Food for thought
Years ago

The standard of the league has dropped, noticeably.

Yes, well like the title says, I believe the standard of the NBL has dropped noticeably from last season to this season, particularly from an entertainment standpoint.

Teams seem to be tightening up their purse strings, so we're seeing way more role playing imports than we had last year. We're also seeing teams opt more for point guards and back-up point guards than swing-men, who are usually the most athletic and entertaining of players.

Between last and this season we've lost Casey Prather, Demetrius Conger, JP Tokoto, Josh Childress, Edgar Sosa (obviously not a guard but still a dynamic player), Rotnei Clarke, Michael Carrera just to name a few, and the only player as dynamic and entertaining that we've had to replace these guys with is maybe Jacob Wiley. This spells trouble, to me.

It's the first year of the 9Go deal. We should have been trying to showcase the absolute best league we could. Last year's league likely would have built some momentum for ratings on just the highlights and athleticism alone. This year, the NBL seems to be banking on Andrew Bogut to draw eyes. Bogut might be a nice little piece to have, but when it comes to sustaining a TV audience past initial novelty interest I'd take a Casey Prather over him any day of the week.

I understand that teams are built for championships. I know that coaches aren't all too interested in highlight plays. And I also understand that basketball purists are going to be pissy with me. But when it comes to what the league is built for - entertainment - the NBL has taken a backwards step. There are a couple of teams so boring that I can barely bring myself to watch their games unless one of the more up-tempo teams are playing against them. I dare say if something like Brisbane vs. Perth is a casual fan's introduction to the NBL, they may not bother to ever watch again.

So for whatever reason the NBL has gone in this direction, they need to rethink it. If the NBA tours are costing too much for them to pay for a Casey Prather over a Kennedy, they need to stop them. If teams have become cash poor because they've decided to overspend in the past, they should look at cutting some of the deadwood Aussies at the end of the bench for younger, cheaper guys and then spend more of their money on their primary 8 players - the NBL does not exist to provide a livelihood to Australian players with no hope of ever becoming Boomers. Either way, out of the 17 NBL games played already this season, I've only thought 5 or 6 were up to snuff. The rest were that boring that I spent most of them flicking through my phone. It was not like this last season and this is a problem.

Topic #44156 | Report this topic

Years ago

I wouldn't have thought so, no, absolutely not.

Reply #711756 | Report this post

Years ago

"Every NBA game is a barn burner full of highlights" said no one ever. There are less dunks in the highlights so the league is terrible....

Reply #711757 | Report this post

Years ago

For real? Overtime after overtime.. Sobey triple double first since 2015. Every team with wins and losses. Blocks and dunks in most games. No entertainment at all.

Reply #711759 | Report this post

Years ago

"Between last and this season we've lost Casey Prather, Demetrius Conger, JP Tokoto, Josh Childress, Edgar Sosa (obviously not a guard but still a dynamic player), Rotnei Clarke, Michael Carrera just to name a few, and the only player as dynamic and entertaining that we've had to replace these guys with is maybe Jacob Wiley. This spells trouble, to me. "

Really the only clear downgrade at this point appears to be Prather to Kennedy and Clarke to Jett/Jackson. But it might still be too early to call that.

Conger was an overrated player who was hyped about by the likes of Homicide. A good scorer yes, but his team didn't make the playoffs because he couldn't play defence and it was telling that no one else signed him. Tokoto was all style but no substance when it mattered - White looks to be an improvement. Childress has been replaced by a younger and more dynamic Wiley. Carrera was a hack who played like crazy and was replaced pretty early last season when it became clear the team played better without him.

It appears you enjoy players who look like they are good but actually don't contribute too much overall to winning games.

And you didn't bother mentioning Melo Trimble is an infinite upgrade over Scoochie Smith.

Muggish analysis.

Reply #711760 | Report this post

Years ago

This has been the most entertaining start to a season I can remember. A few bad games, but lots of good ones and a few classics already.

Reply #711761 | Report this post

Food for thought  
Years ago

"It appears you enjoy players who look like they are good but actually don't contribute too much overall to winning games.

I have even said that this is primarily about the NBL as an entertainment product. I'm talking about the NBL's ability to draw new eyes.

Reply #711764 | Report this post

Food for thought  
Years ago

When the NBL looks at its ratings and sponsorship at the end of the year, the athleticism and entertainment value of the players in the league will directly translate to more gains for them than the objective results of individual teams. That is a deadset fact. And I already said that this will annoy hoops purists, of which I generally am one when I am not thinking specifically about the commercial good of the league.

