Years ago

Cairns Basketball cancels Cairns Post’s media accreditation

Interesting article regarding the taipans decisions to announce player signings etc late at night to seemingly alienate the local paper.

Topic #43313 | Report this topic

Years ago

Wow. Cairns are now in a lot of trouble.

Reply #688413 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed. That is a seriously poor piece of "judgement" by Cairns Basketball.

Reply #688417 | Report this post

Years ago

How often does an Editorial ever get written about basketball. She is pissed off.

Reply #688422 | Report this post

Years ago

great post by Jennifer Spilsbury - load of crap by Cairns Basketball and the Taipans.

Reply #688425 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont think even the dumbest Cairns fans (and there are a lot to choose from) would defend this.

Reply #688444 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

I've got no issue with Cairns Basketball's approach. No-one reads the Cairns Post anymore. Cairns Basketball on the otherhand livestream QBL games for free with pretty good quality and commentary (more reliable than NBL TV from the little I've seen thus far). Cairns Post has shown Cairns Basketball a lot of support in the past but the inference in the article is that they were the sole reason the Taipans are alive today, which is far from the truth. Goodwill only extends so far. It's a dog move by an editor who's only been in Cairns for 3 years to badmouth people who have given dozens of years of service for Cairns.

"the Cairns Post is committed to fair, balanced and truthful reporting." and in the very same article "Cairns basketball administrators are doing all they can to destroy it".

Reply #688445 | Report this post

Thunder Jam  
Years ago

Now Manu can stop asking why the press releases are at night!

Reply #688446 | Report this post

Years ago

"No-one reads the Cairns Post anymore. Cairns Basketball on the otherhand livestream QBL games for free"

No idea how those two things are meant to be related.

If you dont have a good relationship with your local media, you're doomed.

Reply #688447 | Report this post

Years ago

Jeez, that's pretty shit, really... I didn't read the article the way that Wilson did, in that the Cairns Post is suggesting they're the reason they're still around, more that they supported them through the dark times...

Without knowledge of the specifics, it's hard to think of a reason why Cairns Basketball would shoot themselves in the foot like this in a community driven town...

Reply #688449 | Report this post

Years ago

Newspapers last century media.

Reply #688450 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

""No-one reads the Cairns Post anymore. Cairns Basketball on the otherhand livestream QBL games for free"

No idea how those two things are meant to be related."

The article referred to the Cairns Post covering QBL and how by taking away their accreditation they are stifling local coverage of the sport. Yet Cairns Basketball are providing more coverage than Cairns Post ever did, in a timely (ie live) manner using a current technology platform.

Reply #688451 | Report this post

Years ago

Good on them, thats their job. But taking away media accreditation narrows the readership so they've just cut off their nose to spite their face.

And what was last months issue? Anyone forwarding a Members Only email would be removed from the mailing list? This is completely not how you do PR, and if this carries over to the NBL then the league needs to step in and stop these shenanigans.

Reply #688452 | Report this post

Years ago

If no one reads it, why care so much?

Reply #688460 | Report this post

Years ago

Wilson doesn't read it, therefore no one reads it.

Reply #688462 | Report this post

Years ago

The best part about this post is it that is an anonymous thread with mostly anonymous comments. we see you Cairns Post employees!!!!!

As if anyone actually read that and thought hoops cared lol

Media not getting access to a sports team? What a unusual concept

Reply #688463 | Report this post

Years ago

How is it a normal concept?

Reply #688465 | Report this post

Years ago

Small market. Check.

Community owned team. Check.

Run a team on a budget. Check.

Shmooze all the important people in our community. Yeah... nah.

Communicate our message with our community in all possible ways. Yeah... nah.

It doesn't matter how long this editor’s been in town.

It doesn’t matter what anyone at the local rag did or failed to do to upset Taipan’s management.

The relationships with local media are crucial to the survival of a small market, community- driven team.

Reply #688471 | Report this post

Years ago



Reply #688472 | Report this post

Years ago

This is really baffling, Cairns are already dis-engaged with their fans (see MVP night example), yet they want to go further to eliminate on of their main sources of press and publicity?

The Cairns Post doesn't have a record of reporting negatively on the Taipans, in fact more often than not the spin is positive.

