Ego is important for high level sports, those who have the ambition and character to do what it takes to be a professional sports person is far removed from us normal, average soles.
For all those out there knocking her for her character and behaviour:
Just imagine yourself, for a moment, being a female, being famous, being a star sportsperson, standing out like a sore thumb everywhere you go, people always staring at you and judging you for what you look like, what you wear, everything you say and how you act is magnified 10 times above the norm.
Now, imagine how you might need an above the normal level of support, understanding and empathy in your life to cope with all of this and try to ask yourself how you would be today if you had to cope with a life like hers for the past 10 years?
Be honest with yourself and tell me, if you are a critic, are you just an arm chair warrior or are you being a humanist? Would you react by being defensive of yourself?
Someone told me recently, a young kid, he said you know what, we have a lot of humans but not enough humanity...
Clever kid that!