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Years ago

Ch 9 announces DeLeon as Sixers’ 3rd import

Announced just now on the news

Topic #43721 | Report this topic

Years ago

We are screwed then.

Reply #699655 | Report this post

Years ago

Out Chill creek shorter
In wiley deleon.
No playoffs this year. Cant see anotger championship on the horizon

Reply #699657 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #699658 | Report this post

Years ago

28 games, 40 techs for Joey

Reply #699659 | Report this post

Years ago

A 34 year old point guard that IMO was not that great 5 year ago.

Reply #699660 | Report this post

Years ago

Imagine how much more grumpier Joey will be this season!

Reply #699662 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm happy but if I was an Adelaide supporter I would not be.

Reply #699664 | Report this post

Years ago

Just seems odd.

Reply #699674 | Report this post

Years ago

earlier today someone wrote Edgar sosa was signing

Reply #699677 | Report this post

Years ago

What a budget ass team, gonna be a long season ahead

Reply #699682 | Report this post

Melbourne Boy  
Years ago

At least this forum will be entertaining with all the heat on 6ers come the season starting

Reply #699683 | Report this post

Years ago

And I deleted the Sosa thread because it's the same troll who posted Trice before that and well after anyone with a clue knew it was Deleon.

Reply #699684 | Report this post

Years ago

Well that sucks.

Reply #699690 | Report this post

Years ago

April Fools?

Reply #699691 | Report this post

Years ago

"A 34 year old point guard that IMO was not that great 5 year ago."

With the backcourt he already has, it was likely Joey would go for a solid performer, rather than a superstar.

I wouldn't wright him off just yet, he's pretty good at assembling a competitive team.

As for "budget", well yeah, he undoubtedly has less money to spend than the big 3, so he's gone for some outside the box solutions.

Reply #699692 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

I think it's easy to underestimate the Moore retention too because he's a returning player. His role seems to be off the bench everywhere he goes but he can easily start and average 15-20ppg.

Like has been mentioned, improvement & reshuffling is the key here.

Reply #699695 | Report this post

Years ago

This is basically Ebi Ere part 2. Like Teys, one of "Joeys guys" who will pop up and into our teams regardless of if they're shit or not. I struggle to see how this team will win many games or be particularly entertaining to watch.

Reply #699716 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh what a surprise another one of Joey Wright's has been imports coming in. This team won’t be very good and like said above the entertainments level won’t be there. Massive steps back this season.

Reply #699718 | Report this post

Years ago

2 hard 2 guard is fun to watch and with him wearing a 36ers jersey, he will be all the more fun.

He's older now so I wonder if he knows what the other 4 players on the court in jerseys like his are there for yet?

Will he pass the ball at all this season?

First import sent home ?

Reply #699720 | Report this post

Years ago

Nah. Wear will be the first import sent home. The guy is absolute trash.

Reply #699721 | Report this post

Years ago

Do I contact the club to get my money back?

Reply #699723 | Report this post

Years ago

As I said in another thread, I wasn't really a fan of DeLeon at the Hawks. He can play but reminds me of how the Warriors got better when they moved on from Monta Ellis. Ellis averaged 20+ PPG with the Warriors but they had a losing record most years he was there. They went 23-43 in his last season, then 47-35 the year after he'd left.

However, being charitable, I'm assuming that money is now tight, which restricts the options, and that maybe Wright just wants a reliable option he feels he can trust, someone he's worked with before. I'm guessing the case goes: We don't need much from him, we have guys who can move the ball, we have shooters, we just need someone to run and give Sobey and Moore a seat. Maybe he goes 1/6 FG, maybe he has 25 in 20 minutes. He's not going to cause trouble.

We'll see.

Here's video of DeLeon going for 54 points in the Dominican Republic league. Lots of threes, so hard to tell where the rest of his game is at. Looks like he hit a clutch shot earlier this year to win their championship.

Reply #699726 | Report this post

Years ago

This is the best they could come up with? Surely a younger fresh out of college smaller school guard would of been available at a similar price. They wont even make the top 4 with that team.

