I play in the div3 competition and during the finals series i have seen at least 5 ex u18 div2 players playing in the div3 competition. Last night they played Forestville Eagles and they were too strong for them. They did this last season and they beat Sturt in the semi finals to make summer season grand final. Sturt who were unbeaten the whole season. My concern is that the teams that have played really hard all season will lose out like Forestville last night. Another reason of concern is that it makes the whole finals series a big joke if they are going to win the competition. Is there any way i can report this matter to BASA so that Southern get eliminated for cheating and Forestville makes finals by default.
Years ago
I play for North div2 and i saw #50 playing. When he played against us in the div2 comp he was undisputably the best player in the team scoring over 20 points. I found it outrageous to see him play div3. There were also three other div2 players and i agree with anon that they need to be reported for cheating in the finals. If someone lets this go on they will make a team that deserves to win to be eliminated.
Thats just wrong no team should do that. Thats unfair for the competition and they should be banned for it. Iam an u16 div2 coach and i would find it unfair if one of the teams i was playing dropped a couple of div 1 players just because the div 1 team did not make finals. I think the club should be fined if what has been posted is correct.
so does everyone (or anyone?) here know the full story?
ie, why they were dropped? etc.
The funny thing i have noticed is that the starting five i played against in the beginning of the season is different from what it is right now. Four div2s and 1 div3 player. Another thing i noticed was that the starting guards were not playing in the team last night. That is weird because the div4 team also made finals. I have a feeling that they have dropped a couple of the div3 players to div4 team to make the team stronger. That is great i think they want to win every competition in the u18s.
Anon (#49630) i think the reason for that is because they want to win the div3 competition using their div2 players how low?
except for the 18 div 2's. Drill Master Saergent TCP's sqaudron of soldiers in F/ville 2(1) is a lock for the chip.
Its true they are attempting to win most of the competition but Forestville 1 have taken the div2 comp. But do you think this should be happening (Southern dropping players) in the first place. Southern disgust me and if i am going to play against them i might start a fight.
In fact, the Southern 18 div 2s finished last. Maybe their coach was spending more time in the opposition huddles than his own.
I know that but did anyone in the div2 comp notice the Southern team was missing some of their good players in the last few games of the season.they were actually playing in div3 comp trying to make finals.
jimmy de bas
Years ago
I believe most of the 'dropped division 2 players' have played division 3 all year. They played summer season in div 2 and hated it, so a few of them were going to quit, but the div 3 coach convinced them to play in the lower division where they could have a bit more fun with their mates. And with the star div 2 player that was actually dropped, I believe that it is within the rules, so get over it.
Unfair Southern
Years ago
The Forestville team that played the Southern team had beaten them twice before in the season. The Forestville team was stronger than the original Southern team. Forestville to me has been one of the teams that have worked very hard to make finals. A few weeks ago they nearly beat Norwood1 which finished on top of the ladder, the game finished in a draw. I think they were shocked when they found out it was not he same team they played earlier on in the season. Forestville did deserve to win the game.
Unfair Southern
Years ago
Jimmy de bas if that is what you are saying what about the players who were playing in the original div3 team. If the div3 coach wanted them to have fun what about his original team. Did they have to quit to create vacancies in the team. If i was playing for the team i would not want some player to take my spot in the name of "fun". The star player as you say i am sure he has not played the required games. Because i played against them in round 20. The coach should have been concerned in developing the players he had in the team. Southern to me has changed the way the game is played, teams bending the rules just to win the competition. So are we able to get a few div2s or div1s to make our team stronger?
Seriously waht are we teaching our basketballers. What kind of a behaviour is Southern developing. I think their mentality is to be the best and they are going to do basically anything to get to the top.
Teams that have lost an opportunity to make finals because of Southern players getting dropped is Sturt. They were doing very well and in round 20 they lost their game against Southern causing them to make finals. What Southern has done has angered a lot of teams. Now that they are playing North2 which to me is the most improved team in the comp will they also be eliminated by a stronger div 3 Southern. What a disgrace for a team to know that they are cheating and still go on playing.
I play for North2 in div3 and i would definitely hate it if Southern beat us and go through to the grand final. No one really knows the pain we have gone through. The whole season we have done a lot of fitness and skill training all season. We finished 7th in the summer season and this season we finished 3rd. I would hate it if we play a bunch of div2 players and we lose. They should be eliminated so that all the teams havea fair go. I know BASA allows players to come down but not the whole team.
Pickles Housemate
Years ago
Lets get a few things straight from the start:
1 - has anyone approached a Southern D3 player to suss out what has actually occurred?
2 - has anyone approached anyone from southern to find out what has actually occurred?
3 - My mail is that one palyer was dropped for disciplinary reasons and the rest of the team followed him.
Furthermore, does anyone know whether the div 3 players went up to div 2, rather than have to "quit" as another poster suggested?
I come from an age when the club was bigger than any individual and all players strived to be their best - some players (from a variety of clubs) these days dont want to do the hard yards and work through the lean times - they expect glory and bitch and moan when the dont get glory.
If i'm correct, the players who went down to d3 have forgotten more than they were taught in preious years.
From an optimist point of view, i couldn't imagine anything better than playing the southern team and beating them... How about you others fire up and kick their ass?
Thats a good point Pickles Housemate. One of those teams that might beat them are Norwood1 and North1. Both teams as i know only have seven players in their teams. Southern has a full house of about 10 or 11 players. Those two teams might beat Southern but North2 are a bit weaker and i think they deserve to at least play the last qualifying finals to enter the grand finals. #50 playing div3 thats a bit low. I have seen him play and i am sure he will be playing div1 next season is that really in the spirit of competition.