I don't get the rationale nor what the pay off could possibly be?

Reply #688473 | Report this post

Years ago

there's a lot of people here assuming that Cairns Basketball and the Cairns Taipans are one and the same entity..

Reply #688482 | Report this post

Years ago

Run by the same people, isn't it?

Reply #688485 | Report this post

Years ago

Cairns Basketball's ban on the Cairns Post's media accreditation applies to Marlins and Dolphins games in the QBL. The offending article was about 2 players (1 man, 1 woman) returning to play for Rockhampton against the Marlins for the first time on Friday. One of those players, James Mitchell (a former Taipans development player) left the Marlins in acrimonious circumstances before the commencement of last season. This was covered by the Cairns Post at the time.

Mitchell was injured when the Marlins v Rockhampton game came around last season, so Friday night was the first time he played against them back in Cairns. Fridays Post carried a big back page splash about the 2 players, leading to the article inside the paper which mentioned the fractured relationship between Mitchell and Cairns Basketball and had Mitchell saying it wasn't the Marlins team he had a problem with it was management he didn't really care for. Jordan Gerrans (the journalist who this centre's around) also had a dig at Cairns Basketball in a snippet elsewhere in the Sports section of the paper.

To me, it seemed to be a gross over reaction by Cairns Basketball however I suspect this was the straw that broke the camels back with them as far as Gerrans goes, as he has at different times over the last couple of seasons written articles which haven't painted the Taipans (who have connections to Cairns Basketball) in a good light. The Taipans have come out on a couple of those occasions questioning the accuracy of what he was saying.

It seemed to me that Gerrans didn't endear himself to the Taipans in his early days of taking over from Murray Wenzel. Prior to the commencement of the 2016-17 season, when Jawai had injured his finger and wasn't scheduled to be back until a few weeks into the season, Gerrans wrote a snippet in which he basically accused the Taipans of lying to him and the fans, because the Taipans (Fearne, I presume) were telling him Jawai may return earlier than expected (which is exactly what happened). It seemed to me that from then on, Gerrans was given little first hand information from the Taipans.

Jennifer Spilsbury makes some fair points about the situation in her Opinion piece however to title it "The truth above all else" as she did on the website, and put across that they're entirely blameless in all of this, is highly questionable and to claim the Post is a fearless and truthful reporter is stretching it. It's all about selling newspapers these days.

Reply #688490 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know the specifics of this situation, but some of the media handling around some NBL types is amateurish at best. Some seemingly see their role as discouraging the media from writing about the NBL which is the exact opposite of what they should be doing.

This definitely doesn't apply to everyone -some media managers are great, but there are some that do more harm than good.

Reply #688492 | Report this post

Years ago

Clubs with good relationships with their local media... Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and New Zealand... Hmm, wonder if there is anything in that?

Reply #688500 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately there is an absurd arrogance to some journalists. They first of all believe they have a right to know everything and to be treated like VIPs, and at the same time believe they should not be held accountable for their actions.

In the days of yore, when print media was god, they could get away with this, but with the proliferation of online sources, its a joke.

Poor journalists also invest too much pride and ego in their work, and see the need to perpetually justify earlier negativity.

End of the day, with every blogger and his dog asking for courtside seats, media priveliges have to be earnt.

Reply #688501 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah we cant have accredited journalists being accredited. Makes perfect sense.
You really think bloggers are actually going to go to a game, rather than give their expert opinions from analysing a score sheet?

Reply #688506 | Report this post

Years ago

Dude, you need to join the 21st century

Reply #688509 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I think a sporting club needs good relationships with the media. The media need people to read/watch/view what they present so advertisers will advertise and the club needs the promotion. There's no better PR than seeing some sports person visiting some sick kid with cancer in a wheel chair.

Reply #688569 | Report this post

Years ago

The online newspapers are important part of the 21st century and what Cairns has done is simply dumb.

Reply #688571 | Report this post

Years ago

LK needs to have a word to Cairns about this. Absolutely ridiculous, especially in a small market with only one newspaper.

Reply #688586 | Report this post

Years ago

LK needs to have a word to Cairns about this. Absolutely ridiculous, especially in a small market with only one newspaper

As CT has pointed out previously "there's a lot of people here assuming that Cairns Basketball and the Cairns Taipans are one and the same entity..". They are not. Cairns Basketball oversees the Marlins and Dolphins and has cancelled the Cairns Posts media accreditation for QBL games involving them (NOT the Taipans).

