Years ago

Mornington "Breakers" Crisis

Don't know what’s going on down there but for the 3rd consecutive year 25 + juniors have secured clearances to other clubs, the loss of 7 junior rep teams for 2018 and the fact that nearly all are playing regional is a big concern.
The Big V program is in tatters with pretty much all senior players’ men and women from 2017 have left to play with other clubs.
Is anyone accountable for the situation?
The consensus amongst members and parents is that incompetent, inexperienced management and poor coach selection is responsible.
Anyone got any thoughts ?

Topic #42566 | Report this topic

Years ago

Their strategy of only hiring Americans for any doc etc type position reeks of incompetence.

Reply #668173 | Report this post

Years ago

Been heading that way for a while and why change the uniform away from their tradition sad sad sad

Reply #668180 | Report this post

Years ago

it is sad about the uniforms, the mornington uniforms
were unique and had a bit of individuality and character the new ones have no imagination and no thought has gone into the design whatsoever they look like an off the shelf target job.

Reply #668185 | Report this post

Years ago

not afraid to tackle the big issues here

Reply #668186 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

Certainly has been heading that way for a few years now. And that number of juniors doesn't include those that have walked away from the game. Noticed coaches going to other clubs as well -especially when some of these have been held in high regard at there- not good.Definitely will make people sit up and ask questions.An yes what is with the uniform going to Black - no tradition no history - just a run of the mill uniform that means nothing.

Reply #668191 | Report this post

Years ago

Turned away kids from tryouts for not having clearance forms instead of letting them tryout and addressing clearance forms later why would they not welcome any new kids

Reply #668194 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Being managed by a group of people with a little bit less than absolutely no idea. Juniors are leaving in their droves. No women's team, mens team ordinary and the YL teams have lost their best players. The future looks bleak, as the club continues on its downward spiral with little or no chance of pulling out of it.

Reply #668198 | Report this post

Years ago

whats the issue with the womens team there was a rumor that the girls refused to play for him

Reply #668201 | Report this post

Years ago

And paying every one to do tasks ,,no more volunteers !!!!!! so I am sure money not good either .

Reply #668202 | Report this post

Years ago

Womens and Mens teams had great numbers pre Xmas.
Rumour has some exciting recruits have just signed on into the senior program.

Reply #668207 | Report this post

Years ago

Also the senior program needed a clean out. They need to get some young kids into that program and provide a pathway for their own players especially the women.
With the exception of the Womens MVP who has retired, wouldn't think many of that team would get minutes at other clubs.

Reply #668209 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, a couple of ill informed comments. Numbers at Women's program tryouts were in a word dismal most were YL. Pathway for juniors is youth league, trouble is the junior program is not producing enough of the required talent to progress into senior basketball. A clean out was required, not at the playing level though, there were good "juniors" in the program however they had to be propped up by imported talent. The women's YL team have lost their best players from last year, same with the men's YL, most will get snapped up elsewhere. The women's team were good, not due to only one player and they will get minutes at other clubs.

Reply #668223 | Report this post

Coach Carter  
Years ago

Mornington is such a different club now.
So many well experienced coaches have left frustrated and are replaced with parents to coach.
The most experienced coaches that are left do not coach first teams.
Due to this, good players are leaving because the club cannot continue catering for their development.
Support given to the Junior program will in time support the senior program.
Mornington once was the club that people wanted to belong to.
Let's make the club great again.

Reply #668226 | Report this post

Years ago

to the last anonymous, you are spot on tryouts were a joke thats why my daughter left, and as for the womens MVP retiring hmmm din't look retired to me at the womens training the other night

Reply #668227 | Report this post

Years ago

coach Carter very true in what you say but it won't happen with the mindset of this committee and management as their main emphasis is revenue raising not teaching kids skills and player developement

Reply #668230 | Report this post

Years ago

Pic of their old jersey design? Generally interested.

Reply #668232 | Report this post

Years ago

So Mike takes his daughter out of the club yet still wants to have a go at the old one because they aren't running it the way he thinks it should be run!!

I bet your new club is happy to have you on board (I'm praying its not the Steelers!).

Reply #668238 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Trouble is anonymous a lot of people leaving are long term committed members of the club, disappointed in the direction or lack there of that the club has. In the end time will tell, unfortunately Breakers are running out of time.

Reply #668245 | Report this post

Years ago

anonymous, at least i'm happy to put my name to my posts,yes i took my daughter out not through want but necessity we spent 6 years at this club, but with such a poor quality of coaching the only option was to move so she has the opportunity to improve
we loved the Breakers just so disappointed with them

Reply #668252 | Report this post

Years ago

Will be interesting in a couple of weeks for the two bays cup when each senior team goes against western port.

Reply #668279 | Report this post

Jeepers Jimmy  
Years ago

Mike did you go to a bigger association like Frankston or Dandenong?
Or did you attend multiple tryouts from various clubs and simply pick who you thought was best? I'm interested in how you picked your new club and for what reasons.
Like how do you know the new coach/ program will be better than the one you’ve left.

