Years ago

FIBA notifies BA of disciplinary proceedings

Basketball Australia has received notice from FIBA of disciplinary proceedings following last Monday's FIBA World Cup Qualifier between Australia and the Philippines.

FIBA has established a Disciplinary Panel to hear charges against the Boomers arising from the game in Manila.

FIBA has placed confidentiality conditions on the details of the charges which prevents their public disclosure.

Basketball Australia Chief Executive Anthony Moore said it would respond to the charges ahead of a determination by the Panel.

"Out of respect for the process established by FIBA, Basketball Australia and our players will not make any further comment at this stage," he said.

I've been away and missed all the excitement from this game, but surely there's a life ban coming for the chair guy, at least?

Topic #43583 | Report this topic

Years ago

Its FIBA if BA tell them to stick it and hand over the brown paper bag this will all go away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

Reply #695387 | Report this post

Years ago

The series of assaults on Sobey were the most disturbing...the intent to cause harm was very high.

Reply #695388 | Report this post

Years ago

IMO what happened to Sobey and Goulding is less a FIBA issue and more of a legal issue. Outside of that, Kickert and possibly Maker (a few games at the very most in the context of when he did what he did) should be the only Aussies penalised. I expect lengthy suspensions for most of the Philippines squad, and a life ban for Mr Chair & Selfie at best.

Reply #695391 | Report this post

Years ago

You dont think Kickert embarrassed the nation but you want a life ban for the selfie guy....ok then...

Reply #695392 | Report this post

Years ago

It was more the throwing the chair at a player thing than the selfie, but yeah.

Reply #695393 | Report this post

Years ago

The charges being confidential doesn't bode well for the integrity of proceedings.

Reply #695394 | Report this post

Years ago

AngusH that's what I called double standard lifetime ban for selfie guy than kickert. Yeah right. Hahaha.

Reply #695396 | Report this post

Years ago

my thoughts:
Kickert 6months
Thon 6 games
Sobey 1 game

Asst PHI coach 2 years
Player off the bench that punched sobey - 1 year
All players that came off the bench to fight - 6months
Pogoy 4 games

Philippines will be removed from the Asian Qualifiers.

Reply #695400 | Report this post

Years ago

China has been involved in several crazy brawls over the years and always gotten off with minimal punishment. Maybe it will be different with the new competition system but past precedent says the players involved get suspensions of three games or less.

Reply #695401 | Report this post

Years ago

I think u might find china suppress a lot of info getting out thru the internet so it doesn't go viral like that one did. FIBA will come down hard on this stuff

Reply #695402 | Report this post

Years ago

You're the only embarrassment here Carl

Reply #695404 | Report this post

Years ago

And the person who coward punched Sobey was not an official. He is a player who wasn't suited up. Creek posted his photo on social media to shame the piece of shit.

Reply #695405 | Report this post

Years ago

Did those brawls involve referees, people on the bench, people being bashed 5 to 1, and did they get this kind of media scrutiny? If not, I'd say that this will be judged harsher.

Reply #695407 | Report this post

Years ago

Kickert - 6 month ban
Maker - 4-6 game ban

Sobey and Goulding - no penalty, but given an explanation as to why they were ejected

Every PHI player who was involved - 1 year ban and put on a 1 year good behaviour bond. If this is broken - life ban. Pogoy given an extra 1 year ban for the first elbow to Goulding. Criminal charges also laid

PHI coach - fired indefinitely and put on a 1 year good behaviour bond (mainly for being a dick, but also a shit coach). Again, if this is broken - life ban

Any non-player (fan, assistant coach(s), official) who got involved and threw punches and chairs - life ban. Criminal charges also laid

Philippines stripped of 2023 World Cup and disqualification from 2019 and 2023 World Cups

And just to really annoy Philippines, give the 2023 World Cup to Australia

Reply #695410 | Report this post

Years ago

The player sanctions above will never happen. The Sebian player who smashed a bloke with a chair got 3 games.

Reply #695412 | Report this post

Years ago

Delusional. Self centered aussie like you makes us look bad.

