Years ago
Mt Gambier Pioneers to Premier League 2019?
I am hearing increasingly that this is near to being a reality. Can anyone confirm it?
Years ago
I am hearing increasingly that this is near to being a reality. Can anyone confirm it?
There was a meeting this week this weeks with presidents, apparently its not in favour. Offering to pay teams travel expenses.
Years ago
Been told it will get done and common sense will prevail!
Adelaide clubs aren't happy but BSA are involved and making it happen (never thought i'd write that!) after significant pressure from government, SA Country & BA.
In the end this was the logical and only move left to save Mount.
Daly announced as one of the sa country state development coaches.
Sorry, if so, it will only draw out the death of the Pioneers.
Hopefully, they can use it as breathing space to find a better option. And pretty quickly.
Years ago
With Huskies entering league to replace Chargers there would be 18 teams.
If Mt Gambier also in that makes 19???
Unless four PL clubs change their stance then Mt Gambier will be left high and dry by Basketball Australia
Reality, the Pioneers to PL in no way represents a triumph of common sense.
In no way is it anything but a very short term option for the Pioneers.
The genuine 'reality' is that there is no viable longer term option available to them in Australia.
BV have blocked what would have been the only viable option.
For someone who seems to have some level of inside knowledge, I'm really not sure about your understanding of basketball in either Mt Gambier or metropolitan Adelaide.
So how do you see this outcome working?
Adelaide clubs absolutely opposed to the Pioneers and will do everything they can to undermine this arrangement.
Pioneers playing home games against a very much lower standard of opposition - how will that go with recruitment (come down to a little country place to play in PL),
crowd support (who will come to watch them flog Eastern et al. by 60pts),
how will they hold onto their sponsors?
SEABL was a genuinely good standard of basketball, that was marketable and garnered community and corporate support. PL is not.
They will simply diminish to the point of not being able to sustain their involvement.
Rumoured only 4 PL clubs opposed to Mounts playing. They should be ashamed of themselves in not supporting another SA club that has been left stranded by BV. All they are doing is thinking of themselves and not the bigger picture for basketball in the state.
At least let them play for next season and see how it goes. Instead of blocking the Pioneers let them in and see what they can teach the existing clubs.
Maybe SA should start up a genuine State comp instead of the city based one. We could have Riverland team, a upper North team and the Pioneers as well as the current city teams.
Adelaide district clubs desperately clinging on to their little piece of pie.
Now there's a surprise..
Years ago
I think it is a good idea - probably only 1 trip per season for most teams - maybe a final or 2 max - if they are helping with the $ thank you
How does it help the current clubs? There'll be one less spot in finals assuming Pioneers keep their budget so a team like North who clings to fifth spot will miss out. Then theres the bye, pain in the arse of travelling there to probably get kicked.
Be like the Lakers joining the NBL, just going the wipe the floor with teams and no one gains anything.
Years ago
If Mount can't recruit as well they'll soon be on the same level as the PL so they won't smash teams and the fans will hang around.
The new BA driven basketball is state based so Mount and SA metro teams need to get used to it.
'Reality' definitely not an appropriate moniker.
Do you actually have any knowledge to share?
Forestville has three 36ers last season, surely they can compete!!
Years ago
Anyone care to think about the sport - that is, put the greater good of the sport of basketball over the short-sighted self-interests of the [opposed] clubs?
Thought the national structure [not including NBL, which is a commercial entity] from juniors to the top level in all States was supposed to be about 'the sport' - i.e., focused on identifying and developing talent and working for the good of the sport by doing everything possible at all levels and in all spheres to grow/enhance the sport with the aim of ensuring all players have every opportunity to make the most of themselves and their abilities with the ultimate aim of ensuring the national team has the best possible resources available for international games.
Assuming the info about metro clubs rejecting the Pioneers is accurate, I wonder if some of the state/club administrators need to be reminded of their responsibilities to their clubs and that the sport is bigger [and more important] than them or their clubs.
Reality... time and time again the same response it needs to be state based .... why does it??
Also can you who seemingly has all the answers provide a response as to how it is the elite league is state based and how the Waratah is state based with Canberra team playing in it.
Reality are your real initials mq?
Pop, many players from the country play in SA Metro's junior competition. They can do the same with the senior comp. The opportunities are there, so your point regarding the good of the sport doesn't hold much weight.
Perhaps SA/Vic Country should form an elite league of their own so SAM doesn't have to prop up a club that presents very real logistical challenges.
SA metro clubs currently making sure all of their players have their passports. Visas being processed now.
Adelaide clubs GROW UP! Selfish fkwits
Can only be good for SA Basketball getting Mt Gambier into the
Can't wait.