This incident is refelecting really bad for the club. I know most teams in the club play very hard e.g Southern div1. The players and the coach should be ashamed of what they did. They are soft in that they could not toghen it out in the div2 comp and left the div3 players make finals on their own. I wonder what happened to the other div3 players. Because none of them would want to leave the team and play in the div2 team which finished at the bottom of the table
jimmy de bas
Years ago
Anon #49463...
The whole div 2 team has not come down... it is one player who was dropped for disciplinary reasons. And you say that you would hate losing to a team of div 2's, well when you are playing finals basketball, the word losing shouldn't even enter your mind. If you have worked as hard as you say you have, then you should win. Stop whinging and get on with the game. It sonds to me like you are already creating excuses for losing.
What a liar you are Jimmy i think you ae in the Southern team. One player more like 4+ players. Everyone knows about it. Its not creating excuses its a matter of putting things right. I think Southern should be dropped and Forestville brought back. Its not about losing its trying to be fair to the weaker teams. You cannot be sitting there and saying that what you are doing is right. Now the team is bigger, faster and stronger. Last season (summer) the team pulled out the biggest upset the reason for this is that they dropped two players for finals. I think that Souther should be stopped before they start making it a habit.
Years ago
It's common place in footy and cricket and now its affecting basketball - it should be stopped - there should be a min number of games played for finals action and it should be enforced!
Years ago
Sturt was knocked out bacuse of those div2 players playing in div 3. You, under BASA rules must play 5 games (sitting on the beanch for the entire game doesn't count)to be able to play for a different divison. I think it is high time BASA got there act together and followed the rules they set down. Shame on you Southern, BASA and shame on you jimmy de bas
Yeah, you bunch of cheats Southern, I saw Forestville all season, they played real well...
Southern, start playing fair, I hope you lose next week, cause you don't deserve to win!
jimmy de bas
Years ago
Ah, but AJ, I think I need to remind you of a comment you posted not too long ago....
'No i play for sturt and BASA dosn't allow that to happen. The penalty for any team caught playing and player who has not played the 5-7 games in Div 3 is a 0-20 forfiet. Southen as much as i hate them, were smart and got 2 or 3 Div 2 players, to player the required amount of games so they can play div 3 finals.
AJ, 31/08/05'
So, you admit there that Southern were actually smart in pulling off this move. You admit that the dropped player/s played the right amount of games to qualify and you also admitted that you play for Sturt, the team that unfortunately missed the finals... bit sour eh?
Years ago
if southern ensure they qualified those players correctly the only 'smart' thing they've done is learnt from past years when they've had teams disqualified for cheating. As far as sportsmanship goes - this is not on even if it was under the guise of disciplinary reasons, but then doesn't surprise me that it's southern. I've also seen them do similar things in lower division seniors. Good luck to the other teams left - go out determined to show them how to play basketball as a true team and win fairly. Focus on the win - then stick it up them after.
Years ago
What i meant to say is that if a higher div team isn't going to make the finals then i think it is unfair that they can drop 4 players so they have a better chance in the lower div. It should only work for lower players going into higher divs. I reckon at the half way point of the season what ever div you are in you stay there. NO EXCEPTIONS
Years ago
oh and Poll about speaking to BASA, we did and there responce was "To litte to late" and "we can't do anything now"
Some people need to know how to loose. Bloodynora, Southern or Noarlunga have never been disqualified. you are an idiot and are making up stuff just to continue an argument. Instead of making this into a soap opera, just shut up and get on with playing. I guarentee you all that Southern are happy to produce scoresheets and information that support that these players have been playing most of the last season. i think a lot of you need to grow up!
Grow up i think that you are the one s that should grow up because if that is the way you are going to conduct the way you play basketball then all the other teams are within their own rights to do the same thing. Teams dropping 4+ players so that they can have a chance thats just not fair. Even if you play for Southern you have to know that some of these things are wrong no arguments about it.
what the
Years ago
remember southern are very strong in u18s so it may not be unusual to find some gun players in div 3
Years ago
yes they are strong in u18's arn't they. Div 2 they finish second last
Thats it the u182s players should have stayed in div2. If most of the players would have stayed in div2 they probably would have finished at a higher position like in summer season.They are good team like the draw against North who they could have beaten. So there is no question about their ability to play they just wanted an easy way out.
Years ago
As a junior I remember in a comp I played in,
That there were a maximum games before you can play in a lower division. In that comp once you have played 3 games in Div 1 you are in-eligible for div 2 or lower,etc .. 3 is probably a bit harsh but 14 would be reasonable. At that stage the finals positions aren't known, any any team hedging there bets by qualifying in lower divs risks not making the higher finals. I think it would stop this last minute can't make the finals so 'help' out in the lower divs, that all clubs can do now it's within the rules.
Any club who doesn't take
the opportunity are being 'nice guys' and we know where they finish.
(p.s. I don't condone the practice, nor do I revile it its just part of the game live with it or define rules to control it)
Years ago
Southern are a reasonable team, im pretty sure half their team played summer in the 3s from memory, but we played them last round b4 finals. We finished last, they were arrogant and extremly rude to us. Then again this situation is like wot is going on in the ashes atm with england substituting a bad fieldsman for the top of the range. Is it unfair yes...is it legal...yes.
jimmy de bas
Years ago
Anon #49669
'then all the other teams are within their own rights to do the same thing.'