Reply #699728 | Report this post

Years ago

Pay significantly more for season tickets yet put out a sub par product in comparison to ticket price increases and previous this owner doing everything he can to alienate the supporter base?!

Reply #699729 | Report this post

Years ago

Not playoff bound imo .

Reply #699730 | Report this post

Years ago

I love your positivity Isaac, but 54 points in the Dominican Republic league doesn't exactly fill me with excitement and this has to be the least excited I have been for a season in I don't know how long?!

Reply #699731 | Report this post

Years ago

Hogwash...36ers will be lucky if they are even in playoff discussion come the end of the season.

Reply #699732 | Report this post

Years ago

Ebi should've been re-signed. Had to be better options than more joey recycled imports.

Ready to move in from this Wright era quick smart to be honest. They haven’t shown up to 2 deciding gf games under him and have been heavy underdogs to get that far at the time. This season the 'dog status will be too much.

Reply #699733 | Report this post

Years ago

36ers aren't making the playoffs this year. And I know there's more to the game than names on paper, but Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, New Zealand and illawarra are significantly more talented than we are. Now don't the Teys and Doyle retention seem even dumber in light of this? We now have two terrible rotation players, here to slap butts in change rooms apparently, and a 34 year old ball hog has been who will struggle to do much against the Casper Wares and the Bryce Cottons of the league. The only hope we have is if one of the new kids comes in and beasts beyond expectation. Adelaide will finish between 5th and 7th this year.

Reply #699734 | Report this post

What was the point of the NBA Summer league trip if we simply sign Deleon?

Could have saved a bucket of money and poured it into the playing roster instead of on another junket to the US

Reply #699735 | Report this post

Years ago

So Joey goes on holidays, at his own cost, that incorporates going to summer League where he signed Jacob Wiley and that isnt ok ? Cool.

Reply #699737 | Report this post

Years ago

I think this means Sixers are all-in on Sobey at PG (good move IMO), with DeLeon I would assume being looked at as a 6th man/bench scorer - fill Moore's role basically. It's clearly a budget signing, but I don't hate it as much as most... Sobey/Moore are a quality backcourt, but it leaves a lot banking on improvement across the board and contributions from rookies... and Wiley being an impact player. A top 4 possibility, but longer odds than Sydney/Perth/Melbourne/NZ.

Reply #699738 | Report this post

Swish 'n Dish  
Years ago

I'm sure most people on this forum were saying the same thing about the Sixers 12 months ago and look how they ended up.

If things don't work out they will pull the trigger like they did last year and source another import.

Reply #699741 | Report this post

Years ago

I do really hate this signing, and it does leave Adelaide with the worst backcourt in the league but we do have one of the best frontcourts. Hopefully Joey learns how to use it....

Reply #699742 | Report this post

Years ago

Swish n Dish...they wont pull the trigger this season - unless there is an injury.
Joey doesn't cut his mates, refer to Ebi Ere a couple seasons back.

Reply #699743 | Report this post

Years ago

I love your positivity Isaac, but 54 points in the Dominican Republic league doesn't exactly fill me with excitement and this has to be the least excited I have been for a season in I don't know how long?!
Positivity? Said I didn't like him much last he played here, that my other statements were being charitable, and then offered no real comment on the video I'd found other than it was three-heavy (which can just mean a hot shooting night and little else to go on).

He isn't who I would've signed, but then I'm not privy to the budget, to other options and to his thinking. Boti made a remotely positive comment about the looming signing which suggests to me that Wright has a plausible rationale behind the signing (fair to assume that they would've chatted for 10-30 minutes over the phone or at a training).

I remember everyone being puzzled at how quickly Wright locked in Moore last off-season, a guy who barely showed anything in Melbourne. And then he had a solid season and signed on long term. Boti was positive about that Moore signing from the start.

Maybe he fits the role well. Once he's signed, there's little point griping about it. Wait and see how it goes.

