Years ago

2nd Tier Winter League under the NBL

There should be an effort for a 2nd tier Winter League under the NBL basically feeder clubs for the teams in similarity to the NBL, they can play curtain raisers for the team, gives quality minutes to the fringe guys on the squads, development players and top local talent.

At the bare minimum have local state league teams play as curtain raisers in their respective state.

i.e. Waratah League play in Kings or Hawks opener, Melbourne have Super V as opener and so on

It would expose more fans to the fringe players and the top local talent

Topic #44187 | Report this topic

Years ago

With essentially the top state teams getting the ability to play the opener and this would also help build the state teams profile with fans leading up to the ACC State Club Championships

Reply #712947 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you mean summer? There are already second-tier leagues playing in winter.

Reply #712948 | Report this post

Years ago

No NBL curtain raisers and even post game should be WNBL fixtures (ie Perth Lynx play after Wildcats during stupid fixturing)

Reply #712949 | Report this post

Years ago

The proposed Uni league would be a good solution. 1 or 2 uni funded clubs that are aligned to each NBL club (not necessarily students on scholarships like the US, that will never happen here). Most NBL clubs are sponsored or have an alliance with a uni anyway
Eg. ECU Wildcats, CQ UNI Taipans, USC Bullets

Reply #712954 | Report this post

Years ago

My bad meant for summer, currently in the states and mixed up the seasons. I haven't been to an NBL game in a while didn't know the WNBL has double headers with the NBL games.

Not sure how I can change the title if admin can change the title for me, thanks.

They could still try to incorporate the state league into Summer with state teams into the NBL games it would raise the image of the game overall and give upcoming talent exposure.

NBL teams would take notice of diamond in the rough players when injuries come along and the players would already be known to fans.

Maybe even a line up such as:
5:30 pm doors open WNBL or State league Game
7:30 pm NBL Game
9:30 pm WNBL or State league game

Reply #712955 | Report this post

Years ago

That is very true with the UNI idea and teams already being aligned with them, only downside would be the requirement for talent to take on a course to be able to play. Some talent might've just returned from the States playing college ball or even some have done degrees and still are high level talent in the mid 20's bracket which is still prime

Reply #712956 | Report this post

Years ago

The Pro League in the UK and the Ireland Pro League is basically universities playing against each other though they provide free courses for few of the players including imports on the squad essentially scholarships

Reply #712957 | Report this post

Years ago

That's what the suggestion was, uni funded teams with access to the high performance facilities at most uni’s. They don’t have to be students at all like the Sydney uni Flames, Canberra Capitals in the WNBL. It provides exposure to the uni’s and students in sports science etc practical experience with a real team.

Reply #712958 | Report this post

Years ago

I like the idea if they treat it the same way as you stated being a non requirement to be taking a course at the uni and for the students at the university to get the practical experience as stated above.

It will be good to see the further details they release in regards to the Uni League and where the games will take place and if its in Winter or Summer etc.

Reply #712960 | Report this post

Years ago

"That is very true with the UNI idea and teams already being aligned with them, only downside would be the requirement for talent to take on a course to be able to play."

This could be an upside in terms of making sure lower-level NBL guys are being prepared for life post-basketball.

Reply #712964 | Report this post

Years ago

It sounds like an overall good solution, maybe they can try branding it as a 2nd tier comp rather than call it a Uni League. England has the same concept in place but call there's British Basketball League. We could even call it the ABA seeing no one really uses that anymore.

Eager to find out if they target Summer or Winter and if it is going to be a semi-professional league essentially competing with Super V or will it be a stand alone 2nd tier league in Summer where fringe/development players get an education and benefit from more game time cause obviously their minutes will not be extravagant with the NBL side

Reply #712966 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem with any national second tier league is travel cost. This will be the big decider for any uni league as I don't think that its viable financially to be sending players all over Australia.

If Australia was to have a true university league, I think it would have to be a tournament based league, to cut this travel cost.

For example, a 16 team uni league might play tournaments in each state with final placings determining points. Perhaps 4 tournaments per year, rotating so each state/territory hosts every second year.

Reply #712981 | Report this post

Years ago

The benefit of being a Uni league is the exposure nationally and possibly internationally for universities. Not to mention the possibility of Government $$. They definitely have the money for the travel expenses and get to say they have a high performance sport team to advertise to potential Australian and International students. It would be minimal outlay and I think they could fill stadiums with students and former students as they will support their Uni rather than a particular player or sport. Plus as we know, uni students like a night out.

I played in the Uni games many years ago with some top quality fringe NBL guys but it was all about the party not the performance!

Reply #713021 | Report this post

Years ago

You gotta be kidding if you think a uni league is going to fill stadiums.

There is absolutely no way you could possibly make money off the idea if you played a traditional home and away season its not the USA.

How is a perth university going to pay 10 players and a few coaches to fly to the east coast almost every 2nd game to play in front of a crowd of 100 people maybe...

$400 return flight x 15 people is $6000.

100 people buying $10 tickets is only $1000.

Reply #713032 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not all about Perth.

Reply #713033 | Report this post

Years ago

Unis in this country are not about sport. A few large city unis have teams in local footy comps but that's about it. The university games are a joke, just an excuse for a heap of students to go away for a piss-up.

Reply #713062 | Report this post

Years ago

Once upon a time, it was gentlemanly to stand til ladies were seated. Now it's a law suit for discrimination.

20 years from now.
Once upon a time, the uni games were a piss-up. Now they are (some superlative, you can choose).

Uni's are Aust wide, in fierce competition with each other, are govt and privately funded, already have a built in structure of sorts, (some uni's)are already getting involved with NBL and several other sports. All would have good to excellent standard of facilities and collegiate support staff by the 100's as part of their studies.

USC (University of the Sunshine Coast), for example, have been the major sponsor of the netball success story called Lightning, have just signed on with the Brisbane Bullets, sponsor RipCity in the QBL, Aust swimming teams, field atheletics, impaired swimmers and atheletes, and, have their own social sports club, the Spartans (nothing to do with Southern Districts). And, their facilities are available to community based sports (eg; RipCity in the QBL and for their junior and domestic schedules).

I even envisage a situation where business people with philanthropist attitudes could be more easily attracted to support teams with "noble" association (higher education).

With all that as positives, til all the doubters destroy my faith, does it not make sense to, at least, consider unie's as a 2nd tier comp?

Reply #713072 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed but that is the social aspect of uni sport organised by volunteer student associations and it will remain that way. The idea is these teams will not be filled with uni social basketball players but young basketballers that are on the cusp of NBL or as an alternative to playing in the US Junior college, D2 etc.

Travel is always an issue but to discount the potential of the competition solely on that would be a shame. There are ways to schedule the season: for example each 'round' of games to be played in one city each week were all teams play over a weekend. Teams may only need to travel 4 or 5 times a season. If a Perth team wanted to be involved in the competition they would just have to pay (I am from Perth by by the way) or not be involved.

Reply #713073 | Report this post

Years ago

Sydney uni spend vast domes of money, scholarships on afl, rugby, ladies basketball programs plus other sports and have all the facilities needed.

Reply #713083 | Report this post

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