I would also like to agree with some of the above posts. Yes the mics were too loud and it made it difficult to hear, that is in some ways though the fault of the stadium (echo), but in reality, its bad planning and organisation. It should have been rectified after the first 5 minutes.
As for the temperature, i felt it was fine. If you were cold, i sympathise (we waited for a cab for about 45 minutes outside) but as far as i was aware, most people knew that this year it was going to be on the court and not in the bahamas!
there are many other points above that are valid, but so far no one has mentioned the MAJOR BEEF that i have about the night...
THAT WAS THE MOST LACK LUSTRE, BORING, DOWN RIGHT DISRESPECTFULL PRESENTATION OF THE COUNT I COULD HAVE EVER IMAGINED. Strong words i know, but honestly, Ian Thornton was sharp as a bowling ball. The womens count was one of the closest in recent times, and his MONO-TONE count and lack of recognition of this fact really spoilt the night for me. I think it went something like this... 'South vs X. Deanna Smith, 3 votes. And as you may have already worked out, that makes Deanna smith the winner'.
HOW THE HELL CAN YOU COME UP WITH THAT SHIT? SHE WON BY 1 VOTE!!!! I was very dissapointed at the lack of build up and recognition. NEXT YEAR CAN WE GET SOMEONE FROM AUSTRLIAN IDOL TO READ THE VOTES, we might then get something resembling a different TONE!
Congratulations to the winners of ALL the medals and also to those who were very close, commendable seasons.
Phew... sorry for that rant, but it just had to be voiced.