What is going on between the Cairns Post and the Taipans is a separate issue. It may seem absolutely ridiculous to you but, as I mentioned in a previous post, the Cairns Post are not blameless in the conflict between themselves and the Taipans. I would also make the point that there are 2 tv stations that provide coverage of Taipans news. The Cairns Post is not the only media outlet up here.

It could well be pertinent for LK to have a word to the Taipans about this but if you are dealing with a media outlet like the Post that feels it has nothing to answer for then it becomes a very difficult situation to resolve.

My view of the Taipans - Cairns Post conflict is that both parties are at fault and they should be putting their heads together to find some common ground to enable both parties to benefit. The Taipans (and Cairns Basketball in their conflict with the Post) need to understand they have to be able to accept criticism although I do understand the Taipans frustration at what has been written at different times. Nevertheless, it is their members and fans that are becoming pawns in all of this and the same can be said for the Post. They are shortchanging their readers by taking the attitude they currently are.

With a new coach in Mike Kelly on the scene, perhaps there is the opportunity to smooth things out between the 2 organisations. Kelly comes across as a person who will communicate with the media in a much more relaxed manner than Aaron Fearne did.

Reply #688598 | Report this post

Years ago

My LK comment was about the Taipans night time press releases. Stupid behaviour.

Reply #688600 | Report this post

Years ago

Small town mentality. Townsville were exactly the same.

Reply #688601 | Report this post

Years ago

> As CT has pointed out previously "there's a lot of people here assuming that Cairns Basketball and the Cairns Taipans are one and the same entity..". They are not. Cairns Basketball oversees the Marlins and Dolphins and has cancelled the Cairns Posts media accreditation for QBL games involving them (NOT the Taipans).

As I asked previously, are they not run by the same people?

How do you explain the threats to members for forwarding on club newsletters? It seems the people running Cairns Bball are petty, and ultimately causing further damage.

Reply #688603 | Report this post

Years ago

From the article itself...

Cairns Basketball general manager Michael Scott says the move follows two reports, one of them a four-line comment piece, that weren't to his liking.

It is a journey being taken down a similar path as the NBL’s Taipans, of which Mr Scott is also a board member. (The Taipans CEO, Mark Beecroft is also the president of Cairns Basketball and therefore Mr Scott’s boss.)

Reply #688607 | Report this post

Years ago

So, to complain about losing access, Cairns Post publishes a one-sided spiteful & vindictive editorial...

Thus demonstrating the same behavior that lost them access...

Reply #688611 | Report this post

Years ago

Cairns Basketball and the Cairns Taipans Board are two different entities and have two different functions. Mike Scott is the only common denominator between the two. Troy Stone is the President of the Cairns Taipans Board and runs things there. Mark Beecroft is not a member of the Cairns Taipans Board. He answers to them.

Cairns Basketball cancelling the Cairns Post media accreditation applies to the Marlins and Dolphins in the QBL. They do not make decisions for the Taipans.

Reply #688617 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not a good look in a small town to lose/alienate support of the one local paper but at the same time this is typical of the bullying approach taken by News Corp papers, it's Murdoch 101.

Reply #688621 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry Twinkletoes but you're not doing a great job separating the two. They may be different entities but if there is at least one common demoninator AND questionable media practice has taken place under both entities. You can’t pretend that one decision that gets made by one isn’t going to get made by the other.

Reply #688640 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly anon above, the two happening at the same time aren't a coincidence.

Reply #688646 | Report this post

Years ago

Both parties need to pull their heads in and Jordan Gerrans needs an editorial slapdown as it's his shitty content which is at the heart of this. I honestly think half of his basketball reporting involved trawling and twitter for gossip and then spinning it into something he can submit to print.

The QBL is the immediate obvious loser in this; there isn't massive coverage of the Qbl as it is, so the board can't go around pissing off one of the few traditional media outlets who will report on their teams. And say what you want about digital platforms but a good proportion of the qbl crowd are over 50 and aren't going to be getting their qbl news from twitter, so what the CP, win news and channel 7 do is still relevant and important.

