Years ago

Western magic

Can anyone tell me who this club is and when they were formed?
I note they only have a Div 5 mens team and div4 womens but would like some info on them.


Topic #4228 | Report this topic

Years ago

god you lot, as you lot who want to start up 'magic'

why don't you just start your own thread saying we have started a club of has beens from other clubs who don't want to stand for a regimented system and want to go play with our friends and love ones and have a good team.

why don't you stop going does someone have any information and put your money where your mouth is

stop hiding behind other threads

Reply #49061 | Report this post

Years ago

what are you talking about mate, I have no affiliation with them I want to know who they are??
If you have nothing constructive to say keep your BIG mouth shut

Reply #49064 | Report this post

Years ago

i would like to know who they are too. i play in a div 4 side and want to know who my compitition is

Reply #49066 | Report this post

Hangin Round  
Years ago

I believe they have a coach named Anonymous and he has 8 Anonymous brothers suiting up.
For others in the team, ask woodville who they have lost from their U/20 men for next season.

I can see where sickntired is coming from and perhaps someone from Magic (besides one of the Anonymous family) could give some details.

Reply #49071 | Report this post

Years ago

It's such a shame that 3 or 4 excellent u/20 players are leaving to play in this social team. 3 or 4 players that could easily play division 1 basketball (and go on to possibly play ABA), but are pretty much ruining their career because of one woman.

But anyway, they're forming a Division 2 u/20 team and a Division 5 woman's team, I believe.

Reply #49120 | Report this post

Years ago

Geez who is this woman, must be a hell of a coach.

Reply #49150 | Report this post

Years ago

she's not a coach mate

Reply #49151 | Report this post

Years ago

why are u bagging the guys who are playing for magic, ive played with these guys for years and there good blokes, there moving to magic because they want to play basketball for fun with there mates. they have nothing against woodville, they play social together and now they want a better competition to play in, so get off there backs.

Reply #49152 | Report this post

Years ago

let them play basketball.

Reply #49153 | Report this post

Years ago


you wouldn't be one of anonymous's brothers would you

western magic put up or shut up

Reply #49155 | Report this post

Years ago

no i played with them before, get off there back im sad that they left but it wasnt to piss off woodville, if u dont know the whole story shut up about it.

Reply #49157 | Report this post

jumpman 23  
Years ago

if u know the full story, why dont you share it whith us???

Reply #49165 | Report this post

Years ago

@ 49157

Is there any posts in this thread that said the reason they are leaving is to piss off Woodville? And I certainly think they are trying, two of the main members that are leaving Woodville turned up to a training with their Magic gear on. Now if that isn't trying to start controversy, I don't know what is.

Reply #49168 | Report this post

Years ago

These boys aren't playing under this femaale "coach"...

That particualar coach is "playing" them...HAYO!

All in the know will appreciate that 110%

Reply #49172 | Report this post

Years ago

lol. you all r a bunch of idiots. this so called 'women'isnt coaching and is merely letting the club use the Magic name.
Cameron Mckinnon is the main coach of both the under 20's team and the womens team.
to those who thought that the two players wore there magic uniforms out to training to cause trouble r probably right. but they wear those uniforms all the time.

Reply #49209 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm aware they wear them all the time... They shouldn't wear them to a Woodville training, it's disrespect to the people who actually give a damn about the club.

Reply #49243 | Report this post

Years ago

cry me a river

Reply #49260 | Report this post

jumpman 23  
Years ago

so who are the players leaving woodville?

Reply #49291 | Report this post

Years ago

Players leave clubs for many reasons. One of the reasons could be that these guys really wanyt to have fun and play with their mates. Another reason could be fear of failure at the top level. If you never go to the top level no one can say you have failed and you can cling to the " I could have made it mentality" What ever the reason I wish them well and hope they find what they are looking for. Only other advise is not to burn bridges along the way by rubbing people the wrong way by wearing their new clubs gear to their old clubs trainings ect. Respect is hard to earn but easy to lose.

Reply #49328 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh my god! you are a bunch of silly people you know? They are playing district now whoop-de-do-da! There is nothing you can do about it now and if you want to know what your competition is like i guess you will have to wait and see.

Reply #50435 | Report this post

Years ago

Silly people write silly things as above (50435). Typical of people trying to stir the pot. Let go. Get a life and stop trying to beef it all up again.