Reply #711765 | Report this post

Years ago

"When the NBL looks at its ratings and sponsorship at the end of the year, the athleticism and entertainment value of the players in the league will directly translate to more gains for them than the objective results of individual teams."

This is a guess on your behalf, based on no fact. Do some research into the habits of Australian sports fans. As it is, TV ratings are up this year on both FTA and STV.

My question to you is, do you think the standard of the league has dropped or the spectacle? They are two different things.

My personal opinion is the standard is pretty much the same, but the spectacle from an early-season perspective, when there is always rust, is very good for this early on.

Reply #711768 | Report this post

Years ago

The only thing holding the NBL back is true rivalry games and expansion so we can really start getting excited about those potential rivalry games, the talent and action, close games and scoring is fine, nothing to see here folks...

Reply #711770 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree that there has been a slight drop nothing too bad but I did think during the offseason there clearly was a move around the league to cut back on costs whether that was in return for going from 3 NBA games to 7 this year I'm not sure.

Tokoto wasn't much but it was a shame Conger priced himself out of the league. It wouldn't surprise me if Prather returns though.

Reply #711771 | Report this post

Food for thought  
Years ago

"As it is, TV ratings are up this year on both FTA and STV."

Okay, not disagreeing with you, but do you have the stats on this for FTA outside of the first game which was said to have rated at 65K?

"My question to you is, do you think the standard of the league has dropped or the spectacle? They are two different things. "

The athleticism has dropped, which I equate to both standard and spectacle. I believe the NBL is less athletic by the measure of probably 1 super-athletic player per team.

"This is a guess on your behalf, based on no fact. Do some research into the habits of Australian sports fans."

I base the guess on the complaints of NBA fans when they watch the NBL, and the reasonable assumption that they're the type of people we're trying to win over with the TV product, and that if they were won over, it would therefore increase revenue for the leagues and teams.

"I agree that there has been a slight drop nothing too bad but I did think during the offseason there clearly was a move around the league to cut back on costs whether that was in return for going from 3 NBA games to 7 this year I'm not sure"

Well as I understand it, each game cost the team at least $80,000 to play, and some teams played twice. If those games are the difference between keeping a Casey Prather or not I say you keep Casey Prather.

Reply #711779 | Report this post

Years ago

Seems like the first 3 rounds has had everything. Can't really complain about that.

Reply #711784 | Report this post

Years ago

I've watched every game it’s been fantastic, as far as Prather goes hardly played last season due to injury, wasn’t a super star in his first year at the cats, Conger could score couldn’t defend or play team, it was all iso ball. Most games going down to the wire, if you only want to see dunks and people jump high, maybe go watch the high jump or pole vault.

Reply #711785 | Report this post

Years ago

Well as I understand it, each game cost the team at least $80,000 to play, and some teams played twice. If those games are the difference between keeping a Casey Prather or not I say you keep Casey Prather.

I'm not sure if there was an $80K buy in or not but with LK owning the Bullets supposedly still most of United and rumoured to be propping up both the Sixers & Hawks I suspect he might've tightened the purse strings on those teams in return for buying more NBA games this year anyway.

Reply #711786 | Report this post

Years ago

Where did this $80k figure come from? ME was saying it a few weeks ago, also saying that figure *didnt* include airfares, but never provided a source.

Reply #711788 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure I would rather have Prather back, but if we're into wishful thinking I'd like Ennis too.

But I wouldn't say the standard has dropped.
Brissy look competitive which is something I didn't expect, and there have been some cracking good games.
Also, whilst I haven't seen them in the flesh yet, Cairns' imports look pretty good.

Reply #711791 | Report this post

Years ago

"Sure I would rather have Prather back, but if we're into wishful thinking I'd like Ennis too."

Well said. We need to be realistic, that there are other more higher-paying alternatives around the world so there will be a cycle of identifying new stars, them then being priced out of the league and then having to find new ones. Keep in mind that Prather was not an immediate superstar in this league. He improved over his time here (particularly from year 1 to year 2). The good thing is we seem to be retaining a good portion of the quality stars like Randle, Cotton, Ware, Boone, Sobey, McCarron etc. Did lose Creek, which hurts.

Reply #711794 | Report this post

Years ago

Some imports may not be as great as ones like Prather but at least the locals have stepped up enormously

Reply #711801 | Report this post

Food for thought  
Years ago

"Where did this $80k figure come from? ME was saying it a few weeks ago, also saying that figure *didnt* include airfares, but never provided a source."

It's a figure given from an insider at the 36ers.

Reply #711802 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think the cost of nba games would have come from the salary cap, and there is no way teams would prioritise those games over recruiting a better player.

