Years ago
Adelaide Based State Basketball Centre
So obviously many of us have been to the State basketball centre in Melbourne and have been impressed by the facilities. I noted recently that the Vic state government is looking to upgrade this venue shortly as well.
In the last year or so, there has been a number of basketball facilities getting upgraded in Adelaide, from The ARC, to North Adelaide and Woodville's new venues. This is great for basketball in SA, although there is more that needs doing, including Port Adelaide and Marion.
But, I do feel like there is a gap for a more significant venue and wonder if there shouldn't be a push for a State venue. This is a venue that hosts 6 courts and in Adelaide then would become the home for all the NITP camps, trainings and tournaments. It could also be used to house finals for district seasons (rather than the mix of venues currently used - how any finals games can be scheduled at Port Adelaide is beyond me).
The NITP then would be able to have all their athletes and programs under one roof, instead of the mix of Port Adelaide, Pasadena and Magill University. Basketball SA could be run from there, Country SA could have a home in Adelaide and they could host a variety of tournaments etc... If smart I could see a link with a University (similar to what they do at Magill Uni, but with a much bigger facility), where sports science, sport psychology, physiotherapy, podiatry etc... are all included.
Good idea or not required with the new upgraded facilities around Adelaide?