Well yes they are within their own rights to do the same thing. No rule has been broken. Just GET OVER IT!!!
I play in 18 2's for another club, and the only reason I believe the Southern 18 2's team performed so poorly this season is because their best players from this side were not playing in the second part of the season. I don't know the details, I just know from playing them and seeing other scores from other games they played that they were turned into almost easybeats in Div 2, probably for the benefit of the Div 3 team.
I know from experience that being switched between divs mid-season is disruptive and when I did I was told I had to play a minimum of 3 games for the new team to be eligible for finals.
Yes true, No rules were broken officially, but seriously, how unfair is it, not illegal but unfair!
Just play fair Southern, and try to win a final the right way, I don't think I could ever respect Southern again, and we're not getting over it, and neither would you if any other team in the league did it to you or in any grade or division.
I know for a fact that #50 has not played the required games to play finals. I think in round 19 Southern were playing North2 and they lost by 1 point without #50. I have a feeling they knew they were going to lose even with a team of 2-3 div 2 players and so they decided to gat the best player in div2(#50) to enhance their chances.
I think they were aware that they were not going to win the comp and so they recruited #50. And Jimmy players are pt in their respective division because of their skill level. How stupid or unfair would it be a div1 playing in a div3 competition. I think the coaching staff put you in your respective divisions because they knew you had the ability to compete in that division and win. So u18 div3 team i think you are a disgrace to your club and district junior basketball community for community for competing at a level lower than your calibur.
a ref
Years ago
I wouldn't normally buy in to this, but I was on the other court at the time of this game.
On an official club letter head, write your complaint and send it via the club secretary to Colin Thompson or Brad Biddle.
You won't get anything achieved in here.
The match is over, however the result isn't necessarily final.
I will add one more thing. On the bottom of the score sheet there is a little place to sign if you protest the outcome of the match because of a technicallity. You are meant to sign it before the referees do.
What ever happened to the old saying "If you ain't got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all!"
From what I have read on here, these players were dropped for disciplnary reasons in the summer season. This means that they have played the entire winter season in div 3. This was the coaches or Club's decision. If you have an issue with a Club following rules set down by BASA, then complain to BASA or get your Club delegate to, don't come on here and bitch and moan....Do something about it.
Its all a scam by Southern they do not know the meaning of fair sports. The coach has shocked me by getting 4+ players from div2. From a club's perspective i would think that the coach would have been a little more considerate of his original players and not drop them. Its coaches like him that make a lot of players quit district basketball because of their selfish ambitions and desires to win. We have to remember as much as it is important to win we want the players to have fun playing the game they love playing.
anon (49713)
From what I have read on here, these players were dropped for disciplnary reasons in the summer season
I play in the div3 comp and we have played them three times and during this time i have seen the team change every time we play against them. I have also seen players getting dropped to div4 who were according to me good div3 players for div2 players. If the players were dropped for disciplinary reasons then they should have been pulled back to div2. I do not believe that 4+ players can be going down because of disciplinary reasons. How come its only the Southern team that does this. So what about the original div 3 players did they also get dropprd for disciplinary reasons???
I didn't say I had the solutions or knew anything of the issue, just commenting on what I have read. Teams DO change, fact of life.
Did you mean sissy teams i think they love the easy option. A fact they are insulting abusive and they think they are the kings of div3 now. I hate that.
A word of advice for teams if you do not make finals just drop your best players to a lower division so that you can win now i hear it is legal.
If people noticed that this teams was always changing why wait until now to say anything about it. I have two words for every person bitching about this SOUR GRAPES. I guess Southern now know how Sturt and F.Ville feel when people just come on here and bitch becuase they lost.
Years ago
A lot of posts in this thread are coming from one person. You know the deal -- if you artificially inflate your point of view by pretending to be multiple people to support your perspective, I will make that public.
Years ago
Its not bitching. At the most critical time of the year a team decides to bring in probably the starting five in their div2 team to compete in a lower division. Everyone now knows about the intentions of Southern. Southern now have to face the shame that they will never hide the truth. If they win their is going to be a big uproar as they are playing dirty. Go North2 and beat Southern cheats next week.
1 computer - 2 different people and points of view, Isaac. I will stop voicing my opinion but can't guarantee the same for the rest of my household.
Years ago
Six of the first seven posts came from the same location. Throughout the thread, this same source has continued this practice of changing alias, etc.
I don't think I was referencing your posts, but others within the thread.
Isaac i just know a lot of info about the matter thats why i am posting a lot of times just to answer the questions of other people posting in this thread thats all
jimmy de bas
Years ago
yeah good work mate. 6 of the first 7 posts. Could possibly only have been 1 question to answer. BTW, no players were dropped to div 4.
Jimmy, still whoever that guy posting was, he is right, Southern shouldn't have done this, probably someone else from his house posting each time
Anon #49724 and Anon #49727 are not the same person or even the same computer.
Years ago
maybe if you picked an alias and stuck with it, people might be able to follow the conversation!!
jimmy de bas
Years ago
Anon #49715
'I have also seen players getting dropped to div4 who were according to me good div3 players for div2 players.'
Yes AJ, someone did DAY players were dropped to div 4.
Years ago
SO sorry it's that im am unable to type very well with a broken hand and i can't be stuffed reading the entire thread.
I believe the Tigers have also done this in another age group. They forfeited their last U14 Div 1 Boys match and the word is most of the team fronted on the Saturday morning to play a Div 2 game. The 2's weren't going to make the finals but could be a common theme within the club. Or maybe the 1's couldn't be bothered travelling to Starplex for their final match!