The Compost has a price to pay in this too though; it has precious little localised content as it is and seems to have been locked in a death spiral since they moved their printing down south and sacked half their local staff. this is just another reason for people to skip the paper in the morning, especially if the Marlins can come out of this looking like the victim somehow.

frankly both parties need to sit down and sort this out as soon as possible as its not a good look for either side.

Reply #688657 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

What is going on in Cairns?

Is the Post's reporting shithouse?

Can't tell who is being shortsighted. Is it the basketball clubs or the paper? QBL aside, did the Taipans approach the Post and voice their concerns and warn them to pull their head in? And is what the Taipans doing warranted?

I get the feeling that the basketball administrators in Cairns is something of a boy's club. Same thing happened in Townsville and it ruined them

Reply #688666 | Report this post

Years ago

Townsville wasn't a boys club, the demise of townsville came from losing a free 600 space car park and increasing Renton the Jupiters casino stadium......

Reply #688688 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

What are you, an Egyptian Crocodile? Because you're in da-Nile

Reply #688692 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #688695 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry Twinkletoes but you're not doing a great job separating the two. They may be different entities but if there is at least one common demoninator AND questionable media practice has taken place under both entities. You can't pretend that one decision that gets made by one isn’t going to get made by the other.

Exactly anon above, the two happening at the same time aren't a coincidence.

I'm not pretending anything. There are two separate issues at play and two different courses of action being taken. The Taipans issue has been going on for some time whereas the Cairns Basketball issue only happened a few days ago.

Reply #688705 | Report this post

Years ago

What is going on in Cairns? Is the Post's reporting shithouse?
Can't tell who is being shortsighted. Is it the basketball clubs or the paper? QBL aside, did the Taipans approach the Post and voice their concerns and warn them to pull their head in? And is what the Taipans doing warranted?

Manu - My view is that Cairns Basketball over reacted taking away the Cairns Post's QBL media accreditation.

Where the Taipans issue is concerned, I don't particularly like the way the Taipans have gone about making their coaching and player announcements and I feel they shouldn't be involving their members and fans in their conflict with the Post.

However, right from the early days of his reporting on Taipans matters, Jordan Gerrans has tried to throw his weight around. My impression has been that the relationship between him and the Taipans has never been great. In the lead up to the new coach and player announcements, Gerrans was very critical of how the Taipans handled the letting go of Fearne and he claimed the Board was divided on the matter (which it probably was but Gerrans was giving the impression that things were not great on the Board).

Personally, although very frustrated and concerned about how long they took to get around to making a decision on Fearne and then finding a new coach, I thought the Taipans handled the Fearne situation with a fair amount of integrity. Troy Stone was clearly annoyed about Gerrans criticism and denied the Board was divided (which I realise doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't). Not long after this, when Gliddon and McCarron both had made known their intentions to not return, Gerrans got stuck into the Board again about losing them. After this, once the coaching appointment process was underway, Gerrans appeared to be pushing for Shaun Dennis to get the gig and was making claims about how far down the track Dennis was with the Taipans (which the Taipans came out and denied).

When the Taipans announced Mike Kelly's signing, the Post were not happy they had been avoided and Gerrans was given the Editorial space to vent their displeasure. He said it was a good signing and claimed he would have given the Taipans front page coverage with photo, etc. and went on a similar spiel to what Jennifer Spilsbury did in relation to the Cairns BasketballQBL issue.

What annoys me about all of this is the Cairns Post's claims to have nothing to answer for. The Taipans have not dealt with the situation well but the Cairns Post are not blameless (as they make out to their readers). CT's view that all the parties need to pull their heads in and sort it out is spot on IMO.

Reply #688706 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't worry the bloggers will report it all.

Reply #688708 | Report this post

Years ago

> There are two separate issues at play and two different courses of action being taken. The Taipans issue has been going on for some time whereas the Cairns Basketball issue only happened a few days ago.

And if the same person/people are responsible for those actions, then it stands to reason that something has gone wrong with Cairns basketball (be it the QBL team, or the Taipans).

Why did the Taipans threaten members if they forwarded an email? Who was responsible for that?

Reply #688710 | Report this post

Years ago

"And if the same person/people are responsible for those actions, then it stands to reason that something has gone wrong with Cairns basketball (be it the QBL team, or the Taipans)."

