Coach Liam Flynn
Years ago
4 places left! Coach Mike Longabardi Player Clinic
Only four places remain for this player development session with Cleveland Cavaliers Assistant Coach, Mike Longabardi, during his tour of Adelaide.
South Australian based players, don't miss out on your chance to be on court with two time NBA Championship coach.
The Coach Mike Longabardi Player Development Clinic will take place on Thursday 28th June 2018 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm at Prince Alfred College (Corner of Capper Street and The Parade West, KENT TOWN).
The price for the two hours on court with Coach Mike Longabardi is $120 (GST Inc).
There will be 30 places only for this clinic only, so that every player can experience first hand the techniques and methods used by elite level NBA players.
This clinic is open to Boys AND Girls from 15-19 years old.
To apply, players must be EITHER
- Current Division 1 or 2 District player OR
- Part of a SA Premier League squad OR
- Current/past State representative.
Bookings are essential. Go to https://www.coachliamflynn.com/register/4/
See you there!