Reply #50471 | Report this post

T bEaR  
Years ago

well well well... it seems that us magic guys have stirred a whole lot of crap up here... y is every1 getting so uptight for? This all started a while back... as you all probably know, magic have been a fairly succesful club at a social level and at many district carnivals. Me and the boys have been playing for a few years now... all we want is to have fun and play together as one unit under our own name... now we have a new prospect of starting a new club... wat is the big fuss? wat magic are is a new start for all of the boys... we can play together without any polotics involved in the club... except from u ppl! is it because you are scared? i hope not... y try and degrade our club (magic) where all we are are friends wantin to play ball!!! isnt that wat every1 is??? so you can hate us all u want... i really dnt care... clubs have grudges against other clubs all the time... its called friendly rivalry... so cut the crap.. let us play with our mates... n take it to the court... our team starts in u/20 div 3... but hopefully we will rise up to div 1 by next year...

so go ahead... bad mouth us... talk shit about us... we dnt care... we've got wat we wanted... n if u got a problem with it... bring it on the court...

we dnt want enemy's... all we want is to play ball... is there anything wrong wif that???

thanx... T bEaR!!!

Reply #50534 | Report this post

Years ago

oh god someone who can't spell

beside sunshine every club, family, workplace, group of friends have politics - fact of life - enjoy it before your first big bust up cause it will happen it happens everywhere some are just better and handling it when it happens

Reply #50535 | Report this post

Years ago

T bEaR, are you writing the promotional literature for this new club?

Reply #50540 | Report this post

Years ago

T bEar it's not about everyone talking shit about you, it's the shit you talk about others thats the problem. I hope for your sake the results go in your favour or there will be a lot of egg on your faces. The social level you achieved good results at is not exactly something to write home about. I wish you guys luck but remember the results not your trash talk is what will judge you.

Reply #50562 | Report this post

Years ago

T bEar it's not about everyone talking shit about you, it's the shit you talk about others thats the problem. I hope for your sake the results go in your favour or there will be a lot of egg on your faces. The social level you achieved good results at is not exactly something to write home about. I wish you guys luck but remember the results not your trash talk is what will judge you.

Reply #50563 | Report this post

m dizzle  
Years ago

Get off their backs the ones i kno r great players and great guys, im from woodville which seems to be the players being attacked here, i nor anyone from woodville seems to b sour about their decision to play for magic and im looking forward to possibly playing against these guys as i did in training every week. I think everyone will shutup next season when they see these guys play and the way they go about their basketball. People are allowed to play basketball for fun you know, its not all about playing the highest division possible.

The issue of them wearing their magic tops to training is not an issue in my mind, people wear many tops to training whether it be brand name ones, nba ones, nbl ones, or even skool ones. If thats what they want to train in who cares?!?!?!? they still brought their reversables and wore them when asked.

Goodluck next season guys im sure games will be played in good spirits

Reply #50569 | Report this post

Years ago

I would tend to disagree with that, I think you will find that there is alot of players & club reps that would be extremely disappointed in these boys & people who have helped get this team off the ground.

On the other hand 'the cult' ah i mean 'magic' have been an extremely disruptive presence at woodville(those in the know will understand, sorry can't say anymore than that) & finally that group of people will have left the club & never to return.

Reply #50574 | Report this post

Years ago

I've sat back and watched the Western Magic form their teams and enter the district competition. Good luck to them. But they seem to be under the impression that they will be getting into higher grades next season.
The reality is they will not player any higher than the divisions they are currently in for a very long time.
To those players leaving district clubs, enjoy playing with your friends because that is important, however get used to playing in the lower grades because it doesn't matter how you perform in your given grades now, you will continue to player in those grades regardless of how well you go. Only member clubs are entitled to player in the higher divisions, and that's the reality of district competition.

Reply #50589 | Report this post

Years ago

Western magic (#50574. (will have left the club & never to return). Magic players please do not think this statement is reflective of your previouse club. I am only a parent and not part of a committe or hold any official post, but I would welcome you guys back with open arms. If you have fun and feel satisfied with what you achieve then that is all that is important.I feel that Ian has so much to offer to basketball at the highest level and hope he will come back to Woodville. Sam has the goods but not the motivation. Steff????????

