Years ago
Funny Cooper Says GET IT OUT!
Poor Vlade - in his last professional game get's swated into the stands by Big Man COOPS
Years ago
Poor Vlade - in his last professional game get's swated into the stands by Big Man COOPS
Years ago
how did you get the sixers players an uniforms in the game i wanna do that too
twenty four
Years ago
yeah how did you do that?
but just one thing,while its really good and all, why is it on the celtics court?
Years ago
Haha - was wondering who would be the first to pick that out.
Ok the patch/add on NBL Live 2005 was being made by a couple of guys a while ago - they got so far and seems due to lack of time stopped.
Just recently it has been revived and the good news is alot of the work has been done - the uniforms are well on their way (all of last season's were done, but now they are getting the changes for this season done so that is great)
As far as I know the courts are done and the Molten ball is done and I must say looks quite good.
The rosters are getting worked on atm and this is what takes the most time.
So if you have NBA Live 2005 on PC we will have NBL Live 2005 patch/add on for it in the not to distant future.
Years ago
Oh BTW the reason I was playing on the celtics court is not everything has being compiled into the game ie courts, ball, all uniforms etc. So had to pick a court to test run the 36ers roster (of course the first roster I will get done :-)
And hey the Celtics court looks cool :-)
BTW for anyone who is interested Paul Rees got 1 rebound in 10 or so minutes, Mark Nash didnt attempt a field goal in his 20 odd minutes and Maher was on fire from downtown.
Oh and Sixers lost :-(
Years ago
During the testing process I'll post some more images as it comes along and also some of interest - Still havn't hit a three with Oscar so I'll be sure to post the first one he hits, Farley has yet to throw one down so look out for that.
Although most of the roster creating dosnt involve playing :-(
Years ago
BTW I can't take any credit for this work thus far - I've only just jumped on board now to help out with the rosters and whatever else needs finishing.
Years ago
Everyone be sure to note Brett Maher defending Kobe Bryant in the background of the first few shots!
Years ago
No worry about understanding - when its all finished it will be shipped free via the www so as long as you have NBA Live 2005 you will be able to turn it into NBL Live 2005.
The truth
Years ago
Quite Exciting ... every Australian Basketball fan has wanted an NBL version of NBA Live .... Any idea of when this will be Available... Is it being done by a company or just at home ... And how are they going about copyrights and stuff
Years ago
When is it available - When it's finished hopefully in a few weeks.
"Quite Exciting ... every Australian Basketball fan has wanted an NBL version of NBA Live .... Any idea of when this will be Available... Is it being done by a company or just at home ... And how are they going about copyrights and stuff"
I must point out this is not a stand alone game and just a modification of the current EA Sports NBA Live 2005 - mods are quite common in alot of games these days and the entire NBA Live series has enjoyed a large modding community - I think programmers have come to the realisation that modders do alot of the creative work for them, providing new ideas for games/series.
As for copyright issues, one would think the NBL would have no issue with something like this, considering it has been done before.
Add to the fact it is not been sold it is FREE, but hey if there is a problem than I'll just play it at home by myself and you can play it at home and so on and so on :-)
The truth
Years ago
Cheers for that DJ i look forward to its completion
Can you plz try to complete by school holidays I need something to help waste time
not this week coming, the one after. about 10 days away.
Years ago
Hmm thats tight - maybe you can hope for the second week of the holidays...
make sure u provide us with a link when finished :P
Years ago
PC - Yes
PS2 - No
Currently being made for NBA Live 2005 (originally started when 05 first came out, so you can appreciate the time that it can take - although it was shelved for some time)
Have been told that NBA Live 2006 is setup in a somewhat similar fashion as NBA Live 2005 and that it isn't overly hard to get this patch to work in 2006 here is a jersey preview from NBA Live 2006
Compared to NBA Live 2005
For now we are going to get it all finished and up and running and out for NBA Live 2005, after that we will work on getting it over to 2006... Guess it also depends how many people have 05 compared to 06...
2005 rules
Years ago
2005 runs better on my old pc how far off is it anyway
Years ago
Probably a week or two before the first release is made, the ratings take quite some time so there may be a few releases, but the first one isnt too far away at all.
Several courts are done but to speed up the release date we will be going with a generic NBL court and will release the courts at a later date.
Years ago
It's now time for NBA Live 06 to recieve its newest addition - - NBL Live 06
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