Years ago
Cairns must remain competitive or risk blowing up.
3 weeks ago Cam Tragardh said that Cairns would win the NBL Title this season.
Now he's warning the Taipans that they need to remain competitive or risk the team separating.
Extract below....
"If the team shuts up shop for the season early, and goes 0-6 or even 1-5, we could see a mass exodus: retiring players, new blood and clubs with deep pockets pillaging the Snakes roster like a DIY dad at a garage sale.
It could get ugly."
I think McCarron should leave if he wants success in financial terms and wins (even Titles). Cairns clearly cannot provide either.
I'm not sure if Goulding is in the final year of his contract but McCarron would be a good replacement for Goulding.
To be hnoest there's not one team that wouldn't want McCarron.
Brisbane - Gibbo regressing.
NZ - Penney regressing but may opt for Import / Ili backcourt.
Sydney - Lisch regressing.
Adelaide - A Sobey / McCarron backcourt would be elite and the import slot can go towards a reliable 3 or 5 or save the import card like NZ.
Illawarra - Probably the least likely place for McCarron given their future is Norton.
Perth - Martin is getting on, no necessarily regressing as much as others.
Cam lists Gliddon and Loughton as the other 2 'must keeps'.