Reply #699744 | Report this post

Years ago

every year everyone gets stuck in saying the 6ers are shit and will finish bottom and yet they are always around the mark under Joey...too many people THINK they know better or THINK they know what is actually going on

Reply #699746 | Report this post

Years ago

Will DeLeon start at PG? Maybe Sobey switches to PG when he's on the Bench?

*DeLeon / Doyle
Sobey / *Moore / Teys
Drmic / McVeigh
*Wiley / Deng
Johnson / Froling

Reply #699750 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

i think Joey will be interested in the Tasmanian coaching job. very well resourced = Brisbane in his championship year. They want an experienced coach, to me thats him or BoyG , unless ..... Aaron Fearne with significant roster money could be very interesting.

Reply #699752 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Aw , missed it on ch9...
ch2 were at training , seems it was the first , they interviewed wiley and joey..
no mention of deleon...
ch9 the only one reporting deleon...

Reply #699754 | Report this post

From Boti's latest newsletter:

"We're looking for a kind of floor general, a guy that can run the team, a veteran player, so a guy that we can count on," Wright said.

“We’re still looking. We have a good feel for a few guys, but yeah, we’re still looking.”

Sounds like he's not going for an absolute gun, but someone who's been around a while and knows how to lead a team. Whether that's DeLeon, we'll see.

Reply #699757 | Report this post

Years ago

Antony Stewart will coach the huskies.

Reply #699762 | Report this post

Years ago

we all remember Lisch giving this hack the business back in 2012/13

Reply #699768 | Report this post

Years ago

As normal this time of the year, it is Sixer special "Fans" sooking. They are putting their head in the sand forgetting about the following:

1. How talented Drmic and Deng are and how they will step up this season with more minutes and more consistent minutes.

2. The team probably has the best culture in the league which is huge.

3. We have maintained a solid core group.

4. We have a coach that continues to have successful seasons by getting the best out of the players.

5. How much depth the team has.

Some of the logic I see from these "fans" is Deleon is old at 34 and then imply we should have got Childress (35 and injury prone).

"A 34 year old point guard that IMO was not that great 5 year ago."

He was top 10 in MVP voting. Sixth Man of the year. 16.4 PPG @ 41% FG, 33% 3pt, 77% FT, 3RPG, 3APG. Yeah pretty average 5 years ago.

ME's normal dribble coming from his social basketball expertise.

"how this team will win many games or be particularly entertaining to watch"

Still will win games and will still be entertaining. Not like it is a loss if you don't attend games as you only attend a handful during the regular season and then jump on the bandwagon when they make the finals.

"I know there's more to the game than names on paper, but Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, New Zealand and illawarra are significantly more talented than we are."

Actually no you don't know there is more to the game than names on the paper. Can you be anymore dramatical? Significantly more talented? Other than Sydney how are those other teams SIGNIFICANTLY more talented?

"Teys and Doyle"

United had Adnam and Hooley. United seem to do alright. Perhaps one day you will learn teams need role players to balance out the team and that they bring other intangibles to a team.

DeLeon will most likely come off the bench in a Jason Terry scoring role. Sobey and Moore are more than capable of running the offense. Froling is an upgrade on Hodgson because he isn't a liability on the pick and rolls. This team has the quality, depth, balance and culture to make the playoffs. Whether they do or not we will soon see but it is an extremely competitive league so anything can happen.

Reply #699769 | Report this post

Years ago

The initial announcement was un-inspirational, but I thought I'd sleep on it and maybe it would not feel so bad in the morning.

Sorry I don't feel any better.

I tried to be positive about this signing, I cannot.

I am now settling for being open minded to this signing.

Adris Deleon was a good player at Gold Coast, he was a decent player for the Hawks. But I just don't see him being that good anymore.

Before I am labelled a hater, let's consider what the Sixers need. We just lost our best player, and whilst I expect Drmic and Deng to absorb Creek's minutes and improve their output, there needs to be another capable guy down the stretch.