I think we should let these two people have an arguement with themselves. Obviously two sore losers, let them bitch between themselves
Bitching is that what you call it. I think all the people who want this to end are the Southern people. If its true its true. Its in black and white and now people know the team as culprits. They made two teams which deserved to be in the finals be eliminated namely Sturt and Forestville. Those two teams have had the very same team the whole of the two seasons unlike lieke Southern which has had about six players drop down from division 2 to 3. I know you can allow a team to drop a few players but not the whole team get it.
In the Know
Years ago
Maybe they dropped 9 players down from div 1 and also had 2 senior players playing as well.Time to move on.
I heard Southern's U18B3 will have Brett Maher playing for them this week...
ooh someone thinks they are smart if you do not have an input just do not post your opinions. We are discussing a matter that will affect teams one time or the other. For example if you do not make finals because a club allowed teams to acquire lots of players from a higher division. As you all know people are put in a division because of skill. Moving down to a lower division of lower skill is something we all do not want to see. If SA is going to produce great players BASA should not be allowing this kind of behaviours from teams. We should develop a system that helps control this.
Anonymous, Its not Brett Maher its Luke Schensher, he is a Southern Boy. The conspiracy continues!
I have just looked at the sportiingpulse website and i saw that the results of the game was Southern 78-36 Forestville.
During the season first game between the two teams Southern won 47-42 a five point difference.
The second game they played Southern lost to Forestville 57-40 a 17 point difference.
Forestville during the season could beat Southern convincingly but after the Southern team acquired div 2 players they lost by 42 points. So now do you all see the effect of changing divisions has on the competition.
Pickles Housemate
Years ago
And throughout this whole topic, no one has been able to identify the BASA regulation that has been broken by Southern.
what rule was broken?
Has anyone filed a complaint?
What was the response?
and most importantly, has any other club fired up its players to beat Southern when they face them next???
Despite all the claims of "cheating" no one has identified the BASA regulation that has been broken because there isn't one.
I'm not for one minute supporting what has happened but Southern haven't broken any By-Laws.
Years ago
There was a complaint made to BASA and there responce was {speaking to BASA, we did and there responce was "To litte to late" and "we can't do anything now"}. A rule may or may not have been broken but what most people are saying is that it is unfair that this happened.
It's a bit like Greg Chappell getting his brother to bowl under arm - was allowed with the rules at that time but was condemned as not being in the spirit of the game.
While record books might say they(if they in fact do) win the premiership they have to live with themselves knowing it meant nothing.
Do not worry North1 Norwood1 or North2 will play their hardest not to let tose cheats win.
Who says southern are going to win the finals, is all the shit people saying about the teams changes true, do they know the truth behind why sertant players decided to play in Div 3, its just basketball, just have fun!!! the people who are crying get over it and play stronger basketball next season.To me i hope southern tigers win the grand final due to all the crap people have given them.
All the crap they have been given they recruited a div 2 star player just for the finals. Anon have you even considered all the other teams who have played in the same division the whole year do you even know how they feel. Now everyones in div3 is not having as much fun as they should.
Your teacher
Years ago
49954 did you just spell certain "sertant"?!?
PLayas Only
Years ago
(Mod: Please don't post in all caps again.)
Playas only but do you accept the finals game was a blow out 42 point difference thrashing team that beat them a few weeks earier by about 17 points. That proves they have skill plus except for one original div 3 player and four div 2 players.
Another interesting thing i saw was the red haired guy was the div 3 star player and after div2 players got dropped his numbers have dropped tremendously. He was playing pretty awesome game but now he struggles to score or even have a bigger part in the game. in the summer season grandfinal i think he scored nearly all te points for Southern.
Years ago
Maybe the Southern team just came to play in the finals and Forestville couldn't handle the pressure. It happens, some teams thrive in finals while others just dont handle the big games. Look at Port!
If it smells like a rat and if it looks like a rat then it probably is a rat!!!!
Its just div 3 not ABA or NBA or NBL and im pretty sure u r allowed to recruit and change the team throughout the season before finals its what they do in every other sport y not basketball, im a football player myself and players are recruited/ dropped from high grades all the time, Whats the difference. I mean Norwood are a whole div 2 team and im pretty sure they have just lost one game and they are a whole team why dont u windge about that........ and target them 2 not just southern
sabre tooth
Years ago
Forestville should be glad they even got into the finals because if sturt hadnt drew against norwood 2 they wouldnt have even got into the finals so y r they windging
Anyway what do you think of the Port vs Crows game on the weekend i thoguht it was great cause it showed how shit port really is cause the crows anialated them it was AWSOME just thought id give u people something else to cry about.
dont worry bout it Port will win again next year ..... GO THE POWER..
That's Sturt's bad luck Sabretooth, Sturt even if they won wouldn't have made it, due to head to head Southern and F/Ville beat them by more, in Forestville's case, Forestville won both times...
"z", Forestville could handle the pressure, they knew to make the finals a few weeks back they had to at least draw with the top team, they did, they got much better, no Southern stack their team, so they can win, that just screws everyone's hard work
I suggest go through the Div 3 fixtures and look back, at the major turns in margins within the last 10 weeks you'll notice a major change took place somewhere in their, try Round 17 maybe...
Years ago
know the facts before you start running your mouth bout why i have i gone to div3
Years ago
Cant wait to see you all whinging at the finals on the sideline in the grandstand when southern take it out.
why are people the people talkin about football when its about basketball???????????????????