For crying our loud, it's not the same person. Try to wrap your head around that. Nobody complains that Melbourne United have screwed up when Basketball Victoria do something stupid. Same thing. Got it? Good. Go back to speculating about player salaries if this is all too hard for you to follow.

And from my memory, the Taipans didn't 'threaten' anyone. The members with more expensive memberships get a few tenuous benefits beyond their great seats. One of those benefits is being informed earlier about key news as it breaks (like, an hour earlier max usually) . In return for that they just need to agree to keep it off social media until it goes public. If you don't agree to play along you get taken off the priority email list as it makes the whole exercise pointless.

Reply #688719 | Report this post

Years ago

> Cairns Basketball general manager Michael Scott says the move follows two reports, one of them a four-line comment piece, that weren't to his liking.

It is a journey being taken down a similar path as the NBL’s Taipans, of which Mr Scott is also a board member. (The Taipans CEO, Mark Beecroft is also the president of Cairns Basketball and therefore Mr Scott’s boss.)

So is this inaccurate?

> And from my memory, the Taipans didn't 'threaten' anyone.
> If you don't agree to play along you get taken off the priority email list

Which they verbalised to their members by saying if you share this then you will be removed, otherwise known as a threat.

Reply #688729 | Report this post

Years ago

Troy Stone (the President of the Cairns Taipans and who - as far as I know - has no connection to Cairns Basketball) has been the person sending out the emails.

He said: "Members that LEAK information EARLY on social media will be excluded from future player signing emails.
Taipans HQ have received numerous complaints about certain members spoiling the news, and ruining the exclusivity and benefit for others."

The capitals for leak are Stone's, the capitals for early are mine.

I see little wrong with that if certain members have the benefit of being informed earlier and in return have agreed to keep it off social media until it goes public.

Reply #688747 | Report this post

Years ago

So a fan can pay extra for EARLY news, and if it doesn't go to plan (in todays modern world filled with social media) then they should complain and the club with make pathetic threats to further alienate other fans...

Yep, Cairns are done. They're countering the steps that the rest of the league is taking to get more people involved. If they don't continue to kill themselves with these sorts of decisions then LK should do the right thing and take their licence back.

Reply #688748 | Report this post

Years ago

No. If a member agrees to certain conditions in return for a particular benefit and then breaks that agreement, they deserve to be taken off the list for any future signings.

The Taipans could have, however, been a little clearer about who they were referring to (although they did say "certain members" indicating they knew who they were) and they could have made it clearer what "early" meant, so as most members would have realised it didn't apply to them.

To say they should lose their licence over that is ridiculous. Their future will be determined by how many people continue to turn up to games.

Reply #688755 | Report this post

Years ago

That they give out announcements like this an hour early or whatever to certain members and not expect it to leak in today's social media age shows how out of touch the club is.

Reply #688758 | Report this post

Years ago

In the 21st century if you put out news and expect it to not spread on social media or by word of mouth, you're pretty stupid lol

Reply #688759 | Report this post

Years ago

The Wildcats do the same thing with members getting news first. It leaks within seconds every time, but as far as I'm aware they've never made an issue of it.

Reply #688762 | Report this post

Years ago

Is that all members though Koberulz? If so that would not be surprising. The situation with the Taipans applies to select members only.

Reply #688765 | Report this post

Years ago

That they give out announcements like this an hour early or whatever to certain members and not expect it to leak in today's social media age shows how out of touch the club is.

So the Taipans are out of touch because they believe these particular members will be honourable and stick to an agreement? I would say that says more about yourself and the particular members than it does the Taipans.

Reply #688766 | Report this post

Years ago

^At the end of the day....does it really matter?

Reply #688772 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

In the 21st century if you post Anonymously and expect to get credibility on social media you're pretty stupid lol

Reply #688773 | Report this post

Years ago

^At the end of the day....does it really matter?

Maybe not but it did to some members

Reply #688777 | Report this post

Years ago

"In the 21st century if you post Anonymously and expect to get credibility on social media you're pretty stupid lol"

Not expecting any credibility for stating the obvious. News spreads like wildfire now with social media, it's foolish to think news would stay a secret. At the end of the day i don't see how it even really matters if news about an NBL signing spreads.

