Years ago

Cheating stuff in cricket views

Funny such an overblown reaction. I see in basketball all the time, flopping and hard fouls, coaches abusing refs and faking being fouled eg in basketball and soccer etc. Spain in semi vs aussies at rio used all sorts of dodgy tactics.. Yet back home they only care about winning there fans and media, here we do a bit of cheating eg ball tampering and the aussie cricket team are condemed despite other cricket nations ball tampering and there fans support them especially when it's done vs the aussies. The aussie cricket team are not liked by other cricket nations this has become so obvious in this fall out. But we in general as well are a bit to Politically correct and to sorry. South africans captain when he got done for ball tampering didn't own up to it, when of course everyone in the team would have known eg the bowlers etc. Italy at 2006 world cup diving to get a penalty vs socceroos. Storm in a teacup this.. Maradonna hand of god anyone lol, yet he was a hero as winning is all that counts in other nations not honesty..

Topic #42976 | Report this topic

Years ago

What a load of nonsense.

Reply #680821 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #680823 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't understand why it is such big news. Seriously Australian media stop pushing things no one cares about. Test cricket = lol. Boring!

Reply #680824 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Cricket has always been seen as a "gentleman's game", but is sometimes far from it.

The biggest advantages to a bowling team are the pitch and the ball. The pitch can be manipulated through the old "forgot to turn off the sprinklers" routine, or by bowlers affecting the pitch, but ball tampering beyond shining one side on the old whites is a big no no.

Others have done it in the past through lollies to get extra shine, or by picking the thread to get extra rough, but the use of sandpaper is "innovative" to say the least and to think no-one at the ground would see it is a little naive.

I'm a little bewildered at the incident.

They say, the captaincy of the Australian Test team is the second most important job in Australia, behind being Prime Minister. I think if Steve Smith hatched the plan, or knew about it and did nothing to stop it, he really needs to go.

Reply #680829 | Report this post

Years ago

I wish someone would tamper with OP's wall of text

Reply #680832 | Report this post

Years ago

I just rubbed sandpaper in my eyes to make it more readable.

Reply #680833 | Report this post

Years ago

Test cricket is irrelevant in 2018 especially matches played overseas yet the media in this country still put it down our throats.

Reply #680834 | Report this post

Years ago

I wonder how many hours the average outraged Aussie has spent watching test cricket the past 12 months. Hard to find a topic I care less about... They broke the rules, punish them with whatever the rules state is the punishment and let's all move on with our lives. Anyone would think they got caught importing headphones into Colombia with the amount of press this crap gets....

Reply #680836 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

Early NBA players (1950s-60s)used to be accused of literally "takeing the air out of the ball". Apparently a less inflated ball assisted their "handle" , certainly made palming the ball easier.

I "think" I remember the charge being leveled against at least one 1980's NBA superstar.

Reply #680847 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

Reply #680849 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't find cricket interesting or entertaining.

I do find cricket scandals interesting and entertaining.

Reply #680862 | Report this post

Years ago

I believe that when lakers were away, opposing teams used to deflate the ball a bit because Magic had a high dribble. And the Celtics turning off the hot water in the showers.
But in these sports these things are tolerated a bit, but tampering in cricket with a ball is up there with match fixing. For Smith to have been a part of it is incredibly stupid, best batsman in the world and now he will be perceived as a cheat his whole life. Will end up costing him a lot of fans and sponsors.

Reply #680863 | Report this post

Years ago

I wonder how many hours the average outraged Aussie has spent watching test cricket the past 12 months. Hard to find a topic I care less about... They broke the rules, punish them with whatever the rules state is the punishment and let's all move on with our lives. Anyone would think they got caught importing headphones into Colombia with the amount of press this crap gets....

Well said.

Reply #680882 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL tested ball inflation levels this season.

Reply #680891 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm one of those bored by the whole over-blown response to the 'scandal’. I assume it gets so much air-time because it’s such a traditional sport and so many of the oldies (cough) running the place probably played it or grew up when it DID matter. Sadly, it’s another one of those cultural cringe things - Davis Cup and cricket mattered so much because Australia was WINNING all the time, and now aren’t as important to the majority.

Does anyone else remember the ‘scandal’ around basketball nets? Teams used to shorten or lengthen the nets depending on the type of game they played. Fast-breaking teams cut their nets shorter so that the ball would fall through them faster and could be put back in play faster.

Reply #680954 | Report this post

Manu Fieldel  
Years ago

I maintain that Adelaide tampered with the Wilson in the fourth quarter on Sunday

Reply #680957 | Report this post

Years ago

The media here are just trying to copy the americans and make everything sound dramatic so people tune in or by papers or whatever media they work for.
No one gives an honest opinion anymore it's just solely on trying to drum up publicity.

Reply #680973 | Report this post

Years ago

"Sadly, it's another one of those cultural cringe things - Davis Cup and cricket mattered so much because Australia was WINNING all the time, and now aren’t as important to the majority."

Funnily enough the ITF have finally scrapped the Davis Cup antiquated format. No relevance in today's world - just like test cricket.

Reply #681015 | Report this post

Years ago

The stigma of being labelled international sporting cheats isn't something to take lightly.