Reply #711814 | Report this post

Years ago

Only lowlight has been the how the game is being called by the refs. Game after game has enough highlights to keep the NBL fan interested.

Reply #711817 | Report this post

Years ago

We've lost some athletic guys, no doubt. Tokoto was an athletic freak. Who could forget Conger's double handed block off the backboard? Kennedy not as dynamic as Prather.

I'm not totally convinced about how much this impacts ratings etc. I'll sit on the fence on that question.

Reply #711818 | Report this post

NBL Fan  
Years ago

I think the parity of the league this year almost makes up for the loss of some great imports last year. People like close games, and having as many teams in contention for finals for as long as possible is essential.

Reply #711834 | Report this post

Food for thought  
Years ago

Well, as far as I am concerned, basically all teams are worse off with imports than they were last year and athleticism is one of the biggest indicators. I'll look at this team by team.

Adelaide 36ers

Shannon Shorter is better than Deleon. They've retained Moore, which is cool. They've lost Childress and Creek (two athletic and dynamic players), but picked up Wiley. So on imports, I rate them as a step behind where they were last year if you include the loss of Creek and Childress basically being filled by one import in Wiley, and the fact that Shorter had a far more rounded game than Deleon.

Brisbane Bullets

No Travis Trice - a big loss to the team and the league. Keeping Stephen Holt doesn't make a lot of sense anyway (what the hell has the guy even done since Melbourne?!?). And they lost Perrin Buford, who may have been a bit of a personality issue for the team, but he delivered WAY more than Alonzo Gee was going to. Once again, another team a step behind in athleticism and dynamicism in their import spots. They replaced Trice with Gliddon and Cadee, Cadee being perhaps the most overrated human being to have ever walked the earth.

Cairns Taipans

Scoochie Smith was ass. We all know that. Melo Trimble is a very easy upgrade on him. DJ Newbill is an upgrade on Nnana Eqwu, although they play different positions. However in no way, shape or form is Devon Hall in the same conversation as Michael Carrera, who had all the makings of an absolute star player before leaving the team. He was that entertainment factor that is the basis of the conversation I am having here. But if I am being fair, Cairns did upgrade in their imports ability, but a clear drop in athleticism has to be noted for the purpose of the point I am making.

New Zealand Breakers

Edgar Sosa, DJ Newbill and Rakeem Christmas have been replaced by two guys who've done little to this point, and Shawn Long. Shawn Long is a clear and obvious replacement for Rakeem Christmas, but the other two, whatever their names, have done nothing in any way to replace DJ Newbill and Edgar Sosa. The team also notably lost Kirk Penny. New Zealand's imports are a downgrade.

Sydney Kings

Last year it was Travis Leslie, Perry Ellis, Jeremy Tyler and then Jerome Randle. This year it is Jerome Randle, David Wear, and Next Star Kid Brian Bowen. Randle vs Randle cancels itself out. Jeremy Tyler was an asswipe. However David Wear is Daniel Kickert-lite on a team which already has Daniel Kickert. The big difference between teams I see is Perry Ellis, who was an absolute class player. Whilst Sydney picked up Andrew Bogut, there import situation when considering the loss of Ellis and the retention of Wear probably took a step backwards. But having said that I tend to think of Sydney as one of the teams that is a bit more aesthetically pleasing from a viewers perspective anyway at this point, especially with Randle.

Melbourne United -

They kept Ware and Boone, although Ware is playing like a shadow of himself, so that cancels itself out. But they lost Casey Prather - perhaps the biggest loss of the entire off-season - and gained DJ Kennedy, who looks competent, but probably isn't even worthy of shining Prather's shoes, and certainly is not the entertainer that Prather was. Melbourne's import situation has taken a step backwards in both function, and entertainment value. The addition of McCarron, whilst savvy, is also not enough to negate the loss of a player like Tai Wesley.

Illawarra Hawks -

The loss of Rotnei Clarke, who was freakishly crafty and ridiculously talented, cannot be overstated. They've replaced him with lost-and-found rejects such as Cedric Jackson and Jordair Jett, with Jordair, surprisingly, being the most impressive of the duo. The two will have their spots but are nothing on Rotnei for both the function of the team and the entertainment value. Brian Conklin is a very, very good player, however, but when talking about athleticism he is not in the same planet as Conger. Aesthetically, Conger is a loss to this team, but when it comes to actual function, Conklin is obviously a very astute choice.