Years ago
#50 you better hope we win now that you said that, dont understand y ppl say we cheated when its all legal maybe someone should get the rules changed next season or something so we dont get so many people windging.........
Pickles Housemate
Years ago
hey #50, pull your head in mate - the last thing people need to be reading on here is you being a bit of a tool.
Pull your head in, play good ball and let the scoreboard do the talking.
You could clear up why you were dropped as this would surely help enlighten us and get some ppl off your back.
Years ago
Alright no probs, buts whats up with everyone running their mouth when they have absolutely no idea with whats going on. 4+ players dropped... no idea
hey pickles housemat y should #50 explain anything when its got nothing to do with anyone i mean if it wasnt legal he wouldnt be in the team or be able to play so i think thats enough and all people and other players really need to know.
In my opinion this forum topic should never have opened and should be closed because southern have done NOTHING WRONG and dont deserve to be abused or threatened by people (people threatening to start a fight if they played them) on the net becasue im sure they have worked just as hard as any other team to get where they are......... DOES ANYONE KNOW THE REALLY STORY CAUSE EVERYONE SEEMS TO BE MAKING UP STUFF? ALL LIES???
Years ago
does this mean that no1 knows wat really happened?why so much abuse without the facts?
red steak
Years ago
Your all a bunch of winers, the guys who got dropped haveplayed the legam amount of games in div 3 , since thats where they started another the div 3 original boys have been brought up to to div 3 so forestville stop complaining they all started the season in div 3 and they cam back down for reasons which do not concern every one of this topic, forestville lost bad luck they were not good enough and good luck to Southern they can see they cheated all along, but the fact of the matter is 18 Div 1 tigers team won state champs because they supposedly cheated div three's are in the final because they have supposedly cheated and so are the div fours. Get over it
redsteak get over what??? i do not understand why #50 came down. i have seen him play and he is an absolute gun player. Its so heartbreaking to see a player like him drop so low to get a district final. Mate you could easily be playing 1s next season this is not good practice for you.
jumpman 23
Years ago
this is pathetic listen to all the div 3 players talk themsleves up its pathetic
jumpman23 if you do not like this thread then do not post or read it please your comments are not needed.
red steak
Years ago
Hey man, he may be a good player but its good attitiude you have to have and he does not have and if he does not want to play u cant force him to, leve the kid alone i hope they do win the finals just to spite everyone on here for calling 18 div ones and twos and three's cheats because they have a strong age group you cant hack it that we have quality players through each division
to be honest i dont think that what southern has done is cheating or could be cheating cause its all legal and i still think this topic should be closed cause it has gonna to far and it will just create rumours and is probably going to make the southern club look bad. i agree red steak people should just get over it!!!!!
I think we should call this thread over. The reason is there are teams that are capable to play against Southern in the finals and probably beat them. The teams are Norwood1 former div2 team, summer season champs North1 and North2. This games will be nearly as good as an actual div2 contest. All this teams have good speed athleticism and skill that will be able to match Southern. Another thing Southern lack in height.
red steak
Years ago
Thankyou, Issac can you declare this thread over please
Amen !!!!! but i think all the teams lack in height i mean they are all pretty much the same height i reckon... but thats just me....
Red steak i think we have now declared that this thread is pointless now and should stopped. The only thing we can say to Southern players is that in the future please stay in the division you ought to be in and toughen it out. Now all you can do is play good basketball because two wrongs do not make it right.
Norwood1 have Kenny he is about 6"6 talk about a team getting an advantage in height. He was supposed to play 1s how about that and no one complains about it
Pickles Housemate
Years ago
Isaac, do you and other Mods go by the alias Anonymous?
..no, i didn't think so.
(Just because i can.)
I want to ask Southern players what team they think is pretty good and waht their chances are in the finals?
yeah people are only complaining cause forestville expected to win but lost by 44 points and that isnt usually expected in finals but i think the finals would be great to watch because all the teams have equal skill and talent so the games will be played "uptempo", i honestly beleive people should jsut stop all the complaining
im not a player but i think that southern has a good chance in the finals but i think that the remaining teams all have a good chance too, so really any team win but i do know that southern won last year and still have some of the same players so theres no reason y they cant do it again. i just how that the refs arent bias in anyway during these next few games because of this topic coz it is possible.....
I have seen North1 and Norwood1 play and both teams have had big wins they have both won a few games over 60 points in the season. I wonder how they will deal with having a new powerhouse in div3 i am talking of Southern. Another thing both teams finished with 20 wins during the winter season.
Southern have lost two consecutive grand finals last years winter season and this years summer season
anyway i still think that southern will make the grand but its really up to them wether they win or not.!!
it will be pretty hard for them to make it they have to go through all the teams that have beaten them throughout the season. The other teams are strong in their own rights. Southerns weakness they rush their offence to fast and miss too many fast break opportunities.
At least Norwood1 and North1 have an extra incentive to play very hard to make sure that they win the game and avoid playing Southern. Throughout the season this two teams have only lost against each other and were the untouchables of the competition. Now with a stronger Southern they will play much harder and not cruise to the grandfinal without any real opposition apart from themselves.
Everybody knows that Southern haven't cheated, they won fair and square by the rules, F.Ville and North know this
It is the bloody fact they dropped Div 2's with weeks to go so they could have the glory of winning that is ticking everyone off, I liked the example of the dude that rolled the ball along the ground, it was within the rules, it just wasn't sportmanlike.
