Years ago

Bogut v Homicide: the banter continues

Homicide has now accused Bogut of getting personal.

Something something. Glasshouses. Stones.

Is this good for the league? I saw it on nine's website, so it’s getting publicity at least.

Personally I think they’ve not shown a lot of imagination in their banter. I’m sure a few people here could write much more entertaining scripts.

Topic #44482 | Report this topic

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Hoops banter:

Person A: you suck

Person B: no u

Reply #723275 | Report this post

Years ago

Williams has nothing worthwhile to say so he says stupid stuff instead to try to appear edgey.

Reply #723276 | Report this post

Years ago

You could say the same for Bogut.

Why does the NBL insist that having these manufactured controversial issues is good for the game? Who is putting money into the league just because two loudmouths have a stoush on twitter?

Reply #723277 | Report this post

Years ago

Personally I don't like it.

Williams is a game commentator of the league (granted he is a colour commentator, and not necessarily play by play, he is still a commentator).

It reeks of unprofessionalism by both of them to have a commentator (who is supposed to be neutral) getting into it with players on social media and vice versa.

If I see commentators using social media (And a few do i.e. rugby), all their posts are generally positive rather than negative - congratulating players/teams and not putting players/teams down.

Contrary to the popular saying, any publicity is IMO not good publicity.

I'd place repute over clicks for the time being. Sure publicity is good, but not if it grows the belief of a 'bush league'.

Reply #723278 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is Homicide still in the country? Surely Peter Dutton can look into this?

Surely when it comes to VISA's and adding value he couldn't qualify? Doesn't play basketball anymore and works in a area that has alot of Australians are looking for an opportunity.

Reply #723279 | Report this post

Years ago

Its shit like this that makes the league look so petty and unprofessional.

Especially when the league it self is promoting it...

Reply #723282 | Report this post

Years ago

Commentators having the ability to be both negative and positive is a good thing!!! We want opinion and analysis both good and bad. Get over it..
Not his biggest fan but at least he is creating some interest and debate about basketball. He's not talking personally about anyone. Harsh yes, bad no.

Reply #723284 | Report this post

Years ago

How is he creating interest? The only added interest I can see is people debating whether he is an idiot or not.

Reply #723287 | Report this post

Years ago

Could just be me not having a lot of interest in this manufactured banter, but it just seems a bit boring and as mentioned already, a bit unimaginative.

I like banter, i like a bit of spice as it creates interest, however it just seems that anything Homicide says just comes across as controversial for the sake of media content without being interesting at all, and for me, not that interesting.

Personally the Angus Brandt v Bogut banter was a bit more interesting (while still a bit cringy). The whole thing is lame. But if it gets the league in mainstream news then it has some merit i suppose.

Reply #723292 | Report this post

Years ago

"Commentators having the ability to be both negative and positive is a good thing!!! We want opinion and analysis both good and bad. Get over it..
Not his biggest fan but at least he is creating some interest and debate about basketball. He's not talking personally about anyone. Harsh yes, bad no"

Maybe, but I'd prefer that type of opinion/analysis to come from a non-commentator.

Ala like Stephen A. Smith/Skip Bayless/T-Mac/Rachel Nichols and their respective analysis shows. They are't commentators; they are dedicated analysis and opinion shows.

If Corey wants to have a strong opinion like that, then take him off as a commentator and have him just appear on Overtime or whatever the show is.

Just don't see how you can be wearing both hats that's all.

Reply #723293 | Report this post

Years ago

This is why this forum is like Narnia! It's beautiful while at the same time it doesn't have to make sense!

Last week it was "the commentators are told by the league to back the refs" "it's unprofessional for these commentators to not have their own opinion and be told what to say"

Fast forward to this week and it's "Commentators should just say positive things like rugby and toe the company line"

So good! Just place the goal posts in a new spot each week!

Reply #723297 | Report this post

Years ago

"So good! Just place the goal posts in a new spot each week!"

There is a big difference between having your own opinion, and saying controversial stuff for the sake of it. Homicide apparently encourages discussion - have you ever seen him try and have a discussion?

Reply #723298 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Is the same individual shifting the goal posts, or are you attributing the opinion of one person/a few people to the entire forum?

If it's the latter, it's one of the most pathetically lazy attempts at reasoning I've ever seen. One person/a few people who contribute to a basketball forum = the thoughts of the entire forum. I'm starting to see it more and more. How do people think this way?

Either way, just know... fk Perth and I hope Tommy is in a good place within himself.