All players ejected 2 to 10 games. Assistant coach life time ban. The one who punch sobey 1 year ban. The chair guy life time ban for any fiba sanction games.

They will never stripped phils of wc hosting. But surely will question their capability of security.


The china brawl and the Greece v serbia is much worst. Free for all with bloods. Lmao anon u need your brain check asap..

Reply #695413 | Report this post

Years ago

If the brawl doesn't ensue then there is no way anyone suggests Kickert gets 6 months for a forearm to the head. I think he should be suspended, possibly 3-5 games given previous cases heard by FIBA. Does a FIBA sanction affect his NBL games or are they only relevant to FIBA international events like the WC qualifiers?

Reply #695414 | Report this post

Years ago

China-Lebanon fight 2001 ("Some Lebanese players were left bloodied after police took several minutes to break up the fight."):

China-Puerto Rico 2005 "Night of Shame" brawl:

China-"Brazil" (not the actual Brazilian national team) fight, Chinese team attacks the Brazilians for a second time as they try to leave the court:

Reply #695417 | Report this post

Years ago

"They will never stripped phils of wc hosting. But surely will question their capability of security"

Ironically, you are the delusional one. They won't strip them of hosting the World Cup, yet they will question their security?


This is the absolute least FIBA should do.

Reply #695419 | Report this post

Years ago

You GTFO. kickert did life threatening mma move and you want a 6 months ban only compared to the guy he hit 2 years ban. He didn't even fight after that. Typical f#ct t@rd. You need to check your brain asap. No wonder everyone is mad at us. You're thr type of guy the when you go to other counties u look at your self and say I'm the king. Lmao. Gtfo.

Reply #695420 | Report this post

Years ago

is it possible to geo block Manila on this site ?

Still amazes me that some people are defending the indefensible.

Reply #695421 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm still trying to figure out what 'f#ct t@rd' means..... Fact turd?

Reply #695423 | Report this post

Years ago

Even if you geo block manila. I will still be active here. Not from there. Not even a philo. I'm just open minded. Not like you u guys.

Reply #695424 | Report this post

Years ago

That's big of you u to be open minded. You u should be proud

Reply #695425 | Report this post

Years ago

Who speaks perfect english

Reply #695426 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #695427 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh I'm very proud. Goodthing is not everyone are like you.

Reply #695428 | Report this post

Years ago

"is it possible to geo block Manila on this site ?

Still amazes me that some people are defending the indefensible."

Honestly we should just be thankful this forum hasn't been overrun by Gilas fans already. They're like a plague.

Reply #695429 | Report this post

Years ago

piss off carl.
go to your philipino forum.

Reply #695430 | Report this post

Years ago

But it's plague with self centered, close minded guys like anon. Sad.

Reply #695431 | Report this post

Years ago

What I find funny is no one is defending Kickert here, no one. But the Gilas have their propaganda PR machine running overtime. In the game thread someone linked a youtube thread to a sports talk show that had the head coach on saying Goulding was giving out cheap shots etc. The clip they showed was perfectly cut. It started with Goulding smashing into a Gilas player after a made basket. What the expert cutting didn't show was that is was Pogoy who came in from behind and with 2 hands shoves Goulding forward which causes the contact. That is why Goulding chases down Pogoy immediately after back down court in transition.

It will be interesting to see who is on the FIBA tribunal. Because if it is someone like Lubo Kotleba the Gilas are in a world of strife. He abuses teams at WC's for taking disrespectful late game time-outs! I'm sure he would be suitably impressed with events that occurred here like the post fight selfie.

Whomever it is though, make no mistake Gilas are in for the most pain

Reply #695433 | Report this post

Years ago

FIBA will go soft and BA should put the pressure on to make sure they do go soft on our blokes as the PBA will be putting a heap of pressure on FIBA.

If history is anything to go by usually FIBA go light in China they brawl all the time. I remember a brawl between chine and the SEABL Aussie team.