Last season Shorter was solid, Childress and Moore were very good. This year I see having Deleon as a significant downgrade to that even if Wiley is good.

We came within 1 game or 1 injury away from a Championship, so we were thereabouts but now most teams seem to have imrpoved and I can't see this as anythin gbut regressing.

I have never been a subscriber to the Jobs for Joey's Mates view, I even supported Ebi, I guess I will just have to trust Joey Wright.

Reply #699772 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you are being very selective with your analysis there Brunson - not to say that the negative posts aren't either but...

If we are being realistic with what we know, from last season we have essentially swapped Childress, Creek and Shorter for Wiley, Mcveigh and Deleon. There is a talent & experience disparity there - you can't deny that.

Relying on a number of young players to improve even further to reduce that disparity is an unknown and hypothetical - they could just as well falter and regress with the added responsibility, it has happened before. We all thought Sobey would go on and improve again last season but he didn't really go to that next level like most hoped.

Yes, United had Adnam and Hooley...they also had Boone, Ware, Prather, Goulding etc...who on the upcoming 36ers roster matches that talent to go with our role players?

Sydney have improved talent wise, Perth are Perth and will be around the mark, United will no doubt have a surplus of talent, NZ look to be improving...the 36ers on the other hand have gone backwards in terms of talent and experience.

What DeLeon did 5 years ago is irrelevant - case in point Ebi Ere.

I think you are overstating the 36ers depth. They young ones are talented, but they are just that, young and the others are limited talent wise.

Team culture is great and something to be praised but when it comes down to it, it didn't really help the 36ers when it mattered.

I think 36ers fans have every right to be disappointed with the roster that has been assembled this season. Ticket prices went up significantly, yet the roster is somewhat budget in comparison to the increase and last seasons personnel.

Reply #699778 | Report this post

Years ago

1. How talented Drmic and Deng are and how they will step up this season with more minutes and more consistent minutes.

Yes, but this is to cover Creek. And using Max Kellerman's analogy, you have covered Creek (a $1 bill) with 2 x 50c coins, not exactly the same but I take your point they will improve.

2. The team probably has the best culture in the league which is huge.

Can you offer some clarity as how how this team has the best culture? How it's better than say Perth or Melbourne?

3. We have maintained a solid core group.

We have lost our #1 player and our #1 import.

4. We have a coach that continues to have successful seasons by getting the best out of the players.

Yes agreed.

5. How much depth the team has.

By my reckoning we are legit 7 deep plus Teys. Johns and the other 2 rookies are untested. Can we really proclaim elite depth with 7 and I'm being kind to include Deleon in that 7.

Some of the logic I see from these "fans" is Deleon is old at 34 and then imply we should have got Childress (35 and injury prone).

Childress' injury in the GF was very very costly, I would hope that the Sixers had learned from this lesson.

A 34 year old point guard that IMO was not that great 5 year ago."

He was top 10 in MVP voting. Sixth Man of the year. 16.4 PPG @ 41% FG, 33% 3pt, 77% FT, 3RPG, 3APG. Yeah pretty average 5 years ago.

Firstly, 41% isn't fantastic and in your own words was 5 years ago....5 years is a long time in a pro's career. Shannon Shorter was averaging similar percentages, 3 less PPG but more assists , rebounds and defence.

ME's normal dribble coming from his social basketball expertise.

You don't have to demean other people's opinions because they do not align with your own. I don't agree with much of your but at least I have framed my reply as a point of further discussion with a chance for you to come back.

Reply #699780 | Report this post

Years ago

Hmmm Sobey at PG could be really really good or really really bad.

Reply #699787 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #699790 | Report this post

Years ago

He was top 10 in MVP voting. Sixth Man of the year. 16.4 PPG @ 41% FG, 33% 3pt, 77% FT, 3RPG, 3APG. Yeah pretty average 5 years ago.
This doesn't help your argument. 41% FG is bad. 33% 3PT is on the very low end of 'acceptable'. 77% FT is solidly average. 3APG is low for a PG.