Reply #688782 | Report this post

Years ago

Cairns isn't out of touch... it's because everyone here knows each other, so when members write it on social media we actually know who they are. I know 2 members that complained

We don't have 15000 members like Perth. Funny thing is since that email it hasn't happened again

Reply #688783 | Report this post

Years ago

They shouldn't have a licence because they are actively working against the current values of the league ie solid marketing and fan engagement. To say that only some fans should know first, then chastise those that dont agree, is a marketing fail and if Cairns want to operate that way then I dont care if this is their last season.

Who said the fans who leaked are looking for credibility? Maybe they just want to have a discussion about the news with others, and letting them do that by social media is free marketing. To stop that is petty and narrow-minded.

Reply #688785 | Report this post

Years ago

Note to potential leakers - don't leak on Facebook because it's your real name posted (derr) so post those leaks here as Anon. Thanks.

Reply #688788 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh FFS, its not rocket science.
Cairns have offered a benefit to their top tier members, getting releases before they are made public. Whether you think there is any value in that benefit is immaterial, it is what it is.
Obviously if somebody jumps straight on social media and spreads the announcement, then they have not only removed the exclusivity, but have made the club look bad also.
Imagine they offer free gatorade to those members, and somebody is having a drink then pissing in the bucket so nobody else gets a drink. You think that shouldn't be stopped?

I agree that as far as "Exclusive Benefits" go, it's right up there with the free "Gym Towel" but at least they are trying.

Reply #688803 | Report this post

Years ago

But the club has also stopped discussion about their news/signings. Instead of relishing the publicity, they have put a stop to it with a dumb rule. Combine that with this media nonsense and they are really doing their best to alienate themselves from their fan base.

Get as many people talking about your club as you can. That isn't rocket science either, that is Marketing 101.

Reply #688810 | Report this post

Years ago

meh. anonymous marketing genius troll won't take no for an answer. Such a shame that a club with stable attendance numbers, which turns over a small profit year on year and lives within its means and still remains competitive, has the highest attendance per capita in the league and a large and long-running community engagement program that has players and staff along to every local school, festival and community event 9 months a year or more clearly has no idea what it's doing.

There's nothing to see here. this has nothing to do with the taipans, and the Cairns post and Cairns Basketball will figure something out and things will roll on.

Reply #688819 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Has the Post been writing unsubstantiated stories about the Taipans?

Reply #688824 | Report this post

Thunder Jam  
Years ago

Announcing Kelly plus player signings at night has nothing to do with the Taipans?

Reply #688839 | Report this post

Years ago

"There's nothing to see here"

That's what Cairns fans will be saying by the end of this season....

Reply #688842 | Report this post

Years ago

Cairns Basketball Inc and Taipans are interlinked but the 2 are separate operating entities. The acrimony between cairns post is actually a general gripe between all sporting codes and the sensationalism masked as journalism that comes out in newspaper at times. Cairns basketball and Taipans Inc are taking a stand basically - Taipans members get early release info directly and the 2 tv stations in WIN and 7 give better daily coverage of all sports inc QBL/NBL then the newspaper-Facebook is faster then the cairns post and it reports facts not rumour and bullshit that gets thrown up. Having dealt with the CP for work, you are better off going to ABC grandstand and the tv stations if you want blanket coverage.

This has started a few years back when all rags from cairns to Mackay are now run out of the Townsville head office - the Townsville Bulletin is similarly run and shares articles with cairns and Mackay newspapers ie. qbl nbl nrl afl etc. since then, it's all about scandle and sensationalism and Jordan Gerrans (nice enough bloke) trying to get the big scoop as he climbs the ladder - he is the bloke who stirred the pot claiming the nbl was going backwards etc etc blah and made national news. Ex-Perth journalist so he has no bias for Cairns or bias for anyone. But you can tell reading all 3 regional city rags which I do, it’s less about reporting what’s going on and more about finding phantom bullshit.

That said, Mike Scott is probably the worst person I have had to deal with. He is hard to get a hold of, comes out the media talking crap about the Jimmy Mitchell departure and gets called out when the player says hey no you did this, don’t try and sponsor a player cause mike doesn’t return calls or get organised etc etc. he is no angel and he needs to let someone else run the operations as he just isn’t up to it. Someone like Jordan G is just all over him and he doesn’t know what to do.

