Years ago
Cheating stuff in cricket views
Funny such an overblown reaction. I see in basketball all the time, flopping and hard fouls, coaches abusing refs and faking being fouled eg in basketball and soccer etc. Spain in semi vs aussies at rio used all sorts of dodgy tactics.. Yet back home they only care about winning there fans and media, here we do a bit of cheating eg ball tampering and the aussie cricket team are condemed despite other cricket nations ball tampering and there fans support them especially when it's done vs the aussies. The aussie cricket team are not liked by other cricket nations this has become so obvious in this fall out. But we in general as well are a bit to Politically correct and to sorry. South africans captain when he got done for ball tampering didn't own up to it, when of course everyone in the team would have known eg the bowlers etc. Italy at 2006 world cup diving to get a penalty vs socceroos. Storm in a teacup this.. Maradonna hand of god anyone lol, yet he was a hero as winning is all that counts in other nations not honesty..