Reply #668280 | Report this post

Years ago

With so many players allegedly moving on from the senior teams, I guess they'll have new 'best’ players!!!

Reply #668307 | Report this post

Years ago

Old Uniform - http://www-static2.spulsecdn.net/pics/00/03/40/96/3409611_1_M.jpg

New Uniform - https://breakers.shopdesq.com/assets/uploads/2972/shopdesq/products/thumbnail/32FD58C3-9921-AA32-9E593AEC5CE12140playingtopfront.JPG

Reply #668308 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Frank, yes you are correct the team(s) will have new best players however those lost were not only the best players in the team but also in some cases recognised competition best players.

Reply #668313 | Report this post

Jeepers Jimmy  
Years ago

Great point Frank. Old Baller we are talking D2 men and women and YL2 I'm sure these so called "best" players will soon be replaced !!

Reply #668318 | Report this post

Years ago

With who jeepers jimmy outsiders and other associations rejects

Reply #668326 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

Who decides who are "best" players? One would think that this would be in the overall Big V competition, that would be a fair measure. If as people are saying- that most/all the better players are leaving - surely due diligence is required to find out why. Juniors being promoted to seniors - usually doesn't end well with out some experienced team members. Leaves a lot to young inexperienced heads. It is D2 but it is still a lot different to YL2 in both men's and women's. Pathways are the way - but this includes doing your time in Junior/YL & then to seniors. Little experience and jumping levels is not a great option. If they are not up to it and not competitive - what incentive is there for people to stay here and not look for better places for there children.

Reply #668329 | Report this post

Years ago

well said mad hatter

Reply #668333 | Report this post

Coach Carter  
Years ago

What is the point of running a Big V Youth League program for players that come from other outside clubs?
Surely the club should further develop its own loyal U18 and U20 players?
Otherwise, when you reach U18's its time to leave the club because you don’t get an equal opportunity.
Most clubs aim to have a pathway for their juniors to play at YL level.
Now the club needs to repay the loyalty that the players and their families have given to the club over the years.
It’s time Mornington started to look after its OWN juniors who are transitioning into YL.

Reply #668334 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Mad Hatter, agree. The Big V MVP nominations had several Mornington players in the top 10 (3 YLW). Are any of them staying?
Jeepers, yeah good luck with that...from where? The juniors are a long way from the standard required in YL.

Reply #668335 | Report this post

Years ago

Coach carter you are spot on it all starts at junior level Mornington needs to look after its juniors and fix all the problems there ..it is so simple to fix its just there is no one there currently that has any idea how to,

Reply #668347 | Report this post

Years ago

Coach Carter, yes that is how it should be however the coaching and development of players AND coaches is just not there at the moment. Just being a junior doesn't automatically mean you play senior basketball, you still need to be able to play at a fairly reasonable level. How many parents are coaching Mornington junior teams?

Reply #668351 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

In the senior league you need coaches that will use the club players including players that have been at the club but have moved due to the issues, including the comments above.There may be the opportunity for 1 or 2 outside players-sometimes they are value added-but be inclusive. Junior coaches can be a mix of experienced & parent coaches as you can end up some very good parent coaches but they all need direction and workshops to improve. No coach ever knows everything. #1 teams need the best coach even if it isn't the parent-that's what REP is about & people have to understand & accept that. All this comes from the top & if the top is inexperienced and cannot see that then it doesn't look good for a long long time. All decision made last for many years.

Reply #668373 | Report this post

Years ago

Name a senior team that is successful that has the majority of its own juniors in the team?

Reply #668374 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #668376 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago


Reply #668379 | Report this post

Coach Carter  
Years ago

My recent post is about YL teams, not the two senior teams.
It is easy to form a YL2 team of 12 players from your own association.
Mornington just need to invest in its juniors.

Reply #668380 | Report this post

Years ago

McKinnon snr women's and men's would hardly have one junior in their sides

Reply #668387 | Report this post

Years ago

Think you might find that the YL women at Mornington have primarily been made up of club players topped up by maybe 3 - 4 experienced players to help mentor the juniors. I think from memory some under 16's were also given an opportunity. On top of that the coach was a loyal Mornington person until he was unceremoniously shafted.

Reply #668388 | Report this post

Years ago

Morningtons YLW team only had 3 outsiders what happened to their coach he was very good

Reply #668396 | Report this post

Years ago

Mornington should have been investing in their juniors & coaches for the past 4/5 years. Rankings have dropped dramatically-some years by way too much. Having at times more than 2 teams in the same level - doesn't do much for confidence of any of them especially when the lower ranked team win. Team selection/coach selection should all be looked out. Seems that some coaches were so concerned that they have gone to other associations. Some of these coaches either played finals or won their grade. Why did they leave? This leaves far less experienced people with reduced mentors to learn from. Not good for the juniors & not good for future years as they pass thru the different age groups to the senior program - pathways??? doesn't seem that there is much of one at the moment.