Mark Beecroft is another paradox - he is superb with corporate sponsors and is bringing in bigger numbers yearly - but he stinks when it comes to joe blogs members. This leaves members annoyed especially when you submit suggestions, see the guy and says oh we tried that or we checked into it we got told to do this. If it wasn’t for the fine work of the office staff and support staff for game day stuff, it just wouldn’t be the same. We have the right people there, but we lost our Media Manager a few years back and when you put someone like Beecroft and even Fearne who are so media unsavy without supervision, Jordan G’s of the world smell blood.

Fearne was very truculent with the media - that just wasn’t him. And when you have Beecroft telling the media it’s Fearne’s call on all players etc and then Fearne says he got no support for player issues (Carrera, gripes about favouritism, paying Nate a lot and not being fit/light enough so lenient on him as the rumours go) blah blah - Jordan G has smelled blood and gone in for the kill. This has then flowed to Cairns BBall QBL side of things because similar issues of key local players moving elsewhere due to a perceived or otherwise support/value ie. Mitchell, Adekponya, Vale or favouritism for Taipans dev players playing QBL over other players - it’s a competitive environment and some will miss out. But again a Jordan G will find the disgruntled player, true or not and apply pressure. Because the media manager role is shared and not a dedicated - we get the current situation.

Cairns Post can still cover QBL, they just buy their own tickets. The focus is more on QBL media (online) and TV.

NBL in general is using more online/TV then newspaper so it’s not surprising the attempt for more exclusive announcements etc to give value to members. Does it work ? I don’t think it adds value just put it online but give members a heads up and do a press release the next day.

It’s not the end of the world - is it dumb for QBL teams ? Yes because it’s a media outlet that’s annoyed. Will it last forever ? No.

Is it related to the NBL side of the things ? No they aren’t linked even with the cross org people - the Taipans are trying something with the NBL office to add value to members to announce at night etc - use videos via social media etc to get info out faster as the Post is much slower and well Taipans management is a bit butt hurt over last seasons fiasco and didn’t handle it very well. Kelly is a much different communicator and runs his own show which will keep Beecroft out the team stuff and back to what he does best. Player announcements will still some out out of sync with the rags and tv but if the TV stations who cover all of NQ (not just cairns - Mackay up) can get access and report on the sport not the kardashian style conjecture then so can the Cairns post with smaller coverage.

End of the day, Taipans still make an operating surplus every year, still do more engagement with the community then any other team, still put up a competitive team every year and run a Taipans Academy for developing players (Mark Worthington came through that) and deserve a bit more respect then what they get from the Post lately. Cairns Basketball runs all the highly successful junior rep teams and the qbl teams also needs more credit then what they get and we can’t keep all players all the time - Wigness will be a super star and he came through CB. Too much butt hurt on both sides and let’s hope level heads prevail or we get a board spill and put new leadership in with media smarts

Reply #688854 | Report this post

Years ago

There will be only one loser from this situation and its basketball in Cairns. No coverage in the paper will see sponsors drop off in coming season. Who wants to shell out big bucks when there are no photos of your logo on a shirt in the paper. Time for Cairns Basketball to appoint a media manager and kiss and make up with the Post.

Reply #688873 | Report this post

Years ago

I remember a couple of years ago when Nick Marvin sent an email in the middle of the night to an exclusive group of corporate members. It was to announce they'd re-signed Prather, and also picked up McKay. He said he wanted to share the news with that group first but he didn't say they couldn't share it online etc.

Coincidentally (or not) this was the day that united were due to make the announcement of their big signings, which ended up being that former NBA player with goggles who lasted maybe half the season.

By the end of the day, virtually no one on Hoops or Twitter was talking about the United signing - it was all Perth. He got his own fanbase pumped while stealing United's thunder. It was a great marketing strategy, cost him nothing, and he didn't piss off any fans or members of the media while doing so. Maybe Cairns could take a leaf out of his book.

Reply #688874 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

I think basketball in Cairns will be fine given this has been the highest polling thread in weeks.