Reply #695438 | Report this post

Years ago

China is bit more of a global powerhouse than the Phillipines

Reply #695440 | Report this post

Years ago

"You GTFO. kickert did life threatening mma move and you want a 6 months ban only compared to the guy he hit 2 years ban. He didn't even fight after that. Typical f#ct t@rd. You need to check your brain asap. No wonder everyone is mad at us. You're thr type of guy the when you go to other counties u look at your self and say I'm the king. Lmao. Gtfo."

Actually I don't do that when I go to other countries.

As for people being mad at us, you mean people from the Philippines? Those people whose only reactions have been "you aussie bullies deserved it", "respect us in our country or we will bash you", "you fight like a bunch of pussies" etc.

THOSE people? GTFO again mate! They all have a combined IQ of about 20.

Triggered much? lol

Reply #695450 | Report this post

Years ago

Life threatening mma that is funny

Reply #695454 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol if Kickert gets 6 months for something that regularly cops
1 game you know shit is fucked.

Reply #695455 | Report this post

Years ago

Really shouldn't be looking at bans of more than 1 or 2 games each.

Reply #695457 | Report this post

Years ago

Does anyone else get this bad feeling FIBA are going to f*** it right up and be way too soft on the Filo's?

Reply #695458 | Report this post

Years ago

Confidentiality stuff BS, that is PR stuff to sweep it under the carpet. So now the public might never find out the charges etc.. Phills is hosting the 2023 WC with inonesia and japan, i think there will be a bit of office politics played out behind closed doors where Phills asian nations will stick up for them.. And such a large market eg Asia$, FIBA$ don't wanna piss off as they want there business$.. Plus no blowback of racism allegations etc.. It will swept under the carpet etc, FIBA don't wanna upset there massive Asian market$, don't bite the hand that feeds you BS..

Reply #695467 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh and Sobey being ejected lol,never seen such a farce in all my time watching sport... That would be like say the bloke who decked dermott brereton not being sent but Derm in the 89 VFL Grand final..

Reply #695468 | Report this post

Years ago

the best line in this whole thread is calling a forearm shove a "life threatening mma move".
I pissed my pants a little bit reading that.

Reply #695470 | Report this post

Years ago

the Difference is Phillipines has only just returned to FIBA ball after a lengthy ban. They will likely double the time now.

Reply #695471 | Report this post

Duke Fan  
Years ago

They should get Cricket Australia to run the tribunal. Capital punishment will be brought back

Reply #695472 | Report this post

Years ago

Nobody is defending Kickert because it's indefensible. Anthony Moore said it himself, Kickerts actions are difficult to challenge. Moore, along with Lemanis, have a distinct fondness for Kickers patriotiscm and will lobby strongly for leniency. And for mine, it's not warranted. It wasn't a forearm or a push to defend himself as Goulding referred to it yesterday, it was an elbow aimed directly at a players head during a dead ball situation.

His temperament has got the better of him again. He's always struggled with it and this time it's likely to have severe repercussions. If the actions were reversed and Blatche dropped Delly with an elbow to the head, off the ball, mainstream media and the public would be focusing on the elbow. Instead we're claiming victim status because one of our players can't control himself.

We've had it rammed down our throats that the bench should be commended for their restraint, yet if Kickert shows restraint we're talking about how great Goulding played and how it was 'a great trip for the boys'.

Reply #695476 | Report this post

Years ago

If that is contact with the point of Kickert's elbow then someone needs anatomy lessons

Reply #695482 | Report this post

Years ago

Way I see the Kickert assault is the Philos wanted a fight, and he gave it to them. Charging into Goulding and kneeing him in the balls and punching him in the face was not a "basketball play". Any idiot can see it was a thinly veiled attack under the auspices of a "play". They wanted to injure the player causing them the most damage so they'd have some small chance at winning and Kickert was having none of it.
But should he be punished? Of course. But let's not pretend he went psycho for no reason here.

Reply #695483 | Report this post

Years ago

What is the rationale behind making it all confidential? Lack of transparency is a worrying.

Reply #695484 | Report this post

Years ago

Elbow, lower forearm, however you want to view it. He's still guilty. Goulding and Sobey should pursue the matter legally, but that implicates Kickert even further.

