Such a tough situation to be in. If your child is in division 3 or below, this is pretty normal. The coach will be in a tough place too - play kid too much people complain or try and make a point of not and kid is hurt. It's a tough balance. I always appreciate a parent willing to coach, it's such a tough gig. junior district basketball is amazing to be part of in many ways and exhausting in so many.
My best advice, see the bigger picture. Always give a coach and a situation time. If they are trying and genuinely trying to build something, a culture, a structure and are investing their time and best efforts into the entire team, give them time and space and sit back and be the parent stop trying to steer the ship so much. This is life, you have ups and downs, coaches who get you and coaches who don't. If your kid has big aspirations and the talent which may see them get there and this coach is bad and has no structure or plan, look to move at the end of the season... don't yank your kid out at the first tough hurdle, it teaches such a poor lesson to them.