Ben Palk
Years ago
SA Amateur Basketball League - New Saturday Winter
Are you interested in a new Winter Saturday basketball competition in Adelaide?
The South Australian Amateur Basketball League (SAABL) is accepting registrations of interest now. There is no red tape to join - if you have a club or a team – just register your interest, pay your registration fee and your club/team is in! Prince Alfred and St Peters Old Collegians have already registered their interest.
SAABL is a new competition with set up to organise and promote a new Saturday basketball multi-division competition for senior (over 18) men and women. Competition will be open to all of the South Australian basketball community. All Clubs (with multiple teams) and teams (single teams) will be welcomed join the SAABL. SAABL will be a community focused non-profit Incorporated Association organised by volunteers to support the administration and promotion of amateur Saturday basketball competition in metropolitan South Australia.
The focus of the competition will be to have competitive games with the best referees in the state officiating the games. The top Division will have $2000 prize money. The league will have low registration fees and game fees, 1 hour game slots allowing a decent warm up, clocks stopping for timeouts and all whistles in the closing stages, no draws/overtime and live online scoring (with some player stats).
The competition also have The Archer Hotel as a sponsor, and we are in negotiations with Coopers Brewery. Ozlooms is the SAABL official uniform sponsor and if you are a member of the SAABL you will have access to the cheapest uniform prices in SA. Games will be run at stadiums in the North East of Adelaide, but if there is interest from teams in the South or West we will be able to add in extra Divisions.
Please add yourself to the SAABL Facebook page (link below) and in there you will find a PDF with all the information you need to know about SAABL. Please feel free to contact us through the FB page, by email at [email protected] or my contact details are in the SAABL page if you are interested in entering your club or team.
We will be holding an information night – if you are interested in attending please let us know and we will send you the details.