Reply #668400 | Report this post

Coach Carter  
Years ago

You are absolutely correct in your summation of the past 4/5 years.
Hopefully the club's future focus will be on the development of the U12's so that we can start to regain our lost rankings. It is too late for most of the other age groups.
The endless holiday camps are a great revenue raiser but the monies earn't support the wages bill, rather than resources to develop the juniors.
It would be great to see more teams play at metro level rather than playing regional which is just domestic with travel.
Even though this will take years, it can be achieved with a 5 year plan.
This will help the club great again.

Reply #668455 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Spot on Coach C. There hasn't been the emphasis on developing players with any sort of planning, ITP or even talent i.d. Also need to develop and support the coaches on an ongoing basis. Regional ball is a glorified domestic and the aim should be to have as few teams as possible playing in it. Needs to be a line put through the majority of players above u/12 or maybe u/14 and start again from scratch.

Reply #668456 | Report this post

Years ago

You nailed it coach carter

Reply #668457 | Report this post

Years ago

I remember previously about 8-10 years back the breakers always had u12 in vc when the focus was junior development having people like Darren Perry, Matt Shanahan as the coaching coordinator. Clubs cannot substain teams playing in regional. players want to play at the best level possible and if regional is all that's on offer kids will leave.
Notice the car park still not done we’re did that funding go?

Reply #668491 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately not allowing new vjbl players to try out will cost Breakers as new talent cannot try out unless they have been playing domestic from june/july. That allows westernport, blues and sharks to snap up the good juniors, making their clubs and rankings stronger while Breakers decline

Reply #668500 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Do Mornington even have a DOC or similar?

Reply #668503 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree Mornington shouldn't be closed to external players. Many players are looking for a "new home" and could add potential talent and development to the club long term. I have played with many players that have ended up becoming invaluable to the club going on to coach at Mornington etc that have come from other clubs (frankston and the like).

Their DOC last year was David Hankin who resigned from the position at the end of the year. The person that has been put in his place momentarily Is a parent with little basketball knowledge (coaching rep for maybe 3-4 years with no previous basketball experience) that has done his level 1 so is automatically a basketball professional. Apparently all you have to know at mornington is how to run a business and it automatically makes you the DOC/similar! This person is also in charge of interviewing the bigv coaches along with the president (0 basketball knowledge). Bit of a worry!

Reply #668510 | Report this post

Years ago

To the person that believes Mornington had great numbers prior to Xmas and they have signed some "big recruits". What a laugh! how many men turned up? 1 or 2? how about the women? 3-4 players (not including the amount of under20s that turned up for YLW). If you think they are big numbers you absolutely have no idea!

Would love to see those "BIG RECRUITS" on paper! all talk, lets see who's playing round 1. Spoken like a true mornington committee member!

Reply #668511 | Report this post

Years ago

If the people interviewing for current men's coach had half a clue about his track record there is no way he would have been hired. It's shows how grossly incompetent they are

Reply #668514 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone from Mornington want to guarantee 4 Big V teams for season 2018?

Reply #668515 | Report this post

Years ago

In fairness Mornington has a whole lot of issues going on.

1. Committee is run by people that have zero basketball knowledge (except for the YLW coach who was given the boot from coaching at the end of 2017). They are there to run a business and this has led to the club becoming less of a close knit community- this used to be the best part of MDBA... and performance was improving vastly when it was like this. They pay pretty much everyone "behind the scenes" which used to largely be on a volunteer basis. More money spent on processes rather than investing in basketball performance/basketball outcomes. They try to put up a façade that they are this amazing club- which clearly by all the posts on here, everybody can see straight through.
2. It's all who you know not what you know. Parents on the committee are giving parents coaching gigs leading to poor team choices and so on. I have known many great parent coaches in the past but I would say approx 80% of the coaches currently at Mornington are parents, who are coaching their own children (bias), who may have coached other sports in the past but never basketball (again 0 basketball knowledge).
3. Probably 5-6 years ago Mornington had a great team of coaches (made up of bigv players, bigv coaches, other high level coaches & SOME very competent parent coaches) on both the boys and girls side of the program who invested time into the junior program which had a plan. This went downhill after Peter Beckett was sacked as head womens coach and the Mens American import started running the show as DOC.
4. They talk about all Mornington players (junior to senior program etc) and prefer to keep Mornington blood yet they sack the successful YLW coach (who has been coaching & playing for Mornington for the past 6-8ish years) for somebody that has pretty much spent a year at every club on the SE for the past 4 years (not at his fault). Go figure.
5. Have a look at the clearances that have been processed for bigv. Does that look like a healthy program to you? To anonymous that noted that the Mornington bigv needed a clean out, you got what you wished for (many of them being Mornington juniors) - lets have a look at how the bigv teams go for the 2018 season! (side note the MVP is an amazing player and would want to be the best player if you throw money at her for to come play div2- she really is too good to be playing div2 level!)
6. Would love to see the numbers on VJBL playing metro:regional. This has been on the decline for the past few years now due to the lack of emphasis on having a knowledgeable coaching team at junior level.
7. The committee really have little interest in bigv/bigv players. If they were smart they would put more time into advertising bigv, supporting games, attending trainings and talking/building a relationship with the players. Never saw the president attend ANY of the bigv games. The more time the club puts into the players the more likely the players will put back into the club. They have 4 bigv teams made up of 10-12 players each….. There are some serious basketball brained players there that aren’t being utilized as coaches. What’s the saying a little effort goes a long way?