Reply #50591 | Report this post

Years ago

im from western magic... what exactly is every1's problem with us!!!???

we havnt said anything about other teams as stated by others in this post... we havnt done anything wrong! we have a bunch of good guys playing for us (and yes most of them are from woodville...). and wats this i read about the coach 'playing us'??? our coach is a guy :oS so i dnt know what ur on about... if u can substantiate ur claims, front up n tell us??? its just childish... us boys have been playing together for years now, and now we have the opportunity to develop as a team (with a great coach) and as a club and further our skill level as individuals!!! also, the new club is widening the opportunities for the basketball environment for south australian basketball!!! what is so wrong with that? it seems woodville representitives and/or players have a big problem with losing some of their future/present talent... believe me they mean no disrespect... this is a great oppertunity for all the boys to, like i said before, develope as players in a new envirment and under a new angle of coaching. this club is like any other club and hopefully in the near future all of you will respect that! we joined the district competition fairly and justly... what is the big problem? if every1 thinks what all the shit they say about us is true, then y make a big fuss over it??? im looking forward to playing against some tough oppositions... im also looking forward to seeing some of the non-pre-district-team players develope into stronger and well bound players. but plz... dnt stop stayin stuff about us... i respect (some of you) your honesty and some support from others... i like to know where western magic stand in the scheme of things in regards to how people percieve our club... which at the moment it seems people HATE us... lol which we dnt mind at all...

question to ANON... could you explain what you said about membered clubs? how many members do you need to move up a division? if this is what you are saying...? there isnt only one team playing for the club... there are a few teams playing for western magic...

hope to hear from u soon...


Reply #50604 | Report this post

Years ago

blah blah blah .... we've been playing together for years blah blah blah ..... we jsut want to play as a team with out mates blah blah blah .... there is no animosity
between us and woodville blah blah blah

here's the problem - Some woodville kids, and some ex woodville kids (magic social/associate district whatever players) have come on here and talked some smack.

Sort it out on the court boys, all of you (magic players, that includes you!)

were sick of hearing the same people say the same thing over and over, if you've got something new to say, say it. Don't just keep re-hashing old shit just to stir the pot or get a reaction.

Reply #50606 | Report this post

Years ago

tezzzzz or whatever member clubs read that as

west, north, sturt, centrals, southern, woodville, forestville, south, norwood

they are the MEMBER clubs of BASA
to get to aba you need to have a womens side and a mens side to reach the pinancle of senior competition

there has been NO member club admitted to BASA since Woodville and Centrals were made full members in 1984 - Eastern are an affliated club not a member they come in (i think) under country auspices

it is the right of all member clubs to nominate for div 1 in all junior and senior competitions.

to do so you have to have in seniors as i said both male and female teams ie riverland could not just field a men's team they had to have both or pull out of the comp.

you have formed a club to play with your mates. great for you. there is however a ceiling on how you will rise if you will rise at all above u20s div whatever you are in and the same with div 3 women.

torrens valley, united districts etc have not risen any further.

enjoy your mates you are essentially playing social grades with your mates in a district competition environment more structured than normal social grades.

if you want to get into higher grades you just may have to move back to a district member club.

to get into state teams, sasi etc

seems like a backward step for some of these players but if that is what you wish to do good luck to you.

Reply #50615 | Report this post

Years ago

Last I heard UDBC had a div 2 women side. Torrens valley have div 2 sides. I'm sure that a team need to have an active jnrs program to be elligible for a spot. Does it really matter what clubs play in the grades 3 and below? Seriously how crap would the competition be if only member clubs were allowed to compete?

Reply #50742 | Report this post

Years ago

hey pplz
if u really want to know wat is western magic it is a SA district basketball club!
i play for them and i reckon they are the best team eva!

Reply #91925 | Report this post

Years ago

hey pplz
magic is the best team eva an will killm in 1s nxt yr

Reply #92063 | Report this post

Years ago

Magic players
If the reason you are playing for the Magic is to play the game with your mates, good on you.
If any of you think that you will be playing Div 1 for Magic, I think I can answer your question with a question.
As you are aware there are a heap of changes going on with basketball at the moment, if you read this forum on a regular basis you would have seen topics like "Regionalisation" discussed.
These issues are being discussed at forums like President, Senior and Junior committee's.
Go ask your Club for an update on these issues. Unfortunately, the answer will be "I do not know"
This is because only the member clubs have the right to discuss these issues, and it will be up to the member clubs (including Woodville) on who is allowed to play div 1 and 2.
After saying that, I personally believe there is a place for clubs like Magic, and I say the more people playing basketball the better. Just make sure you understand the difference and what you will not be eligable for.
If that does not worry you great, if it does, I am guessing you made the wrong move

Reply #92173 | Report this post

hessian bag  
Years ago

is western m having trials ?

who is teh contact ?