Reply #688940 | Report this post

Years ago

There is many layers to the relationship between the Cairns Post and Cairns Basketball . It is not the first time they have butted heads and I am sure they will sort it out . At the end of the day the both want good outcomes albeit for different reasons .

Reply #689201 | Report this post

Years ago

AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM CAIRNS BASKETBALL REGARDING THE RECENT CAIRNS POST EDITORIAL (Explains/Confirms what many have said - it's 1 journo being a douche so they killed his accreditation not TCP’s. CBI are being sookie and should be able to handle criticism but Jordan G is known for stirring numerous pots nationally as well.)

To all our valued Sponsors, Members and Supporters -

Cairns Basketball has been the subject of inaccurate and speculative reporting in the Cairns Post, for most of the past 2 years which up until this point has been disregarded.

Cairns Basketball has made a number of approaches to the Cairns Post in an attempt to resolve these issues to no avail

However, the editorial piece by Cairns Post in the Weekend Post (Saturday 12 May 2018) contains so many statements that are sadly, simply inaccurate, we feel we are left with no alternative but to address these inaccuracies and provide clarity for our supporters

Cairns Post: This week, Cairns Basketball cancelled the Cairns Post’s media accreditation for QBL games. This is the latest attempt to stifle local coverage of sport and to somehow try and bully us into reporting what they want, when they want.

Fact: Cairns Basketball DID NOT cancel media accreditation for the Cairns Post.

We cancelled the accreditation for ONE journalist.

Cairns Basketball does not need to stifle local coverage of sport –7 Local News, Nine News, WIN News, , Star FM, 4CA, ABC Far North and other radio stations all attend games and training sessions at their preference. Coaches and players are also available to any media while on the road throughout the QBL season.

Cairns Post: At a time when the National Basketball League is doing everything it can to grow its sport, Cairns Basketball administrators are doing all they can to destroy it.

Fact: This is highly inflammatory and offensive to the administrators, the Management committee , the staff and over 400 hundred volunteers that support and contribute to Cairns Basketball and its growing success.

The Cairns Post is clearly not aware of the current state of Cairns Basketball. CBI facility is currently undergoing significant renovations, which include the addition of a new court to support rapidly growing participation. The editor has failed to recognise the impressive financial stability and facilities expansion which is in line with Cairns Regional Council, State and Federal Government and Basketball Queensland’s growth strategies.

The Cairns Post has failed to recognise the impressive financial stability and facilities expansion which is in line with Cairns Regional Council, State and Federal Government and Basketball Queensland’s growth strategies.

Furthermore, Cairns Basketball continues to be a leading association in the state. In 2016, Cairns Basketball won the Vince Hickey Trophy for the first time in the history of the awards which dates back to 1990. The Vince Hickey Award is based on Junior State Championship results and goes to the most successful association across all boys and girls age groups. This success validates that the success and performance off the court is having a direct correlation to Cairns’ performance on the court.

Cairns will be awarded the trophy (shared with Southern Districts) for a second consecutive year by Basketball Queensland at the annual ceremony later this month, a huge testament to the organisation and those involved.

Cairns Post: We invested big dollars into the Taipans when it was on its knees, standing shoulder to shoulder with them through their darkest hours and have provided first-class coverage of the QBL.

Fact: There are a number of claims in this editorial piece that are directed at the Taipans, that Cairns Basketball will not address, as they are not relevant.

While it is common knowledge that Cairns Basketball and the Taipans have a strong partnership that is mutually beneficial to both organisations, they are separate organisations and should not be grouped as such, nor should the individuals that service both independently.

Cairns Basketball plays a huge role in the community of Cairns (and has been for 60 years), and is proud of its connections with the public, local businesses, schools and other organisations.

And, while we are disappointed that the local newspaper cannot be part of this growing successful network, and instead had to be addressed in this manner - Cairns Basketball needs to stand up for itself, it’s members, and all the people and businesses that support it.

The Cairns Post is welcome to attend and cover our QBL games and all Cairns Post journalists and photographers , except one, will be given media access as has been to situation since 1987.

Reply #689272 | Report this post

Years ago

I saw this in the match program last night. interesting if true. Jordan Gerrans must have really pissed someone off there.

Reply #689413 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

Articulated well enough, but damn it desperately needs a proof. Assuming that was copied and pasted.

Reply #689414 | Report this post

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