Reply #695485 | Report this post

Years ago

Smith the contact was halfway down Kickert's left forearm. You may want to get new prescription glasses. Is Kickert in trouble hell yes, but it was a forearm body check and not an "elbow". If he hit him with his elbow he would have split him from ear to ear.

Reply #695486 | Report this post

Years ago

For me
Kickert 6 months
Maker 5 games
Any none player who threw punches and/or chairs - Life
Players who ran on and threw punches and/or 6 - 12 months
Players on court who threw punches 6 months
Pogoy 5 games
Philippines stripped of 2023 World Cup and not allowed to host any FIBA matches for 12 months - all home games to be played at neutral venue.

Reply #695487 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct, the head is part of the body.

Reply #695489 | Report this post

Years ago

It was a forearm to the head and probably worthy of 2- 5 games. Is it justified, not at all. Just like the carnage that followed is not vindicated by saying they were reacting to the elbow/forearm. There isn't a snowflakes chance in hell that Kickert cops 6 months. That is ludicrous thinking and reactionary to the aftermath.

Reply #695490 | Report this post

Years ago

None of it is justifiable.

Reply #695492 | Report this post

Duke Fan  
Years ago

If ever I murder someone and need a defence lawyer, there's people in this thread I'm calling, and others I'm definitely not. It's all in the fine print fellas.

My take on this is that how it goes for Kickert is going to determine how it goes for the Gila Monsters. Someone from the Aussies is going to have to be sacrificed for them to come down heavy on the Filos. That's just how the world works. If they go easy on one they'll have to go easy on both

Not saying that's just or fair. It just is what it is

Reply #695493 | Report this post

Years ago

Saying he hit him with an elbow is like saying I had sex with your wife but i really just squeezed her boob. Both are wrong but one is fact and once is fiction

Reply #695495 | Report this post

Duke Fan  
Years ago

Boob squeezing is sex when you get to my age buddy

Reply #695496 | Report this post

Years ago

Since you brought it up Duke Fan, I touched your wife's boobs last night.

Reply #695497 | Report this post

Years ago

The force that Kickert used was not required. Therein lies the problem.

Reply #695498 | Report this post

Duke Fan  
Years ago

HAHAHA. I hope her boyfriend didn't mind. Divorced her years ago

Reply #695499 | Report this post

Years ago

And I loved it anon 497

Reply #695500 | Report this post

Creepy Guy  
Years ago

Bloody oath she loved it! I don't feel so bad anymore Duke Fan :)

Reply #695502 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not saying Kickert didn't do the wrong thing, but if you look at what he did in isolation, that's an ejection, maybe a 1 or 2 games suspension. It's only because of what followed that people are talking about stuff as crazy as a 6th month ban. I think that's totally unfair.

As for Thon, intention to harm was minimal to none, he jumped on Blatche who fell over, which if anything was smart and helped minimize the damage he could've done, and he flung his leg out in retaliation to a guy that just coward punched him in the back of the head. People saying he should get anything more than a slap on the wrist are crazy.

Reply #695508 | Report this post

Years ago

The only Aussies who should be nervous are Kickert and Maker, in relation to the melee. However, FIBA may decide to look across warm-up and in-game behaviour and who knows what they'll find in there. We all know basketball at this level contains a lot of rough play, some quite dirty, but usually treated as incidental and ignored.

But when you need to set an example to prevent future problems of this scale, you can use that stuff to pick and choose whom to punish and for what, to maximise deterrent effect.

Or FIBA might just argue that forearm jolts to the head are illegal in boxing (for very good reasons) and draw 5 week suspensions in AFL (Jeremy Cameron), so maybe a 6 month ban for Kickert throwing one in a basketball game is appropriate.

Reply #695519 | Report this post

Years ago

They were tripping Kickert in the warm-up, clear footage. He Just retaliated, he wasn't the instigator. Unless your from Gilas and want to mount a defense for your disgraceful behaviour incited by your coach.

On previous precedent Kicks will get 3 - 5 games max. The rest will be interesting.

Reply #695522 | Report this post

Years ago

Maker only defended his team mates. 2 games ban for him is more appropriate

Reply #695539 | Report this post

Years ago

1> People to to clam the fuck down.