How so? Include reasons and evidence or you're in danger of being the "fkwit".
Jack Toft
Years ago
It would be good to have a couple of other non-city teams in. A Murray Bridge team would be a great addition as would a Riverland or Iron Triangle (Upper Spencer Gulf) or Copper Triangle team.
Mewh! Doesn't South Australia (aka Adelaide) finish at Gepps Cross anyhow?
Your suggestion of a sa and vic country competition sounds like a good one we had such a league it was called Seabl. With clubs such as my gambier, Ballarat, Geelong, Bendigo, Albury wondonga then add in nwt. Great idea but for unknown reasons ba canned it
It would be great if SA did what ever other state does and had a league that was properly representative of the state, not just metropolitan Adelaide.
Hopefully Mt Gambiers addition help the league grow and evolve into something a little more like the leagues operating in the rest of the country.
From some of the comments on here I get the feeling that it is pessimistic attitudes of what's possible, or protectionism, that might be holding the league back.
OK, so north Adelaide 16 1s go down to div 2, will that make the div 2 teams better? Say all you want about improving against a strong team, end of day talent will win out.
How is the inclusion going to grow the sport? Might help a few local bench warmers in the mount be in the league, but who stars for them, imports and Adelaide players. If anything it would create a stronger league if those players came here instead of watering it down especially on the women's side if they have to enter one. Players and coaches would probably be based here and travel for home games.
It has always been and will always be about the 10 district clubs. Total closed shop regardless of whether a new venture is metropolitan or country based. Archaic mentally hence why the game isn't growing on SA. People just move within the 10 and back again.
How about someone on the pro state league (as opposed to pro SA Metro) side actually put forth reasons for it's benefits beyond vague, general statements like "good of the sport" or "holding the league back".
I can't speak for others, but I'm personally willing to change my mind. The problem is nobody is giving me - or others in all likelihood - reason to.
Why isn't a true country league (aka SEABL) with Mt Gambier, Naracoorte, Horsham, Millicent etc. possible, and wouldn't it make more sense logistically?
It's only big enough for 10 clubs. You want Western Magic, Adelaide Uni and SA Church to enter teams in premier league? Seniors need juniors to prop them up unless they get big sponsors like Mt Gambier in a one horse town. Teams like Woodville and Centrals struggle in women because they nearly have no junior programs to come through.
Where's Naracourte, Victor Harbour, Streaky Bay, Tailem Bend, Roxby Downs, Snowtown etc going to get players geniuses??? Can't even get a good standard in youth league these days.
If you genuinely have the vote or such power at one of the four clubs who voted against and are genuine about the possibility of changing your vote I'm not sure that posing such a question ion this forum is the best way to obtain a reliable response. What might be best is contact one of the pioneers club administrators to discuss if you didn’t raise that concern in their presence at the recent meeting it’s a tad unfair to base your vote on something you have not given them an opportunity to address. Did you raise it when they have tried to contact you? If you don’t feel comfortable in speaking to them about it perhaps you could pose the question in a responding email. The administrators are easily accessible.
Reality or mq you have gone quiet, can't answer the question posed above?
"If you genuinely have the vote or such power at one of the four clubs who voted against and are genuine about the possibility of changing your vote"
I didn't say I had the power to vote, or a member of a club that voted against it. Actually I think my club voted for the inclusion of Mt Gambier - I just haven't seen a single reason why to this point.
I can certainly understand the position of those clubs who have voted against.
The appalling circumstances that the pioneers find themselves in is no fault of their own. The way they have been let down by BA and in turn BV is beyond comprehension it is probably the worst failure by a governing federal sporting body that I have ever seen and ever likely too.
It is clearly understood that it is not the fault of the Adelaide clubs. Yet they are now coping it for letting the pioneers fold.
The vote by the Adelaide clubs was or should have been a moral decision on how to vote. They well knew that if they voted no the pioneers would have close up shop. Surely you could think that we just have to do what is right here and do what we can to save a basketballing icon.
This whole debacle is an absolute disgrace. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the pioneers and imagine how you might feel to be treated like they have by ba and BV and then in their final plea to there own state clubs to show no empathy is a disgrace.
This debacle says much about basketball administration in this country it has always been a joke and appears it always will be.
I can not imagine a successful club competing at the second highest league possible in this country having this happen to them in any other sport.
It is a very sad day for basketball.
Seniors do not need juniors to prop them up. Doesn't the model that exists in most clubs rip money out of juniors for their senior teams. Wouldn’t it be much better if an idea to have seniors that fund themselves and actually put back into junior basketball rather than ripping it out. That is what Mount gambier have. This is what all other seniors teams should be aspiring too not trying to destroy mtg or trying to make them do things the other way as they do or rip money from juniors
Years ago
Unfortunately sounds like the end for Mt Gambier now.
