"Most of the posts here can be summarised as "I can't understand the situation because its not something I am personally experiencing, but I'm going to say its wrong regardless.""
It is scientifically, biologically, and just factually wrong. Someone's experience, aka their thoughts, do not change reality.
"Oh FFS!!! You're seriously going to draw a comparison to the ongoing domestic violence issue with a one-off concern about a man/woman who doesn’t quite fit in with the norms of the world?"
Yeah, way to grossly mischaracterize what I said. I suppose when you can't make a valid point it is best to strawman the person you're debating against into views they don't even hold. I said there's a reason why there are men's and womens spaces, and explained why, and you ignored that and conflated the argument to be me having a personal vandetta against people who are different. Give yourself an uppercut, champ.
"What has been imposed on you, ringlord? Living in a democracy doesn't mean the rights of minorities are trampled on just because things they want make you feel uncomfortable. "
It's about more than uncomfortable. A society that panders to lunacy and delusion is not a healthy society, and everyone has a right to an opinion on that. When you start denying objective truths in some areas you open the door to doing it in other areas as well. Transgender people do not have a "right" to circumvent biology for their feelings because it makes them feel uncomfortable.
"Quite frankly if you are concerned about who is using a bathroom you weird. You enter the bathroom, you use the bathroom you leave. Bathrooms are for the personal elimination of waste. As long as you are doing it in a clean and appropriate manner it's not anyone's business what stall you use."
Survey women. Say nothing about transgender. Ask if they would like a man in the bathroom stall next to them. And then you tell me whether there is an issue here.
"Violence toward women generally speaks to a societal mentality, but its roots lie in the safety of women. I see no problem with what FFT said."
Yes, violence towards women exists. So does violence towards men (and there is technically more violence on men than on women in our society but that's another topic). We cannot control all situations where genders mix, but we need to accept that biological women are generally not able to defend themselves against biological men, and therefore we need to keep them separate in areas where those women are most vulnerable. I'd count toilets among those places, wouldn't you? Hey, no is assuming all men or all transgenders are a threat to women but we do have to act with the understanding that the potential is definitely there and put the safety of the vulnerable above the feelings of the unhinged.
"There is overwhelming evidence that shows a transgender child does not remain transgender when they get older. Almost as though it's either a phase or they don't know themselves enough to make that decision (you know, because they are children)."
There is a movie about this called "I want my sex back". Many of the transgender suicides are caused by the sex change.
"If size is such a massive issue, I hope they stop Aaron Sandilands playing in the same league as Caleb Daniel."
Isn't as simple as just size. Men's abilities to overcome physical injuries are better than womens. And even if you compare that size difference, even in men and women the same size, the man will have more bone and muscle density even if from outside they fit the exact same shape. Literally comparing a small and large apple, and a small and large orange, to a small apple and a large orange and thinking you have the same thing. You don't.
"No, minorities are asking to have things considered from their perspective for certain things. As always, that is met with privileged responses such as yours.
It was barely 50 years ago that African-Americans didnt have the same rights to vote as white citizens of the US. There would have been those that thought minorities were running the show then too."
That's not even comparable. You're suggesting we change the way we document births to appease people with psychological difficulties with black people not being allowed to vote? Is that really what you're doing here? You're going to pretend they're equivalent?