It's a constant cycle of jobs for the boys... Bradtke is on board now as a bigs coach and it's looking more like the Melbourne Tigers revival than anything to do with the Sydney Kings...
At such a time, why is the Lion even on the consideration radar?
The Lion is a significant part of Kings history and a beloved icon of the team... Seeing him running out that first game when the team came back brought grown men to tears, he's been a huge part of the team through the great and shit years and the disrespect shown to him (sacked a week before the start of the season) is just another example of what is growing to be seen as the disrespecting of the Sydney history by outsiders...
Not crazy if you think Humphries might work as a strong option in the paint.
I suspect they think Garlepp is a gets-stats-on-bad-teams type and tried to move him on. It's possible that his contract is worth more than he'd get anywhere else, so he elected to brave the bench. Outside of imports, there wasn't much in the way of player movement this off-season, and not many spots available - virtually every player was under contract, I think.
If they thought Humphries was a strong option to start and be our main option in the middle, that IS crazy... He averaged 8mpg over 61 games in college... Sure, under a great coach, but anyone thinking that he would come and dominate straight away (which was needed if he's the only one in the middle) needed their head read...
Garlepp has never been an exceptional player, but he got better every season with us, was a great team guy and was awesome with the fans, working up to team captain and club mvp... His treatment by the team is as much about respect as it is about his playing ability... If you don't think he fits the team you want to build, do the right thing and pay him out... Don't set loose a virus of discontent within the team that is obviously taking hold...
The only players that were still under contract were: Tommy(1), Cadee(1), Lisch(2) and Newls(2).
They let Truck go (mistake), mucked about with Moller, underestimating his value and were caught out by teams better prepared and more professional...
So that's 7/10 spots that they needed to fill... Vinnie was the only one with NBL experience... At least Travis and Perry had professional experience before, but Thoseby, Singh (local pro experience doesn't count), Pineau (more jobs for the boys) and Humphries were seriously lacking...
That to me seems like a significant amount of player movement...