Years ago

OT: MG relaunch

Has anyone here bought an MG? Reliable? Are they really only $22,990? As I understand it the Chinese bought the trademark.

Topic #44442 | Report this topic

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

When Tommy isn't stuffing his face with chocolate cake he is hitting the road with his prep school mates. They all admire the solid Chinese steel construction and door trim material that doesn't fall apart at all.

Engine is made of aluminium and the tyres are plastic.

Reply #721537 | Report this post

Years ago

I love inside jokes and one day I hope to be part of one.

Reply #721541 | Report this post

Years ago

Twenty-two nine-ninety.

It just rolls off the time.

Reply #721545 | Report this post

Years ago

Twenty-two nine-ninety.

It just rolls off the tongue.

Reply #721547 | Report this post

Years ago

They are a piece of crap like most Chinese cars

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Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

I've heard Fotons are good. Perthworld, get a Foton

Reply #721608 | Report this post

Years ago

I love that ad. I managed to convince my kids that little Tommy has been eating his own shit again. they will forever associate MGs with the unpleasant taste of shit in their mouth (just like anyone who's bought an MG).

Reply #721615 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The MG adverts are woeful and the creative should be sacked IMHO!

I am a former MGB owner (red of course). The MGB was a fun little sportscar and having the top down want mandatory on a fine spring day, as was having a sexy chick in the passenger seat. I know the new MG's are now essentially SUVs (kinda like a Rav), but where is the emotion in the product? Marketing is all about emotion and getting the consumer interested in your product.

They basically have two adverts, both focus on a low $. With a product you either battle on low price, or quality. Battling on low price you might as well get yourself a KIA, find some overweight lover in traccy dacks, shove her snotty, screaming kids in the backseat to smear ice cream fingers all over your windows and leave lolly wrappers in the seat. When you battle on quality, you drive your lover from your acreage at Balhannah to your townhouse in Parkside to go to the launch of Veuve Clicquot.

Advert number 1 is some frumpish menopausal woman with trust issues having a go at her hen pecked husband in the bed. What message is that sending!
Advert number 2 is Tommy and his chocolate cake, and they show his FUNcle driving an MG - but where's the blonde in the passenger seat?

The re-launch marketing is wrong on so many levels, "from $22,990..". you make it from $32,990, add some leather seats and creature comforts, inject some emotion in the car and out the door they go. Jeep went crazy a few years ago on the "don't hold back" campaign, an emotion led campaign selling basically low quality. MG need a different campaign. There is no emotional tie-in to the car.

When it comes to selling stuff, it's simple:

"A woman's world is ruled by fear" - if you are selling to women, you point out the safety features and how much she would be a victim if she didn't buy your product.
"A man's world is ruled by pride" - if you are selling to men, you point out how your product will make his life more enjoyable and how all the beta-cucks will adore him more.

So, regardless of the product quality, exactly who is MG's target market?

Reply #721675 | Report this post

Years ago

I bought one,

My wife thinks I'm a lying piece of shit and my kids keep eating all my bloody cake, match made in heaven

Reply #721747 | Report this post

Years ago

7 years warranty is pretty good and in tommy's defence he only ate a small portion of the chocolate cake. there's plenty left you greedy bastard!

Reply #721752 | Report this post

Years ago

Mg relaunch? Do u mean mount gambier?

Reply #721753 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack Toft

I think I remember you. And the little red rooster.

You had me on the hood, but I did sit in the passenger seat.

I'd like you to meet your son.

Candy Del Ray

Reply #721790 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

This... this is goddamn beautiful, Candy

Reply #721813 | Report this post

Years ago

Are you trying to flatter me, Sir?

Jack seduced me with his social awkwardness. And the throbbing power of his little red rooster.

Reply #721818 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago


You see right through me, Candy.

I think I love you.

Reply #721841 | Report this post

Years ago

I just came across this comment:

The NBL and MG are such perfect partners.
Both pedal a tarted up, shoddy, cheaply thrown together product which is a far inferior imitation of what's on offer elsewhere.
Both still sell themselves on their long gone glory days, not realising their brand identity is not what it was, but maybe they hope they’ll confuse a few naive customers or people with low standards. Both brands been been mismanaged for decades and should have folded before embarrassing themselves like they are in 2018.
They go so well together, like people from dysfunctional or abusive childhoods who subconsciously prefer disfinctional or abusive partners, their own failures and shortcomings are normalised, accepted and relatable to each other.


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