Years ago
all the kids u say went down to play in div 3 got droppted because they complained and argued and the better div 3 players got an oppertunity to play 2s
Birds eat my fingers, we'll catch em and freeze em as quick as can be, burds eat my fingers. holla
The last few posts has to be from Southern players instead of saying something useful and defend themselves they are busy talking up how far they are going to go. Do not count your chickens before they hatch. I think you understand this better after you beat us (Sturt2 div2) last summer season when we were clear favourites.
If what post (#50171)is true about div3 players moving up is true ten i think thats why Southern was so crap. Tell me hhow many players are in the team that used to play div3 and how many players are in the Southern team.
Years ago
I can not believe there have been so many posts on this subject.
They have not broken the rules, are not the first Club to do it, won't be the last and have probally kept some players for next year that would have left.
Is what they have done any worse than Clubs that actively poach players from other Clubs to achieve the same result and that is have some success whether that be Division 1 or Division 5.
The benefit of this from a div3 perspective is that it will be interesting to see who wins the title now with a stronger Southern side. All the teams still have a chance of winning for example Southern lost to North2 in rd 20. The only problem Southern probably have is lack of height. Pretty short compared to Norwood and both North teams. That is why i find it hard that anyone should be posting bad thingd about Southern. Probably every team has poached a good player to play for them from whatever division. Even though its morally wrong it brings about competition.
North1 and Norwood1 have dominated the competition 20 wins a piece why doesn't anybody take that into consideration both very good teams they are. The only problem with the other teams is that they struggle a lot with injury concerns like North1 and Norwood1 they currently have six fit players unlike Southern with about ten players.
the think is their all sexi and i just like watching them coz the sexiness is more than any other team and yous are all jelous of the sexines they posses
good luck for finals
Years ago
I think the referees are biased anyway.
get a new name
Years ago
well i have just read through these posts and i am thourourly disgusted at the accusations and comments that have been made in this thread with no factual evidence to back them up. i know the dropped players on a personal level and you will find that they have been playing together since u10's (roughly) they had all gone to school together untill recently two dropped out in their final year from school, so the only time these very good mates got a good chance to socialise and catch up was at basketball. one player was dropped for disiplinary reasons, and it was awful. for them basketball was playing together, "the boys", and they felt as if they didn't want to play because it wasn't the same. when the opportunity came for them to play together along with some other mates for school of course the other three boys took the offer. they all played the required amount of games, hence not cheating, and it wasn't a ploy to win the finals but to play together and do what they love doing. i can see how some may have sour grapes but i personally think that you are a bunch of babies. they did not break the rules so what is ur prblem. these boys actually played more than the required games so once again, what is your problem?! you should count yourselves lucky that these boys didn't play from the start of the season because i tell you that if the offer had come up at the start of the season, the boys would have taken it and wooped your ass from the start! maybe then you would have worked a bit harder and pushed yourselves to the limits instead of bitching about in now like little "GIRLY MEN". please do me a favour and grow up. hey, forestville may have played well throughout the season but when they played southern, they obviously didn't play well enough, and the BETTER team won on the day. i respect and value other clubs but after reading some of these posts, i can't beleive how low some people can go when they don't win. they did nothing wrong so GET OVER IT!!!! good luck to all teams in the finals rounds and the team that plays the best will win.
(Mod: Sorry already one "Disgusted" on the forum!)
So iam supposed to understand that one player being disciplined is a good reason to drop 4+players very believable
Years ago
hey anonymous(#50103),get ur facts straight. u posted this?
"Hey #54 was the starting guard in the div2 side".
1. he isnt a guard.
2. he didnt start in div 2 as a guard.
3.he rarely started in div 2 as he was only there for a couple of games at the start of the winter season and there were other players there to start!
Years ago
Thats what i hate about this site.ppl just write on here what eva they feel like without actually knowing the facts.
sean dillon
Years ago
also all you idiots who play in this 18boys div 3 competiton and have been posting, you guys all think you're better than what you really are but you're not. you will NEVER make a div 1 side.
if you haven't cracked div 1 now you never will.
so get a f*cken life losers!!!
get a new name
Years ago
annonomous post number(#50309) you don't get it do you! THEY WERENT DROPPED! they demanded to be able to play in div thre together, or they would not be playing at all! the club didn't want to loose such valuable players and so the boys got their way! the club did not "strategically", put them down their to win, the boys wanted to, i hate to say it but some people have lost the plot and they seem to think that the game is all about winning, where has the true purpose of the game gone!
(Mod: As said above, already a "Disgusted" around!)
Sean Dillon what a loser you are its just a thread there is no need to get so political. You talk as if you are in the NBA. Guess what its only junior basketball and you do not get paid for playing whatever div u play. So do not think you're f*****g awesome and know what you are saying. Remember its just a game and it seems you play basketball for the wrong reasons.
Disgusted (Mod: Now "get a new name" in this thread for reference) we understand that its not the clubs fault and thats final i know where you are coming from and know we should stop this nonsense because its getting noone anywhere. Lets just play basketball and i hope to have a tough game against the Southern boys team may the best team win on Friday.
Do not worry we will bring our best game anon and we will not let all these posts bring us down we have come to play finals.
"Demanded to play together"
Obviously the players run the club down south, which could account for the erractic behaviour coming out of this club this year.
Interesting point anon know do the players know whats best for them and not the club. The person who posted that is making the people who run the club to seem desperate and powerless. There is something called social basketball if they really wanted to play together.