Perth Wildcats -

Bryce Cotton vs Bryce Cotton = Bryce Cotton. JP Tokoto was a more entertaining player than Terrico White, but Terrico has proven more effective. And Derrick Cooke Jr was more athletic and entertaining than no import, but probably was less effective than his immediate replacements Nick Kay and Tom Jervis. Perth will be a stronger team this year than last, and on functionality they've made smart choices. But when it comes to the speed and pace of the game, entertainment value, they're taking us right back to the grind it out style they used to play in the early 10's which bored us all to tears back then.

So while I cannot fault all import selections, the loss of a lot of talent in some teams and the downgrading in athleticism in others are obvious and noteworthy and do make for a very different a more floor-bound league this season. Some teams have made astute selections that have improved the functions of their teams while others have made decisions that are not only less entertaining, but less useful (Deleon, Wear, Kennedy, etc).

There is a difference is standard and in entertainment value for the league this season.

Reply #711839 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you're been narrow minded in how you measure entertainment in basketball. Entertainment is more than big dunks and blocks. Watching perth this year is night and day, the floor is spaced, plays are been run to perfection regularly and they are scoring more than in some time. Highlights are great but even the casual fan once watching will realise if they are few and far between. Many of the imports we have lost had flaws or had them when they arrived. The reality is teams need to take the best player available, to serve their team needs, if they do that they should win, if they are winning its usually entertaining. Dare i hypothesise the casual fan wants to watch a team that wins and plaus well rather than a team who loses every week but has a good dunk every game.

Reply #711844 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you're been narrow minded in how you measure entertainment in basketball. Entertainment is more than big dunks and blocks. Watching perth this year is night and day, the floor is spaced, plays are been run to perfection regularly and they are scoring more than in some time. Highlights are great but even the casual fan once watching will realise if they are few and far between. Many of the imports we have lost had flaws or had them when they arrived. The reality is teams need to take the best player available, to serve their team needs, if they do that they should win, if they are winning its usually entertaining. Dare i hypothesise the casual fan wants to watch a team that wins and plaus well rather than a team who loses every week but has a good dunk every game.

Reply #711845 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps the local talent has now improved, aside from the loss of Creek.

You were focusing on the athleticism of the imports. Then you mentioned the loss of Creek. Sobey has definitely stepped up in the "highlight reel" category.

You also mentioned the NBA. The NBA has become a 3ball league. The NBL is starting to look a bit like an imitation of that.

NBL hasn't been in better shape for years.

Reply #711848 | Report this post

Years ago

@FFT, just because you right it down doesn't make it true, while you’re allowed your opinion it’s a load of bollocking, your opinions on previous players is so inflated and incorrect in most cases. Over all most supporters are happier with their imports this season than last.

Reply #711852 | Report this post

Years ago

Ha ha I just realised from the above post that rotny clarke isn't in the league this year. I just plain forgot about him

Reply #711859 | Report this post

Years ago

Horrendous analysis. And thanks for mentioning new Zealand having lesser imports without taking into account Corey Webster came back.

The best parts were when he called Carrera a star player and Perry Ellis absolute class.

Carrera played what, 5 games last season? The club decided to release him (because he was crap) and go with Jerry Evans junior for most of the season (the definition of a budget import).

Perry Ellis couldn't defend my keyboard.

And nice work using import replacements like Christmas without taking into account we're three weeks into the season and that underperforming imports may yet be replaced. You talk about how crap Gee is without mentioning he's been replaced by Lamar Patterson.

I guess at the end of the day this may very well have been a troll post, so I guess the jokes on me.

Reply #711867 | Report this post

Years ago

"But when it comes to the speed and pace of the game, entertainment value, they're taking us right back to the grind it out style they used to play in the early 10's which bored us all to tears back then"

Perth are averaging 100 pts per game, never would I have imagined a Perth team to average this much ever. Terrico nowhere near as showy as Tokoto, but Cat's have been there done that and it didn't work, White is an upgrade and can flat out score which is what we were missing. Ennis was enough to build the Red Army back up, now it's all about titles. Ennis, Prather both worked in excitement factor and a title. Tokoto, Daniels did not work. That's a 50% title strike rate with a showy player. Happy to take the more experienced less showy guy any day of the week.

Ennis > Cotton > Prather > White > Tokoto > McKay > Beal > Daniels > Johnson > Ingram

That's my order when combining showy with success.

Reply #711890 | Report this post

Years ago

Found Homicide's hoops account

Reply #711899 | Report this post

Years ago

I think they need to hire Jackie Moon from the Flint Tropics to bring back the entertainment aspect to the league

Reply #712673 | Report this post

Years ago

I reckon the league's still improving except for the officials.

Reply #712696 | Report this post

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