2> Kickert will get Suspended. Nothing major, probably a few games at most.

3> Maker will get suspended. WTF he was thinking or trying to do, I don't know.

4> Overall FIBA will be a lot softer than many seem to want. There is still this institutional mentality that harsh penalties make the offence look worse. (As though they have never heard of the internet.)

5> All players and officials leaving the bench will be fined (including Longley.)

6> All those actively involved in brawl will be fined or cop mild suspensions depending on conduct.

7> Guys wielding chairs and proven to have kicked players in the head whilst down will face stiffer penalties. I doubt there will be any life bans because fortunately nobody was seriously injured.

8> Phillipines will get a token fine for lack of security/ enabling crowd members to get involved. I don't believe they will face official sanction, but imagine that privately some harsh words will be spoken regarding their need to improve security for International games.

Reply #695571 | Report this post

Years ago

Stop talking to yourself, Carl.

Reply #695574 | Report this post

Years ago

Longley did everything he is suppose to do. He will have no issues. Coaches are allowed to leave the bench area to assist in stopping the fight.

To make things clear for the Philippine team, this does not allow punching or kicking people nor using chairs against them.

The only problem with this incident 5 years from now is it will be harder to locate on YouTube. Unfortunately the whole of you tube is full of Gilas Pilipinas and hitting people.

Reply #695577 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone who has been to Manila and Islands knows that the Philippines is an impoverished, 3rd world shithole.
Unfortunately our people are a product of our environment.
I remember when I was holidaying on Palawan Island, at the banwar we left our shoes out the front and the next day they were gone. Walking around Manila as a white person you definitely wouldn't feek safe, the locals stare at you like you're some sort of freak.

Reply #695583 | Report this post

Years ago

There's no legitimate defense to what Kickert did, but it is fair to say he gave the opposition the fight they were looking for. Their guy threw two elbows and got drilled with an elbow by Kickert. Kicks was also down to throw fists when they started flying. There’s a guy like that on every team. He deserves his suspension, but I’m not terribley offended by his conduct.

If the early 90s Boomer squad was on the court facing similair circumstances, a lot more guys would have reacted like Kickert as opposed to Delly.

Reply #695584 | Report this post

Years ago

I hope BA and Goulding and Sobey also notify FIBA that the assaults on these two players outside of the court surface are going to be a legal matter, and FIBA are the ones going to get their heads slapped for A- permitting a country such as the Philippines, known the world over for their corruption and violence to hold this tournament
And B- for having FIBA authorised officials participating in the attack

Reply #695598 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm thinking the confidentiality is more likely to be for the PH team and fans. This way FIBA can put full pressure on Philippines basketball (SBP), while not necessarily needing to penalise them or further damage their reputation publicly. The fact they are to be host in 2023 makes it a more sensitive issue for both FIBA and SBP. Meanwhile, there is strong sentiment among a large proportion of PH fans that the fight was justified, so I'm guessing FIBA wants to avoid outraging them twice with the charges and then the decision.

Has each team been provided with the charges for only their own team? If so, two words: bribe money.

Reply #695603 | Report this post

Years ago

Kickert deserves a long suspension. Maker deserves more than a wrap on the knuckles.

There are at least 5 Philipino's- some players and some others- who need a year off. Miss World Cup 2019.

What jurisdiction does FIBA hold? Can they suspend people from NBL or Phillipines national league? NBA? Or can they only suspend from international games?

Reply #695605 | Report this post

Years ago

Tough penalties are the only way to go. What happened on Monday night was an international embarrasment for FIBA and will hurt them when they're trying to get NBA talent on the floor. How many agents are looking at that tape and thinking they don't want to play teams who have outbursts like that? FIBA needs to send a message that it does not tolerate the obscene violence that took place from both Kickert and basically the entire Philippines team. I don't think you can compare the sentences they're about to hand out to that of other scuffles when you consider the amount of worldwide attention this has got and also the severity of the offenses. This isn't just a few punches and some push and shove. Some very clear lines were crossed that night, especially by the Philo bench and their officials. I highly doubt they're getting slaps on the wrist, and if they are, they will pay for it when NBA players want no bar of their competitions. A year ban for the bench of Philo team, minimum. A substantial ban of Kickert. Big ban and fines of the Philo starting 5 are the absolute least that should happen. They need to put their foot down now before anyone else has any smart ideas about making a basketball game a gang brawl.