Years ago
Social bball is just s**t. some ppl there dont want to play but start fights. dont argue, i know the facts from experience. district is just better as there is an aim to the game and ppl want to play for fun.instead of playing district i was gonna play social ball but then realised what happened last time i played, so dont get me started on social bball!
awesome o i get what you ae saying playing against rough football players and people who do not know the rules thats bad for your basketball
Brigadier Ferguson
Years ago
anon (50367)& awesome-o. you have just given weight to exactly what sean dillon was saying in his post. well done guys.
Years ago
Honestly, what's the difference between div 3 and social?
Years ago
Unfortunately a win is a win and a loss is a loss. Commiserations to the Forestville side but there is nothing you can do about it now. As mentioned above you had your chance to sign the sheet at the game to protest but you didn't.
However don't think for one minute that I am supporting what this team has done. It is low and despicable but some people will do anything to be successful.
Players should be assigned to teams according to their skill level and not the amount of friends in their team. If a player wants to play in a lower division purely for the sake of friendship then he is either nuts or soft. The only time i've heard of this happening was a) at the start of a season and b) in a girls team. Which leads me to believe that all those players that dropped themselves into a lower division are girly.
Maybe you should prove me wrong fellas and admit that you guys stacked your div 3 team because your club is crap and can't win a final the fair way.
Dirty cheats, I hope you lost.
I suppose this is like Woodville Under 10 girls playing all their under 12s in the Under 10 comp last year when technically they still could. To be honest who cares about this, its only Div 3!
Years ago
Misty your a club bashing idiot....some might say a prat
Years ago
They won by 9 points against north 2 and are on their way to winning the finals!
Years ago
I may be a prat, but i'm just saying what everyone else is. It was a low move and nobody except for Southern likes it. They are certainly not winning any friends by doing it. It is just another desperate attempt by Tigers to relive the glory days they used to have when they actually had a strong club. They had to combine with Southern Suns just to make team numbers and keep themselves financially afloat and they still suck. They are no longer a club worth mentioning at potential rivals and they hate it. Which is why they try every dirty move to get a final, sad really, but like I said before "It is low and despicable but some people will do anything to be successful."
At least unlike your club their kids are all their kids unlike your club . You are a joke misty and should go back to the corner and keep sulking about that game that Southern won. You lead a very sad life. You should also get your facts right about clubs before making a dickhead of your self about another topic. Our team numbers were fine before the merger and you need to get your facts straight. Back to school dickhead.
Years ago
yeah this site is gold to start some propoganda..... one of southerns players is actually jesus :) but seriously is it legal to drop players from the 1s and therefor 2s and 3s a few games before the finals and get these teams to dominate? if so every club will start to do it but its gotta be stoped this is ridiculus
Years ago
anon just up 2 ur seriously, the uneducated 1 dont diss people with your senceless ramble and try to take the moral high ground. Jeez. especially using your highly educated words and insluts ;)
Years ago
the tigers werent in any trouble but the suns were.get ur facts straight b4 u post something!
Years ago
u guys r idiots, u cant say comlain bout sumting u don't know the all the facts. the former Div 2 players were dropped because they didn't turn up to trainings and theor attitude wasn't good enough they were dropped because thats the div they deserved to play in.
Years ago
Anonymous 50650
I had it on good authority the information which I posted, I don't write anything unless I know that the information is from a good source as that would reflect badly on me.
I am not directly associated with any club so I have no idea what your gibberish was about at the start of your post.
As for the game that Southern won, they wouldn't have won it if they hadn't stacked their team, which was what this thread was about it in the first place.
So please stop your grammatical errors and meaningless insults and put a name to your post next time.
This is coming from 'Misty' what a name! That gives you a lot of credibility. Haha. I would check your sources and then go back under the rock you came from.
Years ago
At least I have a name that people can associate with a comment, I have the guts to put something down instead of anonymous you gutless wonder. Grow some balls.
Anon 50650
Years ago
Ok Misty. You go girl or boy. Haha. What a dickhead!
Hey Misty, Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed? It is a school night!
Years ago
Still anonymous I see...
Seeing as though you are the one who is acting childish shouldn't I be saying that to you?
For the record I have passed my schooling days and am still awaiting an intelligant banter from you, so when you have sat down and thought about what you have said, please post again.
However it might be nice to actually start to talk about the original discussion so maybe you should just stop posting altogether and cease to bore me with your pathetic ranting.
Anon 50650
Years ago
You are not bright are u? If you don't put your real name down then your posts like all other posts(including anonymous), mean nothing. I did have a quick look at your posts, past and present and you seem to have a problem with Southern don't you? Anyway have fun putting other clubs down, it must make you feel great.
Years ago
Would you like to say the same to pickles housemate, yogee, libertine, the doctor, or moses?
This is all about nicknames you idiot. Half the people that post on here probably wouldn't be able to get away with the things they say if they didn't go under an alias.
I was only pointing out the fact that you can put a name to the post since I use a nickname instead of "anonymous". You prove my point by constantly abusing me, if I had gone under anonymous would you have been able to do the same? I think not...
As for putting down clubs because it makes me feel great, do Southern sleep better at night knowing they have stacked a team to win a division three final?
Years ago
hey, i play in the southern 18div 2 team and the players that were dropped were dropped because of their attitude its not a stategy that the div 3 are using to win.
so maybe you should go and check your research.
Years ago
Guys i don't think anyone cares about this topic anymore. so stop posting its rather childish.
Southern lost to Norwood1 44-30 i love it. What an awesome result. It should teach the Southern players a lesson nothing comes easy. You should always work really hard at it. At least now the team that deserves to go to the finals is though not a team full of losers. At least its the final that all people wanted to see two teams that worked really hard all season North1 and Norwood1 fighht it out for the title. It should be a great match.