Just scrolling through some of the responses you can clearly see the people that have no idea about basketball and the people that actually know what they are talking about. You can clearly see the committee members on here trying to diffuse the situation… Maybe those committee members should be taking in some of the informative responses people are putting forward/looking to get advice from others (here’s a hint- go look at the founding members of the stadium that is etched into the windows above the doors as you walk in…. there is a good 5-10 names on there that know inside out how to run a basketball club) plus many members after them (mostly of which volunteers) which would be happy to help.

I could literally go on & on forever. They have dug themselves a whole, which I don’t think they are going to get out of, and as I once was, they are in denial about it.

Coming from a person that has played for the club, coached for the club and worked for the club at different stages for 15+yrs.

Reply #668517 | Report this post

Years ago

There are alot of good points in that last post. Im not sure Breakers will be able to climb back up the vjbl or big v rankings anytime soon. Certainly not on the path they are currently on.
Im not sure what the current coms game plan is but they need to do something asap or end of 2018 they will have another bunch of families leave the club.
Im not even sure where to start on big v

Reply #668562 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Anonymous, straight from the heart. That is the problem there now, no passion. The club won't get out of the hole they are in until they admit that they have the wrong people making decisions. Clear out pretty much all of the COM. The place is an absolute basket case and an embarrassment to the basketball community.

Reply #668574 | Report this post

Years ago

Its good to see so many passionate people on this thread genuinely concerned about the future and survival of this club hope you all attend this years AGM and vote for change, for experienced, knowledgeable people with a basketball background who know what they are doing

Reply #668577 | Report this post

Years ago

Completely agree Nathan, there is often a shortage of voters at agms yet plenty of opinionated members outside of agms!
Having said that, knowledgeable, experienced bball people also have to apply for positions. Hopefully breakers can find some applicants to bring the club forward

Reply #668580 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

People are very reserved about attending AGM's now. You stand up for what you believe is the right direction and your kids end up paying for it. Then they have move on to get opportunities that are not available to them. AGM 3/4 years ago many people nominated but to no avail, at times it appeared to be open slather on some. Who could blame them for not putting themselves in that situation again. Many promises made but not many ended up being kept. Hence the start of the move out. Good people with lots of experience and a love of the"CLUB", now supporting other clubs with the same passion that is missing from whence they came. Why would you pay $100 membership just to vote at an AGM. If you are not a player/parent of a junior player/referee and at the moment coaches and team manager, you have to pay the $100 per year. Heard talk, and it may be just that but who knows, that it could be looked at that the only coaches & team managers to be able to vote will be "Breakers" coaches & team managers. What about all the domestic teams. If this is correct then no representation for the grass roots competitions and players.Is this not where your Junior REP players come from?

Reply #668604 | Report this post

Years ago

If all these posts are even somewhat correct, when does BV step in?

Is there any news anywhere on Breakers BIGV teams?

Reply #668614 | Report this post

Years ago

The $100 membership is part of their plan to ensure the can't be removed the scary thing is they run around patting themselves on the back they actually believe they are doing a fantastic job running the club

Reply #668619 | Report this post

Years ago

$100 is crazy given it used to be $5. Not a family orientated club anymore thats for sure.
Hearing rumours that mens big v team are being pulled from this season. Wonder what the late fee for withdrawing a team would be?

Reply #668676 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

I'm hearing men's team gone, women have a makeshift rag tag team at best

Reply #668721 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

Usually team is named by now or at least a squad. Maybe Old Baller is right. Pathway, don't seem to be one at the moment. And where have all the past juniors players that could be and playing Big V seniors gone. Question is why? And not just form the past year but from the past few years.

Reply #668734 | Report this post

Years ago

No one wants to play for Kenny

Reply #668744 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Confirmed. No men's team. What a way for a once proud club to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the stadium. It is time the COM pull the womens senior team and the YL women to avoid any further embarrassment, neither team will be the remotest bit competitive in what is the lowest Big V division possible. After they have done that every person associated with running the club should do the club a favour and resign en mass. The club is in a deep hole and in all reality won't be out of it in any way shape or form for 5-10 years, the damage now is done. When you talk pathways, why would a kid play at a club where there is no senior program. Unfortunately Blind Freddy could see this happening but the COM were too arrogant and blinded by their own euphoria and self indulgence to see it.

Reply #668754 | Report this post

Years ago

But think of the money now saved!!!! (Sarcasm)

Reply #668760 | Report this post

Years ago

Old Baller you are 100% spot on, very well said indeed.
The General manager should take full responsibility for this mess and resign immediately

Reply #668769 | Report this post

Years ago

Brilliant management. What about the people who did try out. What happens to them now?

Reply #668770 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

I suppose saving money might go a little way to help pay the exorbitant wages bill.