Reply #695606 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm assuming FIBA is able to suspend players from leagues that play under FIBA and associated with it, which I think the NBL and PBA are. Pretty sure NBA isn't associated with FIBA though and they can't do anything about suspending players from it.

Reply #695607 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes they can suspend them from all FIBA competitions, Andrew Gaze said.

Reply #695609 | Report this post

Years ago

"Kickert deserves a long suspension. Maker deserves more than a wrap on the knuckles."

If anyone deserves a wrap on the knuckles it's the guy who coward punched Sobey. That could have hurt.

Reply #695610 | Report this post

Years ago

Pretty sure that any suspension affects all levels.

Reply #695619 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't get over the people who think Maker should be punished. What did you want him to do? The choices were stand by and allow yourself and your team mates to get severely beaten by a mob of attacking men, sprint away and try to find safety, or try to defend yourself and your mates. He chose the third. Context has to be taken into account. He did absolutely nothing to escalate the situation and used less force than his attackers.

If you brought that footbage to the prosecutors office to have charges order against Maker for assault or battery you would be laughed out of the room. The law recognizes something called self defense and defense of others. Why shouldn’t FIBA?

For those who say he should be punished, please tell me if you are required to run away or submit to a beating in that situation.

Reply #695633 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think Thon should be punished, but i think he will be punished. He didn't really do anything wrong and acted more in self defense, but given they'll be dishing out punishments left and right, I think he's almost bound to get something just for being involved. They'll argue he shouldn't have been involved in the melee at all, not 'retaliated' and stayed out of it. I dont think he will cop anything too severe though.

Reply #695637 | Report this post

Years ago

"Pretty sure NBA isn't associated with FIBA though."

The NBA are on the FIBA board, so there is strong association. They could make their own call, but if it's a short suspension they might just roll with it. If he gets 2 games then it will be over after the next 2 qualifiers.

Reply #695650 | Report this post

Years ago

Sobey and Goulding should never have been ejected, neither even threw a punch to begin with, Maker literally launched on top of all the Filipino players who had the Aussie player pinned down, , for his trouble he got a cowards punch to the back of the head, he then spun around and defended himself against three other Filipino players who were about to get stuck into the gang mentality, he then ran from the area, he wasn't swinging punches, in fact his comical attempt to kick his way out was actually giving him room to not get hurt, don’t think those long legged karate kicks even connected. Was he in the wrong? No , he was defending himself and his team mates, could he have handled it better? Sure but he 21 and he wasn’t using his brain just his instincts.

Should he be suspended , no way, Kickert is the onlynAissie player that needs reprimanding, the entire Philippines team including the officials and the coach need suspending, with many of them given a long suspension, and the assistant coach and a couple of those players need a lifetime ban, especially the tool who wasn’t t even playing that smashed Sobey across the jaw.

If BA allow FIBA to penalise any other player than Kickert, then they need to rethink and re evaluate their policies

The Philippines should be stripped of the World Cup hosting rights.

Reply #695660 | Report this post

Years ago

You are down by 30 on your home court and post half time have no normal chance to get back into the game. The half time chatter was about getting back into the game. We try basketball first and if that doesn't work, we try the nothing to lose brawl.

Things that don’t make sense:
1) their coach besides the timeout speech. In the play phase in which his player was tormenting Goulding all the way to the Kickert decking and even the first 10 seconds of all hell breaking lose. Phillipines coach just stands there with arms folded. So your player getting decked doesn’t cause an emotion and neither does the clearing of your whole bench. He just stands there waiting for what he knew was about to happen.

2) I’ve heard Gila Pilipinas we have each other’s back from every Phillipino basketball wannabe all week. All except the team captain and two others who stay on the bench. It’s our team policy but the captain doesn’t take part? That doesn’t make sense.