Reply #699794 | Report this post

Years ago

Just thought I would share this.....thanks Luuuc

Reply #699795 | Report this post

Years ago

I genuinely couldn't remember who this guy is. And then I watched the youtube clip of Lisch schooling him, now I remember him. He was crap.

Reply #699801 | Report this post

Years ago

Hence "Not2Hard2Guard"

Reply #699811 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

I've mentioned this in another thread, but am i right in saying that the club has had to limit their spending during the off season as opposed to what they may have had at the beggiining? If so, why? I only base that on the idea that names like Childress & Motum were being thrown around & that's even before Creek left (for sure).

I don't think Wiley would be overly cheap? Obviously a case of spending up more for that need and then getting someone established to compliment the group and Sobey is given the opportunity I'd love to see him have. So i do get the thinking behind it.

I think the real question is not if DeLeon is talented or not. He was very talented. Lots of guys are but there's something missing from player types such as DeLeon that separate him from say a Cedric Jackson. The argument should be if he truly is a right fit and if he's necessary compared to other guys you can go budget with. Personally, I don't like the signing at all. But it's true, just needs to accepted and given a chance to play out.

If Smith (forget name) from Cairns was still hanging around, i think he's a guy who could take off in that role.

Reply #699812 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm onboard this team as I was last year at this stage.
The club has done a great job to keep all the younger guys and get McVeigh and Froling who I think will be a great contributor.
Wiley will be in mvp talks and think he’s a perfect fit.
Moore was a great early signing. I was high on him before last year and was proven correct.
We have scoring of the bench Moore/deng/drimic etc.
all we needed was a pg who can pass the ball!!!!!!
A pg who could hopefully knock down the open 3 better than shorter.
A pg who can switch on defence.
And we get Deleon a guy who’s about himself!! I’m not expecting Casper ware types. He’ll I’d take Rhys Martin over Deleon.

Reply #699814 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the only way I can talk myself into Deleon is if he's used as a scorer off the bench. That means there is an awful lot of pressure on Sobey to step up this season. If Drmic and Deng also improve a lot then the Sixers could still be quite good. But chances are, they'll take a step back this season after falling one game and one freak Childress injury short of the title.

Like many Sixers fans, I'm pretty disappointed if this really is our last signing. I feel like the team we have is actually quite good, it just needed that one final, quality piece to put us in contention. Instead, if Channel 9 is correct, we've signed a guy who wasn't that good in his prime, shoots the 3 ball as badly as Shorter did and is too small for us to switch everything defensively as Joey's Sixers teams always do.

Reply #699816 | Report this post

Years ago

Regarding budget. DJ was hot property in the off season...I am sure he got a pay rise. Drimic is probably on more too.

Reply #699817 | Report this post

Years ago

No doubt they got raises after all the money freed up from Creek who would've been on pretty good money and Childress who would've been on exceptional money. No doubt Shorter would've been on more than Deleon would likely be getting too.

The real disappointing thing with this signing is even if Deleon has signed for the minimum wage you can find kids straight out of college from smaller schools desperate to land an import gig and get experience for that money or thereabouts.

It's a very lazy signing and unlike the Ebi Ere situation it will only be acceptable if Deleon has effectively been signed as a placeholder import until a better point guard shakes free from NBA training camps and Deleon is cut before his contract becomes fully guaranteed for the rest of the season.

I suspect Deleon might've gotten some sort of verbal guarantee that that is unlikely to happen though.

Reply #699819 | Report this post

Master Chief  
Years ago

What has Boti got in for Shannon Shorter? Labels him 'overrated' in a recent article and was really harsh in another. I just don't see why it's necessary to give him such a kicking on the way out and it seems selective. I liked Shorter. Sometimes you wouldn't even notice he was playing and then he has near triple double stats which surprises you. He was solid to say the least.

I thought the same a few years ago when Boti would always make mention of how Gary Ervin was a good player mostly but went missing in the grand final (paraphrase). He'd say this over and over again. But so did the whole time. Why is it necessary? Seems very selective to me, so why.

