Years ago
Junior District Umpiring - too many green shirts
Getting sick of the poor and unprofessional account of junior district umpiring. It's the not the umpires, it’s more to do the way it’s run. So many Saturday morning venues have prodomently green shirt umpires, some cases only on grey shirt between 2 courts or 2 between 3-4 courts. I get that need to train green shirts for next generation but having 2 greeen shirts umpiring a game I believe is unacceptable at district level of any age group. What’s more is the level of support of there lack of given by court supervisors. I was at a game this morning and there was a umpires coach watching 2 green shirts umpire. Unfortunately all I seen him doing while game was being played was sitting on his phone. Seems some are just there to earn $$$$. End of my vent!