Reply #723301 | Report this post

Years ago

Does Homicides twitter comments border the line of bullying? Some times I think they do, he has called for players to get sacked, he has told players they played straight up trash. With mental health awareness becoming more and more prevalent, especially in sports, I think there is a chance that his comments may cause serious issues at some point.

We don't hear much about mental health in the NBL as far as I know, does that mean the NBL looks after the mental welfare of players well? Maybe they do, I'm not sure. Or is the NBL just way behind in this area to the point players aren't comfortable enough to come forward with these issues?

Reply #723305 | Report this post

Years ago

Thankyou, MACDUB. Finally a poster with common sense.

Reply #723307 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #723308 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow. Senator, that's a reach!

1. Expressing an opinion (even one that offends) =/= bullying
2. The players are no doubt aware Corey is a league-wide joke
3. Your point regarding mental health doesn't make much sense: the population is generally aware of the importance that mental health plays, and the stigmas surrounding seeking help are rapidly eroding. What you're suggesting is that people ought to avoid saying anything that might offend someone. Why do NBL players need to come forward and broadcast private issues they might be dealing with anyway?

Reply #723309 | Report this post

Years ago

"If it's the latter, it's one of the most pathetically lazy attempts at reasoning I've ever seen. One person/a few people who contribute to a basketball forum = the thoughts of the entire forum. I'm starting to see it more and more. How do people think this way?"

I'm not the anon above but weren't you the person who went on a rant a few weeks ago about "the left" never being able to argue with facts and statistics, before disappearing when asked to present facts of your own? I'm not sure how you ever convinced you that you're smart and your opinion matters.

Reply #723310 | Report this post

Years ago

MACDUB, I hear you and maybe it is better to come from those sources.. but we don't exactly have that in Australia. The NBL Overtime show is amazing IMO and the closest we have to that. I would hate to see that be sensored into commentary only and no opinion. "Calling out" players and being harsh at times is necessary in order to talk about both good and bad.

Reply #723311 | Report this post

Years ago

"The NBL Overtime show is amazing IMO and the closest we have to that. I would hate to see that be sensored into commentary only and no opinion."

Um, that was his point. MACDUB quite clearly said to take him off being a commentator (you know, the guys with microphones during games) and have him on Overtime only.

Reply #723313 | Report this post

Years ago

Complete wanker v total dickhead.

Reply #723314 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

723310, I try to not respond to idiots. However I'm not good at it all the time, case in point right now

Reply #723315 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah good comeback

Reply #723316 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Where's your retort?

Reply #723317 | Report this post

Years ago

Homicide is an embarrassment to the league. He needs to go.

Getting a colour commentator that can string a sentence together would be a start.

Reply #723319 | Report this post

Years ago

"Wow. Senator, that's a reach!

1. Expressing an opinion (even one that offends) =/= bullying
2. The players are no doubt aware Corey is a league-wide joke
3. Your point regarding mental health doesn't make much sense: the population is generally aware of the importance that mental health plays, and the stigmas surrounding seeking help are rapidly eroding. What you're suggesting is that people ought to avoid saying anything that might offend someone. Why do NBL players need to come forward and broadcast private issues they might be dealing with anyway?"

I agree myself that its a reach and I'm looking at the extreme end of the spectrum for sure. However with the increasing "sensitivity" of new generations and the PC brigades, I don't think it's a huge to anticipate it becoming an issue at some stage.

Regarding point 3, agree that the stigma surrounding mental health has improved in leaps and bounds, it is still not even close to where it should be (I work in the health industry too). An example last night on the Project actually, someone said that now mental health awareness is very strong in the AFL, however the response from a former player who advocates for mental health said, that is is not true, only a handful of teams employ full time psychologists/psychiatrists. An AFL club have 20 odd strength and conditioning coaches, however they only have 1 person looking at mental well being. So yes improved, but not near enough to what we need, this ratio in itself shows that mental health is not considered close to being as important as physical health.

Using AFL as an example again against Homicide. AFL commentators do call out under performing players like Homicide does, but there delivery is appropriate (probably not Kane Cornes). Homicides delivery of his content is meant to offend in a poorly constructed belligerent way which is inappropriate.

Reply #723322 | Report this post

Years ago

Preface: an 'interesting' interpretation of the English language

'Logical' argument: generic statement that can't be proven or disproven and took all of 2 seconds to concoct

Confirmation bias: searches for evidence to affirm his statement
e.g. *Ware makes literally 1 shot* "I TOLD YOU SO! WATCH OUT BRYCE COTTON - HE COMIN' FOR YOU!"