Reply #668775 | Report this post

Years ago

Youth League Men may also be pulled next week. Most of the players won't play at a club that has no senior team. I'll be gobsmacked if they have a team come round 1

On another note, I can confirm that in 2019 Mornington will be absorbed by Westernport Basketball Association. WP have already got things happening from their end.

Reply #668817 | Report this post

Years ago

I was there when we put the first ever big v men's team in we were all so proud .....
How sad that they gave stuffed it up and it’s no longer
Well done payed employees. That do every thing to keep them selves
In positions rather than look after our club, our stadium ,and our kids .

Reply #668818 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe some of the old guard would be interested in going back rather than "be absorbed by Westernport Basketball Association"as per Tex. WP were an off shoot of Mornington weren't they. If the team was in this situation why did it take so long for this decision to be made. Feel for the players that thought they had a team. Now too late to find somewhere to play and why did the 2017 players leave as most were Mornington juniors anyway. Don't understand!!

Reply #668820 | Report this post

Years ago

The latest I have heard is that Mornington and WP will 'merge' starting with a joint venture Big V program in 2019

This is good as it will mean there will finally be a club that can compete with Frankston in the area.

Reply #668841 | Report this post

Years ago

Very clever, hire a coach who couldn't recruit and keep a squad together because of his antics, fails to get a team, then put him in charge of the youth team! Watch him shatter the confidence of these boys and chase more players away from the program. Terrible Jon doing their research before hiring and now not realising he reason why hey are in this current mess in the first place.

Reply #668843 | Report this post

Years ago

That will happen by attrition Q, WP would be crazy to go into any sort of agreement with Mornington, there is nothing to be gained. What will happen is that the better players at Mornington will find their way to other clubs, most likely WP IF there is the opportunity to play at the highest level. WP don't have a great deal of teams playing high level and also lost players this year. The difference is that WP have people running the club who know basketball and they have pathways for their juniors.

Reply #668844 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Mornington have nothing to bring to the table in the form of a merge. It has to be a takeover in it's entirety of all players who want to go there (WP). Mornington's Big V is basically not worth a pinch of proverbial and in all likelihood will not be in existence by 2019 (I still think earlier). If I were WP I would start with taking players from the junior program and build from there. The players must go as WP players with no "riders" from Mornington about having any input or ownership over teams / players.

Reply #668846 | Report this post

Years ago

Think that both clubs need to find fresh new talent (coaching). Both coaches now have been at 2 peninsula clubs each over the past 6 years. Have a look at what they have done previously and why have they moved. That would be my question, especially if a "merge" is on the table. Who would give up the position of leader in both running the teams and coaching and how many "locals" would get a chance. Looking at history l would say not many. Again opportunity for local juniors & current seniors would be limited. Look where the juniors are going and have gone and it is not just to frankston they are going further afield and they are getting opportunities there. Why???? Why can't this be done in their own backyard.

Reply #668847 | Report this post

Years ago

Why could not there be a combined Big V teams for the Peninsula.This team would be the best of the best on the peninsula and could be graded in the top level. Obviously the problem would be who would run it as they all would want to be the top dog. Then leave the clubs to run there own Big V teams and this would be a reserve type of set up for the major team. Club teams would be a training ground for the players as well as giving more players the chance to excel with out leaving during junior years
If there wasn't this issue at Mornington we would not even be talking about "merge.

Reply #668849 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

I think both the coaches and the COM have alienated people and players.
The vast majority of players leaving are going to Southern Pen. Why? Simple. SP have a strong Junior program, going for quality rather than quantity. They have a COM that have a strong basketball knowledge and a DOC with a great basketball knowledge who puts time in to develop players and coaches. Very few, if any, parents coach junior teams at SP. "If you build it they will come"

Reply #668850 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

Well said Old Baller. Mornington have lost sight of this over the past few years. Now reaping what they have sown. Sad for all. Sad to see for a once passionate club.

Reply #668851 | Report this post

Years ago

Is everyone forgetting that SP had to pull their Mems team only two years ago and about 10 years ago WP did the same...

Three clubs on the peninsula and all three of them have had to pull their Mens team at some point.

Reply #668854 | Report this post

Years ago

Is everyone forgetting that SP had to pull their Mems team only two years ago and about 10 years ago WP did the same...

Three clubs on the peninsula and all three of them have had to pull their Mens team at some point.

Reply #668856 | Report this post

Years ago

And add to that Frankston is hardly having a good time at the moment

Reply #668857 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't think WP have pulled their men's team since entering in 2005 ish.

Reply #668864 | Report this post

Years ago

The biggest tragedy here is this situation of withdrawing the mens team was easily avoidable but they just have no idea what their doing..yet they tell everyone and honestly believe it themselves that they are doing a fantastic job and the club is in great shape
Most com members are there for their own kids all have kids in the program and they a coach their own kids
(1st teams of course)

Reply #668869 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

Better selection of coaches is the starting point and the appointment of such needs to be done by experienced people but then you have to accept that maybe you do not have enough experience and get "HELP". This seems to be a foreign word at Mornington. Sorry to see what was once a proud club where people wanted to play now one that people want to leave.