3) The Philippine bench clearer too fast. There we players already up and ready. Just doesn’t make sense when your 30 down plus your bench wasn’t so involved in the game when it had blown out to 20, let alone 30.

Your down by 30 edging on 40. Can anyone else think of a way to win? All in brawl, everyone disqualified is the only way Phillipines can win unless they all get thrown out too. Hence the leaving 3 players out of the melee and ensuring your captain is there at the end.

The biggest problem with the boomers is a bench clearing drill. When the team manager, assistant coaches, physio and anyone else in a team role has 1 job during anything unruly occurs on court. Stop the players leaving the bench. You grab them, belt them, yell at them etc. just don’t let players get ejected. Good professional sides acknowledge the emotion in sport and plan against it. The Aussies huddled on the bench shows a team about business and the win was more important than feeling like you won a fight.

Reply #695661 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting theory.

Reply #695666 | Report this post

Years ago

I expect the Australian team might get disproportionate punishments when compared to the Philippines team, in the same way as punishments were handed out on the night via ejections. Sobey and Goulding were diplomatic ejections. I expect Maker to receive similar diplomatic punishments.

Whereas Kickert and the Philippines bench, plus some PH players on court, acted with purely aggressive motives, I think it can be argued that Maker seemed to be taking a more defensive strategy by launching himself into that group of aggressors. It seemed to be temporarily effective too, until the Gilas aggressors regrouped in its assault on Goulding. Maker's second attempt could be interpreted as either retaliatory or defensive following a coward punch to his head. Maker then cleared out from the scene of the fight. He was in a tough situation. Sobey, Cadee, and Goulding took a moderate approach to stopping the violence, but look at what happened to Sobey and Goulding for taking that strategy! Typically, I would say the no-violence approach is the only acceptable choice, but in a mob situation, what should FIBA expect? To be beaten up with chairs and sucker-punched like Sobey, or subjected to a beating on the floor like Goulding?

By the way, very impressed by Cadee's behaviour, but he seemed to being treated very differently in the brawl as compared to others.

I am concerned there might also be politically correct concerns based on FIBA being European-based; as ridiculous as it is, there has been many references to race in layperson discussions of this incident, especially in the Philippines, and FIBA will not want to appear to favour what is perceived to be a more European team. I hope I'm wrong about that, but there is certainly some diplomatic motive for more even punishments, as demonstrated with ejections in the game. Surely it will be difficult to find an excuse to penalise Goulding and Sobey again*, and Kickert is a no-brainer, so Maker becomes the sacrificial target for a harsh punishment.

* if I were Sobey and Goulding, I would push FIBA to declare that their ejections were wrong. Their names, and reputations, have been taken through the mud from that.

Reply #695673 | Report this post

Years ago

This will be very interesting. FIBA's disciplinary panel rarely convenes.

Reply #695749 | Report this post

Years ago

Repeating the same comments over and over on some random forum isn't going to magically make them happen.

Nobody in authority gives a rats arse about the ejections, that is ancient history. It might factor slightly into any review of the performance of the officials, but that's about it..

Nor are they moving towards harsh penalties, it just isn't happening, so stop ranting before you have an aneurysm.
Yes, occasionally, officials will decide that is the right approach. Not often, but sometimes.
However, I'll give you the tip, they don't preface it by soft-peddling and making things confidential

By the time the spin-doctors are finished with this, it will be downgraded to nothing more than a lovers' tiff.

Finally, all those thinking that Australia will be somehow vindicated, by throwing the book at the Phils, need to get a reality check.

Reply #695750 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

I don't have confidence in FIBA for integrity of proceedings.
Filipino coach happy brawl won't be taken outta context....

Reply #695840 | Report this post

Years ago

Does anyone know the FIBA procedures well enough to give us an idea of when we'll hear anything?

It probably won’t matter much, anyway - I agree with AD that it will be largely waved off. Issuing serious penalties would trigger a political shitstorm, and also would imply that FIBA screwed up and was accountable for some of what happened. They wouldn’t risk either.

Reply #696444 | Report this post

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