Years ago

Joint Statement by BA/SPB

Both sides appear more diplomatic towards each other now the dust has settled and things have softened.. Some office politics play to, to impress FIBA with a bit of "vanilla sorry" by both, so they both avoid hefty punishments rather than play the blame game tactic..
Both have to July 10 to submite there rulings, im of no doubt the individual-private statement to FIBA by both basketball federations will no doubt be "lawyered up" claiming innocence and shifting the blame to the other(blame game).. But for now things have softened and an air of diplomacy and vanilla in the air by this joint sorry..

Topic #43582 | Report this topic

Years ago

I see what they are getting at with this, unity and such, but IMO a joint statement seems like a better idea for the Philippines team than the Australian team. Given the spin throughout Asia, BA shouldn't be taking any more responsibility than necessary and shouldn't implicate itself as anywhere near equally responsible as a joint statement implies.

As wrong as it was for Kickert to strike Ponoy, it doesn't excuse what ensued afterwards. I'd prefer BA to distance itself from the embarrassing insanity that followed Kickert's strike. The fact that Australia's name will forever be associated with that kind of mob brutality is bad enough as it is.

I appreciate BA is trying to be diplomatic about it all, and not trying to engage in the blame game that was happening in the Philippines, but there is something to be said about being honest and direct about all events that played out that night, defending yourself, going against the spin, rather than suppressing information. Longley spoke the truth, but ended up being reprimanded by BA for doing so. Meanwhile, BA's line is to release a statement that looks like it was taken from a generic apology template.

Reply #695669 | Report this post

Years ago

Simple fact is that the name of the game is smile, shake hands, and lets all pretend it was nowhere near as bad as we know it was.

Also keep in mind that any penalties will be relative.
So sure, we may like to see half the Flippers banned for life, but that would also mean relatively harsh penalties for some of of ours.
If we want Kickass to get a slap on the risk, then the other penalties will be dialled down also.

Reply #695715 | Report this post

Years ago

No one is worried how harsh they are on Kickert, Dazz.

Reply #695719 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah no one thinks Kicks should get away with a slap on the wrist for that head shot. Do I want him to get off lightly? No of course not. I want every act to be judged on its merit, and his was bad.

Reply #695720 | Report this post

Years ago

How much of it is because BA is trying to calm things down before we next play the Flippers at ANY level, whether u17 or Boomers level?

I would imagine any time we're going to play them in the next few years is likely to be a bit snippy.

Reply #695723 | Report this post

Years ago

A couple of things I noticed in that joint statement that either means nothing or something, related to this particular discussion.

1. The Philippine official's name is first.
2. The document is in USA (spelling or apologise with a 'z')

Just tends to smell of it being led by them more so than us, like I said, maybe nothing...

Reply #695816 | Report this post

Years ago

PBA are trying to save face and make us look like the instigators!

Reply #695818 | Report this post

Years ago

Philippines should be stripped of the holders g rights fir the next Como that's for sure, and the penalties given should be given on industry visuals involvement from each team, and based of the severity of their nvolvement.

Reply #695888 | Report this post

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