Would have been good if both got the facts right but Atleast he reached the correct conclusion that being this is bs
Since when has botti worries about getting the facts right!
The fact that is right is the pioneers are being continually screwed over.
What have they done so wrong that they are hated by ba, bv and four Adelaide clubs?
Botti has named the four clubs against in the comments on his Facebook page linked above
Mt Gambier get 6 figures from sponsors. If you don't believe that juniors prop up seniors, you're in a dreamland. No way clubs like centrals, eastern or woodville can compete with that.
Another thing, what has Mt Gambier ever contributed to basketball in Adelaide, too busy concentrating on seabl, Now they need us, and self admitting, only hopefully for one year, they suddenly are interested.
What my gambier have done is provide a pathway for elite sa kids
What have mt Gambier done for teams in Adelaide? I think you will find a lot of juniors and there are premier league players from Mt Gambier
What have mt Gambier done for teams in Adelaide? I think you will find a lot of juniors and there are premier league players from Mt Gambier
So the clubs that probably can't compete on the court with my gambier voted yes and the financially powerful vote no, southern running scared, Sturt trying to get Daly back
I know one club voted no this year due to the timeframe and scheduling. BSA are useless and struggle to organise a 10 team comp so trying to rush a country team in this late could of been a real disaster. Start planning for next season and that vote would be different.
Mt. Gambier don't want PL ultimately just a one year stop gap so I’m not sure the vote was wrong in my opinion.
My Gambier and BA are paying the travel costs, what do the 4 clubs have to lose?
It's simple. Mt.Gambier commit to PL for say 3 or 5 years = they'd be in.
Use the PL as 'something to do' whilst we get back in to the new Vic comp. in a year = no thanks.
PL has been there last stop since being axed from SEABL. Boti neglects to mention this. They tried to get in to the new Vic Elite comp. but were denied. So on to plan B, they tried to get in to the Big V comp. but were denied. Their last port of call as they are out of options is to play in PL. Hardly a ringing endorsement to other PL clubs that they 1. really want to be there, 2.are going to hang around, 3. actually identify as an SA club.
Don't think for a second the board didn't consider ALL options when their SEABL gig fell through. PL obviously wasn't important to them.....back then. Amazing how things change when circumstances dictate it.
Well let's hope in reply BA remove their endorsement of your tin pot league and we will see where that leaves you. If they were going to do it to SEABL in 12 months time I hardly think they will blink at the Premier League. Kind of a funny name for a league who is scared to compete against Mt Gambier for fear of humiliation.
southerns players would all have their hands out for extra cash, living away from mummy allowance
Anon #486, if it is a tin pot league why would you even consider playing in it. Surely it is just best for you to close down!
I know our club voted yes but I sure hope they change that to a no if your attitude is reflective of the Mt Gambier basketball community!
Probably not their first destination because they are well aware of the close minded backwards thinking of the league. They knew this would be the attitude towards it.
And why would BA remove their endorsement of the PL #486?
It was at their doing that Mt. Gambier find themselves in this predicament.
Maybe, just maybe, if BA wanted Mt. Gambier to join the PL (and that certainly wasn't the case) they should've consulted with BSA BEFORE they cut the Mount loose from SEABL.
Because consulting with BSA or Basketball Adelaide would be so fruitful for all concerned. Or would it just continue to be only about the 10 district clubs that ruthlessly hold onto their blinkered monopoly? Gee I wonder!
If they knew it then let's make it 10 no votes and let you fight it out with Basketball Australia
Years ago
BSA and clubs should just force Mount to sign on for a min of 5 years.
If Mount don't want that then bad luck as Mount have no bargaining position....saying they only wanted to play Big VG for 1 year before moving on is why Big V wouldn't admit them!
Years ago
Reality - Mount Gambiers was invited by Basketball Victoria to apply for Big V to only be rejected as Basketball Victoria's board were unwilling to amend the competitions by-laws.
You may name yourself "reality" - how about try "factual".
Was Mt Gambier in the league 30 years ago?
What made them join SEABL?
Are the 10 existing club pissed that their best players have been leaving for Mt Gambier for the last 30 years for better standard hoops that they are getting petty by forcing them away?
Sounds like a whole review of basketball in SA is required? Lightening going broke, no money in Premier League to be competetive, very rare for SA junior state teams being successful.
Maybe all start pulling together to grow the sport before the state loses all its basketball talent to football due to politics and selfishness.
Years ago
Rip mt gambier..... killed by basketball Aus.
Such a shame teams can't even travel in their own state to other games without "compensation"
Same goes for Mildura.