Reply #92178 | Report this post

Years ago

i am a parent of a child who plays u16 girls bball who played magic and were appalled by the behaviour of their coach and some of their parents. They need to respect the fact that they are a new club and not act as if they have been involved with BASA for years. I think they should respect the opportunity they have been given to play at a district level and if they are upset with a call an umpire has made, or are upset with the result of their game they should rationally talk to the umpire in charge or just deal with it, after all, it isnt under 20 div 1 or ABA is it

Reply #93042 | Report this post

Years ago

hey guys and gals!
just wanted to say that i play 4 western magic u/14 girls and rekon it's the best club eva! woop, woop go magic! woop, woop go magic!

Reply #98854 | Report this post

Years ago

Is it the safest?

Reply #98898 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

I don't believe it. THA BEST is right. They are going all the way to the NBA. In fact, they're already there!

Reply #116921 | Report this post

Years ago

Deleted, deleted, deleted. Keep it reasonable, and that goes for everyone.

Reply #117103 | Report this post

Years ago

Magic are not doing as well as they thought they would. Several of their better players have left or are leaving. I think the aspirations of being a club that has several div1 teams has taken a big nose dive. People are realising if they want to play basketball at the elite level then magic is not for them. People that are willing to play in social competition or that can't make it at a district club are the players that could consider magic. Even then district clubs still would give younger players a better environment to get more out of basketball.

Reply #117225 | Report this post

Years ago

i was just reading some of the lame stuff u people were arguing about and it is pretty stupid!! I dont play for magic but my best firend does and she loves it!!! she is in U13's girls!!! They have like almost won every grand-finale! Magic has a pretty strong team!!

Reply #127858 | Report this post

Years ago


M A G I C!!!
woooooooooooo lol

Reply #127859 | Report this post

Years ago

Get over your self u know MAGIC is a good team !!!!!

Reply #127860 | Report this post

Hangin Round  
Years ago

Gee Sally. You are a one woman PR machine for Magic.
"They have like almost won every grand-finale" What grades you talking about. and many teams almost won, but who remembers them. I deliberately try to keep out of the Magic-bagging, but you have put me off my Easter eggs with this crap

Reply #127865 | Report this post

Years ago

Sadly , BASA gave the green light to this club to compete in the district comp and BSA has continued to compound the situation by concurring with that previous decision.
Everyone has the right to play ball. However to put a club in district, in direct competition to an existing district club, with an identical catchment area and geograhical location has to be the most short sighted , money grabbing, self defeating and blinkered decision made by basketball's overseers of wisdom.
Eventually woodville or maic will fold and neither will have won and certainly not basketball. In an environment in which Div 1 teams have very little competition, this decision to allow magic a place has further weakened a weak competition by fostering a place for losers to chill.
By this I mean that fringe players gravitate to magic, those with poor work ethics and those disgruntled with real district demands. Now they have a home and they drag with them the occassional player who otherwise may have made higher grades.
They pay peanuts for subs.
How many teams are in the Norwood classic? How many go to the Melbourne tournaments, Classics? How many try out for state? How many in SASI? How many coaches are accredited?
They have the kudos of district but put nothing into it save money to BSA. They are psyeudo district club but one that has the capacity to great harm to other district teams , namely Wests and Woodville.
Magic have the right to exist but not in the district comp.
3 or 4 of our established district clubs are struggling, Centrals is on its knees, Mavericks are in diabolical trouble and our comp is so one sided it hardly resmbles a competition and BSA seem hell bent on continuing this trend.

Reply #127875 | Report this post

Years ago

i play for magic in one of the younger divs and they are the coolest club ever! dont dis them! who cares if ppl from woody or anywhere move to magic. magic dont "steal" players. players make thair own minds up. its not like we forced them or thretend them. just leave the club alone they never did anything to you. ive been reading all these fights and they are just stupid. dont worry about other clubs that join .it dont even have anything to do with you.just play basketball!

Reply #136820 | Report this post

magic rok  
Years ago

i play for magic i came from woodville and well magic is way better than woodville and a lot of other clubs u guys who dis magic just can't handle being beaten by the new team in the ditrict leage face it we are a good team out to play basketball

Reply #156763 | Report this post

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