Reply #668870 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Nathan, spot on, the COM are living in their own little fantasy land where they just feather their own nests, coaching theirs or each others kids and miraculously their kids make the number 1 team despite being far from 1st team material. It will be interesting to see how many COM members kids find their way into the YL teams now.

Reply #668877 | Report this post

Years ago

Heads up for the Mornington COM, that light you see at the end of the tunnel.....that is the karma train........Choo Choo!!!!

Reply #668884 | Report this post

Years ago

All aboad the karma express

Reply #668886 | Report this post

Years ago

WP had a team early 200's and pulled it around 2003 and re-entered 2005

SP pulled their Men 2015 and re-entered 2017

Frankston pulled their YL 2016 and re-entered this year

Mornington pulled their men this year

No other geographical area of Victoria has had this sort of issue in the Big V
Merger of some sort is clearly the only way forward

Reply #668909 | Report this post

Years ago

Long bow anonymous, VBL was a lot different to Big V and WP still had a senior men's team, played in CBL. The issue is not dropping the team. SP had a plan and the juniors to build, WP the same. Mornington don't have the cattle.

Reply #668910 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

Or a clue!!!!

Reply #668916 | Report this post

Years ago

Hearing from multiple sources joint venture Big V program between WP and Mornington set in stone for 2019

Anyone know if junior programs merge as well?

Reply #668921 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous dont know where you get your info from but the westernports president doesnt know anything about it

Reply #668923 | Report this post

Years ago

The once family friendly local community MDBA fell apart when a President decided to run the club like a business 3/4 years ago. Members and Volunteers were ignored Fees went up, interest in domestic evaporated. Rep team selection was focused COM decision and not coaches which resulted in rankings slipping. kids left or were cut and now (it appears) MDBA have no VC teams and few if any Metro teams (huge fall from grace) Constant fiddling with domestic timetables (days, season starts etc) is unsettling The family community feel is long gone along with many long term supporters, players and volunteers

It would be a massive mistake and surprise if Westernport entertained merger with MDBA. WP have a wonderful family community approach to all levels of the game (as did MDBA) and it would be sinful if the MDBA cancer took hold over there

All hail the King MDBA cannot say they weren't warned of the pending slippery slope into Regionals. The then COM refused to listen to members. Such a shame

Reply #668925 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem is the COM couldn't give a rats about rankings and what level the juniors play. They justify everything with the bottom line. I'm sorry but you're running a not for profit community sporting organisation, not a publicly listed business on the stock exchange. You are there to provide value, not save on costs, two very different things.
Their logic is seniors don't bring in money, but cost, so in their eyes they can't see the logic in supporting it heavily. While junior teams bring in revenue with fees and little costs going out.

Reply #668927 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

Anyone know what the COM spent on wages last year??

Reply #668936 | Report this post

Years ago

2016 would be in the annual report. Just looked that is on the website. 2017 would be in the annual report for there agm this year. From the comments here will be an interesting figure.

Reply #668937 | Report this post

Years ago

according to docs handed out at last AGM looks like it was $300,000 +

Reply #668938 | Report this post

Years ago

No wonder no carpark!!!!

Reply #668941 | Report this post

Years ago

Guess thats why they can't afford an import!
I can't see WP merging with Breakers.
WP are on the rise and getting bigger and better and Breakers are going downhill fast

Reply #668942 | Report this post

Years ago

$300k!! wow if that is true then you may as well close the doors now. Wonder what they are paying the women's coach and the newly appointed mens YL coach. Someone else must be getting very well rewarded for mediocrity.

Reply #669115 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree Baller Mum l too cannot see WP wanting to merging with Breakers. as you said WP are on the rise and Mornington are going nowhere at the moment. Juniors will take years to recover. Just look at the bayside tournament. Mornington Under 18 boys teams are being beaten by a domestic team from WP and the sad fact is that team used to play at mornington in domestic. So if junior rep teams are being beaten by a domestic (from elsewhere) what does that say about everything.

Reply #669124 | Report this post

Years ago

The one thing that really has typified this whole Mornington debacle was seeing a long time loyal servant of the club in a Chelsea polo coaching a junior Chelsea team. I managed to catch up with him after the game and ask him what was happening, he didn't say too much, however in reality he has been right royally shafted by the club. Absolute disgrace Mornington no wonder the place has people leaving in droves.

Reply #669134 | Report this post

Years ago

WTH is a "COM"? TIA.

Reply #669143 | Report this post

Years ago

Normally it is a committee of management,
In morningtons case it stands for collection of muppets

Reply #669145 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous could you drop a name or clue who that person is

Reply #669153 | Report this post

Years ago

Glenn Wansbrough

Reply #669157 | Report this post

Years ago

You are joking WTF.. best junior and senior coach in the place coached my daughter for 3 years then in YLW best coach she's ever had
Big loss mornington with decisions like that its no wonder players are leaving in droves and the club is in such rapid decline

Reply #669196 | Report this post

Years ago

Not much in the way of good experience left there now is there. Feel sorry for the kids only problem is that the players and parents don't know any different and could be too late by the time the work it out.

