promotes the status of the game in those schools. As this mimicks the US system, the default position is to believe that this is necessarily a good development for the local game. I have misgivings, particularly if schools pressure players to prioritize their own teams over the needs of regional representative teams that have formed the backbone of state based metro and country comps. Thoughts?