Years ago
Durant & Brisbane
A few of us raised eyebrows a few weeks ago when KD made a seemingly random but calculated remark nominating Brisbane as an expansion destination for the NBA on the Bill Simmons pod.
The Courier Mail has only now just picked this up via Trenton Akers on page 3. Titled as "NBA shoots for Brisbane - US star backs city as ideal for league expansion".
Essentially a fluff piece with little substance, but does say that the State Government has contacted KD and "is keen to offer Brisbane as a possible venue for the superstar to showcase his skills."
No mention whatsoever of attempts to secure an actual exhibition game involving the Warriors or anybody else. I interpreted the article as the government attempting to land a KD solo tour only.
FYI for those that were curious. A few has previously speculated that the podcast remarks could have been made with KD considering a purchase of the Bullets.