Reply #669355 | Report this post

Coach Carter  
Years ago

An open invitation to the Committee of Management of the MBDA.
Many members have asked questions in this post regarding various concerns and on your Face book post regarding your decision to withdraw the Men's team in BigV in 2018.
To date, no one from the COM has responded.
In the MDBA’s annual report 2016, which is on their website, the Operations Manager says in her report,
"This year we have worked tirelessly to improve our communications with members."
At present this is not evident to the members.
You have not answered their questions or addressed their concerns.
For the betterment of the club, I am hoping that you will respond to show that you care about the club and its members.

Reply #669405 | Report this post

Years ago

I doubt that any of the COM or Management will have the stones to put their head up and make a public statement, despite it being a good idea. The club are so insular that they don't actually realise how poor their junior program actually is. What needs to happen is that the COM announce that they recognise the program is poor and that they will conduct an independent review of it and agree to accept any recommendations put forward. IMO the horse has bolted, lock the doors and walk away.

Reply #669504 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would they put an announcement out. They believe that what they are doing is the best,you would have to think that as they are still doing the same thing. Unfortunately have to agree with a lot of the comments on here the program is a long way down from where it should be and it will take a long time to get is back to where it was in the not so long ago past. Sad for a once highly regarded club and juniors aspired to play for them.

Reply #669527 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately is sounds like this com thinks they are doing a great job. Why would they comment?
Not about the players that have thought they were in the big v program and now arent. Or the people that do the fixtures that were about to be released that all have to be altered. Or the other clubs that are all shaking their heads while they wait longer for their fixtures.
Not about the local clubs that will reap the benefits when more players/coaches leave at the end of this season and go to more conpetant clubs

Reply #669538 | Report this post

Years ago

So true Jack the horse has well and truly bolted
Even if new people wanted to get on board and help fix things they cant it has been set up and rigged so no one can remove them the membership fee went from $5 to $100 ..20 times more than any other association in the melbourne metro area

Reply #669549 | Report this post

Old Baller  
Years ago

I am still having trouble getting my head around the wages bill of $301k. According to the financial report (2016) there are 6 employees, 1 full time the rest part time. I would love for someone to enlighten us as to who is getting what, there must be a few people being very well paid. The COM owe it to their members especially given the financial position outlined in the report. Mike, Vladimir Putin would look at Mornington's politic "rigging" with some degree of admiration,$100 membership is purely designed to alienate and deter anyone from challenging their little KINGdom.

Reply #669550 | Report this post

Years ago

Spoke to one of the men's players and asked why he left his reply was... no support from committee of management, no "club" atmosphere at mornington anymore, put us in ridiculous reversible uniforms that were uncomfortable and so unprofessional (yellow tops black shorts)for away games and the biggest thing that all players noticed was not one member of committee or management attended the senior presentation night.
The picture is getting clearer.

Reply #669610 | Report this post

Years ago

Hello I have a lot of new customers for you. can i contact by phone?

Reply #669611 | Report this post

Years ago

They don't really advertise the seniors well or much at all. The program has so much potential that just gets wasted.
Such a shame

Reply #669632 | Report this post

Years ago

@ davidham, if you know of senior players looking for a game I may be able to help you.

Reply #669649 | Report this post

Years ago

Further into the abyss they go and will continue until the problems are fixed. Less teams less money how will wages of that amount get paid. What price do you put on kids sport.

Reply #669651 | Report this post

Mad Hatter 3.0  
Years ago

Coach Carter post of 29th can see that you have had a response and that communication is a high priority. Seems to be head in the sand, if we don't acknowledge, don't respond no problems exist. Sorry for the players that missed out for the season but happy for a players that wasn't good enough to be picked for the div 2 mens team, he is now in a Div 1 team. Great selection process.

Reply #669652 | Report this post

Years ago

I hear most of their women are no looking elsewhere and will leave once they secure another game. Is it possible they will not have enough to enter Women/s as well?

Reply #669759 | Report this post

Years ago

have spots for women if they leave lol

Reply #669766 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the likelihood of no women's team(s) is very high.

Reply #669844 | Report this post

Years ago

They put in a "mate" to coach the YLM in 2016, nearly went undefeated apart from the Pakenham ESPN game-winning shot.
Then choked in the grand-final to an underwhelming, disorganised Corio Bay team.

Moved basically the whole YLM up to Div2 Men for 2017, many still under-age. Didn't allow them to play between both teams and just generally lacked mature, senior players and experienced people around the club to improve the culture.

Then had a YLW coach that wasn't ready and was still trying to forge a playing career at the same time in Div2 Men. Make your mind up...

Not surprised any of this has happened.

Reply #669846 | Report this post

Years ago

2017 most of YLM players moved up to Mens while still eligible to play YL could have and should have been stopped by the people who run the club. This will happen again. When you look a the ages of the YLM players now most are 20 and under and that is at least 4 more years in YL. But can see this lot being moved up in a year or so. So we go back to the same situation as Anonymous Post#669846 "lack of mature and senior player". Straight back into the fish bowl.

