What gets me is that basketball is a nationally declining sport, some clubs have too many players and some dont have near enough, isn't it time people grew up and tried to help the declining clubs for the good of the sport.
Or do all the Centrals bashers really believe the sport would be better off one less club?
I know Centrals have their troubles, they got good people standing around watching and some real dicks running the show, not that all the people running the show are dicks, just some.
The hard bit is getting the good people involved. They see the stupid decisions, the wasted money, the players leaving and wonder if they get involved, can they help stop the rot? The problem is getting the support from other people.
The Office Bearers are prepared to put in the time and effort, but the people who need to change things aren't putting in the time. If you can barely scrape up enough people to make a committee, then you must put up with who you have.. unless you are prepared to stick your neck out and have a go.
How many of you bullshit posters just sit on your butts and watching other people make mistakes, then come on here putting them down?
Centrals is a club with normal kids trying to play a sport they enjoy. The kids look up to the seniors the same as they do at any club. Sure they want to play for Sturt, but Sturt is too far away and Mum and Dad probably couldn't afford it anyway.
All you knockers should be ashamed of yourselves! Perhaps if you are so far seeing and insightful, you should say to yourselves "Heres a club that I could help" and come build up the sport.