Ben Palk
Years ago
SA Amateur Basketball League Info Session - Dec 13
The South Australian Amateur Basketball League (SAABL) is Adelaide's new Saturday Winter basketball competition. The SAABL is not affiliated with any current organisations such as BSA or SA Church Basketball. We are a new organisation focused on Winter Saturday afternoon basketball, great competition and the best referees.
The SAABL will be holding an Information Session at The Archer on O'Connell Street. 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
Come down and listen to a presentation about the new SA basketball competition. We will do a 20-30 minute presentation - to let you know about the exciting information about the new league, what has already been achieved, what we have planned for the coming months, how you can get involved, register you club/team and provide any feedback. We will then have a Q&A and a catch up after the presentation.
Add yourself to the event page on FB https://www.facebook.com/events/402514523496296/
Any questions please feel free to email us [email protected], send me a message on FB, text/call on 0404 834 618 or post on here.
If you haven't already add yourself to the Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/saabl/
Hope to see you there. Ben Palk