Reply #669871 | Report this post

Years ago

Re: have spots for women if they leave..

How can we contact you ??

Reply #669892 | Report this post

Years ago

You will see a lot of non mature players in the women's team (if it goes ahead) this season also, it isn't confined just to the men's program.

Reply #669898 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think I saw a YLW game where the coach wasn't there. I also think that he had an assistant coach there as well. Hardly an issue I would have thought.

Reply #669899 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem with the program isn't / wasn't the YLW coach. It looks like the YLW team did ok the seasons that he was coaching, which kind of indicates he wasn't too bad at what he was doing. Don't forget if a coach thinks he knows everything, he knows nothing, coaches are always learning. I assume, Anonymous #669846 you know how many games or training sessions he missed? If there was an issue I wouldn't have thought that the majority of the team would have left when he got politically dumped. Plenty of players have coached YL teams as well as playing themselves. Don't think it is right to have a pointless and unfounded crack at someone just giving a bit back to the club.

Reply #669900 | Report this post

Years ago

Some people on here need to start exercising instead of typing !
If you are going to learn you need to listen. What's the saying when you talk uou are only repeating what you already know !!
Anon above you are kidding me. Surely these days there is no need to have a YL or senior coach who is also trying to play in the opposite sexs’ Senior team.There are plenty of excellent coaches out there. I looked at both YL programs at Mornington they now have experienced coaches. Neither of whom are trying to play I presume ! Surely this is a positive step. If the previous coach is so good then he’ll pickup another gig in no time. If he wasn’t then he won’t !!

Yes it’s disappointing about the men’s team but they have 2 years to sort this out.
With pressure on women’s sport from the AFL (count the number of bball layers out there tonight) the club can not afford to lose their women’s senior team even if it means playing some younger ones. At the end of the day it’s D2W not SEABL or WNBL.
Good luck to the Breakers - they’ve made some tough decisions now they need to follow it through. I’m sure they aren’t losing any sleep from some of the trolls writing

Reply #670173 | Report this post

Years ago

anonymous you obviously are an uneducated person as your gramma and spelling is appalling you obviously have little knowledge of whats going on at mornington, probably only been around the club for 12months

Reply #670241 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon. If you actually had any idea of what you were talking about you probably wouldn't have even bothered posting. Mornington have always had experienced coaches, YL like players is an opportunity to develop a coach. Yes, the current crop of coaches at Mornington are experienced but experience doesn't mean that they are any good. Time will tell on the Mornington program but from the outside where I sit and inside from what I hear, the club is in trouble.

Reply #670246 | Report this post

Years ago

We'll see how these "experienced" coaches go putting together a competitive team for round 1. Also last time I checked just because you play doesn’t make you a lesser coach, certainly better than picking a player in your team just because they have the same last name (rather than talent). Was looking forward to seeing Mornington put together teams for the Two Bays Cup this weekend, guess their “experienced” coaches haven’t got their players together yet. With round 1 only 6 weeks away they must be scraping the barrel.

Reply #670247 | Report this post

Ex Player  
Years ago

Experienced coaches what a joke further examples of poor decision making by management 2 senior coaches who cant recruit and have such a bad reputation amongst players that no one will play for them which is morningtons problem
Maybe if they were playing they'd have a better approach and realise verbal abuse is not appreciated

Reply #670294 | Report this post

Years ago

Painfully obvious 173 is a Mornington board member. Can smell the arrogance through the screen I read it on.

Reply #670309 | Report this post

Years ago

Or a maybe even a coach......

Reply #670358 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard there were about 20 at the YLW training the other night so recruiting must be going ok...

Reply #670409 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous let me tell you I didn't hear it I was there and saw it combined YLW senior women training there were a total of eight girls so go figure

Reply #670428 | Report this post

Years ago

Nathan saw this previously too. Was surprised by the low numbers.

Reply #670471 | Report this post

Years ago

Given the question mark over the women's program now, can anyone from Breakers confirm if the women's numbers are even close to a full list? Good mail is that there are a few less than first thought / advised. Fair chance that the women's team will be next to go. Is it time that Big V get involved and do some due diligence and make a call to get a guarantee from the club before finalising fixtures.

Reply #671184 | Report this post

Years ago

YLW have started with a bang losing by 70+ points in a practice game to the Sharks who looked like they just coasted for the majority of the game. Better hope that they were short 1 or 10 players from their regular season team or it is going to be a hell of a long season....... Looking forward to seeing how the women's team go in their practice match(es).

Reply #674172 | Report this post

Years ago

Were you there Jack?

Reply #674177 | Report this post

Years ago

Sadly yes, long enough to see a dismally poor Mornington team,literally beaten up by very young players from Sharks who were just having a run. I couldn't recall seeing any of the Mornington Players play last season.

Reply #674179 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done U/12 Boys, making VC.

Reply #674209 | Report this post

Years ago

Credit where it is due. 1 team does not make a club. Will still have the majority of teams in Regional. I think it was said very early on that every team u/16 and above was a write off, guess that is proving to be correct.

Reply #674230 | Report this post

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