Years ago
Premier League POTW Round 7
Notable performances:
Jonathan Perry 12p, 13r
Everett Osborne 20p, 7r
Daniel Nash 23p, 5/9 3s
Max Calligeros 15p, 9r
Jake Rios 22p, 9/27 fg
Alex Starling 19p, 15r, 5b
Atem Atem 16p, 14r
Nick Marshall 25p, 3/5s
Tyson Hoffman 24p, 6/9 3s
James Legan 28p, 9/14 3s
Tobias Dowdell 21p, 8r 2b
Patrick Thomas 15p, 8r 9a 3s
Sam Johns 20p, 7r, 6a, 3s, 2b
CJ Turnage 36p, 14r, 3a
Matt Lycett 24p, 4r
Bryan McGriff 19p, 10r
Eian Davis 17p, 7r, 9a, 4s
Jarryd Hoppo 16p, 10r
Brendan Teys 32p, 11r, 5a
Adam Doyle 24p, 10r, 6a
Who is the pick of them this week?
Also there was a comment in the previous thread re Mavs vs Rockets imports. I think it's still clear Reed and Starling are the best combo in the league. Are there any others even close?