Reply #699822 | Report this post

Years ago

Shorter got numbers but he was a pretty average player. No shame in that most are but his carry on with the flexing and all that crap was tiresome from a player who was no star.

To be fair to Shorter he was really a SG without a reliable jumpshot and we brought him in to be the PG and run the show which he clearly wasn't suited for with his average decision making and poor ball handling.

Remember too Boti understandably always wants the 36ers to do well and to be seen to be doing well so talking Shorter down helps sell the current team/decision making.

Reply #699825 | Report this post

Years ago

Absolutely Andrew, I was just gonna say that as DJ has also probably signed his last big money contract so to suggest the roster is worse with players potentially signing on bigger money and others being unknown is very hard to judge but I do agree that 36ers seem to be missing a stud or even a pass first point guard and Adris is neither

Reply #699832 | Report this post

Years ago

since his stint with Wollongong in 2012/13, he hasn't played in any significant league. He has been plying his trade in Puerto Rico and his home country

Reply #699834 | Report this post

Years ago

He is a BA-owned NBL cheap era import who will now play in the LK era. Baffling really.

Reply #699835 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm a huge believer in Joey's building of a team, year after year he has done it. Biggest mistake he ever did was bring in Ere who was out of shape all year, unless you count round as a shape. Signing Deleon smacks of bringing in a past it player, maybe if we had some studs at both import spots and a really good local PG it might be OK. Think if we struggle out of the gate he could be first import gone and a Trice could get brought in.
But I'll believe in what joeys plan is until then.

Reply #699840 | Report this post

Years ago

Puerto Rico is a decent league. Having said that, Deleon seems like a bad signing. So much more out there. Shorter was a quality all-around player, some may be upset he didn't carry the team but that's not the sort of player he is and I imagine the Sixers knew that.

Reply #699846 | Report this post

Years ago

Melbourne and Sydney have money to throw at big names and stack their rosters. Unfortunately the 36ers don't. I'm glad the team was able to survive a few years back but the league is very top heavy these days and there is obviously a big divide when it comes to money spent. Joey has done a great job to get to two grand finals after taking over and the style they play is exciting to watch. Hopefully they can do well with this team too.

Reply #699847 | Report this post

Years ago

then were has the money gone not to get a better pg

Reply #699848 | Report this post

Years ago

It is interesting that the 36ers actually haven't announced it at all. Is Deleon a sure thing backup in case they are waiting on clearance/contract/availability of someone else?

Reply #699857 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people are underestimating the Wiley signing. He wouldn't be cheap and understandable so.
My issue is you have 3-4 athletic bigs who I’m really high on, that can do a lot of damage in the nbl. We need a pass first gaurd. If money is tight go get a kid from college that hasn’t got picked up yet because he might have some flaws. Not a 35 yr old, who is all about himself. An over dribbler, who’s game kinda suited the nbl 5 yrs ago.
The nbl has got that much better over the last 5 years. This is worse than ebi

Reply #699858 | Report this post

Years ago

Deleon isn't a great signing.

Agree that a pinch scorer, playing 15 minutes off the bench could be a role where he's used effectively.

You never know what will happen. Remember last year, that mediocre import with the long hair, hurt his arm and the 36ers ended up with Childress. You all thought the 36ers had no cash, but that didn't stop them signing a stud.

Deng still has serious potential- if he really steps up his game, the 36ers will be very dangerous despite not having a backcourt that's as highly rated as most.

Reply #699891 | Report this post

Years ago

#857 as I said earlier in this thread the season in Dominican Republic hasn't ended yet so they can't announce his signing as clearance hasn't occurred.

Reply #699907 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets go sixers

Good luck to JW and the boys for the upcoming season. Lets go one better this year. Were with you all the way.

Although i hope Creek injunction thing all sorted and no problems

Reply #700194 | Report this post

Years ago

They will be announcing that he is no longer our 3rd import this week .
He is a SPUD

Reply #715206 | Report this post

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