A bit of a stuff up from the Dance Company side by the looks of it.
They have the contract to supply the cheerleaders for the Sixers games. It sound like where the stuff up occurred is that the cheerleading contract is for say 18 games per season? or a week thing?
The devil is in the detail and either way the contract between the Sixers and the Dance Company should ideally have a schedule of rates (eg we expect X cheerleaders for a pre-season game, Y cheerleaders for a normal-season game, Z cheerleaders for a normal-season game, W cheerleaders for an official function.
From there, the Dance Company then says to each cheerleader, you will be paid $X for a game night appearance, $Y for an official function (pre-season launch, EOY dinner etc) Sounds like the Dance Company has told them. "You will get $X for the season, regardless of the length"
The cheerleaders are a part of basketball and I don't think they had a direct sponsor this year (correct me if I am wrong...). The girls apparently get $75/game, so the outgoings would be about $10K/yr, so i assume with a bit of P&L, insurance etc, the Sixers are probably paying about $15K to have them there.
Surely there is business that would want to sponsor them and surely Grant Kelly and the boys and girls in the front office could offer name sponsorship for say $5-10K to cover most of the cost, then have each girl able to be sponsored for a nominal amount (say something like $500/season)