Years ago
Best and worst lineups for SF matchups
Thanks to Andrew Price of Spatial Jam:
A look at some of the 2017/18 lineup data heading into the @NBL playoffs
— andrewbprice (@andrewbprice) February 18, 2018
[small sample size warning]
NZ vs Melb:
NZ best: Sosa, Newbill, Abercrombie, Mika, Pledgehammer.
NZ worst: Sosa, Newbill, Abercrombie, Delany, Loe
Melb best: Casper, CG43, Felix, Barlow, Boone
Melb worst: Casper, CG43, Moller, Wesley, Boone
Adelaide vs Perth:
36ers best: Shorter, Sobey, Moore, Childress, DJ
36ers worst: Moore, Sobey, Creek, Childress, Hodgson
Cats best: DMart, Cotton, Tokoto, Wagstaff, Brandt
Cats worst: Kenny, Cotton, Tokoto, Wagstaff, Brandt
Poor Kenny!
As Andrew notes, small sample size is likely to limit the value of this, but I figured it might provoke some discussion anyway.