Contradiction: faced with evidence to the contrary
e.g. *Ware shoots <40% in a losing effort* -- very little to say

Reply #723323 | Report this post

Years ago


*pause for 30 seconds while he thinks of one thing to say*

Reply #723324 | Report this post

Years ago

Senator, I am a psychologist. You're correct that AFL teams are employing fewer psychologists than they had previously. However, they're doing so because clubs are trending towards mindfulness/holistic 'wellness' coaches. So they aren't ignoring the issue of mental health. In fact, while I don't agree with the strategy, they're doing quite the opposite as they attempt to identify better services (however misguided I think they may be).

Homocide's commentary is trash, but it's not "inappropriate" in the way you've described. Just my opinion though. Either way, I would happily be rid of him for whatever reason.

Reply #723327 | Report this post

Years ago

"Senator, I am a psychologist. You're correct that AFL teams are employing fewer psychologists than they had previously. However, they're doing so because clubs are trending towards mindfulness/holistic 'wellness' coaches. So they aren't ignoring the issue of mental health. In fact, while I don't agree with the strategy, they're doing quite the opposite as they attempt to identify better services (however misguided I think they may be).

Homocide's commentary is trash, but it's not "inappropriate" in the way you've described. Just my opinion though. Either way, I would happily be rid of him for whatever reason"

Thanks for your input, seems strange having a controlled discussion on this forum, lol.

I didn't think they ignored the issue of mental health, I agree like you, I think their baffled as to what's the best way to move forward and help these players. Look at the Adelaide Crows, they went from losing their coach in tragic circumstances, to pulling together to making the finals in top spot, and then come crashing down the following season and miss finals completely. I think they are all still struggling with that initial tragic event (same thing happened to my footy club, we had a player die on field in the round 1, the club became the strongest it had been that year in terms of player bonds and success, then that strength slowly fizzled over the next year) and haven't found the best process to overcome this as a club.

Back on topic, Homicide is trash , yes he is.

Reply #723329 | Report this post

Years ago

Some of the support and training is handled by the AFLPA who have a number of support staff (psychologists/counsellors etc) and also run programs through groups like AFL Sports Ready to help players with a range of issues.

Reply #723331 | Report this post

Years ago

If Corey wants to have a strong opinion like that, then take him off as a commentator and have him just appear on Overtime or whatever the show is.
I've been saying this for three or four years now.

Reply #723342 | Report this post

Years ago

We've been ignoring you for four or five years.

Reply #723344 | Report this post

Years ago

homicide provides nothing. doesnt do photos with fans Adds no value to the league

Reply #723352 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought the only fans Corey had were at NBL HQ?

Reply #723353 | Report this post

Years ago

Make the mistake of 'disrespecting' him on Twitter and you soon learn he has plenty of fans. Lesson learned.

Reply #723358 | Report this post

Years ago

We've been ignoring you for four or five years.
I would've expected it to be longer, so I'm calling that a win.

Reply #723359 | Report this post

Years ago

Is there anyone here who hasn't had a Twittercation with Homicide?

Reply #723362 | Report this post

Years ago

Guilty, he tends to respond, then I realise I'm dealing with a moron so give up.

Reply #723365 | Report this post

Years ago

Corey is literally getting 10-50 likes on his tweets, and next to no re-tweets. That's not many fans or much exposure for the NBL.

This feud with Bogut is the only meaningful thing he's done in this role and it's only possible because Bogut has some actual influence - not Corey - and literally 50x more followers on social media. Once the saga is over, so too is the interest.

Regardless, this is beside the point: someone explain Corey's antics translate to bums in seats or tv ratings? I don't see it.

Reply #723366 | Report this post

Years ago

Only way the guy could gain any respect in my book is doing some extra stuff in his own time, give back something to the community like meet and greets (not just shaking a few hands after a game) etc. Guy is just happy to take his cheques till the NBL dumps him.

Reply #723367 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 366

"Corey is literally getting 10-50 likes on his tweets, and next to no re-tweets. That's not many fans or much exposure for the NBL."

Please tweet this to him, including actual numbers to back it up.

You too can suffer the wrath of the man without reach.

Reply #723385 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't use twitter, so I'll just post the "actual numbers" here and await his wrath.

Corey 7k followers. Bogut 374k followers. 374000/7000 = 53.43

@chomicide average retweets: 1
@chomicide average likes: 16

Reply #723396 | Report this post

Years ago

7000 people stupid enough to follow Homicide and 374,000 dumb enough to follow Bogut.
Try getting a life lol.

Reply #723437 | Report this post

Years ago

Not gonna disagree with you on that.

Reply #723438 | Report this post

Years ago

Does that tally include the number of people that Bogut's blocked? Could be much higher !

Reply #723442 | Report this post

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