Years ago
Term Limits for Junior Coaches
Arising from a discussion of the continuing dominance of Vic Metro in U16 AJCs and national club champs was that Vic metro clubs tends to have higher rate of turnover of coaches relative to NSW and SA. In contrast, in NSW and SA certain club coaches are reappointed year after year despite poor performance of their teams at a national level. Defenders of the current order say that there is a lack of coaching talent to replace incumbents. Opponents counter that incumbents misuse insider privileges to block new coaches from developing.
Parents won't kick up a fuss as few are basketball literate anyhow but are smart enough to realize that annoying a long standing coach will only see their kid get less court time.
State agencies like BNSW and BSA need to be convinced that there is a problem. If they do, a possible measure to consider is imposing term limits on coaching appointments at rep district clubs. What do you think?