Basketball in sa/vic/tas is a disgrace right now and they wonder why the nbl was struggling
I am sure most PL teams could cope with the travel cost - just put less into junior development within their own clubs. How much do the Pioneers contribute to their juniors?
Reality (mq)...... hahaha not even close.....keep trying im sure you will....you might get something right in a post one day....
Still waiting to hear what players have come from Mt Gambier to Premier League since its such a big breeding ground
I think you will find it's been a place where players have gone to get to the next level from Premier League. Still a great pathway for SA players.
Definitely agree, just some genius above said there are Premier League players from the Mount, just wondering who they are. Surely if they were half decent they would stay at home and have played Seabl. Probably one of these misinformed people that thinks they will help the league grow.
There are and have been premier league players from the Mount. There might be a number of reasons the players have moved to Adelaide including education, employment, family. It may also be because they haven't been good enough to make the Seabl team. I’m not naming them as I don’t think that is fair on them to be included in this thread.
Years ago
So many anonymous's above. Hard to keep track of who's saying what.
- For those worried about parity in talent between squads if MtG joined the PL, considering it has been mentioned many times that the better players from Adelaide came down to play in the Mount (SEABL) to play in a better comp, doesn't that mean that those same players are more than likely to stay in Adelaide and play there, if they're staying in the same comp ? Bringing Mt Gambier back to the pack somewhat ?
- As for the other smaller country (potential) teams, why couldn't they just start in a Division 2 while they build their programs up. Was mentioned earlier that country kids have to go and play in the city to get a game, surely a pathway, albeit a Division 2, would keep them at home, and possibly attract more kids to play as they wouldn't have to go to the city to play ? Population was mentioned, but I've been through a lot of those towns mentioned (Murray Bridge, Port Pirie & Augusta, Gawler, Millicent) , and they don't seem all that much smaller than some of the Vic Country towns that field teams in Big V or even CBL.
- True State Leagues work in every other States that have a decent population (Vic, NSW, QLD & WA). I would think, although SA is smaller (in population) to those states, they could surely use the same format to encourage the growth of the sport ?
Some good points above, but apart from wanting to play in better competition the salary is/was far superior. Daly, Burden etc would make more money, albeit not ridiculous, than what's here. And there would be other benefits. Stayed in Mildura once with a player and he was treated like a rock star.
As for comparing rural towns in SA and Vic, there's an enormous difference in participation rates. While our best is on par to other states, the depth isn't there. So there's more and better players to choose from. And the drop off rate here after 18s is huge, youth league is a joke now, if you don't make PL then most quit.
Bullshit about Mt Gambier players here, name 3. Don't talk crap about not naming them FFS.
Any good player playing at my gambier that has ambitions to maybe play at NBL level will be heading to play in Victoria next year
Years ago
That's where your wrong. You can talk $$$ all you want but we actually do things right down here. We have had stages of core groups in the mount that have stayed. Money isn’t everything down this way. Our culture, our program, our sponsors and our community involvement is what keeps the players here and that’s why we are the most successful club in Seabls history.
Now those same players will just go and play for the Victorian teams. They still won't stay in Adelaide. You do realise that there are other sa players playing for other Seabl clubs in Victoria don’t you? There always have been and always will be.
Years ago
Why does it matter what mount gambier players aren't playing there? We have a whole heap of juniors who are driving to Adelaide each week to play with their respective clubs. I don’t get the point of this question?
There are four Current premier league players from the Mount at the moment. I'm not naming them for reasons posted earlier. I don’t care if you think it’s bullshit. Do some research if you really want to find out who they are. As posted above numerous juniors head there each weekend to play. It is not a one way road.
It's is a one way road now and it’s a road to nowhere for the pioneers
Years ago
And your in the position to be saying this and stating this??? You must be in a grand position in this whole process and to be sitting there with an "anonymous" name.
Pioneers will get in to the Premier League. This is all a storm in a tea cup sensationalised by Boti's article. Whilst technically correct there is a lot more to the story.
What an intelligent post, your parents must be so proud.
Anon, what an incredibly immature and inappropriate comment.
Please try to understand that some of the comments on this forum are in fact genuine.
Just hoping that a realistic pathway can be found for the Pioneers, to survive and progress.
A problem not caused by either the Pioneers or the PL clubs.
Years ago
When you have personal attacks it's shows the character of the individual. Let’s hope everyone sees the greater good and will see the Pioneers will add to this great league in Adelaide and for the state of basketball in SA
Mount Gambier permitted to enter Premier League for 2019.
"Stayed in Mildura once with a player and he was treated like a rock star."
Of course he would be. The male talent in Mildura is shithouse.
Sad story if true.
Hmmm, seem to know a lot about the male talent in Mildura, been jilted there a few times big boy!
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