SOUTHERN IS OUT!!!! Play fair next time.
I hate to say this but know there are two good teams in the final. i felt terrible when Southern beat North2 but after watching the game i saw Southern had 7 or 8 players. Its not that Southern are the best team. They lack height unlike Norwood1 and thats why they lost on Sunday. I know how it feels to play against Norwood1 and i think you did well to have a respectable score. If you made finals i believe it would have been a fast paced game. 2 teams that predominantly play a fast break game. Better lack next year and i am sorry for your loss. For everyone else please stop bagging them they played very well to get where they got to.
Years ago
central district lions are a bunch of poor bums that shave their heads, wear DADA and steel thongs.
Years ago
what do centrals have to do with southern supposably cheating in the finals???
sounds like some have had enough of bagging one club so now they think they can concentrate on centrals. Get a life and stop your swearing. Concentrate on your own club and stop worrying about others.
Southern's loss just proves that there are stronger teams in the div3 competition that can handle the aggression and speed of Southern. Can any Southern players tell me why they lost the game.
If you ask me about it i think they lost the game in the big men contest. Norwood1 got a lot of offensive rebounds and Southern big men could not stop them. It was a more even contest of the guards. I think height won the gae n that day.
Maybe Southern don't care and have other things in their lives that they worry about. Seems some people are just on here to stir the pot and need to find some other things to do with their time! It is over and time to move on.
pickles housemate
Years ago
Wasn't there a Tech foul given after a Southern player kicked the ball???
Years ago
No this is the topic that never ends cause it's all full of crap.
Years ago
what the hell is you problem, i play 4 centrals 18s and no1 in our squad wears dada and stuff like that. get a life, centrals players have style!!
Years ago
Maybe if you post with an actual name I might tell you.
Years ago
Sorry but you'll just have to find out somewhere else. If you know who I am then ask mevia sms or something and I'll answer. But not here cause I like to keep my anonimity.
Years ago
Guys this post is dead. If you would like to know about a person's identity then start another thread about it and people may reveal clues to their real names.
pickles housemate
Years ago
I know a post that gets on your nerves,
gets on your nerves,
gets on your nerves,
I know a post that gets on your nerves,
and it goes a lot like this...
I know a post that gets on your nerves,
gets on your nerves,
gets on your nerves,
I know a post that gets on your nerves,
and it goes a lot like this...
I know a post that gets on your nerves,
gets on your nerves,
gets on your nerves,
I know a post that gets on your nerves,
and it goes a lot like this...
Hey! Where's TigerGirl when we need her???
Years ago
For those whom are interested I have worked out most teams grand finals standing;
Sturt - 12 Prem - 9 R/Ups
Boys 6 Prem - 5 R/Up
Girls 6 Prem - 4 R/Up
North - 8 Prem - 6 R/Ups
Boys 4 Prem - 4 R/Up
Girls 4 Prem - 2 R/Up
F/Ville 7 Prem - 7 R/Ups
Boys 5 Prem - 2 R/Up
Girls 2 Prem - 5 R/Up
Norwood 7 Prem - 4 R/Ups
Boys 5 Prem - 2 R/Ups
Girls 2 Prem - 2 R/Up
West 3 Prem - 1 R/Up
Boys 1 Prem - 1 R/Up
Girls 2 Prem - Nil R/Up
South 1 Prem - 7 R/Ups
Boys 1 Prem - 5 R/Up
Girls Nil - 2 R/Up
W/Ville 1 Prem - 4 R/Ups
Boys Nil - 4 R/Up
Girls 1 Prem - 2 R/Up
Comments Again we see the Fab Four Dominate - Sturt - North - F/Ville and Norwood. South would be diappointed with only the 16.5 Boys winning a prem and with 7 teams as runner-ups, W/Ville only prem came in the Under 21.2 womens. West would be more than happy with their results 16.1 Boys and U16.1 Girls Prems and U14.1 Boys R/Up. Great result with the number of Div 1 teams involved. The winners and r/ups results are now on the sturt website.
Years ago
I have checked the results again and found that Sturt won 11 prem and R/Up 9 times. I made a mistake when going through the results.
Years ago
y'all not wrong that happens i played u14 div 3 last season nd sturt had a half div 2 half div 4 team playing in the state championships in 2005 aswell as Torrens Valley had their div 2 team playing in the div 3 comp i overheard this and wasn't sure if it was true but i found out for sure wen i was moved up to my clubs div 2 team bcoz 1 of their bigs had gon ova seas we versed torrens valley and it was the exact same team that we had versed in the div 3 state champs i think we would of won state champs if it wasnt for those 2 teams seeing that we came 3rd. i later went to the nationals with the div 1 team so i guess that state champs didnt really matta (kinda)
Hey moi. I played in div 2 during that season. Well i can tell you what happened. Southern are not cheating. Some players that played in div 2 quit cause they were mucking arround. All that i can say, the coach of the div 2 boys did not have any control of the boys. Div 3 coach who is a wanker and i hate (honestly) took them cause he thought they could go on and play under 20's div 1. some other players were dropped from the 2's cause they never came to trainings. GET THE DRIFT MATE!!
Southern were not cheating. Those ex 2's were magnificent players. Also those players were replaced in the 2's. So there. NO cheating. Keep on trying mate.
eagle 4 eva
Years ago
sturt are major cheats. The fairest club in the state!!! bull shit. Lets blame other teams and not ourselfs. I played against them at the time. It was a fair game and good contest.
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