Years ago
Is a technical or more "footy" style commentary best?
I was watching a game on the weekend and a player was posting up and executed an "up and under" move. The commentator described it as "player X shows player B some tricks".
It felt to me like commentary that someone new to the game would make. "Gee that move looks fancy it's like he's a magician performing tricks!"
Now it occurred to me that maybe this is the nbl's preferred commentary style to appeal to non basketball fans. For example footy fans. In a similar vein, they have homicide Williams providing very simplistic analysis. E.g team completes a fast break - expert comments: "now that's how you run a fast break!".
I was wondering though, do people prefer a proper basketball call or do you think a footy orientated call is best for attracting new fans?
Personally I think we should give Aussie fans more credit. They are a sports loving public and would be able to quickly grasp basketball terminology. Would be better for the global audience too.