Countries have copped heaps in the past for individual cheats, Russia was the latest to become labelled cheats at the Olympic level and we are still having to answer for the Chappel underarm incident (even if that was technically not cheating but also not ethical).

This incident has huge ramifications, no matter what people think about the sport of cricket, or how it has massively changed since the IPL money and Big Bash (20/20) leagues have again altered the pathways of the game.

This hurts us where we hate it the most, our international integrity, the mystique of Australian sportsmanship is going to take a big hit.

Say what you will about the demise of test cricket or irrelevance of the sport outside the commonwealth, it is still going to hurt and for a long time...

Reply #681100 | Report this post

Years ago

Hard to compare the Russian state-sponsored doping across a ton of sporting events with a guy tampering with a ball IMO. Outside of the national cricket team, I really doubt there is going to be any flow on effect for other Australian sportsmen. I doubt anyone outside of a small handful of countries will ever even know it happened.

Reply #681104 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly. Cricket isn't an Olympic sport and irrelevant outside of ten countries. Get a grip Bear, you're mirroring the media and how they blow it out of proportion.

Reply #681125 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't follow cricket but Cam Warner and David Ashcroft should be ashamed of themselves.

Reply #681293 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide cheating in game 4 was worse

Reply #681295 | Report this post

Years ago

Bear relax... it's cricket.

Reply #681299 | Report this post

Years ago

More people angry about something that is happening in top cricket all over the world than a paeophile about to be dropped in the middle of a inner western adelaide suburb. Go figure !

Reply #681318 | Report this post

Years ago

It's actually pretty funny people don't think this is a big story.
The Australian crcket team has always been considered the No.1 team representing Australia on the international sporting stage. Bigger than the Wallabies, Socceroos and certainly much bigger than the Boomers, in the eyes of the average Australian - due to its history and traditiin.
Having your vice captain supposedly coaching a junior player how to cheat, with rhe captain at least having prior knowledge - then everyone lying about it and the backlash it's caused, of course it's a huge story.
Also, Australia on the international stage is renowned for pointing the finger at others for "cheatibg" - in all sports - so to be caught out blatantly doing the same, it is a black stain on Australian sport that will linger for a long time.

Reply #681325 | Report this post

Years ago

Your point is the issue. That while many other team are cheating and getting the wins and pressure is on from the same people angry about cheating are at them about getting the wins then under stress people will do the wrong thing without thinking about the consequences. Smith and Bancrodt likely manipulated by Warner who has a history of behaviour issues but the other two not so much. What needs to be done is these men now at risk of severe depression due to the shame that at least 2/3 are feeling need to be left alone. International cricket now need to clean up what they know is happening frequently across elite cricket but not caught due to caneras not being present at ever game to the extent of these games. ‭And aussies get passionate and get out there and work with kids and talk about this and pressure and peer pressure and learn from it

Reply #681327 | Report this post

Years ago

So now they're the victims in this because they've been caught out? Yeh I don't get that at all. It's OK for them to act arrogantly on and off the field - with the sledging and bullying and all that goes with that - but now they should be left alone because there's a chance they're going to suffer?

And the "well everyone else does it" excuse is BS as well. It's that sort of attitude that's allowed drug cheating to run rampant in sports like cycling for so long. And, again, Australians are always the ones who are pointing the fingers accusing others. If you want to point the finger, accept the consequences that it'll be pointed back when you don't live up to your supposed high standards.
I for one don't pity these guys. They're adults and they know what they were doing.

Reply #681330 | Report this post

Years ago

Yawn, how awful are the Australian media. They hype up the most boring topics.

First we had the huff and puff about gay marriage.

Then followed by Aus Day/indigenous.

Now this cricket rubbish. But at least it isn't PC-related like all these other "hot topics"


Reply #681341 | Report this post

Years ago

That post says way more about you than the Australian media tbh

Reply #681342 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes. I'm not a sheep.

Reply #681349 | Report this post

Years ago

"Funnily enough the ITF have finally scrapped the Davis Cup antiquated format."

They're actually trialing a new format in the lower rungs, but have kept pretty much the same format in the world group.

Reply #681353 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd say the media blowup is disproportionate to the actual care factor of the Australian public, not unlike Schapelle Corby's release a little while ago. I find it a little bit sad how our media leaps on events like this as if they were a large-scale international scandal - like the nerve agent poisoning in the UK or flight MH17.

I have a handful of friends who are cricket fans, and I'd say they are split pretty cleanly 50/50 on outrage vs 'punish them and move on', and outside of them I've barely heard peep about it not counting TV/online news coverage. Maybe a joke or two in the lunch room at our office.

Australia is a great cricket nation, sure, but that means diddly squat to the majority of the world. I've had zero people ever talk to me about cricket when I'm overseas and they find out I'm Aussie. Basketball a few times (especially in the US), and rugby probably most of all.

Reply #681408 | Report this post

Years ago

Angus gets it.

Reply #681422 | Report this post

Years ago

It must be true then.

Reply #681424 | Report this post

Years ago

Fake news. So blown out of proportion.

Reply #681432 | Report this post

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